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October 27, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-27

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Rockefeller Maps Comeback


Associated Press staff Writer

ALBANY - "If Dartmouth can
come from behind and win in the
fourth quarter, then why can't
we?" Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller
asked a small band of his New
Hampshire supporters in ringing,
pep-rally fashion at a private
His audience understood and
cheered the football allusion
Rockefeller used to describe his
present role in the contest for the
Republican nomination for Presi-
dent-that of optimistic underdog.
Most of them had watched a few
hours earlier, as Dartmouth,
Rockefeller's alma mater, defeated
Holy Cross in the last five min-
utes of their game. A hard-driving
offense and some razzle-dazzle
football did the trick.
Comes From Behind
a New York's governor hopes for
a parallel development in his po-
litical contest with Arizona's Sen.
,Barry Goldwater- that he can
come from far behind and win the
Republican nomination for Presi-
The governor is mounting a
hard-driving offensive and em-
ploying a few- razzle-dazzle tac-
tics himself.
Elaborate strategy, platoons of
advisers, tacticians, aides and field
troops, substantial sums of money
and some delicate decisions about
the place of Mrs. Rockefeller' in
the campaign are other factors of
th9 Rockefeller political operation.
Remain Bleak
But' even his warmest admirers
concede privately that the pros-
pects remain bleak.
Every poll of significance shows
Rockefeller trailing far behind
Goldwater, in New Hampshire,
which will be the first testing
ground in the fight for the nomi-
nation, and in the nation at large.
Rockefeller has, been having
trouble recruiting Republicans of
national stature to work for him.
Political Dismay
To many GOP leaders whose
support is essential, Rockefeller
long has been a frequent source of
dismay. His political views, the
surprising developments in his
private life and his harsh com-
ments on the conduct of party
affairs have alienated potential
1 Why, then, does he persist in his
quest of the nomination? What
makes him think he can overturn
the tradition that no divorced man
ever gained the White House and
that he can turn back the wave of
conservatism that many Republi-
cans see as their party's only hope
of winning in 1964?
Rockefeller continues in his
quest because of a desire for a
place among the world figures who
make the decisions affecting the
course of national and global
No Routine
He has demonstrated little ap-
petite for the routine administra-
tion of state government, leaving
most such dicisions to others while
* he consults with advisers on such
problems as nuclear testing, the
national economy, civil rights, and
the drain on United States gold
After 15 years in appointive
posts in government, Rockefeller
eventually realized that the big de-
cisions were made by those who
took the risks in politics. So, in
1958, he turned to active politics as
a step toward his goal and won
a governorship.
If he is reaching so high, why
did he jeopardize his political fu-
ture by divorce and then a second
marriage to a woman 19 years his
junior, the divorced mother of four
Good Timing
The answer to that lies in the
deep belief of Rockefeller and his
advisers in the power of high
strategy, timing and public rela-
The remarriage last May was
delayed until- after the governor

took office for a new term but was
timed well in advance of the 1964
Presidential activity. The theory
was that the impact of the remar-
riage on the public would have
softened by the time the governor
began pursuing the nomination.
Now, Mrs. Rockefeller appears
to be part of the grand strategy.
Prominent Role
She has a prominent role in his
campaigning at this stage and ap-
pears with her husband at politi-
cal gatherings, in reception lines

... Dartmouth fan
and at the many dinners that are
part of the campaign ritual.
Mrs. Rockefeller greets indiyid-
uals, exchanges pleasantries, signs
autographs with a printed 'Happy'
and turns, smiles, waves and looks
at her husband at the direction of
countless photographers.
But she holds no news confer-
ences and this precludes the possi-
bility that the new Mrs. Rocke-
feller will be asked her reaction to
the marital publicity, why she di-
vorced her husband, and custody
arrangements for her children.
Grass Roots
The strategy now calls for the
governor and his wife to meet
with Republican leaders and let
them hear Rockefeller's political
views, get;a first-hand look at his
famed, grass-roots campaign tech-
niques, chat with Mrs. Rockefeller
and form their own conclusions on
the couple they have heard so
much about.
There is no hard sell, no direct
appeal for support.
Rockefeller is aware that his
liberal views have brought Repub-
lican grumbling that he would be
a "Me-Too" candidate. He told
New Hampshire voters that he had
"fundamental, philosophical dif-
ferences with President John F.
Kennedy and his administration."
UN, Aid
In other talks, Rockefeller criti-
cized Goldwater for advocating
United States withdrawal from
the United Nations and abolition
of foreign. aid.
In those statements, Rockefeller
was adopting a middle-of-the-
road position between the Deiho-
cratic 'resident and the conserva-
tive Republican leader. This ap-
peared to be a reaction to the view
of some Republicans that Gold-
water is too far to the right and
Rockefeller too far to the left.
Rockefeller's main appearances
in New Hampshire last weekend
were on college campuses, where
he was assured of enthusiastic
audiences. His schedule contained
no public meetings that might
have been used as a barometer for
assessing his standing with New
Hampshire Republicans.

