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November 10, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-10

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10, I963





Peron's Influence Transcends Exile

Associated Press Staff Writer
BUENOS AIRES-It isn't the
man in Moscow they worry about
here-it's the man in Madrid.
The armed forces sent Juan D.
Peron into exile eight years ago,j
but he still commands a powerful
and sometimes fanatical follow-
From President Arturo Illia
down, everyone says Communism
presents no threat in this coun-
try. Peronism is another matter.
Peronism is the result of an un-
completed revolution in Argen-
tina, and until some way is found
to reintegrate the millions of
Peronists into the political system
there will be trouble.
Need Reforms
Foreign Minister Miguel Angel
" avala Ortiz says social and eco-
nomic reforms will solve the
Peronist problem. Illia also plans
to propose political reforms that
may help.
But essentially Peronism is a
dream that has caught up the
hopes for a better life of possibly
one-fifth of the 21 million people
in Argentina.
The secret of Peron's strength
lay in the 6-million-man labor
force and it is here that the main
force of Peronism is still felt.

The reason is that when Peron
began building political power late
in World War II he gave the
workers a voice for the first time.
Peron was elected president in
1946 and again in 1951, and in his
early years he built schools, roads
and hospitals and promoted in-
dustrialization and full employ-
ment. He preached social justice
for the "shirtless ones" and that
gave rise to the movement which
is his legacy.
His followers do not remember
the violence and repressions of his
later years or how he grew weal-
thy. They remember his social
justice doctrine and his magnetic
Political Tension
Those who remember the evil
and oppression are the military
and the anti-Peronist politicians
of a decade ago. Many of the poli-
tical crises and military coups
since 1955 have arisen from ten-
sion between those who prospered
and those who suffered under
Peron's rule.
The military particularly are
adamant against the return of
Peron or any dictator of similar
pattern. Nothing can cause a gov-
ernment to be overthrown more
quickly than evidence that it is
soft on Peronism. That chiefly

brought the military ouster and
arrest of Arturo Frondizi in 1962.
The Peronists are unable to
function effectively as a nationa:
party but have formidable
strength. Illia was elected with
only 27 per cent of the populai
vote. Political leaders estimate the
Peronists could have amassed 3(
per cent or more if they had beer
able to put up a candidate.
Inflation Il
Argentina is suffering from un-
employment and slowly spiraling
inflation. Many workers are
caught in the squeeze. The gov-
ernment is operating at a deficit.
Tax collections, by United States
standards, are unsatisfactory.
More schools and roads are needed
and the housing shortage is criti-
Agriculture is prosperous and
Illia seeks to modernize -methods
and increase meat and grain pro-
duction so that greater income
from exports will permit the coun-
try to import goods it needs from
The chief complaint which of-
ficials make about industry is that
it is not geared in many respects
to the country's needs. A top eco-
nomic planner noted, "In a coun-
try like Argentina, it's stupid to
have 14 different factories pro-
ducing automobiles."


Things like that do not worry
the workers, at least directly.
They're thinking about jobs, ris-
ing prices, and the fact that while
they can vote as individuals they
cannot put up their own can-
Argentines in the white collar
jobs and better earn far above
the worker's level, and at the top
of the economic pyramid thou-
sands of people are immensely
But all from highest to lowest
are caught up in the national
need to achieve political stability
and social reforms which will give
the workers a greater share of
income and some hope of fulfill-
ment of dreams which Peron in-
World News

Cite Criteria
For Picking
Yale Leader,
(Continued from Page 1)
lawyer Edwin F. Blair, received
more than 500 replies containing
160 different nominees. It worked
closely with the other committee,
headed by Harold Howe II, in the
"weeding out" process that had to
After a round of summer meet-
ings, the committee managed to
trim 127 names from the list, for
assorted reasons. Some already
were college presidents; some were
counsidered too old. But the names
were not scrapped w i t h o u t
"Out of respect for the people
who made the suggestions, we felt
obliged to investigate each name
thoroughly," Blair says.
The survey committee made a
preliminary report Sept. 30 to the
corporation and submitted 33
names for consideration. By Oct.
10 the corporation had seven
names left. The members met in
New York that night. They met
again in New York the following
morning, and, as one member said,
"It was obvious when we adjourn-
ed that the choice would be King-
man Brewster."
At that morning meeting, each
member spoke out about the quali-
fications of the nominees and end-
ed with his personal recommenda-
Then came the final meeting in
New Haven Oct. 11 and the secret
ballot in which Brewster was elect-
ed. Was there any controversy at
all prior to the selection? No, say
the corporation members, noting
that the vote was unanimous.

