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November 21, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-21

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Smxy-Thiird Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or'the editors. This must be noted in al: reprints.

A New Turn in Human Affairs

AY, NOVEMBER 21, 1963


.. ...

OSA Shows Inconsistency
In Oxford's Vacation Rules

UNIVERSITY Housing Director Eugene,
Haun has decided to close the apart-
ments in Oxford Project over Thanksgiv-
ing vacation, and a similar decision will
likely apply for the Christmas break.
Why did the University Housing Office
poll the Oxford women on whether they
wanted their hall opened during the va-
cation and then ignored their wishes?
Approximately one-fifth of Oxford
apartment residents said they definitely
planned to remain in Ann Arbor for the,
Thanksgiving break. It was then an-
nounced that the house would be closed
In response to this action, a group of
women in the apartments drew up a pe-
tition requesting that their unit remain
The main reasons given for wanting to
stay were academic pressures due to the
lack of Christmas vacation before finals
and financial strains of travel expense.
1fHE MOST DISTURBING aspect of this
policy is that it violates precepts es-
sential to Oxford's success. Apartment
living was designed to give women stu-
dents tle opportunity to live as young
adults in a responsible and generally
autonomous fashion. To most students
an apartment is a home in the way a
quadrangle or dormitory cannot be: ob-
viously a rather restrictive hotel is not
the same as your own apartment.
The students involved have largely ful-
filled their end of the bargain in the
"We'll give you freedom if you, give us
responsibility" deal consistently doled out
by Office of Student Affairs'spokesmen.
Closing the apartments at every vacation,
however short, will cause these people
many difficulties.
The constricted semester forced by tri-
mester was not the students' fault, as they
had no say in its implementation. Similar-
ly, the tuition raise this year amounts to
an added $150 yearly for the out-state
upperclassmen - again another decision
he had not part in making, but which
will likely result in decreasing the num-
ber of airplane tickets he can buy every
THOSE PETITIONING were told by the
graduate house directors that two rea-
sons forced the closing.
First, the night watchmen could not be
employed, thus lessening security for the,
women. The watchman unlocks the out-
side doors for women who stay out beyond
their curfew and would otherwise have
no way of getting in the locked buildings.
Secondly, key permission could not be