The campaign for that key state
is being slowly and carefully de-
The New Hampshire presidential
preference primary next March 10
will be the first in the nation. A
defeat for Rockefeller could be
the death of his political ambi-
tions. A victory could be a turn-
ing point in an endeavor not
marked by much initial success.
While Rockefeller concentrates
on the personal approach in the
preliminary phase of his cam-
paign, the behind-the-scenes po-
litical operation is directed by an
extensive staff in New York City.
Hinman Agent
A key man is George L. Hinman,
a coioration lawyer turned poli-
tical strategist. Hinman, from up-
state Binghamton is Rockefeller's
national agent.
Hinman, polished and diplomat-
ic, has been moving about the
country quietly, contacting GOP
state leaders and urging them to
make no commitments until they
have given Rockefeller a fair hear-
Hinman has given assurances
that Rockefeller will run and there
will be no repetition of 1959, when
the governor withdrew, abruptly
from national politics, abandoning
many of his early backers.
Other Strategists
Teams of specialists, such as
Henry Kissinger of the Harvard
Center forInternationaluAffairs,
help Rockefeller turn out policy
statements. They concern such
matters as nuclear testing, the
national economy and the drain
on the nation's gold reserves.
The Rockefeller operation on the
road also is an elaborate one. Eight
staff members accompanied him.
to New Hampshire, and five pre-
ceded him there to oversee prep-
He is paying almost all the cost
of the campaign out of his own
pocket, although some of his aides
are on the state payroll.
Private Finance
Rockefeller seeks to avoid charges
that taxpayers are financing his
presidential activity. He travels in-
the Rockefeller family's private,
22-passenger airplane which has
a full-time crew of three.
He has centralized extensive
executive offices of state govern-
ment and his private, political,
operation in one building, owned
y him, in mid-Manhattan.
Here, the governor is free of
the ceremonial and operational
demands on his time that face him
at the state capitol.
High Goals
Rockefeller, a businessman-phi-
lanthropist before he entered poli-
tics, has created the sort of office
to which he is accustomed. He has
dedicated it to the task of man-
aging New York State and ob-
taining the Republican presiden-
tial nomination.
The experts at Rockefeller head-
quarters know they face a supreme
uphill test in the coming months
in attempting to capture a presi-
dential nomination that eluded
them four years ago.

U.S. Eyes
Tax Plan
By Tories
Associated Press Staff Writer
what had become a very grubby
economic situation, the British
Conservatives announced, enacted
and put into effect a big tax cut
last April.
It all took less time than Con-
gress needs to vote itself new
office space. Suddenly England
had a tax cut as big, proportion-
ately, as President John F. Ken-
nedy's $11-billion proposal, on top
of a bigger spending increase and
a bigger deficit.
The results? Simply ripping. If
not smashing.
Watch Those British
Kennedy's fiscal experts, who
had the big idea first, have kept
their eyes glued on British pro-
duction charts while other Ameri-
cans watched more frolicsome as-
pects of Tory rule.
There was skepticism at first.
The experts suspected the sur-
prising business bounce in Britain
might be just a recoil from the
wretchedly cold, industry-crippling
winter. And maybe that really was
part of it.
Furthermore, the administration
analysts may unwittingly be at-
taching undue weight to the ef-
fects of the British tax cut in
their zeal to convince Congress
and the country that the United
States needs similar measures.
Moot Points
Economics is not , an exact
science. The precise reasons for
booms and busts are always de-
bateable. Britain might be pros-
pering even if she had not cut
But by now, six months after
Chancellor of the Exchequer Reg-
inald Maulding delivered his
bundle of benefits to Britain, the
White House analysts are agreed
that the .Maudling method seems
to have worked.
And what's good for Rolls Royce,
they argue, would be good for
General Motors.
Up 48 Per Cent
Sales of new automobiles in
England last month were up 48
per cent from September of a
year ago.
The unemployment rate, which
was 3.5 per cent in the January-
March quarter, just before the
tax cut, had dropped to 2.1 per
cent in September.
The British job figures aren't
seasonably adjusted, but they still
look attractive by comparison with
the United States rate, which is
more than twice as high, adjusted
or not.
Higher than U.S.
The British index of industrial
production, mired at around 115
all last year, began to climb in
April. In August it was 121. The
United States rate since April
has risen about half as sharply.
By August, booming British
sales, currently one of the mushier
segments of the American econ-
omy, were even soggier in England
throughout 1962 and the first few
months of 1963. In April they
began to climb off the long pla-
teau; by August they were five
per cent higher.
Wistful Vista
United States officials who have
been struggling to boost exports
as a cure for the payments def-
icit are watching wistfully the
rise of British exports. In the
spring they were five per cent
above a year earlier; by the sum-

