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October 27, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-27

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Seventy-Third Year
rruth Will Prevail"
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al; reprints.

Role of Research Supported

The Big Myth about Aid
To Developing Nations


AAAC, Heyns Lead 'U'
To Examine Its Future

NEW AND influential group is begin-
ning to take a careful look at the
versity's future.
alled the Academic Affairs Advisory
imittee, it was organized by Vice-
ident for Academic Affairs Roger
as and is made up of the deans of
University's schools and colleges and
ns. Its major project right now is to
some idea of where the University
d and should be five or ten years
2 now.,
A LARGE, diverse and decentralized
stitution such as this one, this com-
ee's undertaking is a big assignment.
y important academic decisions are
e within the individual schools and
ges, in many different ways and
er many different educational philoso-
s. The upper administration's position
fluential but ambiguous. Its financial
er, close ties with the Regents and
r, more subtle, levers give it a strong
incomplete say over what goes on.
,s decentralization is in many ways
rable. An' institution of this size, if
bly and uniformly run from the top,
d be prone to stagnation and dis-
ent in the lower ranks. The Univer-
s diversity certainly makes it a live-
place. As one professor put it, "the
akes they make in other departments
t foul us up."
it when faced with a University-wide
s, such as the enrollment boom; or
: considering broad questions, such
ze future of graduate and undergrad-
'education or the proper role of re-
ch, the University's disunity is a lia-
y. The administration must either
k decisions past ;the faculty or not
e them at all, letting the institution
FAR - AS some officials have ad-
ntted-little has been done to give
University direction. Now the AAAC
epping in.
its spring, Heyns asked each dean to
nit a report, detailing where his par-
ar school stands now and where he
it and the whole University should
ve or ten years from now. Heyns then
each dean's prospectus and sent it
11 the other deans, who read all the
rts and revised their own in light of
ideas they found there.

Now, at the monthly AAAC meetings,
each dean gets a chance to present a ver-
bal commentary on tie problems and
predictions outlined in his report. Then
the other deans question him about the
ideas he expresses.
THE AAACas a group, has no authority.
But it is no idle debating society: its
members, individually, are the Univer-
sity's top academic decision-makers. The
deans are the big men in their own
schools and colleges, where crucial edu-
cational policies are determined; and
Heyns is the University's most dynamic,
and in many respects most powerful, ad-
ministrator. The effect these men will
have on one anther-if the AAAC plan
works out-will result in a more unified
and forward-looking University.
At the same time, the AAAC concept
safeguards the beneficial side of decen-
tralization. It opens the door to unity by
promoting voluntary agreement between
the schools, but does not threaten to stifle
experimentation within the individual
units by imposing administrative fiats in
the name of unity.
WHETHER this exciting start will lead
to anything worthwhile remains to be
seen. Given the tremendous diversity of
philosophy and practice among the Uni-
versity's divisions, the chances of the
AAAC reaching a full cdiisensus on basic
academic issues appears slim. But at least.
the participants should approach oe an-
other open-mindedly and disagree from a
University-wide, instead of provincial,
And hopefully Heyns will begin as soon
as possible to publicize the deans' reports,
so that the faculty (and the handful of
students who are interested) may also
broaden their viewpoint and join the
debate. After all, whatever consensus the
group may reach will be immensely more
potent if the rest of the faculty is be-
hind it.
THE KIND of broad introspection the
AAAC is attempting is long overdue.
And the fact that our newest and young-
est vice-president was the mover behind
the idea bodes well for the future of the
University. --KENNETH WINTER

