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November 07, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-07

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Financial Problems:




(First of two articles)
Each year the University, a state-supported institution, goes to
the Legislature with a request for operating funds.
Each year the Legislature appropriates significantly less than the
University asks for.
The Regents no longer mince words in explaining the situation.
Their budget message to the state for the fiscal year 1964-65 says,
"Our own studies clearly demonstrate that since 1957-58 there has
been a steady erosion of the strength of the University. The resultant
deterioration and demoralization, if permitted to continue, seriously
threaten to endanger excellence in teaching, competence in research
and continued high proficiency in public service."
Preferred Word
"Intangible" is the word key administrators prefer in describing
this process. "The erosion is similar to a case of malnutrition-it goes
on unnoticed," one source said. But definite indicators are present.
Since 1958, for instance, the University's faculty salary level has drop-
ped from fourth in the country to twentieth.
Another statistic shows that between 1957-58 and 1962-63 enroll-
ment increased by 3300; the teaching staff increased by 39. One new
teacher was added for every 84 students-the normal ratio is 1:14.

For this academic year enrollment increased by 800 while staff 1957-The University requested $34.1 million; it received $30.2
increased by 52. However, 83 per cent of the additional staff are teach- million.
ing fellows. "A proportion of 20 per cent in this rank is certainly the 1958-The request: $37.2 million; the appropriation: $30 million.
upper limit," the budget statement says. 1959-The request: $36.7 million; the appropriation: $32.8 million.
Not Insoluble 1960-The request: $38.6 million; the appropriation: $35.2 million.

The important figure is the $9.4 million increase. If it were to be
approved by the state it would be divided among the following six gen-
eral areas:
-Salary increases;
-Provision for higher enrollment and augmented programs;
-Books and services:
-Services for new buildings, rehabilitation and plant mainten-

Nevertheless, administrators say that the problems are not yet
insoluble. But with a University committed to an expanding enroll-
ment, they are more and more fearful. "Without a sharp increase in
our appropriation it will become very difficult to augment, even to
maintain our staff," Marvin L. Niehuss, the University's chief admin-
istrator after President Harlan Hatcher, says. "It will be hard nextt
year and even harder the year after."f
The reason is easy to determine-the "war babies" are on theirt
way. The University anticipates an enrollment increase of 1300 for
the next academic year. College enrollment in the state of Michigant
is expected to increase by 11,000 next year and 22,000 in 1965.
The University's financial troubles date to the fiscal year 1957-58.c
Prior to that time its operating funds appropriations from the Legis-
lature were roughly equal to its requests. In 1956, for instance, it asked
$27.7 million and received $27.5 million. From there the record is asf

1961-The request:
1962-The request:;
1963-The request:
The sharp division

$41.6 million; the appropriation: $35.3 million.
$43.6 million; the appropriation: $36.6 million.
$43.3 million; the appropriation: $38.2 million.
Financial Crisis
between the University's requests and its ap-


-Research and public service, and
-Third term operation-first half (May-June, 1965).

propriations grew out of the state's financial crisis which culminated
in the "payless paydays" of 1959. The Regents, however, maintain
that, "In view of Michigan's total economic resources, it is clear that
financing higher education in Michigan is a problem of policy, not
of assets."
Whatever the case, the yearly confrontation has begun again, and
the Regents are asking for a higher appropriation than ever before.
In September they approved and submitted to the state a budget re-
quest of $47.6 million for the fiscal year 1964-65. This represented a
$9.4 million increase over this year's actual appropriation.
It should be added here that the University's total proposed 1964-
65 budget is $62.5 million. The difference, however, derives from stu-
dent fees and other constant sources of income.

Salary Increases
Nearly $3.3 million is allocated for salary increases, the top prior-
ity item on the list according to Niehuss. "We must maintain the
quality of our staff if we're going to remain a first-rate university,"
he says. "Salary increases are mandatory if we5re to stay in a com-
petitive position vis-a-vis other institutions in the country. Our salary
scale is not nearly as high as it should be even now."
The University put as much money as it could into salary
raises over the past two years. All the money from a tuition raise
last fall went toward that end. Moreover, faculty paychecks went up
an average of 3.6 per cent for this academic year, according to James
See 'U', Page 8

See Editorial Page

C14, r


:4E ait1

Overcast skies,
rain likely

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


SGC Passes Lobbying Motion
Student Government Council spoke out against any tuition
increase last night and also mandated Council President Russell
Epker, '64BAd, to testify before appropriate legislative committees
next spring in support of an adequate higher education appropriation.
Council also mandated Epker to: write appropriate letters to '
various state officials; to consult with the Michigan Region of the
United States National Students Association for possible joint Mich-
igan student lobbying for a high-