mer quarter, eight per cent.
But here at last a flaw showed'
in the rosy picture. Imports rose
too, as prospering Britishers be-
gan to buy more raw materials
abroad. Imports by last month
reached a high point for the year,
and the British payments deficit
has begun to widen again.
But it's a safe bet that con-
servative United States lawmakers,
including those running the Sen-,
ate's slow hearings on the Ken-
nedy tax bill, soon will be getting
an earful from administration wit-
nesses on how the British brand of
conservatism got results.

Brazil Views Contrasts,
Problems in Transition

Associated Press Staff Writer
RIO DE JANEIRO-Brazil is a
land of contrasts and problems.
This is a land in transition from
ancient to modern ways. Sao
Paulo, 280 miles to the south, is
a modern industrial city with sky-
scrapers and 4.5 million people to
Rio's 3 million. The Amazon val-
ley for to the north is mostly
untamed jungle. The far west is
underdeveloped frontier land with
millions of fertile acres.
Brazil has the potential of
greatness in its natural wealth and
the capacity of its people when
educated and given good leader-
ship. Its leaders talk confidently
of the future but the future is
still undecided.
Cold War
In the cold war struggle Brazil
is caught up with many other Lat-
in American nations. Communists
are active throughout the area.
The victory presumably will go to
the leaders who can ride the wave
of revolutionary change as it gains
No other country in Latin Ame-
rica faces quite the problems.
Brazil is so big it embraces them
all in some degree. It has so many
problems the people try to ignore
them. Impatient North Americans
would like many times to do some-
thing about them but are torn be-
tween hope and despair.
Behind the usual front of dip-
lomatic politeness and statements
about traditional triendship, re-
lations between the United States

The most urgent problem is in-
flation. The Getulio V a r g a s
Foundation says the cost of living
rose 51 per cent in nine months
this year. Individual items went
up more. The cost of beans, a
staple in the diet of the poor,
tripled from December to mid-
Inflation Race
Inflation has developed as a
race between rising costs and ris-
ing salaries. The demand for wage
increases hasbrought strikes and
threats of strikes. The big labor
unions, with some Communist
leadership, are the main source of
the government's political
strength. T h e i r demands get
The wage-price spiral has led to
heavy issues of paper currency.
Brazilian officials predict it will
all turn out all right. But foreign
experts are divided over whether
the economic crisis will create a
major political crisis.
Last March the Goulart govern-
ment agreed with the United
States to take measures for curb-
ing inflation in return for United
States financial assistance. The
United States promptly made the
first of several loans which netted
Brazil about $54 million. Brazil
took a few anti-inflationary steps,
then Goulart shook up his cabinet,
ousting the finance minister who
had made the agreement.
Shelve Reforms
Thereafter the three-year fiscal
reform plan was quietly shelved.
The United States reacted by sus-
pending a promised $100 million
loan to support the Brazilian
budget. United States officials
considered halting all aid to Bra-
zil, but decided to continue assist-
ing the country's development
where they could be sure of re-
Currently, the United States is
pouring aid into Brazil at the rate
of $350 million a year This helps
to build schools, roads, highways
and industries, to feed poor chil-
dren and treat the sick-especially
in the impoverished northeast
where Communists are a political
Brazil is slightly bigger than the
continental United States with a
population of almost 80 million
people. Half the population cannot
read or write. In many areas med-
ical facilities are skimpy and liv-
,ing conditions primitive
Recently quintuplets were born
to the wife of a rural laborer in
Goias state, only 25 miles from the


