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October 20, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-20

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.16 \ Southern Cal

. . i

Minnesota .... 6 Ohio State ... .


Wisconsin ... 10 Michigan State 20
Iowa......... 7 Indiana...... 3

Northwestern . 37
Mianti (0).... 6

Auburn . . . . . . 29
Georgia Tech .. 21

Notre Dame ... 27 Westminster ....
UCLA ........12 Slippery Rock..

See Editorial Page

5k 43aU l

:43 ati

Partly cloudy,

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXIV, No. 43







To Retire

One of the University's bus-
iest officials, Vice-President for
Research and Dean of the
Graduate School Ralph A. Saw-
yer, will retire next June 30 at
the age of 69.
In his dual role, Sawyer is
guiding both the University's
graduate and research programs
through periods of phenomenal
growth. Since he became grad-
uate school dean in 1946, grad-
uate enrollment has doubled--
and University research has
expanded from $5 million a year
to more than $35 million.
Even as graduate school dean,
Sawyer was in charge of ad-
ministrating and coordinating
much of the University's re-
search. In 1959, by which time
University research totalled
well over $20 million a year,
the Regents created the re-
search vice - presidency and
named Sawyer to the new posie-
Seek Successor
The. search for his successor
-or successors-is already un-
derway, Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss said
Friday. The work is presently in
the "talking and discussion"
stage, Niehuss reported.
The first decision to be made
is whether to retain the dean-
ship and vice-presidency as a
one-man job or to split them.
Niehuss noted that the retire-
ment of a dean or top adminis-
trator is always followed by a
reconsideration of the organi-
zation of his post.
Pointing toward a decision to
divide the two positions is the
likelihood that they soon will
become utterly impossible for

one man to handle: research
alone, for example, may total
$100 million a year by 1970. On
the other hand, the close rela-
tionship of research and gradu-
ate education argues for retain,-
ing both functions under one
Heyns' Responsibility
Finding a new graduate dean
is the direct responsibility of
Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Roger W. Heyns, since
this is an academic appoint-
ment. Traditionally this is done
through a faculty committee
formed for the purpose, and
this procedure twill be followed
in this care, Niehuss said.
In filling the vice-presidency,
the administration will consult
the faculty but may not form a
faculty committee, he added.

In accordance with Universi-
ty retirement policy, Sawyer
will go on retirement furlough
-relieved of his duties but still
receiving a salary-for one year
beginning June 30. Upon reach-
ing 69 years of age, officials
serve the rest of the term for
which they were appointed and
then must go on retirement
furlough, followed by actual re-
tirement at the end of the fur-
Here Since 1919
Sawyer first joined the Uni-
versity in 1919 as an instructor
in the physics department. He
was promoted to assistant pro-
fessor in 1922, associate profes-
sor in 1927 and professor in
Sawyer also directed the
Phoenix Memorial Project from
its inception in 1946 until his
vice - presidential appointment
in 1959.
At the same time, he has
been active in scientific work
outside the University. Most
notably, he was civilian techni-
cal director of the "Operation
Crossroads" atomic bomb tests
at Bikini Atoll in 1946.
During World War II he was
in charge of the Armor and
Projectile Laboratory at Dahl-
gren, Va. In 1943, he was made
experimental laboratories offi-
cer there andattained the rank
of commander. ,
His other activities include
leading the Advisory Council of
the Naval Proving Ground, the
Governing Board of the Ameri-
can Institute of Physics and the
Association of G r a d u a t e
Schools. He is a member of
numerous other scientific or-

