Iowa ......... 27 Michigan State
Minnesota.....13 Purdue ...... .
23 Wisconsin ..... 17 Penn State ....
0 1 Northwestern.. 14 Ohio State ....
10 Indiana ....... 20 Texas......... 7 Pittsburgh ....;
7 Oregon State .. 15 Baylor ........ 0 Notre Dame ...
Slippery Rock 30
Clarion ....... Q
See Editorial Page
, i C4i CYi
:4E it
Partly cloudy,
with scattered showers tonight
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
To iew Faculty Role
To what extent should faculties
be the decision-makers at colleges
d universities?
A statement being prepared by
e American Association of Uni-
rsity Professors attempts to an-
er this question and "suggests
me suitable means for establish-
ing the principles in practice."
Drafted by the AAUP's Commit-
tee T, the statement is "parallel
to the statements of Committee
A on academic freedom," Prof.
John P. Dawson, visiting professor
in the Law School and chairman
of Committee T, explained recent-
ly. The Committee A statement
is used as a criterion when the
AAUP considers censuring an in-
stitution for violation of academic
Committee T's statement, in
preparation since 1959, has been
approved by the AAUP's national
council, but action at the national
meeting was postponed because the
American Council on Education
expressed interest in joining the
AAUP in a jointly-sponsored state-
Responsible for Education
As.it presently stands, the Com-
mittee T statement asserts that
"the faculty should have primary
responsibility for determining the
educational policies of the institu-
However, the statement notes
that governing boards and admin-
istrators, as well as faculties, have
a role to play in these decisions,
"since the interests of society in
the conduct of higher education
have been entrusted to all three
jointly. The responsibilities of each
group should depend upon its own
particular competence for the
functions it undertakes."
. The statement defines educa-
tional policies as "such fundamen-
tal matters as the subject matter
and methods of instruction, facili-
ties and support for research of
faculty members and students,
and standards for admission of
students, for academic perform-
ance and for the granting of de-
Some Student Aspects
"They also include those aspects
of student life that relate directly
to the educational process": for
example, limitations on extra-cur-
ricular activities in order to aid
academic performance, and regu-
lations affecting freedom of ex-
Faculty decisions in these areas
should be overruled "only in ex-
ceptional circumstances and for
reasons that are communicated
to the faculty," the statement says.
A less dominant but still active
faculty role is asked on decisions
"that may directly affect the edu-
cational policies.
"These matters include major
changes in the size of the student
body, significant alterations in the
academic calendar, the establish-
ment of new schools or divisions,
the provision of extension service
to the community and assumption
by the institution of research or
service obligations to private or
public agencies," the committee
Dollars and Cents
Concerning financial matters,
Committee T advocates a similar
pattern of faculty participation.
Funds directly allocated to educa-
tional functions "should be budg-
eted and expended in accordance
with the educational policies the
faculty has determined." On "the
other elements of the budget," and
when faculty units are competing
for certain funds, the faculty
should play a lesser role.
However, even here, "the faculty
should be informed of important
developments in administrative
planning, including proposed capi-
tal expenditures, should be con-
sulted on major issues of policy
involved in such developments, and
... should have means to express
its views," Committee T feels.
Also, appointments and other
personnel decisions on both facul-
ty and administrators should be
made with the "active participa-
tion" and, in most cases, the con-
currence of the faculty.
El iminates
Any Major
Troop S lash
WASHINGTON ()-Next year's
military budget will provide for
"nibbling around the edges" of
huge United States forces posted
overseas but no significant troop
reductions in Western Europe or
the far east, informed sources said
These sources told a reporter
that whatever reductions are con-
templated will involve a further
cutback in rear echelon support
elements and probably some trim-
ming of tactical air units in Eur-
But they said they expect few,
if any, combat ground force cuts
abroad at least through the fiscal
year which starts next July and
runs to mid-1965.
The new budget, now in the
final stages of preparation, takes
into account the costs involved in
maintaining forces at planned
levels in various places.
