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November 20, 1963 - Image 8

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CongressProbes Research '

(Continued from Page 1)
They suggested that reductions
should not be made in basic sien-
tific research, but rather in the
development work of the engi-
neers. Their contention was that
government programs were well
co-ordinated with little, if any,
waste and duplication.
According to the Wall Street
Journal, the flurry of investiga-
tions into federal research spend-
ing comes as a Post-mortem to
Congress' recent budget-cutting
efforts, reflecting a growing disen-
chantment with science's spending
$600 Million Off
Lawmakers in the House have in
recent months lopped $600 million
from NASA's $5.7 billion budget
request, cut the NSF's proposed
$589 million budget almost in half,
and started whittling on the AEC's
fund requests for development of
'-nuclear reactors.,
Sawyeracknowl6dged that the
Congressional committees' ap-
proach "does look a little nega-
However, he added that "al-
though Congressmen may be con-
cerned about the large amounts of
federal money appropriated for
research purposes, they have not
Kelley Views
Recent Ruling
O B Laws
(Continued from Page 1)
added that out of approximately
200 opinions released from his
office none have been reversed so
far. -
As a basis for his argument
Kelley said that since the new
constitution provided for an eight-
man bipartisan commission which
has exclusive power in the area of
civil rights, local units of gov-
ernment cannot take the matter
in their own hands.
"Courts have ruled in the past
that local home-rule governments
cannot take a delegation of pow-
ers expressly reserved for the
states," Kelley noted.
He reported that "hundreds" of
letters favoring his opinion have
been received by his office while
no more than "a half dozen" op-
posing letters were received.
As to the Civil Rights Commis-
sion which takes efect Jan. 1,
Kelley "foresees the possibility of
its handling all cases which may
"But, it will take. some time be-
fore the commission can set up
hearings, appoint an investigative
staff and complete other duties,"
he added.
Kelley reasoned that since the
commission is not a "creature of
the Legislature" the policies it sets
will be given broadest possible in-
terpretations by the courts.
He said he cannot' be too defi-
nite as to when the commission
'will, be completely set up. "We
have to wait and see if the com-
mission gets the necessary appro-
priations from the Legislature."
Kelley added that he is optimis-
tic about the commission receiv-
ing adequate appropriations. .

yet cut down on research appro-
Speculating on what may hap-
pen if the numerous investigating
committees recommend that Con-
gress cut federal spending for
research, Sawyer said, "My guess
is that the cut will be made in
applied research and development
more than in basic research."
Basic vs. Applied
Basic research results in the dis-
covery of fundamental knowledge.
Applied research seeks uses for
fundamental knowledge.
Sawyer said he foresees no cut-
backs in appropriations to the
University and expects that the
University will probably continue
to receive about the same amount
in federal funds.
Last year the federal govern-
ment spent approximately $28.3
million in sponsored .research at
the University.
One Threat
One way that the University
might be affected by a change in
federal research spending would
be if Congress decided to spread
the existing apportionments
among a wider group of univer-
sities, Sawyer added.
The University currently re-
ceives more money for sponsored
research from the federal govern-
ment than most other educational
institutions, ranking fourth among
all other American universities.
"We receive a great deal of
money for two reasons: an out-
standing staff of faculty research-
ers and an excellent research ad-
ministration staff to assist in the
preparation of research proposals,"
Sawyer explained.
Pool of Talent
According to the Wall Street
Journal, it is concern about the
nation's pool of existing scientific
talent and other fears about fed-
eral research spending that are
sparking the current series of Con-
gressional investigations.
Five separate exploration parties
in the House alone are seeking to
penetrate the thickets of military,
space and scientific projects that
have sprouted from more than a
score of Washington agencies.
These include, in addition to the
House Select Committee on Gov-
ernment Research which began Its
investigation Monday, a recently
formed research unit from the
House Space Committee and in-
vestigation panels of the House
Armed Services, Commerce, and
Government Operations commit-
The investigation panels are
pursuing independent studies of
military, public health and medi-
cal research projects.
Three Questions
All five of the House study units
are centering their studies on
three major questions:
-Is the current growth in re-
search expenditures superfluous or
-Is there excessive duplication
among sponsored research pro-
jects in fields such as meteorology,
where 14 separate federal agencies
sponsor research work?
-Why do many government-
sponsored projects end up costing
far more than anticipated?
Research Role
Beyond these considerations,the
new Select Committee and the
House Space unit, in particular,

