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October 12, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-12

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Save ty-Third Year
Where Opinions ArePreSTUDENT PumicATroNS BLDG., ANN AaBOR, MicH., PnoNE mo 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editotials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.





Annual Appropriation
Hinders Planning


li * . . I

ed enrollment depend on an annual
tate budget appropriation. This depen-
dence puts a serious crimp on long-
ange planning within the University. If
he University is to be able to cope ade-
xuately and efficiently with future en-
ollment, the Legislature must develop
omething more than its present year-by-
year commitment to higher education.
The University's inability to plan with
onfidence may lead to a serious crisis
his coming year. If the budget is slashed'
again this year, the University will not
)e able to resign itself to "another year"
f economizing, for next year the war
rabies arrive en masse.
According to a report prepared by the
Michigan Council for Public Higher Edu-
:ation, the number of entering freshmen
n the state for 1964 is estimated to be
about 51,000. In contrast, freshman en-
'ollment has remained steady at about
:0,600 for the past three years. And for
.965, a further increase of 12,000 is ex-
These figures are not just scare-statis-
ics prepared by a lobby group; they are
lerived from the number of students
?resently in high school who in past years
would be expected to go on to college.
rHE UNIVERSITY has done as well as it
can in planning for these increases
hrough the, tentative trimester system
and the residential college.
Certainly if the University receives its
ull budget request, the state of the Uni-
ersity will be fine. The trimester system
an begin to operate, allowing for more
fficient year-round use of facilities. The
esidential college plan-if the literary
ollege faculty decides that it presents the
est means of liberal arts expansion-
ould be implemented to provide excellent
ducation within the confines of a very
arge institution.
[UT WHAT if the appropriation doesn't
come through? The residential college
s not intended to allow for increased en-
ollments without a corresponding in-
rease in University funds. It cannot re-
.uce the cost per student of education.
nd the trimester system requires an
ritial expenditure of $1.25 million by the
legislature before it could provide for
arger enrollments. After that, the tri-
aester system would require sustained
inancial support beyond the present ap-
ropriation level.
Clearly, if the budget is slashed, the
niversity is going to have to make some
retty quick decisions to maintain edu-
ational standards in the face of the on-
laught of applicants. The nature of the
niversity's dependence on yearly appro-
'riations causes these decisions to be
ased on budgetary rather than educa-
ional considerations.

[The University's decision to keep the
number of outAof-state students constant
is not in itself going to make sufficient
room for even next year's applicants if
the budget is inadequate.
AS A RESULT, the University may have
to resort to other means of keeping
out the "excess" war babies. These means
would probably manifest themselves
through admission policies, in which
case the University has these alternatives :
1) It can raise admissions standards
for incoming freshmen, which seems
rather ridiculous in the light of increas-
ingly worse educational conditions;
2) It can raise tuition in an attempt
to lower the number of students who can
afford to come here; and
3) It can increase the flunk-out rate
to get rid of students it doesn't want.
ALL ARE UNDESIRABLE; all are possi-
bilities. These, alternatives to a larger
budget have not been faced. Freshmen
applicants plan their lives further ahead
than the one. year that the Legislature
gives its appropriations.
Whether or not a student gets into the
University should not depend on such an
external factor as whether the Legisla-
ture decides to pay for Increased enroll-
versity's dependence on yearly appro-
priations is that it cannot adequately
predict how many new faculty members
it should hire for the next year.
A full year is required to find and retain
new faculty since most faculty contracts
are made in the fall. Beyond that time,
professors would not be willing to commit
themselves to a new institution.
Clearly, if the University were to plan
for increased enrollment, it would first
have to plan for increased faculty, and
to do that it must know in advance that
it will have something to pay them when
the time comes.
IF THE UNIVERSITY is to grow over the
next few years without starts and stops,
then the University must have a more
reliable source of income. The Univer-
sity must be able to make its plans with
some confidence that they can be used.
The University has spent a great deal of
trouble and has gone to much inconven-
ience in getting ready for the trimester.
This effort will be wasted if slashed ap-
propriations cause the plan to be dis-
For the University and other institu-
tions to be able to plan for increased en-
rollment, the state must be able to com-
mit itself to educational appropriations
for a period greater than the all-too-
short one year.