Sees Rise
Of Crises
ORNO, Maine (AP) - President
John F. Kennedy said flatly yes-
terday that basic American-Soviet
differences "will give rise to
further crises, large and small."
But he said the quest for peace
must continue.
Kennedy, in a major foreign
policy address at the University
of Maine, hailed recent East-West
agreements as offering "new op-
portunities which we cannot af-
ford to miss."
Aims the Same
But he said that "no one of
these small advances, nor all of
them taken together, can be in-
terpreted as meaning that the
Soviets are abandoning their
basic aims and ambitions."
The President used these words
to summarize his attitude toward
dealings with the Communist
"While maintaining our readi-
:ness for war, let us exhaust every
avenue of peace. Let us always
make clear both our willingness
to talk, if talk will help, and our
readiness to fight, if fight w
Addresses Two Audiences
Kennedy's immediate audience
was a crowd of some 15,000 in the
university stadium. In a larger
sense, however, he was talking
both to the leaders of the Soviet
bloc and to the voters of America
who have heard sharp criticism
of East-West accords from Sen.
Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz).
Though Kennedy did not men-
tion the Arizona Republican who
may be his opponent in the 1964
election, he ticked off three agree-
ments opposed by Goldwater:
"It is in our national self-in-
terest to ban nuclear testing in the
atmosphere so thatall our citizens
can breathe easier. It is in our
national self-interest to sell sur-
plus wheat in storage to feed Rus-
sians and Eastern Europeans who
are willing to divert large portions
of their limited foreign exchange
reserves away from the implents
of war. It is in our national self-
interest to keep weapons of mass
destruction out of outer space."
We've Done Our Part
Kennedy said even a Soviet vio-
lation of the test ban treaty, or a
sudden refusal to buy American
wheat, would give "no reason to
regret the fact that this nation
had made every reasonable effort
to improve relations."
Without such an effort, he said,
"we could not maintain the lead-
ership and respect of the free
Kennedy noted that he spoke a
few days before the first anni-
versary of the Soviet-missiles-in-
Cuba crisis. 'He predicted new
crises after declaring the United
States and the Soviet Union
wholly differ "on so-called wars
of liberation and the use of sub-
version," saying:
Can't Conceal Them
"So long as these basic differ-
ences continue, they cannot and
should not be concealed; they set
limits to the possibilities of agree-
ment; and they will give rise to
further crises, large and small, in
the months and years ahead."
At another point, Kennedy said,
"there are new rays of hope on
the horizon-but we still live in
the shadow of war."



Education Mee

House- Senate
DAC Announces Picket

. .. to retire soon

U.S. Exj
United States yesterday was re-
ported exploring the idea of giving
the United Nations' big dues pay-
ers a veto in the General Assembly
on spending for future peace-
keeping operations like those in
the Congon and the Middle East.
Informed sources said Harlan
Cleveland, United States assistant
secretary of state for international
organization affairs, discussed the
whole problem here this week with
United Nations Secretary-General
U Thant.
Thant, under an Assembly reso-
lution of last June 27, is to give
the Assembly recommendations
before its Dec. 20 adjournment on
how to improve "the financial pro-
College Heads
To Meet Here
OnFiscal Needs
Michigan college presidents will
meet here with representatives of
Gov. George Romney's Citizens
Committee on Higher Education on
Oct. 28 to impress upon them the
fiscal needs of the state's col-
leges, it was announced at Fri-
day's Regents meeting.
Vice-President and Director of
the Dearborn Center William E.
Stirton noted that the Michigan
Council of College Presidents, com-
posed of the heads of both public
and private institutions, would
probably "present their needs" to
the "blue ribbon" committee,
which is studying the state's long-
term goals and problems of higher
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher called for a "temperate
but strongly-worded outline of
where the need lies" in trying to
handle the impending "baby boom"
increase in admissions.
He also said it would be at least
"another six weeks before we get a
firmer picture" of what this year's
legislative appropriation would be.
Snag Obstructs,
Shipping Grain
States officials sought yesterday
to remove a shipping snag which
might prevent sales of United

plores Idea of Veto


"Oct. 28 is the date of our
conventional picket of the Ad-
ministration Building," Charles
Thomas, Jr., chairman of the
Direct Action Committee, an-
nounced last night at DAC's rally
in West Park.
Thomas has said that the first
picket is to be conventional, as
opposed to a second picket which
he says will be held if DAC's de-
mands are not met after the first
picket. In the second picket,
Thomas says that DAC, will block-
ade the building's doors.
Also speaking at the rally was
Rufus Griffin of the Uhuru (Free-
dom) party of Detroit. Griffin
said that "Because of the existing
relationship between whites and
Negroes, integration is impossible."
"Basic fundamental changes in
the existing economic and political
setup are needed for integration
to be possible.
"The only logical solution to
the so-called 'Negro Problem' is
separation. If two million rela-
tively uneducated Africans can
form a nation of their own, then
20 million American Negroes,
whose educations range from
chemist and physicist to mop-
pusher, should be able to do it,"
said Griffin.
He also said, "Neither jobs nor
education is the problem, because
our very Negroeness is the fac-
tor that separates us.,
"The Negro doesn't even belong
in American society. He is a mem-
ber of a caste below the class sys-*
tem in America. The black man
cannot hope to get anywhere in
a society in which he has no
Brablee Seeks
To Save Sites
Regent Carl Brablec of Roseville
asked for a University "Monroe
Doctrine" to preserve buildings of
historical and architectural signif-
icance at Friday's Regents meet-
He cautioned against the ad-
ministration forgetting these old
buildings amidst the concern over
expansion and the modernization
of some parts of the Central
"It would, for instance, distress
me to see the President's home
dismantled or altered," Brablec
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont com-
mented that demolition proposals
for various antiquarian campus
structures come up from time to
As one example, he noted that
"there have been others who have
suggested that the West Engineer-
ing Arch be replaced," on grounds
that it is an "accident-prone"
area and rather difficult to ne-
gotiate one's passage through.