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.'- action in Brazil

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
HAJJAH, Yemen-Yemeni Roy-
alist headquarters says its forces
have virtually massacred Egyp-
tian troops which have remained
behind in the area around this
city. The United Arab Republic
has withdrawn its elite troops and
armor from the year-old counter-
revolutionary war.
NEW YORK-Daylight Savings
Time officially ended at 2 a.m.
this morning.
THE HAGUE-Britain moved
into closer contact with the Euro-
pean Common Market yesterday
with a proposal for a joint Brit-
ish-Common Market strategy for
forthcoming .tariff negotiations.
At the end of their two-day meet-
ing here, the Western European
Union ministers agreed on con-
sultations between the British and
the Common Market's executive
commission on how to handle the
'so-called "Kennedy round" of
t tariff negotiations next May in
* * * *
WASHINGTON - - The govern-
ment plans to assign 400 addi-
tional UHF television channels,
...... ....." "

370 of them for education, accord-
ing to the Federal Communica-
tions Commission.
* * *
WASHINGTON-The Teamsters
Union is conducting preliminary
bargaining with thousands of
truck firms from coast to coast
for its first nationwide contract
covering 400,000 drivers. But
Teamsters President James R.
Hoffa says there is no danger of
a nationwide strike, touching off
a possible national emergency
such as recently faced the rail-
VIENNA-Communist Romania
has ratified the limited nuclear
test ban treaty of Moscow, Radio
Bucharest reported yesterday. The
document was signed by President
and party boss Gheorghe Gheor-
ghiu-Dej at a session of the Ro-
manian State Council.

and Brazil are at a low point just
now, and periodically come under
severe strain.
Shake Up
The one thing on which officials
of both nations agree is that this
country needs to be shaken up
from top to bottom. Reform is the
great rallying cry in Brazilian
politics. Every major political
leader presents himself as a left-
ist-that is, as a man who favors
radical change.
Only a few days ago President
Joao Goulart told newsmen that
textile manufacturers have com-
plained they are stocking millions
of yards of cloth while 20 or 30
million people are practically
"It is not enough just to com-
plain," Goulart said. "What is
necessary is action which will im-
prove the standard of living of
the people."
High Goals
Higher living standards, agra-
rian reform, better education, in-
dustrialization, more schools, roads
and water systems are among the
standard demands of political
leaders. Goulart, who is one of the
nation's biggest land owners, is a
constant advocate of agrarian re-
In 20 years, according to a
United States expert on the sub-
ject, several hundred agararian re-
form programs have been drafted
and more than 25 have been intro-
duced into congress. Yet little has
actually been done. 'One foreign
ambassador here says Brazil is
underdeveloped economically and
overdeveloped politically, so that
political debate and maneuver be-
come substitutes for real action.


new Brazilian capital city, Bra-
silia. One was born dead, four
were alive. Within a few days,
however, the four died. Red d
A Rio de Janeiro newspaper, the
Brazil Herald, reported "it is be -L
lieved the four children born alive Michigan Daily CIass eds
might have survived had medical
attention been available.".
DEC. 27th JAN. 10th

nraiee or

"SCAPIN" and

t :e:

Student Air, Charters
Leave Nov. 27 . . ............... Return Dec. 1
Flt. No. 1-Leave Dec. 20 .................. Return Jan. 12
Flt. No. 2-Leave Dec. 21.................Return Jan. 12

APA Twin Bill
'Sheer Delight'

a.; :.

By Ted Rancont, Jr.
(News Drama Critic


"Phoenix" and "Scapin" are an
evening of sheer delight.
Without a message and with-
out a care for literary crusading,
the fun-loving APA respected
both by making its two classics
classically uproarious.
Laughter chased the 20th cen-
tury away, and we all waved it.
an impish adieu as we tripped
lightly into Fry's Roman tomb
and Moliere's Gallicized Naples
simnlv and nurelv to eninv our-

amusement that alternated from
sly sophistic digs to slapstick and
back again like lightning.
An- exquisite sparseness in the
touch of director Stephen Porter
complemented the vigor of the
three players to make the whole
a robusetly restrained gem of
slightly earth-colored fun that
left us wanting more.
Changing his mood completely
in the second half of the pro-
gram, Porter gave "Scapin" a
reading broad enough to have

. _ : -r AA.r Arid a-


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