Votes Bill
To Assist

Romney Seeks

To Rescue

Educaton Proposal for Income


Heyns Talks
On Education
Collegiate Press Service
CHICAGO-No state is doing an
adequate job of preparing for the
"bulge" of students that are about
to hit the nation's colleges and
universities, Vice - President for
Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns
said yesterday.
He spoke at a luncheon or
some 25 executives of Chicago
newspapers and radio and televi-
sion stations.
Heyns blamed a "communica-
tions gap" between the public and
educational institutions for the
lack of "deep pudic concern" over
how to care for the rising num-
bers of students.
Expects Rise
The University, he said, expects
a 40 per cent rise in applicants
In 1965; yet people seem to hope"
"these young people are going to
disappear into a crevice some-
That university administrations
are concerned, however is evident,
, Heyns said.
He mentioned the "terrific com-
petition" for faculty members but
said there "just are not enough
good minds" to fill the jobs avail-
Failure to meet the increasing
demands for more faculty mem-
bers will result in a "serious drop
in the quality of college educa-
tion," he warned.
Language labs and televised in-
struction would not lower costs.
Heyns pointed out that the Uni-
versity had quadrupled expendi-
tures on its language labs in the
last five years without eliminating
any personnel.
Of the University's budget, 80
per cent is still for salaries, he
Student Body
Changes in the student body
have raised costs too. Nearly half
of the University's student body is
now in graduate or professional
work-a fact that reflects a na-
tional trend.
Commenting on students in gen-
eral, he said they are "very much
grade-oriented" and "working a
lot harder than most of us ever
did." Today's student is aware of
himself as a "citizen of the
The role of the students and
faculty of a university in Ameri-
can life is enlarging, he said. He
mentioned the newly formulated
relationship between the Univer-
sity and Tuskegee and also the
University's work on the high
school-dropout problem as exam-
ples of this role.
Yesterday's meeting was the
f i r s t of several planned to
acquaint news media people with
the work of the University. An-
other is planned for December in
New York City.
(41 f)

er appropriation and no tuition
hike; and to request the SGC
delegates bring this issue to the
attention of the students "blue-
ribbon" committee.
In support of a motion sub-
mitted by Daily Editor Ronald
Wilton, '64, Council unanimously
endorsed a declaration stating
that it "believes that any increase
in tuition would be detrimental to
the University and its students.
More Hardship
"It would b r i n g additional
hardship to students already in
the University and would prevent
potential qualified applicants from
attending the University, wasting
valuable human talent."
Wilton pointed out that "Gov.
George Romney's administration
is considering two alternative
higher education budget increases,
neither of which is considered
adequate for the needs of the
state's colleges and universities."
While one proposal calls for a
$10 million increase over this
year's $110 million appropriation,
the second provides for a $10 mil-
lion matching program-$5 million
to be appropriated by the state
and $5 million to be obtained
through tuition increases.
"A tuition boost, if forced upon
the University, would be its
fourth since 1958 and would raise
in-state tuition over the $300 level
and out-of-state tuition over the
$1000 mark," he said.
Below Requests
He also pointed out that Gov.
Romney's proposed appropriation
for higher education is $30 mil-
lion less than requests of the
state-supported colleges and uni-
State officials, to whom Epker
is to write letters expressing
Council's views, are: Gov. Rom-
ney; Comptroller Glenn S. Allen;
Romney education aide Charles
Orlebeke; Speaker of the House
Allison Green (R-Kingston); Ref.
A r n e 11 Engstrom (R-Traverse
City) chairman of the House ways
and means committee; Rep. Ray-
mond Wurzel (R-North Street),
chairman of the House education
committee; Sen. Stanley G. Thay-
er (R-Ann Arbor), Senate major-
ity leader; Sen. Frank D. Beadle
(R-St. Clair), chairman of the
Senate appropriations committee;
and Sen. William G. Milliken (R-
Traverse City), chairman of the
Senate education committee.

.to testify
MOSCOW (,)-Complaining of
high United States shipping costs,
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev said
yesterday a deal to buy American
wheat may be canceled.
"We want equal conditions on
an equal footing with other coun-
tries," he told a group of visiting
American businessmen. "And we
agreed to use American ships, but
at world prices."
Khrushchev showed impatience
at the pace of negotiations in
Washington on the wheat deal,
which might involve $250 million
in American grain.
"It may well happen," he said,
"that we will let you eat your
own grain. I do have a feeling one
might not come to an agreement
on the grain deal.
"I have sent instructions to our
representatives at the talks to say
that if the Americans go on in-
sisting on discriminatory terms
then our delegation will break off
the talks and will leave."
The United States insists the
wheat must be carried in United
States ships, whose rates are high-
er than other nations.
In calling for more trade,j
Khrushchev said he would want
chemical fertilizer factories and
factories to manufacture pest and
weed sprays.
The premier made the state-
ments in the course of a long dis-
cussion in which he again called
for more trade with the United

