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November 15, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-15

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l 11963




Foreign Aid Cut
$20 Million More
Kennedy Terms New Restraints
Worst Since Marshall's Program
WASHINGTON-The Senate whacked another $20 million off the
foreign aid bill yesterday on the heels of an angry protest by Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy that cuts and restraints being voted would
tie his hands in carrying out foreign policy.
However, approval of the cut by voice vote after bipartisan
leadership acceptance brought the measure to the verge of passage
after 14 days of debate. The total stood at $3.7 billion-compared
to kennedy's $4.5 billion request. The President told his news con-

Saadi Reports Plans'
To Return to Post'

Short Week Views Rights,_Afri
orlaborand ROBERT HIPPLER try's arms embargo on that

can Press


.'. cultural exchanges

Raps Soviets
For Arrest
MOSCOW (1')-John Steinbeck
yesterday shrugged off the hospi-
tality heaped upon him on a So-
viet tour, denounced the Soviet
Union's arrest of Prof. Frederick
C. Barghoorn of Yale and said the
door to United States-Russian cul-
tural exchanges "is slammed
The Nobel Prize-winning Ameri-
can author has made his visit to
the Soviet Union under the cul-
tural exchange program. But he
said that until Barghoorn is freed
or the affair is cleared up he
would not recommend that his
colleagues come here under the
program because "it is too damned
Even as he was talking to re-
porters in the United States Em-
bassy, the announcement arrived
from Washington that negotia-
tions for a 1964-65 cultural ex-
change program have been cancel-
ed because of the professor's ar-
rest on spy charges.
The talks were scheduled to be-I
gin Tuesday and one official, LeeI
Brady, is here from the State De-
partment. Now the remainder of
the negotiating delegation will not
be coming.
The talks were canceled on the
recommendation of United States
Ambassador Foy D. Kohler, who
has been refused permission to see
Barghoorn since the Russians an-
nounced the arrest Tuesday.
Seeks Opinion
On Job Status
LANSING (P) - State Attorney
General Frank G. Kelley was re-
quested Wednesday to elaborate
on a provision of the new state
constitution which bars legisla-
tors from holding other public jobs.
The opinion was sought by Sen.
Garry E. Brown (R-Schoolcraft),
chairman of a joint legislative sub-
committee preparing recommenda-
tions for implementing the new
document to take effect Jan. 1.

ference he does not understand
why Congress is willing to pro-
vide .$7.5 billion for the atomic
energy and space programs, but
has repeatedly cut the aid bill
and tacked on amendments bar-
ring help to specific countries.
Marshall Plan
The present attack, he said, is
the worst since the inception of
the Marshall Plan, which initiat-
ed the aid program immediately
after World War II
He virtually conceded at the
conference that there is scant hope
Congress will act this year on his
two top-priority proposals-for a
massive tax cut and new civil
rights safeguards.
Kennedy said, however, that he
does expect action before the 1964
presidential election - but not
without the possibility of serious
hitches. He speculated,vfor in-
stance, that a 1964 civil rights
filibuster might tie up tax legisla-
tion as well.
Barghoorn Arrest
-Declared that the arrest by
the Soviets of Yale Professor
Frederick C. Barghoorn, on spy
charges which the President said
are baseless, is "a very serious
matter" that can have an adverse
effect on East-West relations.
-Reported that the Honolulu
conference next week of top diplo-
matic and defense officials will as-
sess changed conditions in South
Viet Nam since the coup with the
aim of stepping up the war against
Communist guerrillas so Ameri-
can forces eventually can be with-
Word News
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-A powerful terrorist
bomb exploded in an open air cafe
along Saigon's crowded Bar Ally
last night critically injuring two
United States servicemen.
* * *
SEOUL - The United Nations
command yesterday called for a
meeting of the armistice commis-
sion to protest a North Korean
shooting raid on eight unarmed
American and South Korean sol-
diers in the demilitarized zone.
* * *
SAO PAULO-A predominant-
ly Latin American clearing house
agency for the Alliance for Prog-
ress was agreed upon yesterday at
the inter-American economic and
social council, informed sources
said. Agreement on the agency
came after Brazil retreated in the
face of solid opposition to its
plan to broaden the aid scheme
by bringing in European and Asian
nations, including Communist na-
* *
NEW YORK-The New York
stock market showed heavy selling
in motors accompanied by a de-
cline yesterday after a moderately
active day. The Dow-Jones aver-
ages showed 30 industrials down
4.07, 20 rails down .30, 15 utilities
up .05 and 65 stocks down .91.