extended over the period because senior
keys were given with the understanding
that they would be forfeited during times
when school is not in session.
Last, there would be no apartment
house directors available for the four-day
The reasons are anemic and easily re-
futable. They are based on a lack of trust
in students and an expectation that they
will not be responsible. OSA is thus reneg-
ing in what is clearly its promise to Ox-
ford residents.
IF A WOMAN were to stay out late, a
graduate student - the apartments
have many of them-who planned to be
up late studying could be enrusted to let
late-comers in, take their names and the
amount of late minutes they have.-
There is nothing radical about this ar-
rangement because the night watchman
regularly employed doesn't check the
identification of women who come in
late. Thus, with either a watchman or a
graduate student, Oxford operates on an
honors system.
SECOND, THE CLAUSE forbidding pos-
session of senior keys during vacations
was intended to avoid loss of keys result-
ing from residents leaving them home or
misplacing them on trips. But if keys were
in use by residents on campus during
the vacation break, there certainly would
be no more chance of lost keys than dur-
ing the school year.
As to the necessity for an interim house
director in the apartments, regular, school
year counseling by the graduate couples
is virtually nil. Many of the women are in
graduate school themselves and as ma-
ture as the resident counselors; all stu-
dents are upperclassmen. There is no
reason why a graduate student can't act
as interim house director.
This is done at every vacation in all of
the Inter-Cooperative Council houses,
which are University approved and open
to sophomores.
evident: ICC houses, which have
neither night watchmen nor regular house
directors during interim periods, are open
during vacations but this privilege is
withheld from Oxford women.
Haun should leave Oxford apartments
open for those who won't be going home,
or explain why he is sanctioning a clear
double standard-as evidenced by the
privileges extended to ICC women but de-
nied University apartment people.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first of three columns in which
Walter Lippmann will review his
six-week trip through Europe.)
N THE PAST few weeks I have
had a number of interesting
talks with men on both sides of
the iron curtain. I have been in
Rome, Paris and London, in Bud-
apett and Warsaw. I was inter-
ested, of course, in East-West re-
lations and primarily in a better
understanding of the present
phase of the cold war.
Perhaps I should begin by ad-
mitting that like almost all trav-
elers abroad I found much to con-
firm what I had thought before I
started. In my case, t was that
while the conflict between East
and West will not be settled in
our time, there has recently been,
nevertheless, a new turn in hu-
man affairs which is changing
radically the conditions of that
* * *
THE TURN has been brought
about, in the main, by the fact
that the advent of the new gen-
eration coincides with the general
revulsion against thermonuclear
war; the turn coincides, also, with
a wide recognition that not only
for the advanced economies, but
for the underdeveloped ones ; as
well, traditional Marxism, tradi-
tional conservatism and tradi-
tional progressivisim are all out-
of-date. They are no longer ade-
quate to point the way or suffi-
ciently relevant to explain what
is happening.
As a result, I may say in pass-
ing, much American political talk
seems curiously bypassed, indeed
provincial, when it is read in Eu-
rope today. And therefore, while
Europeans still pay close atten-
tion to what the United States
government does with its enor-
mous power, they are no longer
closely interested in our advice
and our "leadership."
* * *
leading Catholic thinker, who is
in Rome for the Vatican Council,
why the Church with its irrecon-
cilable opposition to Communism
was nevertheless promoting ar-
rangements and accommodations
with the Communist governments
of Eastern Europe.
His first answer was that in its
pastoral function the Church could
not cut itself off from the faith-
ful no matter where they lived.
Then he went on to say that the
closer the human intercourse with
the western world, the better for
the people in the Communist
states.. The West, he said, has
every interest in opening up trade,
cultural exchanges and travel.

They let light and air into the
closed societies.
I then asked, but are you not
concerned that, vice-versa, as
western influence increases with
contact so will the influence of
Communism increase in contact
with the masses of the people in
the West?
"That is a risk," he said. "The
answer to it is that the West will
become less vulnerable insofar as
it learns to strengthen its own be-
liefs by renewal, reform and mod-
ernization. There is," he said, "no
alternative to this. If the West
does not make the effort, its or-
der will break down regardless of
Communist influence.
Here he was speaking, I think,
the sovereign truth which is at
the heart of things.
LATER, after I had been to Bu-
dapest, where I saw Kadar and
others, and to Warsaw, where I
saw Gomulka and others, I went
on to Paris.
A French friend, whom I have
known many years, was interested,
but not surprised, when I told
him that in Poland the official
attitude, though formally pro-So-
viet, was very tender about China.
According to Mr. Gomulka, the
Soviet difficulties with China are
due entirely to the United States,
which, by isolating and boycotting
China, has driven the Chinese to
'nuclear weapons.
When my wife asked why the
Soviet Union didn't supply the
weapons to China, Mr. Gomulka
replied that the Soviet Union was
too much attached to peace to
disseminate nuclear bombs! The
United States, he insisted dogmat-
ically, had produced the rift be-
tween Peking and Moscow which,
did' nobody any good except the'
enemies of Communism, and par-
ticularly the United States.
What I made out of this weird
hodgepodge was that Poland was
attempting to mediate in the quar-
rel, and that among other things
the Poles want to preserve the in-
fluence of China, not only for
Communist reasons, but for Polish
reasons. For Mr. Gomulka himself
is both a hard-shelled Communist
and a passionate Pole: as such, he
is forced to rely on Russia against
* *
THE FRENCHMAN9 agreed and
then went on to say that the
current Marxist leaders are con-
fused in their thinking and have
indeed lost their way. They revert
easily to the older patterns of Eu-
ropean power politics. The reason
they have lost their way is that
the, Marxist ideology is glaringly
unsuited to the nuclear age.
Until the Russians had really

