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November 17, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-17

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ewis Predicts Civil Rights Split

'Purge' of White Integratiomists Gains

Collegiate Press service
CHICAGO - Chairman John
Lewis of the Student Non-Violent
Coordinating Committee foresees
a near-future split within the civil
rights movement pitting SNCC,
the Congress of Racial Equality
and more militant groups against
such conservative organizations as
the NAACP.
In an interview last week, Lewis
discussed several aspects of the
civil rights movement and SNCC's
position within it.
"All the groups will always be
united in purpose and goals," said
Lewis. "The split will be over
techniques in achieving these
goals. Such a split would harm the
movement only temporarily, if at
Resent King's Tactics!
Lewis, the senior officer of
SNCC, reported that there is a
feeling of resentment in the group
toward the Rev. Martin Luther
King. He said SNCC feels King
should remain in the South more
and engage in the working activi-'
ties of the movement rather than
going out on so many speaking
Lewis said King is resented for
stepping in on several occasions
to take credit for leading demon-'
strations that had in fact been led?
by others.
"He goes in stirs the people to
act," Lewis explained, "and then
leaves them alone to face the
police. You must stay and work
with them."
Lewis nevertheless acknowledged
King as a great popular leader
who could be very effective in ac-
tivities such as voter registeration1
drives. "The 'people all follow)
him," he said, "but they are be-
ginning to know who is really do-
ing the work down there."'
Both Foresee 'Violence
Lewis agreed with King's state-
ment that unless significanti
changes are made in the South
by next summer there is likely to4
be widespread -violence there. 7

.. too flashy?
"This mood was evident in
Birmingham," said Lewis, "after
the funerals of the children who
'were killed in church."
He went on to say that King's
refusal to call for more demon-
strations "in Southern cities also
was resented.
'I think," said Lewis, "that he is
afraid they will lead to violence
now. However, SNCC doesn't plan
on calling demonstrations of its
own. They will be concentrating
their efforts on voter regisration
drives in Alabama and Mississippi
in the coming year."
All Out for Votes
"We're not making much prog-
ress in getting them registered,"
said Lewis. "Our progress is in
the numbers of people going down,
to try to register.
"Now you can see 5-600 people
standing in line to register day
after day. This itself is a demon-
"A mock gubernatorial election
in Mississippi with Aaron Henry
running on an integrated ticket
drew 50,000 Negro votes," Lewis

He explained that the purpose
of the election was to demonstrate
how many Negroes there really
want to vote. "We are trying to
force a showdown between the
state and federal governments
SNCC will not support the Free-
dom Now party, said Lewis. "We
would rather see a brotherhood
ticket like that of Aaron Henry."
Lewis feels that President John
F. Kennedy will get the votes of
Southern Negroes in 1964, but
points to ;some dissatisfaction.
"The people think he's on their
side," he said, "but they're dis-
satisfied and impatient and they
want him to do more."
Washington March
Discussing the August protest
march in Washington, he agreed
with the "Nation" artcile which
called it "a huge irrelevancy." "It
was very respectable and fashion-
able," he said, "and everyone went
home feeling he had done his part
for civil rights."
Lewis commented that when he
and the other leaders met with
Kennedy later that day, "he acted
like it was his march, exclaiming
about the great turnout.'
Discussing the speech he had
prepared for the Washington pro-
test, Lewis said it wasn't only the
Catholic bishop who had objected.
Black Masses
"They all thought it was too
revolutionary because I used
phrases like 'the black masses'
and 'a march through the South
like Sherman's'. Roy Wilkins (of
the NAACP) didn't like it because,
it said the administration bill was
too little, too late.'
Lewis- said he considered not
speaking at all when he was cen-
sored, but finally decided to re-
word his speech and try to get;
his message across.
Lewis said the civil rights bill,,
if passed, still won't give any pro-
tection to SNCC workers in the
South from police brutality. He;
fears that if this watered-down,
version does pass everyone will be

convinced -that he's. done enough
and can slow up.
Getting Worse
Lewis reported that things are
getting worse in the South as the
whites make what he termed their
last-ditch stand against integra-
"For example," he said, "we now
have a strong economic boycott
going in Selma, Alabama, that's
really hurting the whites, but they
won't budge anyway."
.too conservative?
He told of plans for a more
widespread boycott during the
Christmas season, and sympathiz-
ed with the white moderates in
the South: "They have a right to
be afraid. The pressure and in-
timidation is terrible."
Disturbed by Apathy
Lewis is disturbed by a general
apathy among both whites and
Negroes in the North and South-
especially among Northern Negro
He explained that his theory of
non-violence is partly a moral
code- and partly a practicality.
"We haven't the numbers or
the weapons to fight effectively
when Wallace calls in the state
police or Barnett brings in the
national guard."
The workers who spent 58 days
in jail in Americus, Ga. cannot
be tried on a capital charge now,
Lewis explained, because a federal
court declared the relevant statute'
unconstitutional. They now face
trial on a number of smaller