Speculation about impending
big-scale United States troop
withdrawals, especially from Ger-
many, was stoked by the recent
"exercise big lift." This operation
saw air force transports carry
more than 15,000 soldiers of the
2nd Armored Division to West
Germany from Ft. Hood, Tex., in
less than three days.
Criticiz e Thi
Cites D(
['ax Plan,
_ Support.
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The Making of a College President
By The Associated Press "He must be a man of the character essential to qualify
NEW HAVEN, Conn.-King- world and yet he must also have him as Yale's representative
man Brewster, Jr., provost of great spiritual qualities ... he and Yale's leader in the world
Yale University, survived a must be a Yale man and a great of affairs."
painstaking and thorough scholar . . ." After Griswold died April '19,
search by the Yale Corporation Theology Major Brewster, his close friend, was
before becoming that univer- "As I have been talking," considered the likely successoi
sity's 17th president. Lewis said at the time, "I don't B the "oprain, carged
He had been picked from doubt you have realized that with the "government, care and
among seven nominees who sur- there is only One who has most management" of Yale, took
vived-without their knowledge of these qualifications. But - elaborate pains to reach the
-months of screening, check- is God a Yale man?" proper decision.
ing and investigation by the The Yale Corporation, how- People To See
Yale Corporation, which start- ever, must make its choice from The corporation members be-
ed with a list of 160 suggested among mortals. Some possible gan making contacts-personal;
names. clues to the selection of a Yale by mail and by telephone-with
Files on the 160 names put president lie in a resolution hundreds of people. They met
forth as successors to the late adopted 15 years ago by the with present and former Yale
E. Whitney Griswold stand al- university council, a group of officers, the deans of Yale's
most three feet high. How did appointed alumni who study colleges, faculty members and
the Yale Corporation finally and make recommendations alumni. They got in touch with
settle on Brewster as its ulti- about various aspects of Yale a number of department heads,
mate choice? There appears to life. the Yale chaplain, the director
be no hard and fast rules for The resolution said a Yale of athletics. They contacted
the selection of a Yale presi- president "should be devoted to prominent educators through-
dent. the cause and possess an un- out the country who have no
Must Be Leader derstanding and appreciation of Yale connections..
Wilmarth Lewis, a literary the whole field of education and Three basic questions weie
scholar and a member of the a vision of the part which the asked of those persons contact-
corporation, once described the great independent universities ed: what type of man would,
qualities sought in a Yale presi- must take in the future life of you prefer to be president of
dent. He said the right man the nation: Yale? Whom would you sug
"must be a leader-not too far Profound Necessity gest? Why?
left, and of course not too much "That he should have a live- The corporation set up two
ein the middle. ly and profound sense of the special committees - a survey
"He mustbe a magnificent importance of religious values committee designated to receive
speaker and a great writer. He in education; the names of suggested succes-
must be a good public relations "And finally that he should sors to Griswold, and a commit-
man and an experienced fund recognize Yale as a fortress of tee "on the nature of the presi-
raiser. He must be a man of western civilization, understand dency."
iron health and stamina, a and feel its greatness as a seat Before long the survey com-
young nan-but also mature of learning and possess the in- mittee, headed by prominent .
and full of wisdom . .. tegrity, intelligence and force of See CITE, Page 3
NE.'B.HRY..:...... . .. ...... ......
Mifiken Calls
Fiscal Ideas
Debate Sparks Controversy,
About Future of Holy Office
VATICAN CITY (A)-A great debate is developing in the Roman
Catholic Ecumenical Council on the structure of the church's govern-
Arguments in St. Peter's Basilica Friday about the Holy Office
touched on but one phase of a controversy involving the whole
Vatican Curia, the central administration assisting the Pope. Re-
formers are demanding a shakeup of historic proportions, and
Pope Paul VI himself has called
Proposal Seeks Ban
On City Income Tax,
Food, Drug Levies
Lt. Gov: T. John Lesinski yes-
terday outlined a five-point fiscal
reform program that he thought
the Democratic Legislature would
approve, but a Republican leader
called Lesinski's proposals "unrea-
In a letter to Gov. George Rom-
ney, Lesinski also commented to
the governor on what he called "a
last minute appeal for Democratic
Lesinski's letter stated that he
thinks Democrats will support a
fiscal reform program that en-
compasses the following proposals:
Eliminate City Tax
"First, the taxpayers should not
be asked to pay three or four in-
come taxes. If there is to be a
state income tax, city income taxes
should be eliminated.
