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October 13, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-13

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c £idigatt &aIzg
SemWty-Third Year
+ OpinionlsAre Free STUDENT PUnuCATwONS DBxG., ANN ARauo, MCw., PHowE No 2-3241
uth Win Prevail"
grials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stuff writers
or the editors. 'This must be naoted in all reprints.

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)CTOBER 13, 1863


Voice Platform n
J' Concerns Abandonment

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ICE has largely moved off campus.
Its failure to campaign actively for
Lent Government Council candidates
its fall platform indicate a shift from
pus orientation to a wider outlook.
change in attitude is not bad but
es a student leadership void in stu-
-University relations. By largely re-
ing Voice from University concerns,
pt as an incidental part of a world
iework, Voice is not providing the
ership that it so earnestly desires in
cting University reform.
CEPT FOR two and one-half pages of
ts nine-page platform statement,
e leaves University policy unchal-
ed and some vital student concerns
ticulated. None of Voice's activities
semester have dealt with the Univer-
The closest Voice came was its active
ort of a fair housing ordinance for
Arbor. While there may be some
nd-the-scenes studies of University
'lems, there has been no Voice public,
ission of University issues nor have
e-supported members of SGC brought
motions for action on: University
lems to SGC.
ice's best and most imaginative
ement about the University deals with
ent labor and living costs in Ann
>r. It demands repeal of the 1927
ntal policy barring the University
n competing with local businesses,
s University construction of low-cost
ent apartments and proposes student.
perative food and clothing stores.
tille its premise of tight business-
mated city government may be some-
t oversimplified, Voice's solutions to
ent welfare problems show initiative.
ang support from sectors of the com-
ity that also could benefit from co-
ative, low-cost enterprises indicates
these ideas are more than utopian
isolated student dreaming. Hope-
' Voice can carry out some of its
'estions in the coming, year. The re-
,nizationi of the USNSA co-operative

Sasaki Defends
Views on Civil Rights


V THE QUEST for controversy, it is
considerably easier and much more
mmon to criticize than compliment.
casionally, however, one comes across
i organization which is doing its job
nscientiously and with zest and crea-
rity. Such an organization is the Office
Religious Affairs.
In a quiet way, this small group of men
d women do numerous constructive
ings on campus. It runs non-credit
urses on religion and theology, con-
.cts the Freshman Rendezvous, a pre-
ientation camp for incoming students,
aintains a library and reading room in
e Student Activities Bldg. and sponsors
i excellent lecture series.
O FAR this semester the ORA has spon-
sored three eminent speakers. Martin
ayer, a noted writer and social scientist,
lked on "Atomic Man and the Moral
isis," calling for a re-examination of
r thinking before we are doomed to
iclear incineration. James Robinson, a
lendid orator, gave an illuminating talk
. the effects of the American race issue
Tuesday Albert Bigelow, who sailed his
ip The Golden Rule into the Pacific
omic test sites in 1958 and was one of
e first freedom riders to go into Ala-
ma, gave a brilliant defense of pacifism.
. GREY AUSTIN, Assistant Co-ordina-
tor of Religious Affairs, one of the
ost well-liked and respected adminis-
ators on campus, will be leaving the
liversity at the end of the month to
ke a prominent job in the New York
ate educational system.
His loss will be sorely missed by anyone
ho has known him or taken any courses
om him. We wish Mr. Austin good luck
his new job but trust that the ORA
11 continue to operate well as it has in
e past. -LLOYD GRAFF
Editorial Staff
Zditorial Director City Editor
.RBARA LAZARUS............Personnel Director
FLIP SUTIN..............National Concerns Editor
IL EVANS................Associate City Editor
UJORIE BRAHMS. Associate Editorial Director
,ORIA BOWLES .. .............. Magazine. Editor
LINDA BERRY.............. Contributing Editor
VE GOOD......................Sports Editor
KE BLOCK............Associate Sports Editor
A ERGER .........-.Associate Sports Editor
B ZWINCK ............Contributing Sports Editor