JACKSON-A move to purge
Mississippi of white leaders who
disagree with the state's rigid seg-
regation policies has met with in-
creasing success in recent months.
The move, spearheaded by the
White Citizens Council, has been
underway for several years. It has
shown marked acceleration since
the University of Mississippi riots
last year.
Many white leaders have left
the state, either under pressure or
because they did not feel they
could be effective under existing
Lose Status
Others, while remaining in the
state, have been removed from
sensitive positions or haverstep-
ped down voluntarily after en-
countering hostility.
The move has been most evident
in the fields of politics, education
and religion. The result has been
a general lessening of opposition
to massive resistance to integra-
tion, both in the public and pri-
vate sectors.
A recent poll showed that the
new legislature, which will take
office in January probably will
favor closing public schools rather
than submitting to desegregation.
Some Called Resignations
Some of the removals have been
publicized as simple resignations.
Several years ago, the Civil
Rights Commission ran into dif-
ficulty setting up an advisory
committee in Mississippi. The
problem lay in finding white lead-
ers who were willing to buck op-3
position by the councils and other1
One who agreed to serve was
Mrs. Wallace I. Schutt, a Jackson
housewife and civic leader. An
outspoken member of the commit-
tee, she worked for creation of;
biracial committees to establish
communication between the races.
'Bread and Butter'
A few weeks ago, Mrs. Schutt
resigned without explanation. It;
was learned through reliable
sources that her resignation,
which came unexpectedly, was due
to naked economic pressure
against her husband, a contractor.'
"It was simply a matter of bread
and butter," a friend said.1
Robert J. Farley was dean ofi
the University of Mississippi Lawi
School from 1946 until this yearf
when he reached the age of 65.1
Under regulations he was required

to retire, as dean but could have
continued as a teacher at the
school on a year-to-year basis, as
is customary.
Dean Farley, who earned his
doctorate at Yale, has been a tar-
get of segregationists for a num-
ber of years. As a member of the
old Legal Education Advisory
Committee, successor to the State
Sovereignty Commission, he had
opposed some of the legal tactics
used to fight integration.



World News

He also had taught that Su-
preme Court decisions are the law
of the land and had criticized'
other lawyers for not speaking out
on the legal aspects of the race,
When Cleve McDowell, a Negro,
applied for admission to the law
school, Dean Farley reported it
to the Association for American
Law Schools, which holds accredi-
tation powers. McDowell, later ex-
pelled for carrying a gun on cam-
pus, was accepted and enrolled.
Dean Farley, whose father also
was dean of the law school, in-
quired about his chances of stay-
ing on as a teacher. He was told'
that he would face opposition
from some members of the State
Board of Trustees of Institutions
of HigherLearning if he applied
for renewal of his contract.
Rather than bring on a fight
that might damage the university,
a colleague said, Dean Farley de-
clined to apply and accepted a
teaching Job at the University of
In the last four years three
members of the legislature have
repeatedly spoken out against

what they called the state's ex-
cesses in opposing integration.
None of the three will be back in
Rep. Joe Wroten (D-Greenville),
the most persistent critic of the
administration of Gov. Ross E.
Barnett, was defeated in the Dem-
ocratic primary in August by an
"old guard" segregationist, former
Rep. Hilton Waits.
Rep. Karl Wiesenberg (D-Pas-
cagoula), who repeatedly criticiz-
ed the state's handling of the ra-
cial crisis at the university, did
not seek reelection and will re-
turn to private life.
Sen. Flavous Lambert (D-Bel-
mont), who spoke out for individ-
ual liberties, ran for the Public
Service Commission and was de-
There is no indication that any
of the newly elected members of
the legislature will fill their roles.
The Barnett administration was
instrumental in the 1961 defeat of
Rep. Frank E. Smith (D-Green-
wood), a congressional supporter
of the Kennedy administration.
Copyright, 1963, The New York Times

