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October 13, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-13

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Let Convoy



To Hold

Crucial Election


Troops Reach. Berlin



See No Setback in Relations

WASHINGT~ON tom)-The ad-v
ministration yesterday blamed the
Berlin blockade on a "genuine"
Russian misunderstanding and
saw no permanent setback to the
widening thaw in the cold war.
President John F. Kennedy got
word at 7:15 a.m. (EDT) that the
Russians had cleared the Berlin-
bound United States military con-
voy after a 48-hour delay.
This ended an anxious Wash-
ington vigil and feverish high
level diplomatic activity aimed at
preventing a local incident from
flaring into a full-blown East-
West crisis.
Quiet Weekend
In sharp contrast to previous
tenseness, Kennedy joked at a
White House Columbus Day cere-
mony and took off for a quiet
weekend at Camp David, Md.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
flew to Cincinnati for a speech
favoring relaxation of the cold
war but warning that real peace
cannot come without settlement
of the long standing "important
and dangerous" German-Berlin is-
High administration sources said
the /convoy incident was touched
off by misunderstanding of low-
I , Becomes'
New President
Of Argentina
Illia took over as Argentina's 29th
president yesterday, promising a
dramatic effort to regain the pros-
perity, prestige and national peace
lost in nearly a decade of political
In a heavily applauded inaugural
address to congress, the 63-year-
old physician promised Argentines
more jobs and sounder money.
He said his administration
would use the United States-
supported Alliance for Progress as
the basis for development. But he
said Argentina reserves the right
to carry on an independent for-
eign policy.
Illia reiterated he would seek
to nullify contracts with American
and other foreign oil companies on
the ground they were illegally
signed by the government of Presi-
dent Arturo Frondizi in 1958.
In a show of support, the na-
tion's military leaders were at
Illia's side as he came to the
national oongress for the swearing-
in ceremony.

level Russian officers at the So-
viet-controlled check points at the
entry to and exit from the 110-
mile highway from West Germany
across Communist East Germany
to West Berlin.
Not Customary
The Russians apparently thought
the 18-vehicle United States con-
voy carrying 61 men and supplies
was varying from customary pro-
cedures. The United States, for
its part, has kept its exact opera-
tional procedures on the Berlin
route a secret because the West
maintains it should have no inter-
ference with access to Berlin.
Administration sources drew
these conclusions from the affair;
1) There was no evidence that
the Kremlin had reversed its pol-
icy of seeking further East-West
accords and deliberately instigated
the Berlin harassment.
2) The Soviet military, particu-
larly at the Berlin level, may suf-
fer some embarrassment from the
outcome but it is firmly controlled
by the political leadership in Mos-
3) Both sides showed a strong
determination not to yield on the
Berlin question.
4) The United States did not
back down on its Berlin rights.
United States authorities said it
is all right for Soviet guards to
check convoys to make sure that
no impostors are riding along, but
the United States made clear in
its talks with the Russians that
it stillreserves the right to de-
termine its checking procedure.
Basically Difficult
5) The Berlin dispute is still
basically difficult and dangerous
and a small incident could quickly
mushroom into a crisis blotting
out the laborious gains in East-
West relations over the past few
6) The improved state of Wash-
ington-Moscow dealings generally
helped in this case because the
two sides were able to talk it out
in a reasonable atmosphere instead
of shouting propaganda attacks
at each other as in the past.
Communications were carried
out through normal diplomatic
channels and were fast. There was
no use of the special White House-
Kremlin "hot line" set up last
month for an emergency threaten-
Ing outbreak of war.t
On Tour
Just what role Soviet Premier
Khrushchev played is not known.
He is reported to have been tour-
ing the Russian countryside dur-
ing the past two weeks and has
not been seen in Moscow.