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Initial Cases Show Problems

A Critical Approach

THERE ARE TIMES when one must
wonder just how stupid some people in
the state of Michigan take our legislators
to be.
Such a time arose last Wednesday.
The scene: The. House Chambers in
Lansing. The Time: Mid-evening. The
Occasion: Public Hearings on Gov. Rom-
aey's tax proposal. The Dramatis Per-
sonae: State YR chairman Robert Deth-
mners, Senators Clyde H. Geerlings (R-
Holland), chairman of Senate Taxation
Committee, and Charles S. Blondy (D-
Detroit), Senate Minority Leader.
HE SITUATION was this. Young Deth-
mers, admittedly the State YR chair-
man even though he claimed to speak
nly for himself, appealed to the legis-
ators to support the governor's tax pro-
gram. And he spoke in a number of gen-
eralities which all amounted to saying,
n effect, that he was no tax expert but
hat he thought the governor's program
;hould be supported.
House Taxation Committee chairman
Tames N. Folks (R-Horton) rebuked
Dethmers for Implying that legislators
would not consider each proposal care-
fully, but the sharp retort came from
'You are asking us to buy the gover-
nor's programin toto and without ques-
;ion, and yet you admit yourself you
Ion't even know what it is. I'd like to
point out that we don't know for sure
what the governor's proposals are, for he
Editorial Staff
RnLnWMTON Editor

has indicated that he will soon submit
IN EFFECT, Dethmers replied that he
understood this, but that he was mak-
ing a more general appeal. (And at last
he said it point blank.) He was asking
support of the Romney program simply
because Romney had proposed it and
without regard to what was in it.
To this Blondy had several sharp re-
marks, but they were honey-smooth com-
pared to Geerlings' rebuttal. "I'm really
afraid," the Holland Senator asserted.
"I was a hero in my district for standing
up and opposing this program when it
had Soapy Williams picture on it; now my
constituents walk up to me and say,
'Clyde, for 16 years we've tried to elect a
Republican governor. -Now we've got one;
for Heaven's sake, give him what he
wants.' And I have to ask, 'Do you know
what he wants?' and they tell me 'no.'
"Now that's awful. I wouldn't buy a
pig-in-a-poke from Williams, and I'm
not going to buy one from "Romney, just
because he's a Republican. I think we
should consider each proposal on its
merits and on its merits alone.
"Gov. Romney has a nice trick he pulls
sometimes. He says he's a citizen first
and a Republican second. Well I can play
that game too. And I'm going to consider
each and every proposal as a citizen and
not as a Republican.
"You (Dethmers) are asking us to ac-
cept blindly the governor's program,
simply because he proposes it. I'm afraid
that's not a very good reason."
QUITE RIGHT, Sen. Geerlings. And it
would seem that as distinguished a
personage as the state YR chairman
- urmlAral ++n- n('ra,. . oman

