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November 02, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-02

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in at reprints.

Flint College Stands on




Romney Committee Faces
Botulism Problem

THE FORMATION by Gov. George Rom-
ney of a 12-member committee of sci-
entists, public health officials and fishing
industry representatives to study the
problem of botulism poisoning is an im-
portant step toward safeguarding the
Iealth of this state's consumers. The ap-
pointment of two prominent University
researchers in this field-Prof. Lloyd
Kempe of the engineering college and re-
search bacteriologist John Graikowski-
is equally worthy of praise.
Romney has noted that the purpose of
the committee is "to make sure adequate
steps are being taken to protect public
health" and "to consider immediate and
ong-range legislative and administrative
action." In fact, the committee has al-
ready drawn up a set of guidelines to en-
sure that fish is safely processed, a goal
at which no fishery would cavil.
[N VIEW OF THE FACT that seven deaths
have been traced to Type E botulism
thus far, all attributable to eating some
form of smoked fish, the need to take
positive action is obvious. The problem of
controlling the disease still seems to be
rery much at hand, despite the fact that
adequate preparation processes and han-
iling are all that are needed to keep from
diving the disease-causing organisms a
>lace to thrive and spread their toxins.{
Perhaps the governor's aide, Albert Ap-
>legate, came closer to the true purpose of
;he committee, however, by noting that it
ould also "re-establish public confi-
lence" i Michigan's fishing industry.
['his is equally important-although from
in economic standpoint and not as a safe-
y measure-to those Michigan residents
vhose livelihoods are endangered as long
is the recent federal warning against eat-
ng smoked fish from the Great Lakes
still holds.
The warning, issued last week by the
rood and Drug Administration, was nec-
ssitated by the fact that all seven botu-

lism-caused deaths had been linked to
fish taken from the Great Lakes. It came
after the state agriculture department
had seized the entire stock of smoked and
fresh fish from one state firm and obtain-
ed samples from a state fishery for test-
ing purposes.
THE FDA, of course, was merely fulfill-
ing its duty in issuing such a warning.
Safeguarding the health of the citizenry
is the major responsibility of this federal
agency, and the FDA could hardly have
afforded to exercise an undue amount of
caution with the lives of so marly people
at stake.
Yet the fact still remains that some of
the facts as stated in the FDA release
were not as explicitly put forth as they
might have been. In particular, there has
been a great deal of misunderstanding
about what type of fish the FDA was re-
ferring to; and the agency hasonly re-
cently clarified the issue by re-emphasiz-
ing that the edict only applies to smoked
fish from the Great Lakes area.
The damage, however, has been done.
The fishing industry in Michigan has re-
ported 20,000 people laid off since the
FDA warning, since consumers have gen-
erally been avoiding any and all fish
available. Those 20,000 fishery employes
are not likely to care whether they should
blame; the FDA or the caution of the
Michigan housewives for their plight.
IN THE LIGHT of such a situation, it is
fortunate that at least. one group of
people is setting out to do more about the
botulism problem than fling accusations
or issue rash warnings. Romney's commit-
tee hopefully will be able to come up with
a feasible solution to the unemployment
and confusion resulting from the "botu-
lism scare," but it should not overlook the
more far-reaching problem of controlling
and preventing the disease itself.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first of a three-part series on the
proposed expansion of Flint College
into a four-year institution. The
proposal brings up an important
question in state higher education
expansion: should large state in-
stitutions branch out or should the
community college system be in-
framed campus buildings, the
University's Flint College intro-
duces itself with rows of glossy
From its threshold, one sees
Flint College-a two-year senior
college-itself standing on a
This is the threshold of expan-
sion, currently being considered
by University and Flint officials.
IT IS ONLY a threshold, how-
ever. While one side of the cars*
reflects the Mott Memorial Build-
ing, chief facility of the two-
year Flint (senior) College, the
other side mirrors the structures
of adjacent Flint Community Col-
lege-a two year junior college-
which feels threatened by the pos-
sibility of University expansion.
The question is will the surfaces
of these cars always reflect a pair
of complementary two-year in-
stitutions combining to form a
four-year program.
Or can the reflection of Flint
College ever be one of a full-
fledged four-year operation with-
out tarnishing the reflection of
Flint Community College?
If the answer to this question
can be found, it may take Flint
College off the threshold of ex-
pansion and into the implemen-
tation stage whereby this senior
college would add freshman and
sophomore classes while not jeo-
pardizing the future of the com-
munity (junior) college.
swer may also be a practical
T H E BALLET Folklorico of
Mexico failed to live up to the
expectations aroused by its ad-
vcnced billing. Amala Hernandez
has attempted to synthesize the
art form of the European ballet
and the folk dances of Mexico.
The result, for the most part, is
polished folk dances lacking dig-
nity, and authenticity yet not
great ballet.
The program opened with "The
Quetzal Birds of Puebla" in which
the dancers wore fabulous six-
foot headdresses. The dancers'
movements were stately and spa-
cious, but the "Indians" pointed
their toes incongruously. In an-
other Indian dance, "Los Taras-
cos," it was shocking to hear a
pre-Hispanic Indian melody sung
in four-part 19th century Euro-
pean harmony.
HOWEVER, a few numbers on
the program refute everything
said above. In particular, the
"Deer Dance of the Yaqui In-
dians" was both authenticand
well adapted to a stage perform-
ance. Though deprived of its so-
cial and religious function by its
transference to the stage, Jorge
Tiller as the deer, infused the
dance with dignity, drama and
The small mariachi group with
its wonderful tenor, and the Ver-
acruzanos, featuring a high-toned
harp played at breakneck speed,
retained all the rhythmic com-
plexity and verve of Mexican folk
The Ballet Folklorico is part of
a world-wide movement toward a
folk-derived popular art form.
-Judith Becker

