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October 02, 1963 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-02

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Silverman Views Judaism



"Existentialism, so often iden-
fied with atheism, has been in-
rumental in breaking through
ie stalemate between science and
ligion," Rabbi David Silverman
id at the B'nai B'rith Hillel
oundation Monday night,
He discussed the contribution
E Paul Tillich, the Protestant
xistentialist, to this break-
irough in an introductory lecture
a "New Directions in Jewish
hought: Post Emancipation."
Rabbi Silverman turned to the
ritings of Maimonides to sup-

roice Calls

Protest Wl
A membership meeting of Voice
Political Party last evening com-
mitted the organization to pro-
vide active support for a demon-
stration to protest United States
policies in South Viet Nam to be
held on Oct. 19, in Washington.
The demonstration, sponsored by
Students for a Democratic Socie-
ty and the Student Peace Union,
will call for an end to American
aid to South Viet Nam, a cease-
fire under United Nations super-
vision, a withdrawal of all United
States troops and free elections
under the terms of the 1954 Gene-
va agreement.
According to Voice, the local
chapter of SDS, the group will seek
to organize transportation from
Ann Arbor to Washington for the
In addition, "We will seek to
publicize the demonstration and
initiate public discussion concern-
ing the Viet Nam crisis on the
campus and in the community,"
Richard Magidoff, Grad, a spokes-
man for Voice, said.
The demonstration will consist
of a picketing of the White House
in the morning and a public rally
in the afternoon. /

port his case that Jewish religious
thought has always been in the
forefront of Judaism. Maimonides
set up a scale of human worth, in
which the Jews who were observ-
ant without knowing the reasons
behind their actions were very un-
important. In contrast, Jews who
thought about the reasons behind
the religious doctrine were to be
greatly respected.
Tillich Theories
After explaining the elements of
Existential philosophy, Rabbi Sil-
verman spoke in detail about Til-
lich's views.
"Tillich has a strange twist in
his argument for religious doc-
trine," he said. Tillich considers
religion important only when it
answers specific questions that
temporary men are asking. There-
fore, he starts with questions such
as "Why does man suffer?" and
pushes them to the limit of human
Once having realized that there
are no rational answers. man will
have to rely on the religious an-
swers, Rabbi Silverman said.
Raps Religious Philosophy
Tillich also criticizes religious
philosophy because it has tried to
prove the existence of God. Since
God is "being" itself, to prove him
is idolatrous. As one example, Ju-
daism has practiced idolatry by
conceiving of God as a particular
being, Tillich claims.
"It will be interesting to see
how this accusationagainst Jew-
ish theology is dealt with," Rabbi
Silverman concluded.
The Existential interpretation of
the symbols in the Bible are most
important in the conflict between
'U' Players Sell
Season Tickets
Season tickets for the Uni-
versity Players' Playbill for the
coming season are currently on
sale on the Diag and at the corner
of North University and State

... existentialism in Judaism
science and religion. Tillich would
agree that the Garden of Eden
did not exist, RabbiSilverman
said. But Tillich would add thatj
its existence ornon-existence is
of no importance. What is im-
portant is that the Garden of
Eden, like other symbols, reveals
something about the nature of
man that cannot be revealed in
another way.
Jewish Reactions
Rabbi Silverman, who is the
chairman of special education for
the Jewish Theological Seminary,
will be the guest lecturer for Hil-
lel's fall seminar in Contemporary
Jewish Philosophy. Growing out of
the needs felt by Jewish students
at the University, the seminar is
intended to discuss Jewish thought
on a higher level than the stu-
dents' elementary orientation in
religious school.
How have the Jews reacted to
Tillich and existential philosophy?
Rabbi Silverman will tackle this
question in his next lecture on
October 30. Before this lecture, all
those intending to participate in
the seminar will meet to discuss
and analyze the assigned readings.

"Moscow and Birmingham -
Civil Rights and the Economics of
Disarmament" will be the subject
of an address by Sanford Gott-
lieb, political action director of the
National Committee for a Sane
Nuclear Policy at 8 p.m. today in
the Ann Arbor Public Library.
Tutorial Speaker...
Dr. Harold Lockett, psychiatrist
and Ann Arbor resident, will be
the guest speaker at the next
meeting of the Ann Arbor Tutorial
Project to be held at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Michigan Union. He
will speak on the problems related
to working with Negro children.
Engineering Lecture.. .
Brice Carnahan of the engineer-
ing college will give "An Intro-
duction to Digital Computers and
the MAD Language" at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Natural Science Aud.,
as part of the engineering lecture
Flu Shots o.*.-
The Health Service is offering
flu shots from 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-
4:30 p.m. today. The shots will
cost students $1 and faculty and
staff members $1.50.
Pick .Delegates.
on Conference
All undergraduate delegate posi-
tions for the Conference on the
University have been filled, steer-
ing committee chairman Diane
Lebedeff, '65, announced yester-
Petitioning for graduate dele-
gates is still open, she said. Fac-
ulty members interested in par-
ticipating in the conference may
contact Prof. Eugene Feingold of
the political science department
or Stanley Levy, administrative as-
sistant to the literary college dean,
Miss Lebedeff added.
The conference, a student-fac-
ulty-administration discussion of
University issues, is scheduled for
Oct. 25-27.