"Second, there should be prop-
erty tax relief for senior citizens
as promised by you in last year's
campaign. This means real relief;
no liens or interest on tax defer-
"Third, there should be provi-
sions made for adequate funds for
schools and for mental health. It
would be hypocritical for us to
say we have passed a program of
fiscal reform this year and come
back to the taxpayers next year
for more money.
No Food, Drug Tax
"Fourth, if there is an income
U.S. Considers
Reniewing Aid
To Viet m
By The Associated Press
artment has authorized United
ates Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge to begin discussions with
the new government of South Viet
Nam with a view to restoring full
economic aid to that country.
A department spokesman said
no time has been set for the dis-
cussions but that an announce-
ment could come very soon.
Such consultations were con-
templated when the United States
granted recognition to the new
South Vietnamese government
last week.
Program Reactivation
To come under discussion would
be reactivation of the commodity
import program, which had been
running to about $95 million a
year, and new agreements for
shipment of surplus foodstuffs
from the United States.
The spokesman pointed out that
military aid, which makes up the
bulk of all United States aid to
beleaguered South Viet Nam,
never had been shut off.
But economic aid, allotted quar-
terly, had tapered off in the last
weeks of the government of Presi-
dent Diem, which was overthrown
ently. "
Rebels Rally
Meanwhile, in Saigon, 200 arm-,
ed rebels of the formerly outlawed
Social Democratic Party have ral-
lied to the new revolutionary gov-
ernment with all their weapons,
the government announced.
Recruitment of these fighting
men, who have been campaigning
against United States-supported
government troops near the Cam-
bodian frontier, raised a question
as to how many guerrilla outfits
labeled Communist Viet Cong by
Ngo Dinh Diem's administration
may have been made up of non-
Communist foes of his regime.
The government of Premier
Nguyen Ngoc Tho hopes to win
over all of the non-Communist
oppositian parties, factions and
guerrillas and create a truly
united front against the Viet Cong
for the first time in South Viet
Nam's history.
Buddhist leaders called yester-
day for support of the new regime
by the nation's Buddhist millions.
A once powerful religious sect
that Diem crushed, the Cao Dai.
for a change.
Conservative Resistance
Conservatives of the Curia,
whose 1000-man staff is predom-
inantly Italian, are resisting. They
clearly are not prepared for the
basic alterations some progressive
leaders are seeking.
Pope Paul suggested reform and
internationalization of the Curia
before his election to the Papacy
last June. Then, on Sept. 21, he
told the Curia he intends to re-
form whatever is archaic or su-
Now progressive prelates are
seeking in the council to put the
reforms into writing.
Shared Power
They also advocate a concept
of shared power between Pope
and bishops that could put them
in direct contact, without the in-
tervention of the Curia.
As part of the idea of shared
Papal-Episcopal power, there have
been increasing proposals in the
council for the creation of a per-I
manent body of bishops-a sort of
senate or college-to meet regular-
ly with the Pope. The creation of
such. a body obviously would re-
duce Curia powers.
It is generally accepted in Rome
that conservatives in the Curia
tried to block the Council when
Pope John XXIII first announced
his plans to summon the gather-,
ing in 1959.