SMOTHERED in Renolds wrap,
"Mary Mary," now showing at
the Michigan Theatre, should be
retitled "Tammy Gets a Divorce."
The movie is a ravaged version
of Jean Kerr's extremely clever
Broadway hit of the same name.
Little imagination or direction was
used in the transition from stage
to screen, in fact a great deal was
lost. As a result, "Mary Mary"
remains first and last another
poorly filmed play.
* * *
THE ACTION is limited to a
single stagey setting for all of the
two and a half long long hours.
Any creative use of the cameras
art is effectively murdered by the
Director Mervin LeRoy. LeRoy ob-
viously feels a play is a play is
a play and why bother making it
a movie. So he didn't.
The acting ranges from bad
(Barry Nelson) to atrocious (our
own lovable Debbie). Miss Reyn-
- -, - - - - - a - _ _ _ _

breakthrough in the theoretic dis-
agreement over methods of ex-
panding Michigan's higher edu-
cation facilities.
One theory recommends ex-
pansion of the state university
complexes-such as the University,
Michigan State University and
Wayne State University-through
an elaborate branch system. The
second theory is to expand the
community (or junior) college
system, allowing state students to
receive at least two-years of post-
high school training.
Although University adminis-
trators argue that Flint expansion
into a four-year institution would
not endanger the community col-
lege, the junior college officials
and legislators are skeptical. They
contend that to expand the Uni-
versity system is to destroy the
community college since it will
drain off the top students and
The ultimate decision in Flint-
to expand or not-may have state-
wide reverberations as educators
and legislators struggle to cope
with the problem of rising enroll-
ments and decreasing facilities.
WORKING toward a solution,
some of the University's top ad-
ministrators and Flint's leading
citizens are joined in an inquiry
group which could ultimately de-
cide and mold the future of Flint
College: a two-year commuter
college such as the parking lot
has disclosed, or a full-fledged,
state-supported institution which
these men seek.
They may decide and mold a
great deal more.
THEIR EFFORTS are the cli-
max to a progression of efforts to
improve higher education in Flint.
Although Flint, the University's
sixteenth college and first one
outside Ann Arbor, was finally
founded in 1956, the procession of
events leading to the founding
date back almost a decade.
In the mid-forties, interested
Flint citizens and University of-
ficials began talks on the pos-
sibility of a four-year college in
AT THAT TIME the only post-
high school education in Flint was
provided by the Flint Community
College, founded in 1923, which
"could not be designated a very
flourishing educational institu-
tion," recalls University Dean for
State-wide Educatin H-Arnld M