learned about nuclear weapons by
making them and testing them,
they had continued to believe, as
Stalin believed, in the orthodox
Marxist view of war: there can be
no war between Communist states;
wars always begin in the rivalry
of capitalist states; the class
struggle in capitalistic states
causes war which will destroy cap-
italism and will usher in the tri-
umph of Communism.
But in the 1950's Khrushchev
and his colleagues came to realize
that in a nuclear war both sides
would be irreparably injured, that
there would be no real victors and
that therefore in a third world
war there would be no Stalins to
occupy the ruins of a Hitler em-I
pire. So, nuclear war had to be
avoided. Peace, or at least non-
war, had become necessary and
unavoidable, and in this realiza-
tion the old foundations of Marx-
ism were destroyed.
* * *
THE EFFECT of the nuclear
situation has been to begin dis-
solving the cement which holds
together the Communist bloc. This
does not mean that Poland, Hun-
gary and the others are about to
jump the fence. There are no signs
of war.
But it does mean that the power
of Moscow over the satellites is
declining, because the discipline of
war-hot or cold-is wearing off.
Because almost everyone thinks
that we are no longer on the brink
of nuclear war, the authority of
the big nuclear powers to coerce
their allies has greatly diminished.
For this reason, the govern-
ments of Poland and Hungary,
and I should think of the other.
eastern states -as well, feel less
constrained to take orders from
the imperial center in Moscow.
But at the same time, because
they are less dependent on Mos-
cow, they cannot use Moscow as
an alibi for their own failures.
They must pay for their own mis-
THEY HAVE, therefore, to win
the support of their own people.
That they are trying to do this
is evident in their economic policy,
where capital investment no long-
er has the ruthless priority over
private consumption which it had
in Stalin's day. It appears also
in the relations of eastern Com-
munist governments with the
Church. For they dare not offend
too much the mass of the people.
Thus the discipline of the cold
war, the tension caused by the
fear of war, is relaxed, relaxed in
every village, and the Communist
governments are aware of it.
(C) 1963, The Washington Post Co.

"Traitor S"


Another Hit
For G&S.

THE GILBERT and Sullivan
Society last night successfully
opened the most successful of all
the Gilbert and Sullivan light
operas-with a cast of thousands.'
(And that's no small feat in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.)
The Mikado, or The Town of
Titipu, is characterized by the,
typical G&S dichotomy of humor
complementing romance, and the
cast on stage last night brought
it off well.
IT GOES without saying, how-
ever, that one member of the
cast stole the show. Haughtily
gracing the stage as Pooh-Bah,
the Lord High Everything Else,'
James W. Brown drew special
applause on numerous occasions-
applause for everything from un-
folding his fan to delivering a
four-word line.
This in itself, coming from an
opening night G&S audience,
demonstrates better than count-
less words that Brown is indeed a
true master of the Savoy art.
JOHN ALLEN, in a garrish
yellow outfit, bounced through a
really clever and different por-
trayal of Ko-Ko, the Lord High
Executioner. His characterization,
and in particular his gestures and
movements, made his presence on'
stage generally delightful, espe-
cially in the interplays between
Ko-Ko and Pooh-Bah. The two
complemented each other well.
As Katisha, the incredibly ugly
lady in the Mikado's entourage,
Lois Alt presented a really inter-
esting performance. She did a
very expert job of vilifying Kati-
sha and at the same time mak-
ing her a believeable character.
This made her transition from
the portrayal of the jilted lover
to therromantic biddy a smooth
* *4 *
THE ROMANTIC parts, on the
other hand, left something to be
desired. Henry Naasko (Nanki-
Poo) has a beautiful tenor voice,
but he still can't dance and his
characterization seemed rarely
integrated with that of the rest
of the cast. Dolores Noeske (Yum-