To the Editor:
editorial in The Daily for Oct.
23 has two main themes. One,
true beyond dispute, is that the
prolonged dearth of state funds
has hurt undergraduate education
here. The other is that undergrad-
uate education "has been forced to
carry most of the burdens of sub-
standard state appropriations over
the last six years." The substance
of his argument on this latter
point is that too many state dol-
lars go into paying faculty mem-
bers for graduate teaching and re-
search; too few state dollars go
into paying faculty members for
undergraduate teaching.
While I can cite no conclusive
statistics, I believe that the oppo-
site is true. Mr. Sattinger did not
take into account the very large
contributions which federal and
other non-state research funds
make to faculty salaries, labora-
tory costs, and other kinds of costs
of teaching. Ten of the 114 mem-
bers of the psychology department,
for example, are paid entirely
from state funds. The 104 others
are paid in part from state funds
and in part from research grants,
contracts, or other non-instrue-
tional fund sources. So a question
crucial for Mr. Sattinger's argu-
ment is whether the allocation of
a faculty member's effort between
teaching and other activities cor-
responds to the division of support
for his salary between state in-
structional funds and other funds.
MANY FACULTY activities cn-
tribute to both research and teach-
ing: examples are supervision of
undergraduate and graduate stu-
dent research projects, member-
ship on thesis committees, coun-
seling of undergraduate or gradu
ate students interested in research
careers, etc. In the case of a pri-
marily research-oriented profes-
sor, such activities are major parts
of his work, since he usually does
his research in collaboration with
his students, while teaching them
how to be researchers. A major
effect of the prolonged dearth of
state funds has been to make it
necessary for such activities which
serve both purposes to be funded
mostly out of research funds rath-
er than-state funds. Thus research
funds are providing a not-very-
well-disguised. subsidy for teach-
ing activities of the University.
In addition, the overhead that
the University collects from re-
search grants and contracts, cur-
rently calculated at 54 per cent of
salaries and wages for federal re-
search contracts, provides sup-
port for many activities (library,
salaries of administrators, etc.)
which also serve instructional
functions. Whether that support
is greater than, less than, or equal
to some "fair" share of the cost
of these activities is impossible to
determine and irrelevant. It is
certainly clear that overhead pays
much more than the marginal cost
of. administrative support for re-
search; that is, it far exceeds the
savings of administrative costs
that the University could achieve
by refusing all research funds.
* * *
THE' STATE appropriation for
"general operations" (which means
instructional and administrative
purposes) in the fiscal year which
ended last June was $36.7 million.
Of that sum, $740,000 was for
state support of the Institute of
Science and Technology, so the
sum intended for ordinary instruc-
tional and administrative purposes
is more like $35.9 million. Total
expenditures for research during
that same year were $35.5 million,
of which only negligible amounts
came from the state general oper-
ations appropriation. The total
amount of money avilable for
spending on research' was, of
course, larger than that; not all
spendable money gets spent. In
the fiscal year which ends next

June, the state appropriation for
general operations will be about
$37.5 million, after deduction of
$746,000 appropriatedfor IST. To-
tal expenditures for research will
be approximately $40 million.
There is every reason to suppose
that the trend will continue; sup-
Port for research (mostly from
federal funds) will continue to in-
crease at a considerably higher
rate than support for teaching.
Th'ese figures imply that the re-
search-fund subsidy to teaching
activities is very, large, though
exact determination of its amount
would be impossible. Naturally,
more of that subsidy goes to grad-
uate than to undergraduate edu-
catIon, since graduate students are
more extensively involved in re-
search and research-related activi-
ties than are undergraduates. And
the picture varies from one school
and department to another; it is
highly likely that more teaching is
subsidized by research funds in
psychology than in English, and
more in instrumentation engineer-
ing than in psychology. But the
subsidy from overhead applies to
the entire University, and more di-
rect subsidies -apply to all of the
natural, biological, and social sci-
4 * 'I
THE FACT that research is such
a highly visible activity on cam-
pus, and that professors spend so
much of their time doing it, does