It culminated when a Board of
Education study in 1951 took
special note that Flint was one of
a diminishing number of cities its
size that lacked a four-year state
institution for post-high school
* * *
the final catalyst to appear. A
long-time advocate of better high-
er education, he was a man des-
tined to become one of the major
benefactors of higher education
for Flint and the entire state of
He is Charles Seward Mott, who
in the pioneer years of 1950-51'
prepared to donate his first of
many millions of dollars to the-
Flint four-year institution efforts.
Mott promised to give $1 million
from his foundation if the voters
of Flint would approve a $7.5
million higher education bond is-
They did and he chipped in with
more than the $1 million-as he

has done before and since-so
that Flint and University officials
could now shift their thinking
from whether they could expand
upon the inadequate junior college
education to how to accomplish
* * * 9
THE "HOW" decided upon was
the "two-two plan" whereby the
Flint Community College educa-
tion would be complemented by a
two-year senior educational pro-
gram at Flint College.
Thus Flint students were given
the opportunity to attend the
community college for two years
and then, if they desired, to move
up to the senior college for two
years and graduate with a Bach-
elor of Arts degree from this Uni-
Structurally, Flint College re-
lated to the University like any of
its then-sixteen colleges. But at
the same time, it developed loose*
organic ties with the community

WITH THIS precarious struc-
tural balance, Flint College open-
ed in 1956 with an enrollment of
167 under the capable hands of a
national education expert, Dean
David M. French.
As an "upper division" unit, the
college "found its work cut out
for it," French relates. The Flint
Community College members
flocked to it (70 per cent of the
students now at Flint formerly
attended the community college),
fairly certain of their major aca-
demic interest.
"It was our -ob," French ex-
plains, 'to bring these students to
baccalaureate levelstof compe-
tency in the two short years they
were in attendance."
He set ably about his task and
the citizens of Flint subsided their
interest, confident at last that
their city had a strong program of
four-year college education.
(TOMORROW: The curricu-
lum is set up.)

Thomas Explains DAC Stand




To the Editor:
IN ANSWER to Mr. Berkson's
editorial smear of' the Direct
Action Committee and its chair-
man, I would like to say that I
have no intention of engaging in
a mud-slinging contest with him
or The Daily. I only want to tell
these nice white folks what it's
like to be black and have to live
in America.
Mr. Berkson charges that neith-
er I nor DAC have investigated
the University's "facts" involved
in the phenomena of race dis-
crimination at the University of
Michigan. Let's look at the Uni-
versity's employment record. One
thousand Negroes employed by the
Univeristy, you say? Where? Not
in the SAB, not in the Adminis-
tration offices. They're all over
at little Harlem, the University
Hospital, washing walls, cleaning
toilets, mopping floors, emptying
bedpans, and taking care of you
so-called good white folks. If you
don't believe me, go and look
for yourself sometime, before
you start writing your editorials.
* * *


sanction of Student Government Coun-
cil's membership regulations has at last
confirmed its authority to implement Re-
gents Bylaw 2.14 in regard to student or-
The bylaw prohibits discrimination
within the University. But action taken at
Wednesday's meeting indicated that
Council members are unclear concerning
heir role in implementing it in areas out-
side student organizations.;
Since Council is primarily a "pressure
Group" rather than a body with any real
egislative power, it can only recommend
policy proposals to the Regents. Yet, to
he extent that it can influence regental
policy, it should and must express "stu-
lent opinion" on all issues which have a
:rucial bearing on students at the Uni-
WHEN COUNCIL established its author-
ity to work for the elimination of dis-
,rimination in student organizations, it
vas simultaneously at its zenith and na-
jir as a pressure group. On the one hand,
t was able to exercise complete responsi-
)ility in the sphere of student organiza-
On the other hand, the question of a
new direction" for Council action loomed
head. Should Council be satisfied with
ts initial gain in actually governing stu-
lents or should it seek to extend its au-
If the latter, with which areas should
Oouncil be concerned?
JST SUCH A DILEMMA. confronted
Council Wednesday night when the
Luestion of discriminatory scholarships
ras raised.
First of all, is the goal of eliminating
liscrimination applicable to scholarships
vhich are awarded on the basis of race,
eligion or national origin?
If so, should the elimination of schol-
rships which require discriminatory
ualifications be "retroactive'; i.e., should
he administration of such scholarships
vhich were accepted by the Regents prior
o their adoption of Bylaw 2.14 be discon-
While Conil members felt a need to