I*xon in '64?A SureBurial


Aty. Gen. Kelley's Absurdity


General Frank Kelley visited Ann Ar-
bor Democrats Tuesday and tried to rec-
oncile them to his ruling pre-empting lo-
cal civil rights ordinances. There is sig-
nificant doubt whether the attorney gen-
eral succeeded in his attempt.
Judging from the make-up of the Ann
Arbor Democratic organization, members
left the meeting with a bitter after-taste.
After all, these were the people most re-
sponsible for getting a fair housing ordi-
nance through City Council.
Kelley made many attempts to point
out the advantages of throwing the whole
matter of civil rights legislation and en-
forcement onto the state's shoulders.
He failed in every attempt.
PROBABLY the greatest absurdity Kel-
ley presented was what he thought was
lis strongest point:. his optimistic feeling
about the Legislature appropriating suf-
ficient funds to the eight-man bipartisan
civil rights commission which Kelley for-
sees as "handling all cases which may
He is drastically wrong on two counts.
The Legislature will definitely not appro-
priate sufficient funds to the commission.,
and the commission will not be able to
handle all civil rights cases which may
BOTH HOUSES of the Legislature are
dominated by Republicans-many of

which are of the rural mossback gender-
who have publicly voiced their dissent on
this subject. Such stalwarts as Rep. Lloyd
Gibbs (R-Portland) have made state-
ments such as "the whole matter of civil
rights has been taken completely out of
the Legislature's hands and placed in a
body which serves the governor's pleas-
Gibbs, influential chairman of the
House State Affairs Committee, hastened
to add that "the commission can tell
Michigan citizens what to do with their
property. The only way we can make de-
cisions on civil rights more effective is
to make it subject to the will of the peo-
ple and amend the proposal which creat-
ed the powers of the commission." This
would necessitate amending the new con-
stitution which takes effect Jan. 1.
Surely Kelley doesn't believe any effec-
tive implementing legislation or appro-
priations will come from legislators with
such views.
mission handling all cases which may
arise, Kelley is again dreaming. Such a
situation would require a vast set-up of
investigative and policing staffs. This
would require more than the "sufficient"
funds Kelley forsees the Legislature ap-
propriating. Even if the commission did
receive such funds, its power to act would
only be made through enabling legislation
-which would never come.
KELLEY'S VISIT here only whetted the
appetites of local Democrats who

A stride toward defeat.
To fill the gap in the Republi-
can party resulting from the di-
vergent pulls of liberal Nelson
Rockefeller and conservative Barry
Goldwater, many politicians are
considering Nixon as the presi-
dential nominee. And Nixon has
encouraged this kind of considera-
tion by giving speeches and call-
ing press conferences.
Those who hope that Nixon will
get the nomination and win the
'64 election do not realize the great,
odds they face. History indicates
that a man in Nixon's position has
less than half a chance of getting
renominated and hardly any
chance at all of winning.
* * *
IN THE CONTEST for president
between two major party can-
didates, the loser is forever denied
the chance of becoming President.
Apparently citizens like to vote
for winners and hesitate to vote
for losers. Psychologists would call
it the bandwagon effect; politi-
cians would note the factor of
experience and lack thereof; and
voters maybe would like to hear
a new voice and some new themes..
Whatever the reasons, in presiden-
tial races the maxim seldom fails
to apply: once a loser, always a
Nixon was the loser in 1960;
even if President Kennedy were
not popular and the Kennedy
campaign forces not shrewd, and
even if many Americans did not
justifiably hold a strong dislike
for Nixon, he would still be weak.
Now a two-time loser as a result
of the governorship race in 1962,
he is in the losing presidential
candidate's traditional ditch.
.THERE HAVE BEEN 35 presi-
dential elections since indirect
popular election of the president
began in 1824. In only three cases
did a previously defeated can-
didate win the presidency. In one
of these three cases, the previous-
ly defeated candidate had already
served as president and was run-
ning a second time for his second
term when he won. So actually
only twice have men in Nixon's
situation become president.
Andrew Jackson was one of the
two successes when he won in
1828 following defeat in 1824. Ac-
tually he should have won in

beat Van Buren in 1840 in both
NOW LOOK at the failures:
Some 17 major party candidates
lost and were never renominated.
Two candidates-Thomas Dewey
and Adlai Stevenson-lost, were
renominated and lost again.
Two candidates-!William Jen-
nings Bryan and Henry Clay-
lost in all three attempts that,
each made.
Thus the historical odds are
17 out of 31 that Nixon will not
be, renominated and 5 out of 6
that, if nominated, he will lose
again. Unless there is a twist of
history, the real question about