federal legislators who vote abund-
ant support for research and of
state legislators who do not vote
abundant support for higher edu-
cation imply a social judgment
that this state of affairs should
Personally, I think the heavy
research orientation of this Uni-
versity is a good thing for educa-
tion as well as for research, Con-
trast between the quality of educa-
tion obtained here and that ob-
tained at state universities in
which little research is done sug-
gests that learning (though not
necessarily teaching) is better
done in an environment heavily
committed to research as well as
to teaching than in one commit-
ted to teaching almost exclusively.
For undergraduate and graduate
students alike, it is far more im-
portant tolearn how to create and
use new knowledge than to learn
about what is already known; in
most fields, existing knowledge
obsolesces too rapidly to be the
core of the post-college intellectual
life of an educated adult.
-Prof. Ward Edwards
Head, Engineering Psychol-
ogy Laboratory, Institute of
Science and Technology
Suspend Sales .. .
To the Editor:
plorable that on the day of the
7th anniversary of the Hungarian
Revolution, the United States gov-
ernment announced the sale of 1.2
million bushels of corn to Hun-
gary and the opening of talks with
the Soviet Union about the sale
of surplus wheat.
Just seven years ago this nation
was deeply moved by the rebellion
of thousands of dedicated and pa-
triotic Hungarians against the op-
pressive yoke of the Red masters.
Now seven years later, our govern-
ment is engaged in aiding these
same masters to cover up the in-
efficiencies of the political and
economic system which we so
emphatically oppose.
V ~ i
WE URGEthe kennedy admin-
istration to rededicate itself and
the nation to "the great task re-
maining before us-that from
these honored dead we take in-
creased devotion to that cause for
which they gave the last full
measure of devotion-that we here
highly resolve that these dead
shall not have died in vain."
The State
WITHR THE progressive perish-
ing of its ideal the race loses
more and more the qualities that
lent it its cohesion, its unity and
its strength. The personality and
intelligence of the individual may
increase, but at the same time
this collective egoism of the race
is replaced by an excessive de-
velopment of the egoism of the
individual, accompanied by a
weakening of character and a les-
sening of the capacity for action.
What constituted a people, a
unity, a whole, becomes in the end
an agglomeration of individualities
lacking cohesion, and artificially
held together for a time by its
traditions and institutions.
It is at this stage that men, di-
vided by their interests and aspi-
rations, and incapable any longer
of self-government, require direct-
ing in their pettiest acts, and that
the State exerts an absorbing in-
--Gustave Le Bon
"The Crowd," 1914

To implement this rededication,
we urge the administration to
suspend the sale of corn to Hun-
gary and the talks with the Soviet
Union. We also urge it to work
diligently for the end of trade
between our allies and the Com-
munist bloc. Finally, we urge the
government to re-establish the
policy of advocating and seeking
methods to free the captive na-
-Berge Gregian, '64L, Chair-
man of the Special Com-
mittee on the Captive Na-
-Douglas Brook, '65, Chair-
man of Young Republicans
-James Russell, '66, Chair-
man of Young Americans
for Freedom
-Arthur J. CoIlingsworth, '66
No Guarantee.. ..
To the Editor:
THIS IS A COPY of the letter
sent to the Ann Arbor Human
Relations Commission from the
Human Relations Board of Stu-
dent Government Council:
The Human Relations Board of
the University has always been
interested in cooperating with in-
dividuals and organizations work-
ing to improve human relations in
Ann Arbor. The letter requesting
that we inform the commission
of our proposed activities in this
area states that "The Commis-
sion is confident that it will have
the full interest and suport, fi-
nancial and otherwise, of the City
Council and administration in a
new and expanded program."
In light of the recent action
taken by the city council with
regards to the fair housing or-
dinance, we cannot snare yar
optimism that city officials of
Ann Arbor will support any ac-
tion leading to the improvement
of human relations in our city.
the commission is making some
efforts at increasing its represen-
tation of the community, it is
essential that appointments to
the commission are designed to
improve its effectiveness.
Even with the addition of two
members to the commission, there
is no guarantee that the commis-
sion will be improved. Might we
suggest that the number of com-
mission members is less important
than the quality of those appoint-
Mayor Creal's most recent nom-
ination for the commission, Mr.
Bletcher, is ample indication that
we cannot expect an effective
commission under present circum-
* * *
most of the blame for the inef-
fectiveness of the commission in
the past rests with the City Coun-
cil of Ann Arbor, we do feel that
the commission itself, with coura-
geous leadership, could greatly in-
crease its effectiveness.
When the commission is able to
regain the confidence of those
seeking to end discrimination in
our community, we will be more
than happy to offer our full co-
operation. We are confident that
a Human Relations Commission
could be of great service to the
This, however, necessitates the
sincere action of our city council
and mayor toward a -just solution
to the most important problem
which faces our nation, our state
and our city.
-David Aroner, Chairman
Human Relations Board

