Zyl LA1L.11
Strong Backfield, Soph QB' s
Swimmers Round into Shape
_ _..
Michigan will attempt to be-
come the first team since 1943 to
hand Ohio State its third loss in
succession in the same season,
when Woody Hayes and company
rolls into Ann Arbor this weekend.
In the past two weeks, Penn
State and Northwestern have up-
set the Buckeyes, 7-6, and 17-8,
respectively. In the 1943 season,
long before Hayes appeared on
the scene, the Ohio State grdders
suffered four consecutive losses,
the third one being administered
by Northwestern, 13-0. There have
been some other years when only
the insertion of a tie game pre-
vented such a losing streak.
Pre-season forecasters had gen-
erally favored Ohio State to make
a good run for a trip to Pasadena
this year, but last week's upset
by Northwestein relegated the
Buckeyes into third place in the
Big Ten, wth a 3-1-1 record. The
one tie was a 20-20 corest with
- Illinois. Overall. Ohio State will
be entering thi Michigan game
with a 4-3-1 record.
Hayes lost all three starting
quarterbacks and fullbacks last
spring via the graduation route,
but he has been able to find some
good replacements in a couple of
sophomores and the shifting of
one of his seniors.
The Ohio State offense appears
at a quick glance to be weaker
than past seasons. They have been
held to only one touchdown by
Iowa, Penn State, and Northwest-
ern, to just one field goal by
Southern California, and held to
only two tallies by Wisconsin.
Michigan's coach Don Dufek,
who scouted the Buckeyes last
Saturday at Columbus, quickly
changed this misconception, how-
ever. "I'd say Ohio State has. one
of the strongest offenses I've seen
in the conference this year.
They've been experimenting a
little bit more this year, trying
to combine their passing and run-
ning game, plus they had a couple
of key injuries earlier in the year.
Both factors might account for
their lack of scoring. Also, one
must remember that their offense
generally isn't designed to score a
lot of points."
Matt Snell, who had been listed
as a starting end this fall, was
quickly switched to fullback,
where he has carried on the tra-
dition of "three yards and a cloud
of dust." Dufek commented, "I
think Snell has done a pretty good
job at the fullback spot. He's not
quite as heavy as some of their
fullbacks have been in the past,
but when you watch him, at times
he reminds you of Bob Ferguson."
Snell has scored five of Ohio
State's eight touchdowns this year.
Quarterback Problem
Prior to the beginning of the
football season, Hayes had com-
mented more than once that Ohio
State this year would go to the
air lanes more than they had in
the past. His only problem,
though, was to find a quarterback.
Sophomore Tom Barrington ap-
peared to have nailed down the
starting quarterback j o b last
spring, but an automobile acci-
dent this summer sidelined him
for the first half of the schedule.
Hayes dug into his grabbag once
again, though, and came forth
with another sophomore, Don
Unverferth. However, Unverferth
is mainly a running quarterback,
and has cpmpleted less than 50
per cent of his tosses.
"Probably one of the biggest
things which hurt Ohio State
most this year," Dufek continued,
"was their loss of Barrington at
the beginning of the season. His
loss meant that they had to scrap
a lot of their offense which had
centered around him. This hurts
any team."
Strong Backfield
Dufek described the Buckeye
backfield as being "very strong."
Barrington has since returned to
the lineup and Hayes now has him
running as a halfback. In his
last three games, Barrington has
picked up 191 yards in 62 carries.
But perhaps the key to the offen-
sive attack has centered around
two other halfbacks-Don Hark-
ins and Paul Warfield.
Warfield was listed as a pre-
season All-American, but he miss-
ed some of the first games due to
an injury, and has not produced
the headlines which had been ex-
pected. Dufek described Warfield
in one short sentence, "You're
scared every time he just touches
the ball." Harkins, on the other
hand, has received little publicity,
although he's been averaging
seven yards per carry in 16 tries.
Although Ohio State has been
experimenting most of this year,'
Dufek feels that the game may be
a little different this Saturday.
"Last week they began 41 pass
plays against Northwestern, which
illustrates t h e diversification
they've b e e n attempting. Of'
course, this can be accounted for
in part by the fact that they got
behind in that game which war-
rants attempting more aerials.
"But this week we're expecting
them to go more in their tradi-
tional style of sticking to the
ground. They'll run some pass
plays just to keep the defense
alert, though."