Nixon in 1964 will be which cate-
gory for him-that of those who
lost and were never renominated?
Or the category of those given the
dubious honor of becoming the
losing candidate more than once?
* * *
turns out correctly, if Nixon
emerges the nominee as the re-
sult of a stalemate between Gold-
water-and Rockefeller forces, then
the latter category would fit. The
nation would see another Bryanish
"boy wonder" going down to re-
sounding defeat.
It would be another political
burial for a politician who, as far
as elective office is concerned, is
already a few feet under.

Yum) presented a pleasant por-
trayal, but did not lend any par-
ticular spirit to the production.
Only Susan Morris as Pitti-Sing
carried off her part with gaiety
and relish.
And this brings us to the title
role. As the Mikado, Sidney
Straight lent the experience of
his years and presented a some-
what cloudy suggestion of his role.
It was not clear whether the
Mikado was supposed to be a nice
old man, sort of a pleasant ty-
rant, br whether he was supposed
to be a straight man for Katisha,
or just what.
One cannot be certain whether
the chorus or the orchestra made
a weak start, but the two certainly
were not together at the outset.
They overture was a bit funereal
and more suggestive of gay Wag-
ner than Gilbert and Sullivan. A
faster tempo was clearly in order,
even though the particular ar-
rangement of the' music was
unique and clever.
THE CHORUS, as a result, was
forced, in the opening number, to
do standing battle with the or-
chestra,;which obviously had=a
several hundred measure head-
start. However, the Gentlemen of
Japan, resplendant in kimono and
and occasional beard, quickly
joined forces with the principals
f or an ultimately pleasing per-
formance. The women's chorus,
which entered later, added well
to the over-all effect.
To director Gershom Clark
Morningstar go plaudits for his
refreshing choreography, especial-
ly by the women's chorus, and for
his excellent placement of stage
business on the part of the var-
ious members of the cast. Of spe-
cial note here was the trio be-
tween Ko-Ko, Pooh-Bah and
Pish-Tush (Franklin Spotts), as
they described an execution, with
all attendant gestures.
Several members of the cast
will alternate on successive nights
but their replacements promise
to be just as enjoyable.
-Michael Harrah
James P. Stark9
A Good'
Bad Movie
THERE ARE times when a bad
picture can give a great deal
more pleasure than a good picture.
"The Wheeler Dealers," now
showing at the State Theatre is
the perfect example.
Not a clever, well written
comedy, "The Wheeler Dealers"
lacks sophistication and purpose,
yet the movie is still delightful.
HOW? BECAUSE every one of
your favorite character actors is
there and has his chance. The re-
sult is zany fun. Phil Harris waves
his hand during a message and
his jet flies to New York, Louis
Nye rides a trycicle over a canvas
to introduce motion into his art,
Jim Backus whacks Lee Remik
on the back and exclaims "that's
my boy." All of this and much
Meanwhile the whole imaglna-
tive collection of crazy sidemen
(Chill Wills and PatHarrington,
Jr. to name more) are controlled
by the excellent acting of James
"Maverick" Garner. Garner's in-
nocent smirk and his bewildered
frown in "Wheeler Dealers" help
establish him securely as one of
America's finest film comedians.
EVEN LEE Remick comes
through with a decent perform-
ance providing one of themovie s
funniest moments in how to really
mfl',kaDa mar0tini

"He Says That After The Bloodletting
He Can Bring Us Peace"
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