belatedly discovering that the
problems of being a University
judiciary are not slight.
Earlier this week it received
and disposed of two cases of
fraternity group conduct viola-
tions-the first since Joint Judi-
ciary Council gave IFC jurisdic-
tion in this area three weeks ago.
The two cases spotlighted a num-
ber of issues with which IFC must
come to grips if itis to have an
effective, responsible judiciary.
FIRST; the IFC executive com-
mittee is responsible for judicial
functions within the fraternity
system. The executive committee
and the judic, in other words, are
one and the same. This means
that cases are tried by:
The five senior officers of IFC;
Five fraternity presidents-one
from each of the districts into
which the system is divided;
Three alumni members;
A representative of the Office
of Student Affairs.
The OSA representatiye is John
Feldkamp. In judicial cases he
serves strictly as an advisor with-
out vote.
When JJC approved the transfer
of authority, it recommended that
IFC establish a separate judicial
branch to deal with the viola-
tions. Rationalen: there would
otherwise be a conflict between
the executive and judicial func-
tions of the committee.
IFC HAS OPPOSED the change,
arguing that its constitution
authorizes it to be the fraternity
judiciary. It has always judged
violations of fraternity rules and
regulations, as opposed to those of
University rules and regulations.
It is perhaps an unfortunate
coincidence then, that the presi-
dents of both accused houses, ATO
(acquitted) and Zeta Psi (con-
victed) are also members of the
executive committee, i.e. they are
members of the judic. Neither par-
ticipated in the proceedings
against his own house.
Nevertheless, there was--and
had to be-too much of an in-
formal atmosphere. Here's a 14-
man committee, which has work-
ed closely together since April,
suddenly called on to judge the
outside affairs of two of its own
members. Objectivity is implaus-
ible in such circumstances.
* * *
THE NATURE of the com-
plaints IFC will be considering
presents a second problem. There
are primarily two: an unregistered
party and/or consumption or
presence of alcoholic beverages in
a house. A violation usually en-
compasses both.
While the liquor violation is
clear-cut, the unregistered party
is not. Any social functions must
be pre-registered with and ap-
proved by the OSA. Until this fall,
women weren't allowed in fra-
ternity houses except for such
registered functions. Any other
time that women were discovered

ducting unregistered parties. Both
were acquitted (Zeta Psi was con-
victed on a liquor charge).
In deciding the unregistered
party question IFC had to grope
about for new terms. It came with
five criteria-all of which are
tentative. If there is a sudden
gathering of people in a frater-
nity house:
How did they get there? Was
the gathering spontaneous or or-
What did they do in the house?
Was there a band and refresh-
ments, for instance?
What was the degree of parti-
cipation? While IFC has no spe-
cific yardstick, the more mem-
bers present (in combination with
the other circumstances), the more
likelihood of a violation.
How long did the situation last,
an hour or an evening?
How deeply was the chapter in-
volved? Was there a chapter vote?
Were house funds used?
The criteria are certainly inter-
related. No one of them could
alone convict a house.
*, * *
IFC HAS DONE a good job in
this virtual "no man's land." One
wonders, however, whether the
concept of the unregistered party
is valid now that the automatic
definition has been removed. The
above criteria-or any other cri-
teria-demand judgement - deci-
sions which are much too fine.
This isespecially so when the
jurists have to rely on one witness,
when they cannot see for them-
selves what has occurred.
The solution would be to elim-
inate the registration require-
ment for parties. Registration was
only a means of keeping women
out of the houses. Now that they
are allowed, registration has no
purpose. The OSA has to make this
move: IFC would certainly wel-
come it.
* * *
A THIRD ISSUE is that of evi-
dence and testimony. The evidence
is compiled by Harold Swoverland,
investigator for the OSA. He is
a familiar name to most Greeks.
Appearing unannounced when-
ever he suspects a chapter may be
drinking or illegally partying,
Swoverland will peer through
windows, search the house for
alcohol or do whatever else is
necessary to get his information.
He also investigates complaints
received by the Ann Arbor police.
Finding a violation, Swoverland
reports to John Bingley, director
of student activities and organiza-
tions in the OSA. Bingley can refer
the case to IFC or dispose of it
himself. In the former case he
draws up a report of the violation
for IFC.
Swoverland is never present at
a hearing. (This was also true
when Joint Judic handled the
cases.) Bingley's report is read;
the president of the accused house
can then testify and answer ques-
* * *
THE ATO and Zeta Psi presi-
dents challenged both the tone
and even certain facts of the re-
Yn .c of - .hi . cil,firr- YM . --,