bookstore into a strictly local operation
is a good place to test the platform's pro-
THE PLATFORM'S diatribe against the
University's active participation in
the "Cold War," mainly through defense
research, points up some basic problems.
But it fails to acknowledge the problems
and limitations of the University. Thus,
any solutions Voice proposes would
flounder on the rock of practicality.
It is true that American higher educa-
tion has subjugated itself to "the mone-
tary exigencies (no matter how irra-
tional) of national political and economic
life," but support by state governments
and from gifts of wealthy individuals has
tied higher education closely to the status
Voice proposes no means for shaking
the University from this grip although
federal aid to education (not research)
and foundation grants have some promise
of supporting higher education efforts to
break the status quo.
SFurther, the Voice platform fails to
note that in many fields of the physical
sciences, research can only be supported
by defense department grants. It also
does not acknowledge University efforts
to conduct oly basic research, leaving
weapons development to others. Nor does
it account or call for the expansion of
University efforts to balance federal
spending with University funds for less
lushly supported fields, especially in the
THE VOICE PLATFORM does not call
for effective action, other than for
continued support of conflict resolution
center-type programs. It should have
balled for active student participation
and interest in faculty studies in research
and teaching as' well as in research centers
and institutes now being sponsored by
the Senate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs.
Here are two studies of major concern
to University students, especially those
with a Voice orientation.
T HE DOCUMENT also fails to under-
stand the'direction of student-faculty
government. This term is somewhat mis-
leading for the faculty does not govern
nor does it show any willingness to allow
students to join it if it did. Rather, stu-
dents have gained an important com-
munication channel which can only be
maintained by its active use. A much
wiser position would have called for active
student participation in SGCs SACUA
parallel committees.
The single paragraph on student-Legis-
lature relations is somewhat disappoint-
ing. It generalizes when specifics are
necessary. Voice should have spoken at
House and Senate taxation committee
public hearings pointing up the need for
fiscal reform that will yield more money
for higher education. It should encourage
SGC to testify before both houses' appro-
priations committees next spring. It
should urge active campaigning against
loyalty oaths and speaker restrictions.
FURTHER it did not endorse SGC and
student participation in the student
"blue-ribbon" committee that will study
Michigan higher education from a stu-
dent point of view and report next fall
to Gov. George Romney's Citizens Com-
mittee for Higher Education. Here is the
most signicant opportunity students will
have for expressing their wishes about
their education, a basic Voice goal, and
the platform does not even endorse it.
Voice rightfully places Office of Stu-
dent Affairs questions in the section on
civil liberties, but its statement condemn-
ing OSA judiciary practices and rule-
making authority are too brief. It 'fails
to account for the changes of the past
year and lacks suggestions for building
upon them and avoiding the deceptions
of the OSA.
MOST OF Voice's statements dealing
with international political issues,
national civil rights, civil liberties, cold

war topics and economic problems are
thoughtful and incisive. Its section on
dealing with the "third world"--the un-
derdeveloped nations - is particularly
good and marks out a clear road for
American policy that could both be effec-,
tive and maintain American democratic
Its section on automation registers con-
cern about an important American prob-
lem often overlooked by students. It real-
istically places civil rights within an
economic context, calling for the end of
poverty rather than more equitable dis-
tribution of poverty between Negroes and
14OWEVER, to those looking for Voice

<: _:By RONALD WILTON, Editor

"WHEN WAS THE last time
you heard the term 'student
movement' used?" I asked one of
the other senior editors yesterday.
She hesitated a few moments and
then answered "I don't know. The
fact that I have to think about
it means that I haven't heard it
for some time." She thought
about it again and then asked
"What happened to it anyway?"
"Student Movement" seems to
have dropped out of the national
and campus vocabulary. From its
past days of glory when it was
publicized in the nation's maga-
zines and newspapers, it has
sunk to the point where it got
no mention during the recent
S tuden t Government Council
HOWEVER, WE should not be
so eager to proclaim its death.
The student movement has not
died. Rather, it has become the
victim of its own success. The
political establishment has taken
over the causes started by the
What came to be called the
student movement first broke into
the nation's headlines in 1959.
A group of Negro college students
sat-in at a lunch counter in Rock
Hill, N.C., and soon were being
emulated all across the South.
Northern students, also feeling the
urge to do something, picketed
chain stores whose Southern
branches practiced discrimination
in eating facilities and hiring.
* * *
THE NEXT YEAR the big issue
was the House 'Committee on Un-
American Activities. During the
summer of 1960, California stu-
dents rioted at the scene of com-
mittee hearings in San Francisco.
The pros and cons of HUAC were
hotly debated during the year,
and discussion was intensified by
the appearance of the controver-
sial film "Operation Abolition."
The next summer saw the Rus-
sians explode a 50 megaton bomb
talk about the possibility of build-
ing one at 100 megatons and the
introduction of President Ken-
nedy's bomb shelter program.
The issue that year was peace.
Groups such as the Student Peace
Union and, the Committee for a
Sane Nuclear Policy saw a fast
rise in membership. After the Rus-
sians broke the atomic testing
moratorium, students from all
over the nation picketed the
White House to urge Kennedy not
to follow suit.
*, * *
BY THIS TIME the student
movement was being discussed
aroundthe nation. It was not only
the liberals who were active. The
conservative Young Americans for
Freedom got their views publicized
by such events as a capacity crowd
rally at Madison Square Garden
honoring such notables as Sena-
tors Barry Goldwater and Strom
No new issues appeared ;he next
year and the movement continued
along on its own momentum. By
the beginning of this year how-
ever its success caught up with it.
THE LUNCH counter sit-ins of
1 not n-n+ rs., , . na