MADRID (') - Iraq's ousted
strongman Ali Salem El Saadi
said last night his supporters
have regained power in Iraq and
asked him to return home.
Saadi's announcement followed
a power struggle among the Ba'-
ath socialists of Iraq which led to
the exile of eight party leaders
Saadi, ousted as deputy pre-
mier and flown to Madrid Wed-
nesday told a news conference
there that his supporters had re-
gained power and asked him to re-
turn home. He said he would leave
today for Damascus, Syria, en
route to Baghdad.
Names Opposition
Saadi named as leaders of the
opposition former Foreign Minis-
ter Taleb Hussein Shebib and the
former deputy minister of the in-
terior, Hazem Jawad. Both these
officials were in the group of
eight exiled from Iraq to Lebanon
early yesterday.
There were reports that Col. Ab-
del Salam Aref may be on his way
out of the presidency because he
purportedly showed an inclina-
tion during the crisis to support
Shebib and Jawad.
Saadi said the group that ousted
him was composed of moderates
who opposed his policies of tak-
ing power away from the upper
classes and the feudal element in
Iraq and giving it to the people.
Moderates' Policy
He said the moderates' middle
of the road policy would give too
much power to the upper classes.
First travelers out of Iraq fol-
lowing the Wednesday disorders
said life had returned to normal.
Shops and offices were open as
usual in Baghdad and traffic and
pedestrians moved about as usual.
The town buzzed with rumors
that Saadi was on his way back.
It seemed now that the Ba'ath
national command-meaning its
international Middle East direc-
torate-was running things in
National Command
This command is composed of
the Ba'ath Party's Syrian found-
er, Michel Aflak, Iraqi Premier
Ahmad Hasan El Bakr, Syrian
Premier Amin Hafez, Iraqi De-
fense Minister Salem Mahdi Am-
mash and other leading Iraqis and
Radio Baghdad gave evidence of
a sudden switch in loyalty away
from the youthful Shebib-Jawad
group, which engineered Saadi's
expulsion from the party's region-
al (Iraqi) leadership and his exile.
Wednesday the radio praised the
loyal forces who put down the up-
rising, which was sparked by
Saadi's expulsion.
Court Retains
Districting Suit
WASHINGTON () -. According
to Theodore ,Sachs, attorney for'
Michigan AFL-CIO President Au-
gust Scholle, Michigan's reappor-
tionment case is still alive before
the United States Supreme Court.
Other .sources had suggested
that the case, initiated by Schole,
was a moot one-that there would
be no decision because Michigan
had changed its law as to appor-
tionment of the Legislature.

CIO opposed President John F.
Kennedy yesterday in demanding
a shorter work week to solve the
"curse" of automation and unem-
The 13.5 million-member labor
organization at its opening con-
vention session also cold-should-
ered the unemployment solutions
offered by New York Gov. Nelson
A. Rockefeller, candidate for the
Republican presidential nomina-
George Meany, president of the;
AFL-CIO, said of automation:
'Curse to Society'
"There is no element of bless-
ing in it. It is rapidly becoming a
curse to our society."
Meany's speech followed Rocke-
feller's call for a national pro-
gram to match workers with jobs
as the key element to solve the
high unemployment rate.
Kennedy, who has opposed the
shorter work week as too costly,
will address the convention today.
'National Catastrophe'
Meany said the loss of jobs to
machines "could bring us to a
national catastrophe," and de-
manded "a 35-hour work week or
shorter now and later on God
knows how short it will have to!
Rockefeller's job placement pro-
posal, with industry putting up
loans for unemployed workers to
travel where work is available, and
a tax cut tied to strict federal
spending controls .brought only a
few scattered handclaps from the
more than 1000 delegates.

Special To The Daily
DETROIT-The United States
"doesn't get as good a break as it
should" in the reporting of civil
rights incidents in the African
press, Undersecretary of State for
African Affairs G. Mennen Wil-
liams said at a press conference
However, he said, the Africans
are "beginning to learn of our ef-
forts" in this field and are "tre-
mendously impressed with the sin-
cerity of President John F. Kenne-
Williams cited two main reasons
why Africans do not get a fair
view of the racial situation in the
United Etates. First, "American
press services are little used.
Events are reported through the
eyes of the British and French,"
he said, explaining that the Amer-
ican services were too expensive
for the Africans.
Communist Distortion
Second, there are "some ef-
forts of Communist propaganda"
to distort the picture.
But a bad impression of Ameri-
can racial problems is not entire-
ly the fault of the press, he said.
"When you do something, you have
got to report it."
Williams said that Africans
"have infinite expectation for help.
We must convince them that we
are doing our level best" to give
them assistance. "We must have
the courage to push ahead" in
seeking independence and self-
government for the African states.
Combatting Apartheid
He noted United States' efforts
to combat the apartheid policy of
South Africa. He cited this coun-

tion, the United States vote in the
United Nations for condemnation
of South Africa's racial policies
and American efforts to get white
supremacies to talk to African na-
Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mich), also
present at the conference, said,
"Senate procedures should be re-
vised" in order to make its opera-
tions faster and to prevent ob-
He noted that passage of the
President's tax reform program
might have to wait until next year.
He said that Kennedy "could go to
the people more often" to help!
get his program through Congress.
Slum Problems
In a speech before the press
conference, Hart emphasized the
magnitude of the problem of slums
in America today. "There have al-


... in national command
Dollar Flow
WASHINGTON (W)--The flow of
United States dollars to other
countries was reduced dramatical-
ly last summer by an intensive
government program, the Com-
merce Department reported yes-
The dollar loss in the three
month period was $250 million.

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ways been slums. But their mean-
ing is different today than it was
50 years ago," he said.
"There were jobs (then)-a way
to get out of the slums. We didn't
have the appalling awareness that
we have today" that no jobs are
available for people who want
Hart pointed out that a half a
century ago someone could go out
and "work in the mills" or at sim-
ilar jobs, without needing a spe-
cific skill and a great deal of
formal training. Today, he noted,
few jobs are available to those who
have been unable to acquire such
He concluded his remarks with
an appeal to the Democrats. "Our
is the party," he said, "that had
better do something in the time
that is left to us."


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