for instance, fear that they will
be dealt with harshly, while the
big houses will be treated leniently.
At some point, IFC may want
to examine the entire issue of
drinking regulations and their en-
forcement. Liquor flows fairly
freely in most, if not all of the
houses on campus. Yet only a few
houses are caught. This is strange
when Swoverland has keys and
access to every house at any time.
The University is being unfair if
it wants to make examples of a,
few houses as a sop to public
THIS IFC has good leadership.,
It earnestly wants to prove that,
it can be responsible for its own.'
In such terms the above problems
are by no means insurmountable.
Cinema Guild tonight and to-
morrow; the delights of "Oedipus
Rex" are purely auditory.
Insensitive to the essential dif-
ferences between the stage and the
screen, the producers of this mo-
vie have simply filmed a stage
production. No adaptations have
been made for the screen. The ac-
tors wear the traditional Greek
masks and perform on a proscen-
ium stage. As a result, the action
on the screen is uninteresting and
frequently distracting.
IT IS Sophocles' verse, beauti-
fully rendered into English by
William Butler Yeats, that carries
this film.
The essence of the stage is ora-
tory. When the playwright wishes 1
to express something he must put
words in the mouth of a character.
As he creates verbal images, the
cinematographer must create vis-
ual images. Sound can contribute
to a film, but it is not essential'
By presenting an essentially ver-
bal work in a visual medium, this
film has the worst of both worlds.
The visual possibilities of the cin-
ema are not utilized, and the ora-
tory, emanating from loud speak-
ers rather than live actors, loses
much of its expressive power.
THE MASKS which the actors
wear were designed for the stage
where the audience is at a con-
siderable distance from the per-
formers. The film, with its close-
ups, renders these devices irrele-
vant. Furthermore, these masks
hide subtleties of characterization
which the camera is capable of
picking up."
Restricted to the proscenium
stage, this play, as a film, seems
unnecessarily cramped. The pos-
sibilities of movement inherent in
the cinema are never taken ad-
vantage of.
a a a -

TO The EcfWo
To the Editor: public without being a summation
AS A GENETISIST, I have been of individual wills. Where are the
much impressed by the char- "Righties?" Aren't they listening?
acter of the civil rights movement -William Fleischman, Grad
to date. It has shown itself to be
an efficient educational endeavor. Tedious...
It has caused many to realize in-
consistancies in their own think- To the Editor:
ing. It has demonstrated that ra- PROF. MARVIN FELHEIM'S re-
cial prejudice is quite incompat- view of "Much Ado About
able with beliefs in democracy, Nothing'" was essentially correct.
morality and biological truth. It was unbelievable that APA
It has had the same effect as should give a tedious performance
the early passive efforts of the of such a delightful play. Prac-
Indians had against the British. tically all the wit was smothered
The Negro and the Indian have by Rabb and Marchand.
the same advantage; they are * * *
right. The Indians humiliated their THERE WAS LAUGHTER at
opponent to defeat and were re- times, only because Shakespeare's
spected for it. genius can usually squeeze through
* * * any amateurish fumbling. Experi-
RECENTLY, however, I have mentation is fine until it distracts
heard statements which say in from enjoyment. To disagree with
effect, "Cross our line and we'll the review, I thought Dogberrry
slug you, and hire us for our race." rather successful as, a blundering
Such statements are militant and bureaucrat.
violent. They seem to be based Finally: are we, the audience,
on the notion that there is a permitted to question at all the
significant biological difference inclusion of this play in the sea-
between the races and that the son? Personally, I would rather
Negro is inately inferior to other see some imaginative interpreta-
races. tion of the rarely performed Max
As a biologist I can not yet be- Frisch, Bertolt Brecht, Frank
lieve this. There is far too little Wedekind, et al, than to see again
data to support this conclusion. I the best "Much Ado About No-
think a violent approach to civil thing."
rights problems will tend to dem- Richard Centing, Grad
onstrate a falsehood; that the
races are significantly different.
Violence may bring about a sort CAMPUS:
of solution to the problem, but this
solution may turn out to be only /
a truce such as exists betweent4J1J
labor and management. Perhaps
the labor-management truce is
inevitable because of the intrinsic
functional difference between the
worker and the manager. I hope
that such an uneasy truce will SATYAJIT RAY's "Two Daugh-
not be the ultimate solution be- ters" is based on two short tales
tween groups which are, in truth, by Ramindranath Tagore. "The
not so different. Perhaps my Postmaster" is exquisitely simple.
thoughts are parallel to those of A new postmaster comes to an iso-
Mr. Sasaki. lated station and takes up his
-William M. Thwaites, Grad boring duties. He is served by a
young girl who bears his water
Extension ... andcooks his food with hardly a
To the Editor: He begins to teach her to read;
THE EDITORIAL by Marjorie when he falls ill with malaria, she
Brahms entitled "Vote or on nurses him. The isolation and liv-
Referendum," in your Oct. ' ing at the level of subsistence be-
edition, was quite remarkable, in- gin to wear on the postmaster, so
tended or not. Arguing against a he resigns his service and prepares
popular vote for the offices of the t return to Calcutta. When he
president and executive vice-presi- tries to say goodbye, she ignores
dent of SGC, she quite effectively the rupee. In the last frame when
threw the baby out with the bath he hears her offer water to her
water, forcing the reader to be- new aster he rea izesand wh at
come overwhelmingly skeptical of he has rejected. Through her lone-
thejustification for SGC's exis- liness and endurance the girl be-
Early in her editorial, Miss omes the eternal
Blahms implies that, as a matter "SAMAPTI" (The Conclusion)i
of faith, continuing the pretend an amusing treatment of )two
game of representative student themes: the clash of traditional
government is a goal to be pur- and modern values, and the proc-
sued, but, later on, she seems to ess of maturing. An educated son
question the legitimacy of stu- returns to his native village. His
dent government, as it is effective- mother urges a girl on him but
y applied. One very important he refuses the arranged marriage
question which she implicitly asks, and chooses a tomboy instead. She
and does not answer, then, is: Why reacts bitterly to this attempt to
pretend at all? end her childhood.
I find it interesting that if you He leaves. Her pet squirrel dies,
were to substitute the word "State" signaling the end of youth. She is
for SGC, and "citizens" for stu- able to write to him as wife to
dents in Miss Brahms writing we husband.
end up with a very socialist view * * /
of government. In some way or AS IN THE FIRST films of the'
other, we have a government , trilogy, Ray's camera is austere.
which legislates on the basis of The beauty of "Two Daughters" is
some sort of broad, generalized in his ability to catch the nuance
public will; a public will which, in of character.
some way, filters up from the -David Zimmerman
$5500 and All. Red