and eventually by the explosion
in Birmingham.
At this point the. federal gov-
ernment, which had always payed
lip service to integration, stepped
in. The justice department inter-
vened more frequently, in court
cases and the President came up
with a civil rights bill that pro-
vided for "open occupancy."
While this bill has yet to be
passed, the situation is obvious.
By and large adult leadership has
taken over the reins of the civil
rights struggle for both races.
While students are often the most
militant integrationists, t h e i r
struggle has been taken over and
toned down by society. It cannot
be forgotten, however, that it was
students. who instigated the ac-
tions that caused civil rights to
sweep the nation.
A SOMEWHAT similar situa-
tion happened to the peace move-
ment. The Washington demon-
stration of 1962 included calls for
general and complete disarma-
ment. Its biggest emphasis, how-
ever, was on a nuclear test ban.
Students working in this area
were joined by scientists such as
Linus Pauling and groups such as
Women's Strike for Peace.
Once again success caught up.
The dismal national reception to
the bomb shelter program and the
recent nuclear test ban treaty
have taken away the issues of
greatest consensus within the
movement. Furthermore, the en-
trance of peace candidates into
some of the 1962 election cam-
paigns further integrated the issue
into the national political spec-
Of their three major concerns,
the students' only failure is the
continued existence of HUAC.
However, even this issue has be-
come quieter with the death of
the committee's former chairman,

Rep. Francis Walter of Pennsyl-
THIS YEAR'S United States
National Student Association Con-
gress showed the result of this
success. Whereas former congress-
es were labled "liberal" because of
their support for the above issues,
this year's congress was moderate.
Delegates were more inclined to
have faith and trust in the Ken-
nedy administration. A proposal to
have USNSA directly involve it-
self in the civil rights struggle by.
sponsoring five SNCC field work-
ers was soundly defeated. A reso-
lution specifically condemning the
McCarran Act never got to the
The delegates were content with
the progress that had been made
in civil rights, civil liberties and
peace and were reluctant to ex-
hibit further leadership by call-,
ing for faster and stronger pro-
gress in these areas or acting on
new ones.
* * *
ANOTHER result of this success.
is the change of emphasis in the
student movement from activist.to
educational projects. Research and
tutorial projects have taken over
from picketing. The latter is ef-
fective in raising national atten-
tion to an issue, but is undesirable
from a public relations stand-
point once the issue has been
taken over by the establishment.
* * *
THE STUDENT movement is
not dead. It has reoriented its
position from that of initiating
issues and pushing them into the
national spotlight to effecting
their solution within the national
political system. As a result of
this it stands to lose the 'origin-
ality and enthusiasm that were
at the core of its strength. It
would be extremely unfortunate
if this were to happen.

