UN General Assembly Attacks
South Africa for Racial Crisis
Study Cites Inequality
For the Working Girl
WASHINGTON (M)-Women still aren't getting a fair break with
men, particularly in jobs and equal pay, President John F. Kennedy's
commission on the status of women reported yesterday.
The commission attributed this phenomenon to foot dragging by
the federal and state governments and failure of the ladies to prod
them into action.
The unanimous 86-page fact-crammed report by 13 women and 11
men saw no need for any constitutional amendment beyond that for
- woman suffrage ratified in 1920.
Home's Hat Throwniin Ring
By The Associated Press
South Africa voting no, the Unit-
ed Nations General Assembly con-
demned that country anew yester-
day and demanded the blanket re-
lease of anyone held in jail there
for opposing racial segregation.
The 111-nation Assembly ap-
proved, 106-1, an Asian-African
resolution which also asked the
immediate ending of the trial of
a group of African nationalists
charged with plotting armed re-
Acting on last-minute instruc-
tions, the United States, Britain
and France joined in supporting
the resolution recommended to
the Assembly Thursday by its spe-
cial political committee.
Western Powers Abstain
The big. Western powers and six
other nations had abstained in
the 87-1 vote in the committee.
Others who joined the West yes-
terday in switching to a yes vote
were Canada, Belgium, Australia,
New Zealand, The Netherlands and
Portugal, which had voted no in
the committee, was absent in the
World News
By The Associated Press
BELLUNO, Italy - Indications.
mounted yesterday of political rep-
ercussions from the Valont Res-
ervoir disaster, with suggestions
that the vast loss of life, estimated
at 3000, might have been avoided.
Communist senators and depu-
ties charged that technicians at
the 873-foot-high dam and gov-
ernment authorities had at least
an hour's warning of impending
disaster Wednesday night but fail-
WASHINGTON -- The United
States and Great Britain signed a
formal agreement yesterday for a
submarine test center in the Ba-
Under the project, designed to
test underwater defense equip-
ment, the-United States will build
a $95-million testing center.
* * *
NEW YORK - Prices on the
New York Stock Exchange closed
slightly highcr in moderate trad-
ing yestefday despite a late after-
noon decline. The Dow Jones aver-
age for 30 industrials was up 1.20,
20 railroads up .30, 15 utilities
down .07 and 65 stocks up .33.
Assembly alongwith Honduras,
Spain and Paraguay.
Meanwhile, continuation of Unit-
ed Nations forces in the Congo un-
til the middle of next year was
assured yesterday when the Gen-
eral Assembly's budgetary com-I
mittee approved an appropriation
of $18.2 million for this purpose.
Soviets Vote No
The vote was 68-11, with 18 ab-
stentions. The Soviet bloc and
Cuba voted solidly against the
measure. Fourteen countries were
absent when the vote was taken.
United Nations Secretary-Gen-
eral U Thant had warned the As-
sembly that he would liquidate the
entire United Nations force in the
Congo this year unless additional
funds were provided. Slightly over
5000 United Nations troops now
would remain until next June 30.
The committee vote was enough
to guarantee passage in the As-
sembly, where a two-thirds major-
ity prevails.
Latin Americans Abstain
A number of Latin American
countries abstained because they
felt their assessment to raise the
fund should be less. Arab bloc
countries also generally abstained.
In other recent events, Mrs.
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, sister of
India's Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru, accused Red China of con-
tinuing war preparations against
In her first major speech be-
fore the United Nations General
Assembly since she succeeded the
controversial and sharp-tongued
V. K. Krishna Menon as India's
chief delegate, Mrs. Pandit also
slapped at Pakistan's dealings with
the Chinese Communist regime.
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ject will be given by James Watt
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ofLectureship. Everyone is wel-
come to come and listen.,
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Adenauer Quits
As Chancellor;
Erhard in Post
BONN (om) - Konrad Adenauer
submitted his resignation yester-
day from the West German chan-
cellorship he has held for 14 years.
The resignation takes effect
Tuesday, on the eve of parliament's
election of Economics Minister
Ludwig Erhard as the new chan-
cellor. Both are Christian Demo-
Details of the changeover had
been planned long in advance.
Parliament is to meet Wednes-
day to elect Erhard, 66. Erhard
will be sworn in that afternoon
and present his new cabinet to
President Henrich Luebke the fol-
lowing day.
During the few hours between
Adenauer's resignation and Er-
hard's election, Adenauer will serve
as acting chancellor.
Technically, his resignation will
not go into effect until accepted;
by Luebke, but this acceptance is
considered a matter of course. The
hour is expected to be 5 p.m.