Associated Press Staff Writer
American nations may open up
against the United States at an
inter-American conference next
week on the way U.S. aid is being,
handled under the Alliance for
But those who criticize may be
in for something of a surprise.
There are increasing signs the
United States delegation may do
some straight talking of its own
at the Inter-American Economic
and Social Conference Nov. 11-16
in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
A strong suggestion of a some-
what tougher line ihY Washington
in its dealings with friendly na-
tions came out of the recent trip
to Germany by Secretary of State
Dean Rusk.
Not Enough
Rusk made it clear that United
States feels its European allies
are not doing enough to support
such collective ventures as the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion and that they have been
derelict in cooperating on politi-
cal and trade matters.
And in Rusk's view, there has
been a notable lack of unity,
among the European free nations
in presenting a solid front to the
problems, of Communist and oth-
er origin, confronting the free
The Kennedy administration
appears under increasing pres-
sure from Congress to tighten up
on foreign 'economic and military
aid. The fact that elections are
to be held next November and
that the United States is itself
having trouble with its interna-

tional balance of payments per-
haps is adding to the pressure.
New Course
The choice of a United States
delegation head for the Sao Paulo
conference likewise has been con-
strued in some quarters to indi-
cate a possible new course in
United States policy in financing
the bulk of the alliance plan of
economic and social development.
The delegation will be headed
by Under-Secretary of State W
Averell Harriman, a man long
closely informed about foreign aid.
He was an administrator of the
program at a key period just af-
ter World War II
At the Sao Paulo conference,
the United States is expected to
talk with increasing frankness to
hemisphere nations about their
own contribution to the alliance.
Slow Demand
Some of the Latin Americans
have been slow, by their own ad-
mission, in getting the way cleared
for the alliance through internal
land, tax and administrative re-
Only eight of the 19 participat-
ing nations have presented gen-
eral development plans as envis-
ioned when the hemisphere re-
publics adopted the alliance plan
in August, 1961, at Punta del Este,
Uruguay. Some of the eight plans
are reported so sketchy as to be
of little or no value, although
Colombia and Chile are under-
stood to have presented solid,
long-range programs.
Discourage Investment
A major drawback in Latin
American economic progress, in
the view of hemisphere experts, is
that some of the nations have
adopted policies tending to dis-
courage investment, even by their
own citizens. There have been

Conference To Spotlight U.S. Aid Use

some estimates that the outflow of
capital to the United States and
Europedhas equalled or exceeded
the credits put into some countries
by Washington.
Even in the case of the Sao
Paulo conference, some of the Lat-
in American nations have been slow
to state their positions on some of
the key issues before the confer-
United States officials stress
that they are going into the Sao
Paulo conference with anbattitude
of friendly cooperation, but with
the thought that the time has
come for hemisphere nations to
unite in giving firmer direction
and increasing participation of
their own to the alliance program.
There are increasing signs now
that the United States feels Latin
America should show more incen-
tive in working toward the solu-
tion of its own problems.

when looking for
the campus fad-

By The Associated Press

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United Nations delegates said yes-
terday they have been notified the
foreign ministers of 32-African
nations will meet in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, on Friday. They will try
to solve the border dispute between
Morocco and Algeria.
** *
ATHENS - The Communist-
front United Democrat Left Party
announced last night it will sup-
port the new government of Greek
Premier George Papandreou. This
support would give ita majority
in a parliamentary vote Dec. 11.
CAIRO--The newspaper Al Ah-
ram said yesterday Ethiopia's Em-
peror Haile Selassie, Yugoslav
President Tito and U.A.R. Presi-
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser have
agreed upon a summit meeting for
nonaligned countries. The paper
said the meeting, for which no
date was given, would be preceded
by a foreign ministers session to
prepare an agenda and decide on
countries to be invited.
* * *
JAKARTA - The Indonesian
parliament has approved two bills
providing for the eventual na-
tionalization of foreign oil fa-
cilities in Indonesia. Three Ameri-
can-owned firms and one British
corporation have already agreed
to the nationalization plans.
CAIRO-The United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cul-
tural Organization guaranteed yes-
terday to supply the money to
save Egypt's 3000-year-old Abu
Simbel Temple, which otherwise
would be submerged by the Nile
when the Aswan Dam is complet-
ed. Total cost of saving the Abu
Simbel monuments will be $36
million, of which the United Arab
Republic will pay $11.5 million.
* * *
TOYKO-Reaffirming its sup-
port of Red China, Japan's Com-
munist Party yesterday denounced
proposals for an international con-
ference to end the Soviet-Red
Chinese split. Noting the depth
of China's quarrel with the Soviet
Union, the Japanese Communists
said in their official newspaper
Akahata that "if such a meeting
were opened under present cir-
cumstances, disunity of the in-
ternational Communist movement
could be fatal and decisive."




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