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October 20, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-20

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To Give Britons

'No-Nonsense' Service
As New Prime Minister)

Common ers
Spell Future
For Success
Associated Press News Analyst
LONDON (?)-To be successful
as prime minister, Lord Home
must descend from the rarified
atmosphere of British aristocracy
and diplomacy to the hurly-burly
of the House of Commons.
He must establish quick contact
with the common man.
Only by doing this can the for-
mer \foreign secretary stand a
chance of leading Britain's Con-
servative Party to victory over
the opposition Labor Party led by
middle-class Harold Wilson in the'
1964 elections.
Clothes Make the Man
Home won't achieve the new
image simply by taking off the
ermine robe of a lord and earl's
To the man in the street, Home
often appears as a remote and.
antiquated figure living on bor-
rowed time. Many are against a
prime minister from the House of
Lords on principle. "After all, he
wasn't elected by anyone's votes,"
they say.
Few Against Him
1n fact, Home probably g6t the
top job because few were against-
him rather than because many
wanted him.
But-those who wanted him were
those who counted-other ancient
families like the Devonshires (in-
laws of former Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan) and the
Churchills, whose backing still
counts for a 'great deal in even a
modernizpd Tory party.

.. predicts aid cut

D ksen
Sees Cut

WASHINGTON R5-)-Senate Mi-
nority Leader Everett M. Dirksen
(R-Ill) predicted yesterday that
floor action will reduce the $4.2
billion for foreign aid approved
Friday by the Foreign Relations
Committee, and Majority Leader
Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) did not
contradict him.
It seems certain that the ad-
ministration bill will be forced
to struggle hard to keep the au-
thorization close to $4 billion, in
contrast to the $4.5 billion origin-
ally asked by President John F.
Mansfield refused to predict the
outcome of the debate starting Oct.

To Announce,
Cabinet List
Later Today
Report MacLeod
Turned Down Post
LONDON (P')--Lord, Home put
dowen a revolt in Britain's Con-
servative Party yesterday and
marched triumphantly to Buck-
ingham Palace, established as the
new prime minister.
Then, in a fireside chat to the
nation, he promised to give Britain
a no-nonsense, straight-forward
government in the stormy days
ahead for his party.
"No one need expect any stunts
from me--merely plain, straight
talking," he said.
Mutual Understanding
"I want to share all the govern-
ment's thinking with you and want
you to understand what the gov-
ernment is doing and why."
The chat was Lord Home's first
address to Britons in his new role.
It came at the end of a hectic day
that started with conferences with
his Tory rivals and the victory
trip to the palace.
After hoirs of tense bargaining
with party rivals, Lord Home told
the Queen he had support enough
to form a government.
To Be Announced
Home's aides said he would an-
nounce his cabinet list today.
Iain MacLeod, joint chairman
of the Conservative Party, and
Health Minister Enoch Powell,
were reported by some sources to
have turned down jobs in Home's
cabinet. Others doubted the re-.
Informants said the two believ-
ed appointment of a veer as prime
minister was contrary to the im-
age of a modern, progressive party.
First Since 1895
Lord Home, victor in a power
struggle that split the Conserva-
tive Party, is the first peer to win
the supreme prize of British poli-
tics since Lord Salisbury in 1895.
Informants said Home intended
to ask Labor Party leader Harold
Wilson for a delay in the reopen-
ing of Parliament until he is
elected to a Commons seat. But
even before this could be confirm-
ed as official, Wilson told a rally
in Manchester the Laborites reject
the request as'an impertinance."
Until Home is elected to a Par-
liament seat he will not be permit-
ted to speak in the Commons. The
election process will take about a

Blasts Rival
On Issues
By The Associated Press
HANOVER, N.H. (AP)-New York
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller charg-
ed yesterday that Sen. Barry Gold-
water (R-Ariz) had adopted po-
sitions "not in the best interests
of the American people" on such
issues as foreign aid, the World
Bank and United States member-
ship in the United Nations.
Rockefeller said he favored and
Goldwater opposed all three.
The New York governor thus
added to his growing list of ma-
jor issues on which he sees con-
flict between himself and the Ari-
zona senator.
Leading Non-Candidates
Goldwater and Rockefeller are
considered the leading prospects at
the moment for the Republican
nomination for President next
year, although neither has made a
formal declaration.
Rockefeller, while professing
agreement with Goldwater on fun-
damental Republican principles,
chose New Hampshire audiences
to hear him detail his differences
on specific issues.
The governor, with his wife ac-
companying him, made a two-day
tour of New Hampshire as he
opened a bid to win support for
this state's primary next March 10.
Calls for Debate
At almost every stop, Rockefeller
repeated his challenge to Gold-
water to join with him in a series
of debates on major issues.
Goldwater has refused on the
ground that Republicans should
unite and fight Democrats, not
fight among themselves, but Rock-
efeller is keeping up a barrage of
criticism that he hopes will crum-
ble the senator's opposition to the
debate idea.
The governor will confer with
GOP leaders in Vermont today
before returning to New York City.
A Wild Conservative?
Meanwhile, in Moscow, the gov-
ernment news agency Tass took
note of the fact that Goldwater is
a leading contender in the United
States presidential race and de-
nounced him as a leader of Ameri-
ca's "wild men."
The agency said he "describes
the ban on the launching of weap-
ons into outer space as a terrible
blow which the present American
government has struck at national
security" and added:
"He speaks the sentiments of the
most aggressively minded elements
of the American military quar-