Adenauer's choice of yesterday
for tendering his resignation took
Bonn by surprise, but only be-
cause it was expected to be de-
layed until next week.
The commission said women al-
ready have equal rights under pro-
visions guarding against depriva-
tion of life, liberty and property.
Legal Clarification Necessary
But the commission stressed
that there is need for legal clarifi-
cation of women's rights. Specif-
ically, the report said:
"State legislatures are most di-
rectly responsible for action nec-
essary to eliminate injustices to
women under the law ... These in-
equalities are primarily in areas
of jury service and personal prop-
erty rights of women."
The commission said only 20
states let women serve on the jur-
ies on the same basis as men, and
women are barred completely from
sitting in court judgment on their
peers in South Carolina, Alabama
and Mississippi.
States' Rights Impingement
In accusing Uncle Sam of drag-
ging his feet in this field, the
commission said one reason is
"fear of impinging on states'
Telling the ladies they are not
blameless in the matter, the com-
mission said they outnumber men
in this country by about 3.75 mil-
lion; yet their failure to vote makes
them a political minority.
The report called on Kennedy to
take the lead in making things bet-
ter for the women in the home, in
the community, on the job and in
civil and political life. The com-
mission set down three major acts
it said the President should take:
Issue Executive Order
1) Issue an executive order to
encourage equal treatment for
women in private employment as
well as under federal contracts.
The report noted that Kennedy
had already taken a step in that
direction in a 1962 directive to fed-
eral agencies.
2) Launch a federal program
encouraging adult education for
women, who the commission point-
ed out generally outlive men and
can look forward to a number of
useful years after raising families.
3) Designate a cabinet officer to
make certain that the commis-
sion's recommendations are car-
ried out and appoint a citizens'
committee to keep tabs on what
progress is being made.
One thing the states can do, the
commission said, is enact equal
pay laws similar to the federal
equal pay act signed by Kennedy
last June and which goes into ef-
fect over the next two years.
BLACKPOOL, England ()-- A v
powerful group of Conservative
lawmakers yesterday thrust For-
eign Secretary Lord Home into the
power struggle to succeed stricken
Laing Views
Prime Minister Harold Macmil-
lan's resignation, a n n o u n c e d
Thursday, "may improve the Con-
servative position" in the spring
elections, Prof. Lionel H. Laing
of the political science department
said yesterday.
"It removes the unnertainty of
leadership and gives the party the
opportunity to develop strong di-
rection under their chosen candi-
date," Prof. Laing said.
Macmillan's resignation is un-
likely to affect United States-Brit-
ish relations, since foreign policy
is "pretty determined. The guide
lines are there," Prof. Laing com-
"It is important that Macmil-
lan's resignation came at least this
far ahead of the elections because
this gives the party some time to
project the image of the new can-
didate," he added.
'the selection of the Conserva-
tive candidate will be made "with-
out delay," Prof. Laing noted.
He mentioned Deputy Prime
Minister Richard A. Butler, Science
Minister Lord Hailsham and Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer Reginald
Maudling as the prominent possi-
bilities for the choice.
Edward Heath, Lord Privy Seal
and negotiator for Britain's at-
tempted entry into the Common
Market, was mentioned as an "out-
side possibility."
Prof. Laing sketched the promi-
nent possibilities:
1) Deputy Prime Minister Butler
is a representative of the solid
qualities which have appealed to
the Conservatives in the past.
He has been in the top leader-
ship, although passed over when
Macmillan was chosen in 1957.
However, he doesn't seem to have
the appeal to the rank and file,
although he is a capable admin-
2) Lord Halsham is willing to
resign his title (there is a firm
constitutional position that the
prime minister must come from
the Commons). As the organizer
of the party, he has organizational
talents and wide contacts.
3) Reginald Maudling is younger
[and reflects the up-and-comning
elements in the party. He has been
regarded for some time as the rep-
resentative of the progressive ele-
ment, Prof. Laing noted.
Harold Macmillan as Britain's
prime minister.
The action, by several ex-min-
isters and senior politicians, clear-
ly was intended to shut out Rich-
ard A. Butler, deputy prime min-
ister, and Lord Hailsham, the sci-
ence minister who is renouncing
his title to run for office.
But Butler,"Judged by all the
rules of political form, still seem-
ed to be the front runner in the
leadership race. A golden chance to
enhance his claims awaits him to-
day, when he makes the big wind-
up speech of the ruling Tories' an-
nual conference here.