Student Educaiol
The Michigan Region -of the United States N
ciation planned two conferences-on emerging
education-and elected officers at its annual mee
Elected chairman of the group was Edwin S
Cappo of Michigan State, intei'national affairs
Taylor, also of Michigan State, Congress Steer
sentative, and Nancy Cowen of Oakland UnI
for student activities and organi-
zations. Miss Cowen will fill Tay- I m Tv

Direct Action Committee, announces that his g
Administration Building later this month in pi
discrimination there. He explained that the p
Oct. 28, will be "of the peaceful, conventional k

cedures to be followed by the Gen-
eral Assembly at the time peace-
keeping operations are authoriz-
Power by Charter
The United Nations Charter em-
powers the Security Council to
authorize such operations. The
Assembly's 1950 "Uniting for
Peace" resolutions empowers the
Assembly to authorize them, too,
whenever a veto thwarts a ma-
jority in favor of such action in
the council. But the assembly
alone has raised the money for
all major peacekeeping operations.
The charter says that expenses
of the United Nations "shall be
borne by the members as appor-
tioned by the General Assembly,"
and the International Court has
held that this includes costs of
the Congo and Middle East forces
as well as regularly budgeted
United Nations spending.
Since these forces were formed,
the assembly has authorized the
Secretary-General to spend fixed
sums to keep them going and has
assessed these sums among all
United Nations members by per-
centages roughly in line with their
ability to pay. It has done this
through resolutions adopted by
two-thirds vote.
Just A Trifle?
Discussing the question recently,
a highly placed United States

source remarked, "The present
constitutional situation is a trifle
He said that even if the coun-
tries that must pay the most for
a particular costly peacekeeping
operation should oppose spending
any money on it, the countries
that must pay the least could
commit them to it by a two-thirds
The United States source said
some arrangement should be work-
ed out that would prevent the
assembly from authorizing the as-
sessing any such expenditure
"without the agreement of the
main contributors." ,That would
mean giving such contributors a
veto on the financing of the
peacekeeping operation in ques-
Here's One Idea
The informant did not suggest
any scheme to make this possible.
But Britain came up with one
last 'spring in a United Nations
working group that studied the
problem of financing peacekeep-
ing forces.
Britain's argument was that, if
the cost of a peacekeeping opera-
tion rose, above a certain level,
"those relatively few states on
whom most of the costs would fall
could justly expect a greater say
in the methods of financing to be

Dif ficulty
Date In Coverage
Of Bills Vita
Senate Draft Includes
Impacted Regions,
Student Loan Plans
education bills in Congress are i
danger of becoming hopelessly lo
in a thicket of conflicting in
Four important measures no:
have been passed by either th
House or the Senate, but all a
beset with problems that make thi
road to final passage long an
The bills would provide su,
stantial federal aid to expand vc
cational education, build colle
facilities, increase student a
Daiy-Sam Haberman funds, and help public school dh
Jr., chairman of the tricts affected by federal activi
roup will picket the ties.
rotest of alleged job Cross-Currents
icket, to be held on House - Senate jealousy, tl
ind." church-state controversy, raci
segregation rival strategies, and o.
position to the heavy expenditure
involved are just some of tli
cross - currents swirling aroun
V ie them.
The House has passed two ,
the four bills, authorizing $1.5 bil
lion for college construction an
$450 million for vocational educs
tion. The Senate has passed-I
much different form-all bu ,$
ational Student Asso- college bill, and it is due to vol
nations and on higher on that tomorrow.
But the Senate made the stt
ting here yesterday dent loan and impacted are
3asaki, Grad; Jolynne bills amendments to the vocation
vice-chairman; Ben education bill, thus antagoniziri
ing Committee repre- the House, "which would like I
versity, vice-president work out differences in the tv
vocational education bills, but pre
fers to pass its own version of th!
D epend other two before taking them i
House Split
em oval Further endangering a Hous
Senate conference on the voce
tional education bills is a spl
OroCCans among the House conferees ove
whether to proceed, or put the bi
(P)-Algerian Foreign aside and wait for the Senate I
delaziz Bouteflika said pass the college bill., Both id
ere can be no further feel the bill that gets throug
with. Morocco until conference first may be the on
troops are withdrawn one enacted.
an soil. But a major obstacle to agr
h African country has ment on a college bill was create
other of military in- when the Senate adopted a
amendment providing for a cou
government sources review of the constitutionality 3
ch said last night federal grants to church-relate
oth nations were dig- colleges.
the village of Ich-in As a policy, the Roman Cathol
area 400 miles north church opposes the amendmen
perations in the Sa- and whether it is kept or droppe
ch they claimed had it will bring the inflammatoi
by Algerian invaders, church-state controversy into ope
gency Meeting debate.
told a news confer- Lever Arm
lgeria ha.,~ demanded Because of its very popularit
y meeting of the for- the House Education and Lao
ers of the 32-nation Committee is using it as a lev4
s of African unity to to get action on the other biU
Ageria's charges of The committee included an ant
ragainst Morocco. segregation amendment in tI
gdenied Moroccan re- bill, knowing this would cause
egerian troops attack- to be bottled up in the rules con
ilagein theFiaguigmittee.
villages i the Figuig The strategy is to hold out
ighting in the Hassi promise of another impacte
to the south has con- school bill, without the anti- se
)st without interrup- regation amendment, after ti
onday. rules committee clears the oth
ce Conference bills
What will emerge from all th
Haguib Bourguiba of is still anybody's guess.
s 1 vited Bouteflika