gave overwhelming approval yes-
terday to a bill authorizing $1.2
billion to help the nation's crowd-
ed colleges expand.
A 258-92 roll call vote sent the
bill to the Senate, where a stiffer
fight is expected over a provision
making federal grants available to
private and church-related col-
Speaker John W. McCormack
(D-Mass), who hailed the solid bi-
partisan support the House gave
the bill, said it would be of "in-
estimable value" both to higher
education and the nation.
Building Grants
The bill would authorize $690
million in building grants forl
junior colleges and colleges, $145
million for graduate schools, and
$360 million in long-term, low-
interest construction loans for all
higher education institutions.
At the college and graduate
school level, the grants could total
only one-third of the construc-
tion cost of a project. For junior
colleges, the federal share could
be 40 per cent.
The bill would give a strong
thrust to the development of pub-
lic community junior colleges by
requiring that each state set
aside 22 per cent of its share of
the $690 million for such construc-
tion. Each state's allotments
would be based on its high school
and college enrollment.
Blend of Versions
The bill is a blend of versions
passed earlier by the House and
Senate. It limits construction at
the college level to libraries and
facilities designed for teaching
science, mathematics, engineering
and modern foreign languages.
However, the compromise strikes
from the Senate bill language
saying they could be used only for
such purposes.
This change could cause trouble
when the Senate takes up the
bill-probably next week.
Conference A
Of Slighting I

Pressure on Departments Declines


I 1

The pressure put on the gradu-
ate French and German courses
is not quite as serious this year as
it was last, the chairmen of both
departments report.
Prof. Clarence K. Pott, chair-
man of the German department,
said that enrollment in German
111, the first semester graduate
course, actually declined some-
what this year, from 177 to 157.
The course is composed of four
sections as it was last year. allow-
ing a slight reduction in the num-
ber of students per section.
Basically 'Unchanged'
Prof. James C O'Neill, chgir-
man of the French departrment,
reported that the situation in his
Negroes Claim
ElectionIle gal
JACKSON (A)-Democratic Lt.
Gov. Paul Johnson faced threats
yesterday of Negro court action
seeking to wipe out his record-
smashing general election victory
for governor over a bold Republi-
can challenge.
With Johnson's lead over Re-
publican Rubel Phillips approach-
ing a 2-1 margin, Negro leaders
announced they would go into fed-
eral court under a Reconstruction
Era law permitting contests on
grounds persons were unlawfully
denied voting rights because of
The Phillips vote was the larg-
est ever given a Republican in
this deep South state.
eccuses HRC

department is basically "un-
changed" from last year. The
number of students in French 111
declined from 137 to 130 this year.
However, Prof. O'Neill reported
that the French department did
not receive the "avalanche" of
protests that it did last year dur-
ing registration. He attributed
this largely to the fact that the
course opened with four sections
this year, instead of three like last
year. An extra session had to be
added duringiregistration then.
Prof. O'Neill reported that the
second semester course, French
112, is under "no strain" because
it is composed of only one section.
Down Slightly
Prof. Pott said that German
122 is down very slightly in en-
rollment to 77. Three sections
make up the course, varying from
24-29 students per section.
Prof. Pott hypothesized that
the enrollments in the two courses
have declined slightly for two
reasons. First, it is possible that
more students have availed them-
selves of the proficiency exam
when entering graduate school. If
passed, the language need not be
The second possibility, Prof.
Pott said, is that more students
possess competence in German
when they enter graduate school
because they have taken German
while undergraduates.
Third on List
Prof. Pott pointed out that the
graduate German courses are
third on the list of priority. First
are the courses that satisfy lit-
erary school requirements, and
second are the courses that sat-
isfy concentration requirements.
In most cases, the number of stu-
dents per section in the two top
priority courses is much smaller.
Nonetheless, "German 111 as it
is set up is not shortchanging the
student at all," Prof. Pott said.
He attributed this to the higher
level of maturity of the graduate
student, and also to the fact that
the goals of the course are more
The aims of German 111 and
112 are "purely practical," Prof.
Pott said. There is "no pretense
of working extensively with con-
Haber Explains
CEEB Action

versational German," he noted,
saying that the goal of the two
courses is simply to give the
graduate student a reading knowl-
edge of the language.
German 111 deals with the
structure of the German language.
Later in the semester the student
reads "a number of essays on a
variety of topics," Prof. Pott said.
In German 112, the student is
"very quickly" taken through the
'main trouble points' of the