Dufek feels that the Buckeyes
will be throwing a lot to Warfield,
who will certainly be one of the
fastest men on the field.
The Ohio State line should
weigh about as much as the Wol-
verines,' and Dufek described
them as being "a strong group of
Michigan has lost their last
three encounters with Ohio State,
having last won, 23-14, in 1959,
at Columbus. The 1961 and 1962
games saw Hayes administet two
of the most humiliating defeats to
the Wolverines in recent times by
the scores of 50-20, and 28-0, re-
It had been hoped that the Wol-
verines might have a crack at
knocking the Buckeyes from the
conference title race, but the
Wildcats beat them to the punch
last week. Dufek concluded, "Ohio
State is going to be fighting mad
after losing last week. I'm look-
ing forward to a real tough ball
game this Saturday."
Ohio State Loss Sets Up
Illi -Title B
potential than any he has ever
As the Michigan varsity swim coached.
season approaches, Coach Gus During the past weeks the
Stager is actively at work getting tankers have been playing a great
the varsity and freshman squad deal of water polo. "I think it's a
into shape. good conditioner," said Stager.
Stager thinks that this group "That's all we want at dhis time of
of freshmen has probably more season-conditioning."
Frosh Improve
I A polo team from Tcornto in-
To Announce vaded Ann Arbor this past Sat-
urday and Sunday. Saturday af-
B s t-eternoon inexperience told in both
passing and ball-handling, but
Sunday morning's contest was
A rrangem ents much closer as the team showed
rapid improvement and adapta-
No announcement will be made Recently, Coach Stager took the
about preferential seating at bas- frosh to Toronto for competition
ketball games for athletic coupon with several Canadian teams. "We
holders until early next week chose to enter the Toronto meet
ticket manager Don Weir said yes- because it was the first chance to
terday. get the freshmen off, to get them
The Board in Control of Inter- used to travel," Stager comment-
collegiate Athletics decided last ed. "If I can see them in compe-
spring to sell $12 athletic coupons tition, I learn something.
to students, entitling the pur- "Entering a meet gives the team
chaser to attendance at all home something to point for. Some of
football games and preferential the best times are achieved in
seating at all home basketball con- training for competition, and
tests. Weir is currently working we're a lot further ahead because
out the details of a method which of it," he concluded.
would establish procedures to im- Records Set
plement the latter feature of the Six meet records were set in
coupon plan. Toronto by the freshmen, swim-
Unreserved seating at the Var- ming unattached from Ann Ar-
sity-Freshman basketball game, to bor. In the 100- and 200-yard but-
be held on Tuesday, Nov. 26, is terfly Carl Robie was clocked at
open to the public. But for the :52.0 and 2:01.8. Paul Scheerer
first home game of the season, eclipsed the record in the 200-
against Tulane on Dec. 2, a plan yard breaststroke with a time of
for preferential seating of coupon 2:20.1. Other marks were posted
holders will be in effect. Reserved by Russell Kingery, Bill Groft,
seats are now on sale for $24 for and Tom Williams in the 200-yard
the 11-game home season. In past backstroke, 100-yard freestyle, and
seasons reserved seats could be 200-yard individual medley, re-
purchased for each individual spectively.
game. The next competition for both
the freshmen and varsity will be
this weekend at Warren Fitzger-
ald High School in a meet open
to all swimmers in Michigan.
Stager is taking all his varsity
and freshman swimmers to the
meet except junior Ed Bartsch,
and freshmen Robie and Steve
Rabinovitch. It will be the first
time that the sophomores have
had a chance to compete with the
varsity swimmers, so most of them
are very anxious to go.
None of Coach Dick Kimball's
divers are going to the meet
either, due to lack of competition.
The freshman personnel in-
cludes several of the most her-
alded high school swimmers in
the nation. Scheerer had the sec-
ond fastest time nationally in the
100-yard breaststroke, and King-
ery was number one among prep
school backstrokers. Groft had the
country's fastest clocking in the
100-yard freestyle.
Robie First
Robie placed first in the prep
school 200-yard individual med-
ley, third in the 100-yard butter-
fly, and first in the 400-yard free-
style. He was also on the top 200-
yard freestyle relay team.
Robie won the AAU 200-meter
outdoor butterfly for t h r e e
straight years. As a result of this
he went with a United States team
to Japan last summer.