under a blanket policy. While the ideal of
eliminating discrimination has great pri-
ority, the ideal of promoting and educat-
ing underprivileged minorities (for whom
most discriminatory scholarships are spe-
cified) perhaps has equal priority.
At any rate, when ideals come into con-
flict, concessions must be made. SGC con-
ceded that the elimination of discrimina-
tory qualifications should be a require-
ment for the future acceptance of schol-
arships by the Regents (a policy, inci-
dentally, which the Regents have gener-
ally adhered to since their adoption of
Bylaw 2.14).
However, Council did not feel that the
administration of discriminatory scholar-
ships already donated to the University
should be halted.
In the main, Council members felt that
the monetary benefits to be derived from
these scholarships justified their reten-
tion by the University. If the University
should refuse to administer them, the
funds would either lie unused or be re-
turned to the estate of the benefactor.
Therefore Council endorsed a motion
calling for the Regents to "adopt and re-
lease a policy statement to the effect that
in the future the University will not ac-
cept or administer any scholarships with
eligibility requirements which discrimin-
ate on the basis of race, religion or na-
tional origin."
COUNCIL REFUSED, however, to adopt a
motion urging the Regents to "adopt
a policy whereby . one discriminatory
scholarship is dropped for every non-dis-
criminatory scholarship adopted of equal
or greater amount."
While deliberations on the merits of the
first motion provoked no great controver-
sy, arguments both pro and con concern-
ing the latter were vehement. Ultimate-
ly, the "pragmatists" won out.
Nonetheless, once the vote was decided
Council members still appeared uncertain
about the whole issue.
The uncertainty may have stemmed
from a feeling that perhaps the eventual
realization of an intangible ideal is more
important than the immediate implemen-
.t . . . . .. .

He is the first and prese
of the most crucial admin
on whose judgment the F
pansion possibilities depet
member of the current
committee investigating
pansion outlook he notes
tail the grass-roots spark
ter education in Flint st
the forties.
This movement for qual
year education proceeded
when a survey, taken in
statistically demonstrated
need" for state-provided
cock directed that on
he did make his tradition
on, but where was the
Hitchcock style? Where
suspense, the fast pace,
ventiveness and the sard
that we have come to expi
the man?
"Spellbound," now at
Guild, is essentially ba
Hitchcock has always us
grade material. His peculia
has been his ability to imy
style upon poor material,
raising it to the level of Y
tertainment. "Spellbound
the style and we are lefti
most unentertaining dreg
The film purports to be
tery, but it is really an a
of two Hollywood types
Meets Girl" and "This
* 'I *
THE PLOT is quite siml
meets Girl; Boy (sufferi]
neurosis) loses Girl; Girl
chiatrist) cures neurosis;1
Girl. The boy in this casei
ory Peck, tall, dark andr
The girl is Ingrid Bergm
and clinical-until she
Sample the sophisticat
logue: "Does love happ
way?"; "It can happen in
and, "I couldn't feel tr
about a man who was bad
out of "True Romances."
Secondarily, "Spellbou
another one of those "this
chiatry" public service d
taries. Following the cre
are warned that "This fil
with . . ." And through
film we are treated to su
descending explanations a
job is to . .." and, "peop
do things . . ." It is all
* * *
c-lm -.,.rm r , L.