ONE OF THE advantages of going to a large school is the possibility
of being listed in an impressive student directory. This year's
directory, a familiar face from way back, will be on sale Monday for
a dollar and represents a significant cultural landmark in its own right.
However, it is fraught with traps for the unwary, and inpenetrable
to all but the most refined sensibilities. For my lesson in the true
reading of the directory, I went to the book's editor, Bill Hertlein,
who is also an engineer of the most refined sensibilities.
* * *. *
HE RECEIVED MEI at the loading dock of the SAB amidst great
commotion, for the arrival of a new directory is always likely to
arouse a great deal of excitement.
"These here are the directories," I was told by a welkin-eyed lad
who seemed nearly moved to tears by the occasion, "and that there's
the editor."
Hertlein got right down to business:; "Have a directory," he said,
producing a bright red book, "and look it over. Alpha Phi Omega,
the service fraternity that I'm president of did the book again this
year. We get 20 per cent of the profit to use for our projects. Last year
we sent used textbooks to Ghana, and put out a 'Wolverine Handbook'
for freshmen. Actually, any campus group can petition the Board in
Control of Student Publications to produce the book. Last year's
profits were about $5500, so you can see that it's- nothing to trifle
* * *
I WAS IN NO trifling mood so I took the book and thanked him,
anticipating the mysteries which lay between its red covers.
Like an old National Geographic, there is nothing unexpected
on the cover of this year's directory. The fun starts when you open
it up.
It's no Manhattan directory, but there is a charm all of its own
in its typewriter typography. Every other page bears an advertisement,
except that with successive letters of the alphabet, the advertising
pages change from odd-numbered ones to even-numbereds, and
back again, an ingenious system which affords the analytical mind
a pause for contemplation.
The book has little else in the way of a plot-line (except the
excitement of perusing the "Late Registration" members at the end)
but the variety of its characters is nearly overpowering. There will






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