THE BIG MYTH about aid to the
developing countries is that
there has been some.
There hasn't been any, because
the countries that have given the
aid with one hand have taken it-
and more-away with the other.
By definition, the developing
countries are non-industrial. They
are, as the saying goes, primary
producers. They have to sell their
products when the growing season
is over. They have to sell them to
the industrial countries, and they
have to take the price the indus-
trial countries will pay.
The industrial countries don't
have to sell to the developing
countries at all unless they feel
like it. They may not feel much
like it, because selling and collect-
ing in Nigeria may not be as con-
venient or profitable for a New
York firm as selling and collecting
in Ohio or Canada.
* * *
tries sell to Nigeria, or Burma, or
Paraguay, they have an advantage
because their prices are rising and
those in the developing countries
NTOXICATING rhythms, dazz-
ling gold-embroidered saris, and
a virtuoso performance by one of
India's greatest dancers, Shanta
Rao, amazed and delighted the
eyes and ears of the spectators.
Shanta Rao has been one of the
leaders in the spectacular revival
of classical Indian dance. Bhara-
ta Natyam, the ancient temple
dance of South India, is her spe-
In the opening number of the
program she gave a stunning ex-
ample of the use of the human
bodyas a percussive musical in-
strument. The drummer beat out
the rhythmic pattern, the nattu-
vanar spoke the rhythmic sylla-
bles, and Shanta Rao supplement-
ed them both with an exact ryth-
mic initiation with her feet.
IN "Satyabhama's Letter" she
showed another facet of her tal-
ent. The mudras the gesture lan-
guage of the dance, were done
with great expressiveness, preci-
sion and beauty.
The folk dance from Andhra,
danced by her assistants, Chan-
dramati and Padma, had more
fluid lines and less complicated
melodic and rhythmicmpatterns
than the classical numbers. The
girls danced with youthful vigor
but lacked the polish and precision
of Shanta Rao.
In the instrumental solo, Net-
happa Krishinappa, mridanga, and
S. P. Natarajan, flute, improvised
with and against each other in
perfect rapport. During the drum
solo the flutist obligingly beat out
the basic tala for those of us who
have difficulty following the beat.
NO SHARP LINES divide dance
from drama in Indian art. In
narrative dances such as the clos-
ing number, "Kunti-Karna," it is
difficult for_ a foreigner to follow
the story line. However, Bharata
Natyam can be appreciated on
many levels. It is the oldest living
art form in the world today.
-Judith Becker

are falling. The developing coun-
tries must put up more and more
to get less and less.
The terns of trade have been
so much against them as to wipe
out the aid they have received.
The changes since 1954 are in-
structive. On the UN index, the
prices of manufactured goods have
risen ten points, from 93 to 103.
The prices of primary commodi-
ties have fallen 16 points, from
109 to 93. The prices of goods sold
by Latin America, excluding petro-
leum, have declined even more
drastically, from 126 to 90, or 36
S * * *
THIS IS NOT the whole story.
In contrast to the noble reckless-
ness of the United States in help-
ing Europe everybody has been
excessively cautious about the de-
veloping countries. Through the
Marshall Plan the United States
pumped into post-war Europe
13 billions almost in a lump sum.
Eighty per cent of the money was
outright grants. These gifts were
made to countries that knew all
about industrialization and that
had human and other resources
wi h which to rebuild.
be suggestion that the advanc-
ed countries, to say nothing of the
United States alone, should spend
13 billions all at once on the un-
derprivileged nations would horri-
fy the statesmen and bankers of
the West.
The relatively picayune sums
they have made available to the
underprivileged countries have for
the most part been doled out as
commercial or semi-commercial
If these loans are repaid on
time, the repayments will about
equal, at the present rate, the new
aid being extended. The result will
be the same as no aid at all.
DAVID HOROWITZ, the gover-
nor of the Bank of 'Israel, has
discussed these matters for sev-
eral years on visits to the Center
for the Study of Democratic In-
stitutions in Santa Barbara. He
has now proposed his remedy to
the governors of the World Bank.
* Calling attention to the success
of the Marshall Plan and of an
investment in Israel of $5.7 billpn
in, twelve years, he has appealed
for a massive application of capi-
tal in the developing countries,
concentrated in a short' period. To
reverse the trend of the terms of
trade, he suggests eliminating all
customs' duties on the primary
products and simple manufactur-
ed goods of the underdeveloped
Governor Horowitz ends his
statement by saying, "What is
needed is an adequate scope of
capital flow, some "nagination
and, one might add, some gen-
eral understanding of the facts as
they are, flavored with a little
human sympathy.
(Copyright, Los Angeles Times)
S careless
"THE HAUNTING" is no doubt
one of the most useless movies
to come around in a long time. It's
not scary, not drama and not even
Directors should either make a
gory ghost story or a drama of
ideas and characters. Only an
artist like Henry James can use
the supernatural as 'a vehicle for
serious drama. "The Haunting"
is neither gore nor drama.
It seems that there is this
haunted house-Hill House-that
has had a couple of deaths and
a suicide. Naturally, it's in "the
remotest part of New 'England"
and built by an eccentric misan-
thrope. It's of that incredible style