V1. BUT YOU'LL say there just
n on aren't enough Negroes well enough
ntly one educated for the better jobs-jobs
Fitator like secretaries and file clerks for
n.nt ex- Mr. Lewis and Mr. Pierpont. Yes
Anquir indeed, it's sure hard to find
the ex- Negroes who can perform such
with de- highly skilled functions as typing,
for bet- answering the phone, and sitting
arted in on the bosses' lap, isn't it? .
Since, you also found it neces-
ity four- sary to smear me personally, I'd
to grow like to give a little background on
1948-49, myself. At 13, I lied about my age
a "real and joined the U.S. Army. I was
higher trained at Fort Belvore, Va., and
was killing Chinese when you were
playing cowboys and Indians. You
had me so fooled about defending
your freedoms, that I felt bad be-
cause I didn't have two lives to
give for my country.
In 1951, while I was out on Old
Baldy, college students in Ann
Arbor were having their first
panty raid. At 15 I was sent home
when my 'real age was discovered.
Tired of killing the yellow people
I Hitch- for you white people, I came back
e? True, to the United States. Truman was
al walk- President then. God Bless old Bess
familiar Truman, member of the DAR,
was the which told Marian Anderson that
the in- she could not sing in Constitution
onic wit Hall in Washington, D.C., because
ect from she was black. I re-enlisted two
years later in the Marines and
Cinema have been in Ceylon, India, Pak-
nal, but istan, Singapore, Hong Kong,
ed low- Phillipines, Korea, Japan, Iwo
ir genius Jima, Okinawa, New Guinea -
press his you name it, daddy, I've been
thereby there with a gun in my hand. (But
high en- it was your government that put
L" lacks the gun in my hand.)
with the *
s. I AM NOW temporarily retired
a mys- with a good service record and no
malgam police record, except for one
s: "Boy drunken disorderly. (But it was
is Psy- you who gave me the juice
so I'd get my head whooped.) I
tend to agree with Malcom X who
ple: Boy says the white man is like a dope
ng from addict in the way he treats the
(a psy- Negro. He won't let my people in-
Boy gets tegrate with him; he won't let us
is Greg- separate from him. We're his
neurotic. "habit." If he "kicks" us, he'll die.
an, cold If he doesn't "kick" us, he'll die
meets too.
I've never really been concern-
ed dia- ed with what the white newspap-
en this ers say about DAC or me, but.
a day"; your last smear really made me
his way mad. I just got fed up with you
." Right middle-class liberals telling us
black folks how to win our free-
nd" is dom. You lousy hypocrites sit on
is psy- our backs day and night and when
ocumen- we start to stand up, you say, "Be
dits, we peaceful."
m deals Damn you all. We are fighting
out the for our survival, and it's for keeps.
ch con- Why don't you write your editor-
as: "our tals about those crummy FBI
le often agents who follow me around and
1 rather have all kinds of time to intimi-
date DAC, but are to busy to find
who's responsible for 50 some
+ es .n s 1i mvra ie i- i=_ ... % I n T

and then let mad dog racists
butcher my people.
BE PEACEFUL, Mr. Berkson
says to us. We were peaceful in
Washington, D.C., this summer-
250,000 of us. No stabbings, no
shootings, no fights, no riots. But
those days are over. You say, I
once said, "Negroes with guns
shall overcome." I still say it! My
people get no protection in this
anti-Negro system. The murderers
of those six black kids in Birm-
ingham were turned free; the
murderer of William Moore is free.
My people are still getting shot,
bombed, beat and hanged, and you
say be peaceful.
What kind of fool do you think
I am? Your parents weren't
brought to this country in chains
and beaten down into 400 years
of slavery and servitude. Your.
brothers and sisters aren't being
beaten and murdered by mobs
every day. They aren't filling the
jails with your people, and they
a r e n 't building concentration
camps in Louisiana and Mississip-
pi for your people.
SEVENTY million Negroes have
died at the hands of racist Ame-
rica and themurder hasn't stop-
ped yet. I can never forgive the
white man for that. Be peaceful,
you reply. For that I will never
forgive you, Mr. Berkson.
Every day my people are being
lynched and you say be peaceful.
When you don't give us jobs,
that's legalized lynching; when
you give us fifth rate education,
that's legalized lynching; when
one of the racist cops shoots one
of my people, that's legalized
lynching. "Be peaceful" you reply.
I'd be a fool to advocate that
20 million Negroes attack 160 mil-
lion whites, but I do say, "hit
back!" So don't tell me to be
peaceful. Tell it to your racist
people. Peace and law are lies put
out to preserve the rule of the
white power structure. You don't
know the problems of my people.
No white man ever can. So I don't
trust anyone white. It's getting
hard even to like anything white.
I don't even eat white bread.
* * *
THERE'S AN old saying: "If
you're white, you're all right; if
you're brown stick around; if
you're black, get back." It's chang-
ing now: "If you're black, here's
where it's at; if you're brown, hold
your ground; if you're white get
ready to fight."
I personally challenge any white
man in America, student, profes-
sor, President Hatcher, President
Kennedy to show mye why my peo-
ple should be peaceful. Let me
mention the incident where a
Negro girl was asked what she
thought should be done to Adolf
Eichmann, murdered of 6 million
Jews? "Turn him black and send
him to America," she said.
Look also at your "Newsweek"
survey of white attitudes toward
the Negro. You don't want us liv-
ing near you, working near you,
eating near you, schooling near
you. In fact, you don't want us
to have a damn thing and then
you say be peaceful.
* * *
LET ME tell you nice college
students - Young Democrats,
Young Republicans, Young Fas-
cists, conservatives and liberals,
the whole damn bunch of you -
don't tell my people to be pace-
ful. Go peddle that garbage to
your people. They're the ones so
full of hate and violence. We're
sick of tokenism, gradualism, and
And stop pointing your fingers
' at that nasty old Iron Curtain to
divert our attention. There's no
difference between the no vote in
Russia and the no vote down
South; there's no difference be-
tween no travel behind the Berlin
Wall and no travel behind the
cotton wall. You spend millions to
send the so-called truth behind
the Iron Curtain, why don't you
..,, A +1, c .ms- Ti - ~ m t 14