By The Associated Press
PHNON PENH, Cambodia-Neu-
tralist Prince Norodom Sihanouk
declared yesterday his country's
willingness to accept aid from any
source, including Communists. He
also repeated his warning he will
turn back United States aid after
Dec. 31 unless a secret anti-gov-
ernment radio station, which he
claims is American, goes off the
RANGOON - Burma's military
government has arrested nearly all
of the nation's Communist lead-
ers. The arrest of 272 Reds began
late Friday night following the col-
lapse of peace talks between the
government of Gen. Ne Win and
Communist underground rebels.
chairman of Guatemala's national
congress and a group of former
deputies have been arrested and
accused of plotting againist the
ruling military junta, sources said
yesterday. They were described as
followers of former President Mi-
guel Ydigoras Fuentes, ousted by
a coup last March.
* * *
ca's first all-African parliament
will be elected in the Transkei
Territory on the Indian Ocean
Wednesday. The territory's native
population is being granted a
measure of self-government and
independence under the segrega-
tionist South African government s
program of separate homelands for




"ARSENAL" will be playing Nov.
( instead ofNov. 15,16)

14 & 15

will be playing Nov. 16, 17
(instead of Nov. 17, 18)





above include salad, potatoes, roll and butter



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
written in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday.
Day Calendar
Univ. Musical Society-"Madame But-
terfly," New York City Opera: Hill
Aud., 2:30 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program-APA in
Pirandello's "Right You Are (If You
Think You Are)": Trueblood Aud., 3
Cinema Guild-"Saturday Night and
Sunday Morning," plus Laurel and
Hardy short, "Perfect Day": Architec-
ture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m.
Univ. Musical Society-"Don Giovan-
ni," New York City Opera: Hill Aud.,
8:30 p.m.
General Notices
December Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: All requirements for the teacher's
certificate must be completed by Dec.
2, including teacher's oath, health
statement, and Bureau of Appointment
material. The oath should be taken as
soon as possible in Room 1203 UHS.
The office is open from 8:30 a.m.-12
noon and 1-5 p.m.
events Monday
Lecture: Dr. Yi-Fu Tuan, Assistant
Prof. of Geography, Univ. of New Mex-
i f it's
is featuring an
Selection !
Sterling and
14 Karat Gold Charms

ico, will lecture on "New Mexico's
Climate: Attitudes and Conceptions,"
Mon., 4:15 p.m., Rackham East Confer-
ence Room. Sponsored by the Dept. of
Civil Engineering Seminar: Dr. Bruce
G. Johnston, Prof. of Civil Engrg., "Un-
derstanding Column Behavior": 311'
West Engrg., 4 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Peter John
Groblicki, Chemistry; thesis: "Atomic
Beam Scattering Studies on the Li-Hg
System: Velocity Dependence of Total
and Differential Cross Sections as a
Route to the Interaction Potential,"
Mon., 3003 Chemistry 'Bldg., at 3 p.m.
Co-Chairmen, R. B. Bernstein and L.
0. Brockway.
Appointments-Seniors & grad students,
please call Ext. 3544 for appointments
with the following:
MON., NOV. 18-
Army Special Services, Washington,
D.C.-(a.m. only)-Men & women. Seek-
ing those with degrees in Recreation,
Dramatics, Music, Art Educ., Soc. Set.,
Humanities, Phys. Ed. or Library Sci-
ence. Positions: Recreation Specialists
& Librarians. Locations-Around the
world. Dec., May & Aug. grads. U.S.
citizenship required.
NASA-Lewis Research Center, Cleve-
land, Ohio-Representative will be in
the Engrg. Placement Office on Nov.
18 & 19. Seeking candidates in Organic
& Physical Chem., Physics, Beol., &
Math. Positions: Res. & Dev. For ap-
pointment, sign schedule at 128-H W.
TUES., NOV. 19-
Office of International Affairs (Treas-
ury Dept.), Washington, D.C.-Men &
women. Dec., May & Aug. grads. Seek-
ing Econ. with bkgd. or trng. in inter-
national economic, financial, or mone-
tary fields. Prefer MA level; will con-
sider BS in Econ. Positions: Econom-
ists & Economic Analysis. U.S. citizens.
Location: Mainly in Wash., D.C.
Cook County Dept. of Public Aid,
Chicago, 11.-Men & women. Dec. & May
grads. Seeking those with degrees in
Soc., Psych., Anthro., & Liberal Arts.
(Continued on Page 6)
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