also plan to wrestle with the ques-
tion of what the federal govern-
ment research role should be at
a projected spending level of close
to $15 billion in the fiscal year
that began July 1.
What the lawmakers hope to
assess is whether the burgeoning
government stake has speeded or
hindered technological gain. In
adition, there's much . concern
whether the nation's resources of
scientific talent are large enough
to sustain all the government's
programs and still meet industrial
and academic needs.
A further objective is to weigh
the priorities federal fund dis-
pensers have set---both in terms of
what the money goes for and who
gets it.
As for who should get the fed-
eral research dollar, both private
corporations, which now receive
about 65 per cent of it under con-
tract, and universities, which now
get about 10 per cent, are seek-
ing a bigger share.
Many Washington officials lean
toward channeling more funds in-
to the government's own research
centers to strengthen government
control over research work it spon-
Midwestern and Southern law-
makers complain that their uni-
versities have been shortchanged,
with most funds flowing to a
handful of "prestige institutions"
in New England and California.
Spokesmen for these areas coun-
ter that schools like Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology,
which depend on the government
for more than half their research
budgets, should not be penalized
for their excellence.

Alli Views
Of Magreb'
(Continued on Page S)
Ben Bella of planning the murder.
But it was found later that Ben
Bella wasn't responsible for it,"
Akli said.
There has also been a recent
dispute between Algeria and Mor-
roco. Each time a dispute arises,
the countries change their am-
bassadors and smooth over the
trouble, he added.
Akli said there were also long-
existant factors of separation. For
example, "Algeria and Tunisia are
republics, and Morroco is a mon-
archy, under King Hassen II. The
two republics are progressive and
even viewed by many as socialistic,
and they tend to view the mon-
archy as outmoded."
Akli commented that although
the two republics would not accept
monarchy as their form of gov-
ernment, they might accept Mor-
roco in the Magreb union consid-
ering it a "federal state."
He asserted that Algeria has
fought long and hard for her in-
dependence, while the other coun-
tries did not. He thinks it is likely
that Algeria will want to "try out"
her new freedom alone for a while
before entering into a complete
"These factors may hinder the
union, but they will not prevent
the 'political Magreb' because the
'cultural Magreb' is already
strong," Akli said.
"But it is important who be-
comes leader," Akli said. Ben Bella
would like to remove colonization
and unify all the Arabs, and even-
tually all Africa. King Hassen II
would establish an Islamic union.

Engineering College
Research and Education

This model ship towing tank is one of a few testing tanks in the nation.

SCALE MODELS-Wooden and fiberglass ship
hulls are made to scale in the ship hydro-
dynamic laboratory of the naval architecture STEEL MAKING-In this foundry on the fourth and fifth floors of the East
and marine engineering department. These hulls Engineering Bldg. students put their classroom knowledge to work and actually

are tested in the towing tank.

produce different varieties of steel.

Positions open as alternate representatives
from the U. of M. to the
Dec. 6-8
Petitions available starting today
at Student Offices of the S.A.B.
Petitions due Nov. 27--interviewing Dec. 2

DO-IT-YOURSELF--In the aeronautical engineering department instructors and students engage
in planning, sketching and building models and even full-scale airplanes. Some students actually DEAN STEPHEN ATTWOOD
fly the finished product to test its aerodynamics and for pleasure. . . . education and research



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