To Confer
Democrats Form
Special Committee
To Study Program
Gov. George Romney, attempt-
ing to keep his dying tax reform
program alive, will meet with De-
troit's Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh
The governor is going to Detroit
in an attempt to gain some sort
of compromise, Sen. Basil W.
Brown (D-Detroit) said.
"However, I think that he's go-
ing at this attempt backwards.
He's going all the way to Detroit
to talk to Cavanagh, when he
could simply walk into our offices
here," Brown stated.
No Attempt
He still has made no attempt
to meet with the Democrats in
the Legislature, Brown continued.
"Romney should talk with us-
Cavanagh doesn't have one vote
up here," he said.
Rep. Joseph A. Gillis (D-De-
troit) said that he "thinks it well
that the governor is finally com-
ing around" to talking with the
Democrats. "He has to do some-
thing along this line because even
his modified tax plan won't do for
Detroit," Gillis said.
In the House, the Republican
caucus decided to leave Romney's
tax bills in the taxation commit-
tee until they could find out just
where the House Democrats stand
on the plan.
To the Floor
The House caucus had previously
voted to have the bills released
"as soon as possible" to the floor,
so that the entire House could
take action on them.
"They're trying to come up with
a plan to salvage Romney's pro-
gram," House minority leader
Joseph J. Kowalski (D-Detroit)
In other action, Senate minor-
ity leader Charles S. Blondy (D-
Detroit) said that he was forming
an "informal committee to try
and hammer out a program that
would be acceptable to both
Blondy said that the committee
would be made up of five Demo-
cratic Senators and five Demo-
cratic Representatives, but that
"we will invite any Republicans
who want to, to sit in on the
He said that "the state must
provide sufficient services for the
people. An income tax seems to
be the only tax that can provide
the funds for such services.
"However, many of the Sen-
ators think that the income tax
is dead," Blondy admitted.
Probable Member
Brown, who had been named b
Blondy as a probable member of
the informal committee, said that
"nothing has been said to me
about it, although I had heard of
+ , J..e 11

.. . colonialization

Boyd Speaks on Ne
"The freedom revolution-the revolution that recognizes thej
Negro as a person-is gaining momentum," Rev. Malcolm Boyd,
Episcopal minister from Detroit, said last night.
"But with it also grows the counterrevolution."
"What we want to do is define the nature and purpose of the
revolution. We realize that the process will be painful, but it is
equally necessary. The black man should no longer have to worship
a white god," he said.
One Root
-_4 +.-t.,4 -- -+ - ..Y.nm c .j . n.

The Ann Arbor city government's Human Relations Commission
was accused Tuesday of being "50 years behind the times" and
failing to regard discrimination as a "threat to the public health"
by members of the Ann Arbor-Washtenaw Conference on Religion
and Race.
Three members of the group, Mrs. Lauri Talayco, former HRC
secretary who resigned Sept. 4, Prof. Albert Wheeler of the medical
_ - -school, representing the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, and Mrs. Stuart
M. Gould, a member of the HRC,
SCevo lit charged that the city government
n O ro Jhas not given the commission
enough support in changing con-
Prof. Wheeler, who was a mem-
ber of the HRC in the administra-
tion of Democratic Mayor Samuel
Eldersveld in 1956, voiced a de-
mand for enlargement of the HRC
from 10 to 15 members, including

Tarling Notes
Role of Piracy
In Asian Past
The pirates of the 19th century
.in Southeast Asia were not always
associated with robbery and acts
of violence on the high seas, Prof.
P. N. Tarling of the University of
Queensland in Australia said last
Areas with a large population
were colonized first by the Euro-
pean nations.
Consequently, the less populated
nations, which were politically
immature, were wide open for
anyone who wanted to gain pow-
er through the use of piracy.
Colonialization caused political
upheaval which made it rather
advantageous for pirates. Piracy
was, therefore, affected by change.
The "system" of piracy was
very similar to the system of pri-
vate wars during the Middle Ages
in Europe.
They both grew from political
In the arly 19th century the
British began to form a policy in
the area of Malaya which includ-!
ed a "reluctance to act except in
matters of strategic importance
and a desire not to 'fall out' in
international ties," Prof. Tarling

Dean William Haber of the
liteary college recently explain-
ed further the action taken on
Achievement Tests at Monday's
faculty meeting.
He said there were actually two
votes taken on whether the col-
lege should require the achieve-
ment tests, given by the College
Entrance Examination Board of
applicants for freshman admis-
The first vote was on a motion

at least seven Negroes.v
"We feel that the HRC can't be
sensitive. They don't know any
Negroes," he said.
"But the HRC doesn't get com-
ni nintc haoi. onthe ~oVnnmc ofth

: :. .

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