SGC Candidates Seek
Aliterations of Structure



(Continued from Page 1)
residential college plans and fu-
ture campus planning generally.
He explained that the role of the
student in these projects must be
brought to the attention of the
planners "to insure public policy
discussion of future plans affect-
ing students."
Jefferson Davis, '65, said that
before Council can actively become
involved in academic decisions, "it
must prove its competence to act
in these matters." He cited the
political aspects of Council as det-
riments to proving this compe-
Delving into specific plans for
student participation in policy-
making, the candidates discussed
the student-faculty parallel com-
mittee structure as one method.
Student-Faculty Ties
Barry Kramer, '65E, saw this
structure as "a way for students to
have a say that is heard."
Citing firm faculty-student ties
as desirable, Douglas Baird, '66,
said that such relations can aid
Council in making "rational and
reasonable recommendations to
the faculty and administration."
As to how he would like to see
Council move generally, Doug
Brook, '65, expressed his general
"approach of pragmatism." He
noted ways for Council to assert
itself "through resolution and lob-
by," expressing the need for a co-
herent philosophy of "student
rights and responsibilities."
Fight for Diversity
Scott Crooks, '65, also called on
Council to act authoritatively. It is
Council's duty "to fight to have
the University keep its diversity
and its substance," he said. Crooks
specifically commented on the
problems of in-state and out-of-
state student ratios.
On the question of dealing with
the OSA, Crooks expressed the
need for "a steady pressure on
OSA by Council." Epker warned
that allowing the OSA to usurp
student authority was one exam-
ple of how "Council could die if it

doesn't take steps where it does
have authority."
For futureicases where the vice-
president for student affairs ve-
toes a Council recommendation
"SGC must be willing to stand be-
hind and fight for what it has
passed," Cunningham said.
Veto Power.
Shenkin observed that Council
must examine "what strength does
the veto have and what right does
the vice-president for student af-
fairs have in the specific case to
issue it." He explained that a veto
on a crucial Council decision
'could be taken as a negation of
the Council itself."

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday.
Day Calendar
Advanced Firemanship Course-Reg-
stration: Civil Defense and Fire Dis-
aster Training Center, N. Campus, 8:30
Dept. of Speech Assembly - Dana
Rose, Assistant Vice-President of Mich.
Bell Telephone Co., "Breakdown in
Communication": Rackham Lecture
Hall, 4:00 p.m.
College of Engin. Lecture Series --
Brice Carnahan, Instructor in Chemi-
cal Engin. and Biomedical Data Pro-
cessing Project, "An Introduction to
Digital Computers and the MAD Lan-
guage": Natural Science Aud., 7:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for, Keith El-
bert Bignall, Physiology; thesis: "A
Photically Evoked Post-Primary Re-
sponse in Visual Cortex of the An-
esthetized Cat," today, 4001 E. Medical
Bldg., at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, L. T.

General Notices
Opportunity Fellowships are available
for 1964-65 to citizens of the U.S. with
special racial or cultural backgrounds,
including Spanish-Americans, Negroes,
American Indians and residents of
Puerto Rico. Awards carry stipends of
up to $3,000. Inquire of "Opportunity
Fellowships," John Hay Whitney Foun=
dation, 111 West 59th St., New York 20,
N.Y. Complete applications must be
filed by Dec. 1, 1963.
Prelminsry Exams in English: Appli-
cants for the Ph.D. who expect to take
the preliminary exams this fall are re-
quested to leave their names with Dr:
Ogden, 1613 Haven Hall. The exams will
be given as follows: English Lit. 1550-
1660, Tues., Oct. 29, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.;
English and American Lit, 1660-1780,
Sat., Nov, 2, 9 a.m. to 12 m.; 1780-1850,
Tues., Nov. 5, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.; and 1850
to 1930, Sat., Nov. 9, 9 a.m. to 12 m. The
The Tues. exams will be given in Room
2D Economics Bldg., the Sat, exams will
be given in Room 1437 Mason Hall. The
exams on English Lit, Beginnings to
1550, will be given at one of the four
times stated above, by special arrange-
ment with Dr. Ogden.
U-M Fall Blood Bank Clinic .- The
U-M Blood Bank Assn. in cooperation
with the American Red Cross will hold
its Fall Blood Bank Clinic on Mon.,
Oct. 28, and also., Tues., Oct. 29. The
Clinic hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. Any full-time or part-time regular-
ly employed staff members (excluding