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To the Editor:
people find it necessary to read
so many things into and to make
so many unfounded assumptions
from my letter. This may be due
to my being too concise. For this
I apologize.
The last paragraph of my letter
implied something which my crit-
ics did not understand to be true.
This is not their fault, but rather
mine for making this statement
without much explanation. Un-
fortunately, American society has
made the Christian religion the
de facto state religion of America.
No other faith, from Judaism to
Buddhism, is given social accep-
tance. Recent controversy before
our highest courts has pointed out
this unfortunate fact.
Though ruled unconstitutional
by the Supreme Court, many states
still, by virtue of social laws, re-
quire Christian prayers and ob-
servances in public schools. This is'
the fact I referred to in my final
paragraph. I emphatically do not
approve of such a state religion-
it violates the First Amendment to
the Constitution.
** *
HOWEVER, American democ-
racy and citizenship rights as ex-
pressed in the Bill of Rights are
an outgrowth of the Judeo-Chris-
tion philosophical system. He who
supports civil rights can do so
only from the position that they
are natural rights. The idea that
civil rights are derived only from
American citizenship is not a suf-
ficient argument, because this
would only draw another artificial
But the idea of natural rights,
ones which come to a man because
he is a man, not because he is a
citizen, nor a member of any so-
cial, racial or ethnic group, is
found only within the framework
of the Judeo-Christian philosophi-
cal system. The Judeo-Christian
philosophy and American democ-
racy do have a connection. Both
support the rights of man. If a
man supports American democracy
then he must support those ideas
of the Judeo-Christian philosophy
'which gave impetus to American
democracy, specifically, civil and
natural rights. He who professes
to be a Christian or an American,
but denies civil rightsnto Negroes
or any other individuals, is neither.
* * *
of the letters answering mine, has
been the assumption that I am
against any kind of picketing or
demonstration. Nowhere in my
letter did I expressly state this.'
However, I did say that I was
against militant demonstrations,
because they in fact deny the civil
rights of others. It is one thing
to defend one's life and rights. It
is another to use force and arms
I would oppose initiating an-
other Civil War to gain rights
that are undeniable. However, I
would not oppose defending those
rights in the event that another
war began for the purpose of
denying them. Any other position
can only contribute further to the
cycle of violence so hideously act-
ed out in human history-a cycle
that humanity must strive to end.
Miss Hollander seems to assume
that I do not support nonviolent
means of obtaining rights which
are legally and morally undeniable,
but which are, in fact, denied.
Many have made this assumption,
but it is not true. It seems that
these people equate militancy with
any kind of demonstration. I dis-
agree. Labor unions picket for
higher wages without using clubs.
* * *
from those DAC proposes to use
in its projected second demonstra-
tion in front of the Administra-
tion Building. In that event, "DAC
will consider any attempt to break
our line an act of violence that.
will be met in kind." Such an act
could very possibly be in direct

pursuance of someone else's civil
rights and to deny them, thus
would be unjustified. If I implied,
that I was opposed to peaceful
means of achieving ends that are
right, then, again, I apologize.'
However, I do not think that I
Mr. Simons made the very mis-
take which I warned against in
my letter. Racial discrimination
certainly implies social discrim-
ination, but social discrimination
does not necessarily imply racial
discrimination. It is absolutely
necessary to separate the one from
the other. For example, is it racial
discrimination not to' like what
someone wears, or what he thinks,
or what he does? I do not think
I THINK that Miss Stephens is
not criticizing my position as much
as she is stating a more important
aspect of human relations (which
I agree is what is lacking in our
relations with people): The ac-
ceptance of a person for what he
is as an individual.
However. she cannot deny that
the human being is socially orient-
ed. That is why we have organiza-
tions, and that is why people con-
gregate into groups and make
group norms by which to live. As
I stated in my first letter, I do
not iustify all social mores. cus-