Kennedy administration author-
ities seemed anxious not to por-
tray the result of the Berlin, in-
cident as a backdown by the
Russians in the face of a United
States show of force.
They said the diplomatic con-
versations found the Soviets dis-
posed toward an understanding
attitude and the United States,
for its part, did not try to inject
political issues, such as threaten-
ing cancellation of the United
States-Soviet wheat deal. Instead
the United States representatives
stuck primarily to their version
of the facts of the convoy stop-
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
A. Gromyko was said to have pro-
fessed unawareness of the inci-
dent when he was in Washington
United States authorities said
the practice of GI's dismounting
began in 1961 when a United
States commander, who apparent-
ly had not followed his instruc-
tions too carefully, had told the
GI's in his convoy to get out to
be counted in order to save time.
His convoy had been running be-
hind schedule, darkness was fall-
ing and he wanted to minimize
delay at the Russian checkpoint,
it was stated.

Go Against
Of Russians
Blockade on Highway
Ends in Two Days
BERLIN (R) - Standing firm
against mounting. tension, the
United States forced the Soviet
Union to back down yesterday and
lift its blockade of an American
army convoy moving into West
Touching one of the more sen-
sitive nerves in the cold war, the
Russians imposed their blockade at
9 a.m. Thursday and held it until
shortly after noon yesterday.
Sixty-one American soldiers and
their 18 vehicles rolled trium-
phantly into this divided city.
Troop morale was reported 'high.
At one point, their commander
said, they attempted to go through
the blockade but were stopped
when the Russians wheeled armor-
ed cars across their path at the
Babelsberg checkpoint, 1.5 miles
from Berlin.
Same Cars
It was these same armored cars
the Russians later withdrew.
A second United States convoy
of 144 men and 25 vehicles struck
out 24 minutes later in the oppo-
site direction on the 110-mile
trip over the autobahn through
Communist East Germany to West
Germany. These troops were sent
to Babelsberg yesterday to sup-
port the incoming convoy. The
Army announced they reached
their destination without diffi-
In stopping the Berlin-bound
convoy, the Russians demanded
that the men dismount and be
counted. This is a Soviet regula-
tion which is applied to' small con-
Unilateral Act
The West does not recognize
the regulation and calls it a uni-
lateral act unacceptable to the
United States, Britain and France,
who with the Russians occupy
"The soldiers did not dismount
from their vehicles for a head-
count by the Russians," a United
States Army announcement said
after the convoy pulled into their
barracks in West Berlin.

Associated Press Staff Writer
SEOUL-South Koreans vote
Tuesday in one of the most crucial
presidential elections in this na-
tion's history.
Democracy vs. authoritarianism
is the issue.
Seeking a popular mandate to
continue his stern military rule
is Chung Hee Park, a 46-year-old
former general who scorns west-
ern-style democracy and any "low
posture" toward the United States.
His strongest opponent is the
Civil Rule Party's 67-year-old Yun
Po-Sun, a former president and
wealthy descendant of Korean no-
bility who pledges Democratic rule
and efforts toward closer ties with
Behind the Scenes
Watching closely are military
officers who helped Park stage a
coup May 16, 1961, destroying the
only truly democratic government
South Korea ever had.
Voters go to the polls knowing
these officers vowed to never again
let civilian candidates rule. There
is fear the ballot box decision
could be canceled once more by
the rumble of tanks in the streets.
The United States, protector and
financial patron of the nation, has
a huge stake in the outcome.
Foreign Aid
More than $5.4 billion in eco-
nomic and military aid has been
pumped in since 1945, and 20,617
American dead and 103,284 wound-
ed in the Korean War can be
added to the cost.
The State Department has crit-
icized Park as repressive of his
opponents but has not publicly
backed any candidate.
Many high - ranking officers
among the 50,000 American troops
stationed here express private sup-
port of Park, arguing only he can
defend the country against Com-
munist North Korea.
Despite surprising opposition
strength, Park appeared confident
the voters will give him more than
the presidency. Close aides picture
him as expecting an overwhelming
vote that will constitute a blank
check to map the nation's future.
By his own definition, Park is a
soldier and not a deep thinker.
He has set forth three distant
goals in his writings, speeches and
in the actions of his military re-
1) A political system with strong
power vested in a single leader,
in the. "guided democracy" style
of Presidents Sukarno of Indo-
nesia and Gamal Abdal Nasser of
the United Arab Republic.
2) .State control of industry and
business with emphasis on a crash
program of industrialization.
3) Greatly reduced dependence