can Foreign Minister
afrej to a peace con- Staebler Leads
pen in Tunis on Oct.
has accepted. PartyHopeful
said the Algerian O
has told Bourguiba,
%t it can participate inFor Candidacy
*erence nnly after the

lor's old position.
Plans were made at the meeting
to sponsor a conference on con-
temporary revolution, "Winds of
Change in the Emerging Nations,"
at Michigan State University on
Feb. 28 and 29 and March 1. High-
lighting the conference will be
United Nations Ambassador Adlai
Stevenson, Prof. Hans Morgen-
thau of the University of Chicago
and numerous other notables.
A proposal was accepted to in-
vite all Michigan schools to partic-
ipate in a committee to voice.stu-
dent opinion on higher education
to Gov. George Romney's "blue-
ribbon" Citizens Committee for
Higher Education.,
A meeting of three voting dele-
gates from each school will be
held here Nov. 22-24 to get gen-
eral policy for the report and to
elect a steering committee of seven
whcih will do the actual investiga-
tion of the problem and submit a
report next year.
Each school will elect three vot-
ing delegates who will vote as a
unit, three alternates who may
speak but not vote and three ob-

On R
Minister Ab
yesterday th
peace talks
all Moroccan
from Algeri
Each Nort
accused the
in Marrake
troops of b
ging in at t
the Figuigo
of earlier o
hara - whi
been taken 1
ence that A
an emergenc
eign minist
consider A
ports that A
ed Moroccan
area Friday.
He said f
Beida sector
tinued almo
tion since M
Tunisia ha
and Morocc
Ahmed Bala
ference to o
28. Balafrej
however, tha
such a conf
"has create
mosphere of
He said1
ment also h
suming the:
Thursday at
Moroccan f
all the terr

Sports Editor
Michigan's football team and its
cast of 30 played dead before 45,-
557 fans and a regional television
audience in Michigan Stadium
yesterday, dropping a 23-12 de-
cision to. Purdue's Boilermakers in
the second Big Ten game for each
It was Michigan's second loss
of the season, against one victory
and a tie, and Purdue's second win
against two losses. In the Big Ten,
Michigan ranks eighth with a rec-
ord of 0-1-1. Purdue is tied for
sixth at 1-1-0.
Coach Bump Elliott's Wolverines
let Purdue turn two fumble re-
coveries into touchdowns in the
first quarter, and for all practical
purposes, that was the ball game.

Rolls Over

Michigan, 23-12

Associate Sports Editor
"It was a long afternoon."
While Coach Bump Elliott used
this well-worn, but apt phrase to
describe Michigan's 23-12 loss to
Purdue yesterday, he might have
added that this may turn out to
be a long season, too, due to the
loss of just one man.
With less than half of the first
quarter gone, sophomore center
Tom Cecchini hobbled off the field
with a bad knee. He may be out
for the season. The 6', 195-pound
lineman sustained torn ligaments
and possibly cartilage in his left
Both team physician Dr. A. W.
Coxon and trainer Jim Hunt con-
curied that Cecchini will most
lik -l ,.rp ,iii - nn am.tinn witinn

of Moroccan troops
d the necessary at-
the Algerian govern-
as no intention of re-
peace talks, suspended
Marrakech, until the
orces have evacuated
itory claimed by Al-

Democratic Congressman -
Large Neil Staebler is the forer
ner for the party candidacy
governor in 1964, according I
recent Detroit Free Press pol
top Democratic leaders.
Staebler, f o r m e r Democr
state chairman, received n
than three times as many vote
frmer no s Tnn S-Sain

........... ..........

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