Possible Agencies
Committee T goes on to suggest
possible agencies for faculty par- OI
ticipation. These agencies could n I ilA to
be provided at each major organi-
zational level. Methods for choos- BUENOS AIRES (P) - United
ing members should be decided by States Undersecretary of State W.
the faculty, the Committee recom- Averell Harriman yesterday warn-
mends. ed Argentine officials of possible
Two chief types of agencies were consequences from the threatened
suggested. One possibility is a com- annulment of multimillion dollar
mittee including all the faculty oil contracts with United States
members in the particular depart- companies, informed sources said.
ment or college. The other would "When Argentina acts, she
consist of faculty-elected, execu- knows clearly the United States
tive -ommittees, functioning with-
in a faculty-elected Senate. position," said the authoritative
The Committee suggests several source. He added that the annul-
The Cmitesget eea etcudh rm the Alliance for
ways of insuring communication Pm e sc Wad h inthnsaidn po-
between faculty and administra- Progress, Wahington's aid pro-
tion. The suggestions include re- gram for Latin America.
port frm fculy comiteesand Argentina has drafted decrees
ports from faculty committees to annul American and other for-
meetings.oeign oil contracts, but has not yet
Other Possibilities acted on the decree. The action
Other possibilities included at- has strained United States-Argen-
tendance of faculty representa- tine relations.
tives at board meetings, or facul- See Related Story, Page 3
ty membership on the governingr
board. Harriman, who has not publicly
Finally, the statement calls on discussed the oil contract matter,
faculties, governing boards and talked with Argentine officials for
administrations to take a broader eight hours, including two meet-
interest in their institutions: ings with President Arturo Illia
"Academic freedom, professional A communique issued by the
integrity and the advancement of minister of the economy tEuenio
learning should be the concerns of Blanco, said that Argentine min-
the governing board and adminis- isters expressed their views con-
tration as well as of the faculty. cerning the oil contract annulment
Consider Reputation and heard the views of Harriman
"Likewise, the reputation of the and United States Ambassador
institution, its community service Robert McClintock.
and its material welfare should be Washington's position has been
concerns of the governing board that if the contracts are annulled,
as well as the administration . ..- United States companies must re-
Faculty members should share ceive full indemnification.
with board members and admin- But the feeling here, according
istrators the responsibility for de- to good sources, is that the United
veloping and maintaining the un- States does not believe it can
derstanding of the institution by count on the oil companies being
the public." repaid if their contracts are
See TO VIEW, Page 2 annulled.
Soviet Scientists Probe Anti-Matt
WASHINGTON (1P) - Soviet
scientists probably are seeking a
breakthrough in the field of "an-
ti - matter" which theoretically
could lead to a bomb with explo-
sive power thousands of times
mightier than today's most for-
midable weapons.
This is among other suggestions
advanced yesterday in a review
of "Soviet nuclear strategy," pre-
pared by the center for strategic
studies at Georgetown University.
Director of the center is retired
Adm. Arleigh Burke, former chief
of naval operations. The Soviet
strategy study was made by a
17-man panel of military men,
scientists, university faculty mem-
bers and writers.
Soviet Status Quo
Burke, in talking to newsmen,
said :
"One thing for certain is that
the aggressive Soviets have neither
changed their views nor their in-
tention to use nuclear weapons
if they ever think the use of
nuclear weapons will permit them
to dominate -the world, they will
use them."
This view is reflected in a por-
tion of the center's report. The
suggestion is made that the Rus-
sians, now doubting that they can
ever achieve anything more than
a balance-of-power factor with
existing weapons, are diverting re-
sources into far-advanced re-
search, aimed at entirely new fam-
ilies of weapons.
'Anti-Matter' Bomb
It is in this connection that the
discussion of a superpowerful,'
"anti-matter" bomb comes up. The
panel member talking to that
point is' Dr. Robert A. Kilmarx,
member of a special advisory
group for the Air Force's intelli-
gence branch.
Kilmarx says the Soviets may
upgrade basic research in the
field of anti-matter.
"Anti-matter theoretically could
produce energy several times that
of the thermonuclear
(the fusion of atoms)..
"Speculation in this
conjure up the image
gigaton devices, that i
thousand megatons in a
tively small warhead o
according to Kilmarx.
GN ! tax, the sales tax should be elim-
inated on food and drugs.
"Fifth, in your tax message you
reaction referred to the beer industry in
Michigan as a 'hard-pressed in-
eld can dustry.' Yet your program provid-
f multi- ed relief for only three small out-
several state breweries and it is now my
ompara- understanding that you have
bomb," abandoned this. There should be
relief for the entire industry and
r___ v___.