on the United States and, hope-
fully, eventual "third force" status
for Korea in the East-West con-
Park charges past civilian gov-
ernments with corruption and in-
efficiency. He says he toppled the
government of John M. Chang be-
cause it could not control pro-
Communist agitators.
Two Regimes
Yun was president under Chang
and stayed in office 10 months
after the coup. He was stripped
of all power and finally quit after
a quarrel with Park.
Park does not deny opposition
charges that he runs a police re-
gime. Secret police are everywhere
and he smilingly takes fascist-
style salutes from school children
who march by him with right
arms extended.
But, Park says, firm leadership
is needed to save the nation from
"We must follow principles more
stable than those of a mere de-
mocracy," he wrote recently. "We
know all too well that Western-
style democracy cannot be intro-
duced to Korean society."
Literacy Rate
An estimated three million of
the nearly 13 million eligible voters
are literate enough to follow such
ideological arguments-if they
want to, which many don't.
Yun, therefore, based his cam-
paign primarily on two charges
that arouse emotion in the poorest
thatched roof cottage-that Park
is a former Communist and that
he is responsible for an economic
crisis that raised consumer prices
more than 60 per cent in a year.
Park himself has not answered
the charges of one time leaning
to the Communist, although his
supporters have denied them.
Opponents Withdrawn
One outspoken opponent, for-
mer Premier Yo-Chan Song, was
jailed on charges of slandering
the government and executing
three army subordinates 13'years
ago. Song later withdrew from the
presidential race to support Yun,
as did another hopeful, ex-premier
Huh Chung.
When Yun's growing strength
became apparent, he was warned
publicly by the Korean Central
Intelligence Agency that he was
under investigation, on charges
never specified. Park warned that
those accusing him of being a
Communist would be "strictly pun-
ished" after the election.
Park's own party, meanwhile,
was doing well-financed spade-
work in rural districts. His
strength there is based on the fact
that for the first time in recent
memory government-supplied
chemical fertilizer consistently has
arrived on time for rice planting.



World News


r r71

By The Associated Press
LONDON-The Observer reports
in today's edition that the Peking-
backed Albanian government is
facing a major upheaval, with
thousands of refugees pouring into
A wave of violence in Albania is
being caused by popular discontent
with the policies of Prime Minister
Enver Hoxha, who had cut the
country off from Soviet aid and
isolated it from the entire world
except Peking, the paper said.
* * *
hush surroundings, the United
States plans within a few days to
launch a pair of satellites as a
first step toward developing a
foolproof system of detecting nu-
clear explosions in space.
MONTREAL - The longshore-
men's strike ended late yesterday
-in its ninth day-and the long-
shoremen will return to work to-
morrow. This ends Canada's first
port tie-up in 27 years-one which
threatened delivery of the coun-
try's $500 million wheat sold to
* * 8
BLACKPOOL, England - Rich-
ard A. Butler muffed a big chance
yesterday in his bid to succeed
Harold Macmillan as prime min-
Given the opportunity to make
the concluding address at the Con-
servative Party's annual conven-.
tion, he won a respectful but un-
enthusiastic reception from 4000



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday.
Day Calendar
School of Music Concert-Wind In-
strument Students: Lane Hall Aud.: 3
Cinema Guild-Stratford Canadian
Players in "Oepidus Rex": Architecture
Aud., 7 and 9 p.m.
General Notices
Members of the University Community
who desire to present to the Committee1
on Referral their views on Regulations
on Membership Selection in Student Or-
ganizations adopted by Student Gov-
ernment Council on Oct. 2, 1963 may
present them through written request
to the committee chairman on or be-
fore Oct. 16. AT open hearing will be
conducted on that day at 3 p.m. in