Several other Michigan fresh-
men made the 1963 High School
and Prep School All-American
team, justifying Coach Stager's
The tankers first major meet,
the Michigan College Open, will
be held here on Dec. 7. Big Ten
competition opens in a dual meet
with the Hoosiers at Indiana on
Jan. 18.
Ohio State's elimination from
title contention and Illinois' vic-
tory will force a showdown be-
tween Michigan State and Illi-
nois next Saturday for the con-
ference championship and a holi-
day trip to Pasadena.
dIn the biggest upset of the
weekend in the Big Ten, pass-
minded Northwestern, after los-
ing three straight games, stepped
out of character and ran over
Ohio State, 17-8. The loss shatter-
ed OSU's hopes for even a share
of the conference title.
Tom Myers, the arm of North-
western's passing attack, threw
the ball only 14 times as NU de-
pended heavily on fullback power
plays to end their conference sea-
son on a high note.
Take to Air
Meanwhile, the Buckeyes aban-
doned their usual power running
game and threw the ball 32 times,
partly by design and partly by
desperation. They salvaged their
only touchdown with 20 seconds
left in the game on a 31-yard pass
play from quarterback Don Un-
verferth to halfback-turned-end
Paul Warfield.
The big guns in the Wildcats'
rushing attack were fullback Steve
Murphy and Bill Swingle. Swingle
was the starting fullback, carry-
ing on,. several key plunges, and
gaining 62 yards. However, Mur-
phy was more spectacular, scoring
touchdowns on runs of 16 and
eight yards. Murphy, racking up
113 yards in 19 carries, outgained
the entire Buckeye ground force
which accounted for only 92 yards.
In the other conference game
last Saturday which affected the
title race, Illinois stayed in con-
tention with a 17-7 defeat of Wis-
Two Quick Ones
The Illini marched 77 yards
after the opening kickoff and
scored before the Badgers ever
.got their hands on the ball. In the
second quarter, Illinois scored on
one of those quick plays which de-
moralize the opposition. A punt
by Mike Taliaferro was grounded
on the Wisconsin three and the
Badgers were trying to move away
from their goal line. Quarterback
Dave Fronek threw a pass to Bob
Johnson on third down, but it
never got there. George Donnelly
pulled the pass in and scampered
into the end zone untouched.
Halfback Lou Holland scored
Wisconsin's only touchdown in the
third quarter on a nine-yard pass
play and carried the ball most
of the time on the Badgers' 77-
yard drive for the score.
Big Game
Illinois' victory gives it a 4-1-1
record and keeps alive its chances
for a Big Ten championship and
Rose Bowl berth. Next Saturday,
the Illini face the Spartans from
MSU in thegame which willrde-
cide the title.
Michigan State, which scored a
non-conference victory over Notre
Dame last Saturday on an 85-yard
run by Sherman Lewis, holds a
4-0-1 record. Because Illinois plays
seven conference games and Mich-
igan State six, the teams cannot
tie for the crown.
The Illini must win next Satur-
day's game to end up in first,
while the Spartans can cop the
title with a win or a tie.
.. .powerhouse fullback
ANN'S CABBAGE PATCH-In a surprise move The Michigan
Daily sports staff decided not to include the Chickahominy Tech-
Bucyrus U. game in its Grid Selections column this year, breaking
a tradition of less than one year.
The game is a traditional rivalry, and usually decides who will
receive the bid to play in the Busted Bowl game New Years Day.
Leading ground gainer for the Tech Mastadons, fullback Spike
Grinder, had this to say: "Dem Daily guys is a bunch-a bums." This
general feeling pervaded in the Bucyrus camp where coach Happy
Hulk said, "Duh, yea."
So it seems that The Daily will have to run only 20 games
this week, the last week of the contest. Daily Sports Editor Gave
Dood was reported to have explained that, "Picks should be in 9 p.m.
Friday as always, one to a people."
So get your official-type entry blanks at the Daily, and cogitate.
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TALL GRAB-Michigan State fullback Lou Bobich (27) reaches
up to snag a pass intended for Notre Dame's Tom Goverville (93)
on his own 23-yard line in last Saturday's game, won by MSU
12-7. Illinois and State will battle this Saturday to decide the
Big Ten championship and Rose Bowl contestant.
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