Tax Cut Hopes Dwindle
While Senators Dawdle
WASHINGTON (P) - Chances
for enactment this year of Presi- bers may be scheduled each
dent John F. Kennedy's $11- later on the pending bill.
billion tax cut appeared even slim- However, staff aideshnoted
mer yesterday in the light of the November will not be a
snail's pace at which the first month for hearings.
week of Senate hearings moved. One day will be lost Nov. 1
Sen.Russll B Lon (D-a),Veterans Day, probably threet
Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La), the week of Nov. 18 becaus
second ranking Democrat on the the need ofhNdleau
finance committee, had this com- limit nreasebha andnew
ment on the opening four days of following week because of Tha
"Let's not kid ourselves. Not If the public hearings do
even an ounce of effort has been into December, there appear
shown so far to move this bill be no chance to complete
this year." other stages necessary to get
'Long and Redundant' bill to Kennedy's desk by the
Long told a reporter he found of the year.
the questioning of the first and Two Weeks of Voting
only witness heard this week, Sec- These include voting on the
retary of the Treasury Douglas in committee, expected to
Dillon, "very long and redundant." two weeks; floor debate, likel
Sen. George A. Smathers (D- run at least a week; and a
Fla), third-ranking Democrat on ference with the House, w]
the committee and also a support- would take several days.
er of the bill, said the first week The committee also ran inr
had been very slow but that he side issue which brought fur
was hopeful the pace could be delay.
speeded up drastically. This was the charge by C
Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn), an that a suggested press release
all-out foe of the bill, found the to Tennessee by an official of
opening sessions enlightening and Democratic National Comm
said many more are needed. was an attempt to bring poli
Enthusiasm Dwindles pressure on him or. even purge
"The actual contents of this bill in next year's election.
are now being examined, contrary Keel on Deck
to the debate in the House," he The official, William Keel
said. "The more the bill is looked rector of research, has been ca
at in detail, the less enthusiasm to testify tomorrow. The r
there is for it even among its was to force postponement o
supporters." appearance of Walter W. H
The committee fell well behind chairman of the President's C
its original schedule during the cil of Economic Advisers.
first week. It had planned to hear Dillon plugged hard throug
Secretary of Commerce Luther H. hisfour days before the comm
Hodges and Budget Director Ker- for enactment before Jan. 1
mit Gordon in addition to Dillon. that the new lower withho)
But the questioning of the rates can take effect that d
Treasury secretary ran so long The House bill so provides.
that both had to be delayed until The secretary said that u:
later, although both filed testi- the tax cut takes effect by 1
mony. o there is a risk that the ecor
140Witnwill stop moving ahead or
140Winesses turn down in 1964.
Chairman Harry F. Byrd (D-V4) turndownin_1964.
announced as the hearings opened
Tuesday that 140 witnesses had
asked to testify. He made public
a schedule for the first two weeks
which would run the public hear-
ings into December if they con-
tinue at the same pace.$s
By the week's end, the commit- O o
tee said the applications had risenDO
to 170.
The initial schedule calls for a
maximum of five witnesses on any
day. In the past, the committee
has heard as many as 10 or 12 A
on major bills. It said larger num-


World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
CAPE CANAVERAL-The second of two nuclear detection satel-
lites maneuvered into station high above the earth yesterday to com-
plete a unique space triple play in one of the United States' most
skillfully executed satellite launchings.
NEW DELHI-The Indian government claimed yesterday the
United States has agreed to equip two more mountain divisions for

Monday, October 28

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9 Physicists
o Chemists

from 34.50
tax included
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tax included
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the Indian Army. Top American
aid officials here denied it.
LONDON - Kenya's constitu-
tional conference ended in victory
yesterday for Prime Minister Jo-
mo Kenyatta's governing Kenya
National African Union. His op-
ponents stormed out of the last
day of meetings, accusing the Brit-
ish of dishonesty.
MOSCOW - Soviet composer
Dmitri Shostakovich has proposed
an annual Russian music festival
to offset those in other Iron Cur-
tain countries which provide a
sounding board for Western mu-
sic. He wrote in the Communist
Party newspaper Pravda yester-
day that a music festival in Mos-
cow would be "an arena of active
and effective struggle with for-
malistic bourgeois art."
Lausche (D-Ohio) said yesterday
the United States "better act soon
in recognizing the present gov-
ernment of the Dominican Repub-
lic," a military junta which over-
threw President Juan Bosch.



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Student Air Charters
Leave Nov. 27 ............... . . . ........... Return Dec. 1
Fit. No. 1-Leave Dec. 20.................. Return Jan. 12
Flt. No. 2-Leave Dec. 21 .. . ............... Return Jan. 12
In lkm TnlauI t cam I

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