of architecture which is known
as early ugly.
There is also this anthropologist
(any similarity to any professional
anthropologist living or dead is
purely coincidental) who is out
to "prove scientifically" the exist-
ence of the supernatural. It's pos-
sible that Richard Johnson may
have set back the scientific meth-
od 100 years.
* * *
WHAT LEADS ME to believe
that they may have tried to make
this a serious drama is the con-
stant reappearance of irrelevant
interpersonal interaction. Julie
Harris (the mousey type who is
just beginning to live her own
life) falls in love with Johnson
(who.is already married but does
not tell her).
Why Miss Harris agreed to do
this cmovie is .the biggest mystery
in the show.
Johnson mumbles j so badly
throughout the movie that you
thankfully can't understand his
Claire Bloom plays this sexy
(but not interested in the men in
the movie) mystic who has even
less purpose than the plot.
Russ Tambyln should have stay-
ed in "West Side Story."








- ld ?//fter! ' s '3±T he . te~/m'

rightfully accuse 1;im of carrying on
lalogue with his past, but they do not
essarily see all the reasons. There has
n a marked shift toward moderation
roldwater's recent pronouncements as
comes closer to seeking formally the
P presidential nomination.
. comparison of opinions written in
dwater's best-known book, "The Con-r
nce of a Conservative," published in
0, and a text of a Sept. 2 U.S. News and
rld Report interview show this trend
'ard moderation. In 1960, Goldwater
, "The graduated tax is a confiscatory
. One' problem with regard to
es, then, is to .enforce justice - to
dish the graduated features of our tax
s; and the sooner we get at the job,
sample of the Sept. 2 interview
ws: "Q. You've been quoted as saying
t a graduated tax is a confiscatory
is that your view? A. (Goldwater): I
't think I'd put it that way. But I
ak it has been destructive of initative
ad when you destroy American in-
tive, you destroy the possibility of
re earnings.... Q. Then you don't be-
,e in any graduation at all in the in-
ie tax? A. (Goldwater): I won't go that
but I'm opppsed to the theory."
4 OTHER issues, such as civil rights,
and the United Nations, Goldwater's
ition has not changed as sharply in
ent months, but the reactionary tone
Zis pronouncements has softened.
oldwater is still against civil rights
slation, but stresses his personal anti-
rimination beliefs more than he did
ee years ago. He is still opposed to
king the United Nations any more
n a debating society, but he has made
iself less ambiguous on whether or not

cals of either right or left. Goldwater has
gone as far as he can go with his radical
right support. If he is to get the GOP
presidential nomination, he must now
woo Republican moderate and liberal
This is one major factor, but not the
only one. Goldwater is beginning to real-
ize the complexities of the presidency and
that sweeping philosophical statements,
such as the one on the graduated income
tax, are not realistic. He is beginning to'
acknowledge the limitations of the in-
dividual in affecting the presidency.
The presidency, or any other public of-
fice, is so institutionalized so that an in-
dividual can make only limited changes
in its overall directidn and policies. Each
holder of the office leaves commitments
and ways of doing things that cannot
easily be discarded. Others, especially the
civil servants necessary to make the ma-
chinery work, have expectations and pat-
terns of operations that are difficult to
THUS THE "system 'will defeat Gold-
water as it has defeated every other
reformer. Goldwater's recent statements
seem to reflect the realization that he
cannot change the total drift of govern-
ment-backward or forward-and that he
can only change specific points.
He also seems to realize, as in the case
of the graduated income tax, that he is
stuck with features of government, no
matter how personally repugnant, and
that at best he can only modify them
THESE political facts of life do not di-
minish Goldwater's importance as a
presidential contender. He brings a gen-
eral policy orientation sharply distinct
frnm Pr PiArn+ t ;hr F_ Kennedy uinlike





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