Explored for Years the beer consumer."
In the panel report, Kilmarx However, Senate floor leader
does not go into detail on the sub- William G. Milliken (R-Traverse
ject of anti-matter; but this field City) said that "it's my impres-
has been explored in laboratories sion that Lesinski is making some
here and abroad for some years. unreasonable demands. If he in-
The theory of anti-matter is sists on these demands, it will not
that it can or could convert all be possible to pass anything this
matter into energy, at 100 per year."
cent efficiency. By contrast, even Must Be Reasonable
the best thermonuclear reaction "I hope that he is willing to.
now obtainable utilizes only a tiny compromise. Whatever the Demo-
fraction of one per cent. cratic Party finally proposes will
Carried all the way through, the have to meet the test of reason-
theory could mean that a bit of ableness; otherwise there can be
material the size of -a coin could no chance of compromise, and
produce detonation equivalent to fiscal reform will be dead for this
thousands of megatons. year," Milliken said.
Seveal bstalesThe Democrats plan to caucus
Several Obstaclesseveral tomorrow night to decide on a tax
There are, at present, 'eea eform stand to be taken by the
significant obstacles to creation, refyandsto deciden bydte
prodctin ad dlivey o suh aparty and also to decide on a date
production and delivery of such a to begin talks with Romney.
weapon. Sen. Basil Brown (D-Detroit)
With huge, half-mile-wide ac- said that he "pretty much agrees"
celerators and other heavy labor- sith t e ' propoyalsharng
atory equipment, scientists so far with Lesirskis proposals, saying
atoryhequipmetescientisteso fared ar
have been able to produce only a
By MIKE BLOCK minute and fleeting sample of the
Special To The Daily anti - matter reaction between
CHAMPAIGN c iga fot eamelectrons and positrons.
CHAMPAIGN-Michigan's football team took advantage of six Beyond this is the problem of
Illinois fumbles and upset the highly ranked Illini 14-8, in a dramatic providing a transportable package
4th-quarter finish here yesterday. to keep this anti-matter material
As 55,810 bewildered Dad's Day fans looked on, Wolverine John in readiness for detonation.
Rowser picked up a Jim Warren fumble on the Illinois 11-yard line Soviet Weaponry
certainly necessary."
Could Be Better
Brown also said that he "cer-
tainly couldn't vote for a state
income tax and leave the city tax-
es as they are."
Sen. Raymond D. Dzendzel (D-
Detroit) noted that "this has been
our position all the way through,
although this is the first time
it's been presented to him (Rom-
ney) in this form."
"I agree one hundred per cent
with Lesinski's letter. The lieuten-
' ant governor expresses my opinion
very well," Sen. John T. Bowman
(D-Roseville) said.
with six minutes to go in the_ In addition to the far-out,
game, and Michigan scored the x long-range objectives, the panel
winning touchdown five plays J wser Stars had this to say of Soviet weap-
later with fullback Mel Anthony onr
going over from the one. The score I U seI"eproablyare already ke-
veioingnuclear-powered rockets,!
wiped out an 8-7 Illini lead and: possibly nuclear-powered aircraft.
considerably dimmed their chances By DAVE GOOD They may put greater priority on
for the Big Ten Championship advanced chemical warfare weap-
and a Rose Bowl bid. Special To The Daily ons and possibly more emphasis
The win enabled the Wolverines CHAMPAIGN - Paul Warfield on bacteriological warfare. They
to level their conference mark at' couldn't do it; neither could Don might be interested in suborbital
2-2-1 and their season record at DiGravio, Tom Myers, or Carl bombardment systems."
3-3-7. It was their second straight Eller. P kn"
upset victory, since they did the But Michigan has a second- pickle in Front
trick against Northwestern, 27-6, string sophomore halfback named.
last week at Ann Arbor. John Rowser, and he's the one In Texas Election
Minority Party
In his letter to Romney, Lesin-
ski also said that "We are a
minority; we are outnumbered by
over two to one in the Senate and
by a lesser majority in the House.
Your party controls the commit-
tees and legislative and executive
branches of government.
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