cial in nature, although there are,
e.g. in the South, social standards
which are based upon racial feel-
ings. I deny these feelings.
MR COHEN seems to me to be
very pessimistic about the Negro.
He does not believe that the Negro
can be better than he is. I will
discount this entirely. I feel very
strongly that the Negro can im-
prove himself in the manner of
the other minorities.
I do agree with Mr. Cohen that
the Negro does not have a cultural
tradition and ethnic ties to sup-
port them. But is this an excuse
to let them stay where they are
and not improve their lot? Cer-
tainly, the Negro has been denied
civil rights for 300 years. But, for
about 260 of these years, American
citizens, both Negro and white,
did nothing as a group to give the
Negrodand any other minorities
their due rights as human, beings
and citizens of the United States.
The only exception was the
Civil War, which did not change
the egalitarianism entrenched In
the South. It merely eliminated the
slavery in existence. Only re-
cently has the American public,
especially in the last few years,
opened its eyes to the problems
of the Negro. These, problems are
not just racial discrimination, but
also the inability to improve their
lot through education.
James Meredith said it clearly
when he stated at the last USNSA
Congress that the Negro can be
given his rights as a human be-
ing, but unless he is educated, he
will not be able to exercise these
TO MR. THOMAS'and Mr. al-
its: One doesn't want rights; he
has them whether he likes it or
not. Look around you and see how
many deny these rights to others
and demand them for themselves.
The Negro who demands his rights
and denies the same rights to
others is not different in kind
from the white man who exercises
his rights and denies them to the
If DAC is opposed to the vio-
lence perpetrated by the white
people in the South and elsewhere,
then why do they threaten to use
it themselves? Is their opposition
to violence a moral and ethical
one or is it just opposition to
other's violence and a justification
of their own? It seems to me to be
the latter.
Mr. Thomas and Mr. Salita call
me a "frustrated racist." I am,
but not in the manner they imply.
I was bornin the United States of
Japanese heritage. I am an Ameri-
can citizen. However, I belong to
one race and one race only: it is
the human race. This is the only
race I know. Only for purposes of
sociological rhetoric, have I used
and accepted the :word "'race" with
any other meaning than that of
the humanrace.
* * *
IT IS NOT the philosophical'
foundations of the Judeo-Christian
system and of American democ-
racy that are at fault. It is the
people who live in the society.
who profess to support these foun-
dations, who are at fault. Ameri-
cans in general neither actively
support nor believe in American
democracy and its foundations.
Elmer Davis put it very well: "A
sediment, a sludge, at the bottom
of American society . . . does not
seem interested in Russia at all:
what they hate and fear is their
own neighbors who try to think.
In' the name of anti-Communism
they try to strike down freedom of
the mind, which above all things
differentiates us from the Com-
munists; in the nane of American-
ism they try to suppress the right
*to think what you like and say
what you think . . . People like
that are not merely un-American;
they are anti-American." This ap-
plies to all Americans who deny
the natural rights of the Judeo-
Christian system and the civil

rights of American democracy.
HOWEVER, history has shown
that war and militant 'action win
nothing but hate, strife and trag-
edy. I will always hold to non-
violent means of gaining an ob-
jective, and I will always uphold
the right to defend one's life and
rights. In like manner, I will al-
ways deny the right to offensive
militancy and war.'
I have supported SNCC and
CORE and I will continue to do so
as long as they continue to profess
nonviolence and defensive mill-
tance. I supported the Washing-
ton March and I will continue to
support such action. However, I
will not support improper or im-
moralactions for moral ends; I
do not believe that the means,
when immoral, justify the ends. I
believe in the Judeo-Christian
philosophical system of human re-
lations and actions. They are not
* * *
OUT OF the total number of
Negroes in America, how many
are actively defending their rights
as human.' beings: How' many
Americans are actively defending
their rights? In Cambridge, Mary-
land, only 40 per cent of the
registered Negro voters in the all-
Negro second ward voted for the
public accomodations referendum.





Cake, and Teaa Served'
Att Minstrels' Concert.
"LET THEM EAT cake" it's been said and a capacity-plus crowd at
Hill Aud. received their fill and more of a thick-icinged dessert
last night as the New Christy Minstrels provided the perfect con-
clusion for a day marked by partial successes.
The New Christy Minstrels, all nine of them, are pleasant and
pretty people who can entertain with polish and professionalism. They
seem to have an endless supply of energy and effortlessly move from
one song to another, rotating the lead between their many talented
They have fantastic timing and interact with the ease and skill'
that only a great deal of practice can accomplish.
MOST OF THE members of the Minstrels are remnants of old
groups which were all incorporated by Randy Sparks into the existing
Two of the members, Barry Kane and Barry McQuire, were es-
pecially excellent. McQuire, who reminds one of Steve McQueen,
shouted and sweated his way through their big hit "Green, Green"
with all the vigor and roughness the song needs.
The two girls, while visually quite charming, offered little except
for Miss Miller's magnificent lessons on how not to play the banjo.
The artificial smiles that predominated reminded one of the first tea
in sorority rush.,
HOWEVER, like the cake with the thick frosting, the pleasure

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