__________________________ -


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3540 SAB at which time oral presenta-'
tion may be made. Those who wish to
appear before the committee on that
date should give their names in advance'
before that date to the committee sec-
retary, Mrs. Pfiffner, 1546 SAB, 663-0553.
-Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach, chairman,;
Committee on Referral, 4624 Haven Hall.
Events Monday
School of Music Second Annual Con-
ference on Organ Music-Registration:
Hill Aud., 9 a.m. Recital by organists in
the Doctor of Musical Arts Program,
Hill Aud., 4:15 p.m. James Dalton, or-
ganist of The Queen's College, Oxford:
Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m.
school of Public Health Assembly-'
Wilson G. Smillie, Professor Emeritus of
Public Health and Preventive Medicine,
Cornell University Medical School,
Cercle FrancaIs, Film: "La Beaute du
Diable," Oct. 15, 8 p.m., UGLI, Multi-j
purpose Rm.
Congr. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, Sem-
inar: "Interpretation of the Old Testa-
ment," Oct. 13, 7T8 p.m.. 802 Monroe. '
,v* 'p l
Gamma Delta (Lutheran Stud. Org.),'
Supper, 6 p.m., Oct. 13, 1511 Washtenaw.3
Speaker: Prof. Rusch, Concordia Col-
lege, "Ann Arbor on Science & Reli-.
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Oct. 13,
2 p.m., Rackhar Bldg., Huron St. En-1
* * *
Russian Club, Coffee, Conversation,
Oct. 14, 3-5 p.m., FB, 'Faculty Lounge,
4th Floor.
Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, Lunes,
Oct. 14, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FE.
Lutheran Stud. Club, Oct. 13, 7 p.m.,
Hill & S. Forest. Speaker: Dr. P. Doer-
ring, psychologist, Merrill-Palmer Inst.,
Unitarian Student Group, Talk 1$ Dis-
cussion, Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian
Church. Speaker: Subash Chandra-Ba-
su, Grad student from India, "Hindu-
*' 4'
Voice Political Party, Executive Meet-
ing, Oct. 14, 7 p.m., SAB. Everyone

"Public Health, Its Promise for the Fu-
ture": School of Public Health Aud.,
4 p.m.
Naval Reserve Research Lecture - J.
O'Briss, patent attorney on central of-
fice staff, Bendix Systems Division,
"Patents and Research": North Hall,
7:30 p.m.
212 SAB--
Argonne National Laboratory, Ar-
gonne, Ill. & Idaho Falls, Idaho-Inter-
views will be held at group meeting
for irs., srs. & grad students interested
in summer employment. Check date
& time of meeting through Engrg.
Placement Service, 663-1511, Ext. 2182.
Deadline for applications is Jan. 15.
Sci., Engrg. & Math.
Food Machinery & Chemical Corp.-
Summer employment for irs., srs. &
grad students in Engrg. (ChE, IE & ME).
Sign up for interviews for the 16th of
Oct. at Engrg. Placement at 128-H W.
The Journal Co., Milwaukee, Wis.-
Intern program available for adv. stand-
ing students in Journalism. Placement
based on merit & need. See Summer
Placement Service, 212 SAB,! for 'more
information. (Positions in reporting, ra-
dio newswriting, & advertising sales.)
Appointments-Seniors & grad students,
please call Ext. 3544 for interview appts.
with the following:
MON., OCT. 14-
Mead Johnson & Co.,-U.S. & Over-
seas-Men-Dec. & May grads. (p.m.
only). Seeking general Liberal Arts for
Management Training and Sales. Na-
ture of organization: research, mfg. &
bktg. of Pharmaceutical & nutritional
(Continued on Page 5)

What does it mean, really to
know - to be more than a
"computer?" Some spiritual in-
tuition in us is forever reaching
out to God for understanding,
for "the mind of Christ." A one-
hour lecture exploring this sub-
ject will be given by James Watt
of The Christian Science Board
of4 I af .raelhdn C..sr.,na iswal


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