Get It Over With
A leading member of the cabinet
reported leaders of the government
and party alike are hoping to set-
tle the issue within about a week.
"The longer this rat race goes
The culminating communica-
tive act of God and the central
act in the founding of the
Church is the revelation of God
in Christ, and the manifesta-
tion of God's wisdom, right-
eousness, and love for the world
through the death and resur-
rection of Christ. By this act,
God said to the Church-and
to the world-that Redemption
is free to those who will accept
it, to those who basically want
to be good-to those who be-
lieve that God is good. But Re-
demption involves death and
sacrifice, for out of suffering
and death come life. Redemp-
tion involves death to sin or
self-interest-to actions arising
from motives of self-interest
which might interfere with ac-
tions founded on the Divine
perspective. Redemption brings
forgiveness, and freedom from
guilt. It provides liberation
from the feeling of worthless-
ness because one's imperfect
actions are not rooted in Divine
purposes. Redemption brings
life. It relates"one to the com-
munity of the redeemed. It
gives one the sense of his own
dignity and worth, in that he
finds purpose for life in rela-
tion to Divine purposes. It ele-
vates the mundane and insig-
nificant and gives them mean-
ing in God's designs.
Why is Redemption impor-
tant in motivating the Church
to fulfill its mission? Is it nec-
essary for the Church to relate
its life in the modern world to
Christ's death and resurrec-
tion? How is suffering redemp-
During the "Concern Period"
following the 10:45 a.m. wor-
ship service next Sunday, these
questions will be discussed in
relation to the general topic,
"What makes a church a
church?". Individuals who may
feel qualified to expatiate on
answers to these questions are
urged to attend. Others-not so
fortunate-are simply invited to
come and participate In the
discussion. The meeting-place
is the Phi Chi Fraternity din-
ing room, 2250 Fuller Road.
on, the more it will damage
party's chances to win next ye
general election," he said blur
"Anyway, most of us are sick
what's going on."
There is a widespread impress
that Home, a dark horse can
date, could take over the pr
ministership if he wants to.
Above Rivalries
Macmillan would like him
Home has the reputation of
ing above personal rivalries. '
4000 delegates cheered his fore
policy speech yesterday morn
in a display of respect and aff
But thus far Home has insi
he is simply not interested.
on sale
Mon. and Tues.,
OCT. 14-19
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Piaf, Cocteau Die in Paris
By The Associated Press Cocteau, 74, died of a heart at-
PARIS-Two of the brightest tack. He was a jack-of-all trades
lights of French culture, Edith in the arts, writing poetry, paint-
Piaf and Jean Cocteau, died yes- ing, directing movies and plays,
terday in Paris. designing theatrical sets, creating
3-5 p.m.
Ticket Sales
Oct. 21
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FRANCE LOSES ARTISTS-Two renowned figures of the French
culture, director and dramatist Jean Cocteau and singer Edith
Piaf, passed away yesterday in Paris. Cocteau was well-known in
many artistic fields of endeavor. Miss Piaf had sung throughout
the world and was especially known for her song, "La Vie en Rose."
ballets and dabbling in journalism
and criticism.
Throughout his career, he was
one of the more controversial fig-
ures on the French scene. Early
in his career, his name became as-
sociated with the avant-garde
school and his works were expect-
ed to be different and surprising.
Many Intellectual Friends
Cocteau was a friend of such
intellectuals as Edmond Rostand,
Marcel Proust, Pablo Picasso, Dar-
ius Milhaud and Igor Stravinsky.
Cocteau was probably most not-
ed in this country for films such as
"Orpheus," which he directed.
Miss Piaf, 47, died of an internal
hemorrhage despite an ambulance
ride from the Riviera to Paris in
an effort to reach a specialist.
World Traveler
Miss Piaf had sung throughout
the world during her career, as-
tounding audiences with the
strength of her voice.
Her most famous song was "La
Vie en Rose" which she wrote her-
She was linked with many of
the famous names in the French
popular school: Maurice Chevalier,
Mistinguett, Yves Montand, Ed-
die Constantine, Les Compagnons
de la Chanson, and Charles Azna-
vour. She also appeared in a play
written for herby Cocteau.
U.S. Exchanges
Spies with Russia
States announced yesterday a
trade with Russia of two persons
on each side who had been held
on spy charges.
The Soviets released the Rev.
Walter Ciszek, a Pennsylvania-
born Roman Catholic priest held
in Russia since 1940, and Marvin
W. Makinen, of Ashburnham,
Mass., who was sentenced in Kiev
in 1961.
Just Obtained-I
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Israeli Doctoral Candidate in Social Psychology
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