by you white oppressors, like I
am now. But my people know I
speak the truth. You've been slow-
ly murdering the back man, kill-
ing him bit by bit every day.
YOU CALL DAC a sick group.
Yes we're sick. Sickaof a system
that sentences two Negro boys
(ages 7 and 9) to prison for rape
because a white girl kissed them,
or of a system that puts aaNegro
man in prison for 10 years be-
cause he looked up from his work
at a white woman standing 75
yards away. (Why don't you write
an editorial about thats your peo-
ple did that.) We're sick indeed.
Sick of your whole damn, rotten
If my people don't get their
rights we shall separate. I'm not
yet as fed up with you whites is
Malcom X. is. I don't think all
whites are dumb and ugly. Out of
160 million there must be some
who aren't damn fools. I'm not
anti-America; I'm just Charles
Thomas, a black man who has
wised up to you whites and grown
-Charles Thomas, Jr.
To the Editor:
A WORD about Andrew Orlin's
recent editorial, "Moralists'
Actions Inhibit Freedom of the
Press." Though written with a
good deal of verve and color, I
do not find it up to the usual high
quality of editorials in The Daily.
Why not? Because it makes no
pretence at being objective.
Mr. Orlin's editorial errs as
much 'in the way of outraged
emotion as did, presumably, the
exasperated clergyman from his
own home area in New York City,
who thought that fasting might be
a way to get some action from
Mayor Wagner against newstand
pornography. The bias of his ap-
proach betrays itself at once in
such highly charged terms as
"moralists" (the perennial whip-
ping boys of the Academy),
"muckrakers," "the pure of heart,"
and "puritan-minded." (A puri-
tanical rabbi; that's a new twist!)
* * *
PERHAPS, however, the pro-
blem merits more serious treat-
ment than just to be waved aside
in starry-eyed defense of free
press. The publishers of hard-core
pornography and kindred material,
as cynical and ruthless a group
as anything to be found in Cosa
Nostra, ask nothing better than
to have the field to themselves.
Free press, by all means. Pro-
viding that we recognize the con-
cept' of responsibility built into
freedom wherever it is authentic.
Freedom does not mean doing
anything under the sun and get-
ting away with it. It is rather
the right to choose among any
number of good and honest meas-
ures. In the newspapers, honest
reporting, political controversy and
advertising can only flourish when
guaranteed by libel laws, measures
against fraudulent advertising,'
Does a person have to be writ-
ten off as a white knight or a
hopeless Don Quixote if he believes
an eyeushould be kept on what
the young ones are reading in
their immature and formative
years? Not that every adult (or
every clergyman!) should be a
busybody. But over and beyond
the duties of parents and teachers,
we must decide whether we be-
lieve in society as a responsible
SHOULD NOT a Christian, or
even a decent society express con-
cern when it finds its young people
barraged by a whole raft of peri-
odicals that reduce human love
to the crudest levels of stimulus
response and which run wild over
the whole gamut of abnormal
violence? Should not responsible
citizens in that sciety have the




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