students) interested in becoming a
member or renewing his membership
should contact the Personnel Office,
1028 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 2834, before
Oct. 16.
Request for Proxies-The U-M Fall
Blood Bank Clinic will be held on
Oct. 28-29. There are many staff mem-
bers who are requesting membership,
but are unable to donate for various
reasons, such as age, past diseases and
illness. The Personnel Office and these
staff members would be most appre-
ciative if interestedkemployes would
aid their fellow workers by donating
as proxies in this Clinic to be held in
a few weeks. If you are interested in
assisting these people, please contact
the Personnel Office, Ext. 2834.
The following schools have recorded
vacancies for the school year 1963-64:
Deerfield, Mich.-Instrumental Music
(Band)--2 days, 3 times a week.
Willow Run, Mich.-Jr. High Indus-
trial Arts (General Shop).
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB,
663-1511, Ext. 3547.
Prentice Hall, Elyria, Ohio-Seeking
College Book Rep. to contact faculty
in colleges in Mich. territory. Reps, rep-
resent specialized field. Considerable
travel, although individual territory
covers small area. Will also negotiate
with professors regarding the publish-
ing of their manuscripts. Oppor. for
promotion to editorial and mgmt, posi-
tions in both domestic and foreign
areas. Male. Degree in Liberal Arts or,
Bus. Ad.
Ford Motor Co., Engrg. & Research
Staff, Dearborn, Mich.-Seeking young
man for training in safety and secur-
ity. BA degree. Desire above average
student who is personable and capable
of assuming responsibility. Immed.
American Cyanamid Co., New Castle,
Pa.-Currently interested in hiring one
or more recent graduates in each of
the following categories: BS Chemist;
MS Organic Chemist, pref. Inorganic
Chem. minor; PhD Organic Chemist;
BS or MS Chemical Engr. Part of work
consists of the R & D of improved
routes to new high energy rocket pro-
pellants and high explosives. The re-
mainder of work comprises research to-
ward new high energy systems.
Conn. Civil Service - Public Health
Lab. Technician. At least 3 yrs. college
including laboratory courses in the phy-
sical or biological sciences. Conn, resi-
dence waived. Must apply by Oct. 23.
Local Research Dept.-Opening for
an Assistant in Research. Familiar witht
tabulating machine and able to operate
desk calculator. Will act as liaison be-
tween Phychologists and BehavioralE
Sciences and Tabulating Rm. or Com-
puting Center. Duties also include pre-
test interviewing and coding and sta-t
tistical formulas. Desire individual with1


degree and exper. in Social Sciences,
Computer and/or Math bkgd.
m "
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
of Appointments-Seniors and grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for appoint-
ments with the following:
MON., OCT. 7-
TUES., OCT. 8-
No interviews.
WED., OCT. 8-
Women's Army Corps-Capt. Trask
will be in Mason Hall (Fishbowl) to
give information to interested women
concerning the four week summer pro-
gram for Juniors and the Exec. posi-
tions as commissioned officers for
Michigan Bell Telephone Co.-Dec.
and May grads-Men and women. De-
gree in any area, BA or MA level, for
Management Development Program. No
citizenship requirements.
U.S. Coast Guard-Officer Candidate
School, Yorktown, Va.-Seeking men
only with any degree major. BA re-
quired, although students may apply
during their senior year. Will train for
general duty officers. U.S. citizenship
Standard Oil., Div. of American Oil-
Entire Mich. area-Men-Seeking Dec.
and May grads who are general Liberal
Arts majors for positions in Sales
(territorial), Sales promotion, Merchan-
dising, & Management Training.
THURS., OCT. 10-
Dept. of Navy Administrative Officers,
Washington, D.C. - Men and women,
Dec. and May grads. Seeking: Econ.,
Poli. Sci., Engl., Soc., Psych., Hist., &
Liberal Arts majors. Positions in: Res.

& Dev. Design, Project Mgmt., Elec.
Computing, Personnel, Statistics, Mgmt.
Trng., Publ. Admin., & Transportation.
U.S. citizenship required. (Will be in-
terviewing at Engrg. Placement Offices
on Oct. 11).
U.S. Coast Guard-See Wed, listing.
U.S. Air Force-San Antonio, Texas-
Men and women, Dec. and May grads.
Seeking: BS & MS level Chem., Physics,
Geology, Math, Bacti., Biochem., &
Architecture. Positions: Officer Train-
ing School; Pilot, Navigator, Science
& Engrg. Officer. U.S. citizenship re-
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Co.-Throughout U.S.-Men, Dec. and
May grads. Seeking' General Liberal
Arts, Econ., Law & Educ. for positions
as Life Insurance Sales Reps., possibly
leading to sales management.
Internal Revenue Service, Washing-
ton, D.C.-Men and women, June grads.
Seeking: General Liberal Arts,. Econ.,
& Poli. Sci. for positions in Banking,
Econ., Foreign Trade, Labor Econ.,
Mgmt. Trng., Office Mgmt., Personnel,
Publ. Rels., Publ. Admin., Stat., Writ-
ing, Technical and those that lead to
Admin. type opportunities. U.S. citizen-
ship required.
"Speed and Women": While conva-
lescing from his accident, Stirling
Moss, legendary racing driver, spent
many hours with Ken W. Purdy. In this
exciting Atlantic Extra, the two talk
about some of the fears, problems and
temptations that beset a racer.
Vance Packard. Mr. Packard foresees
a dramatic improvement in TV fare due
to new cable TV, pay TV, tape TV to
buy or rent, and other new techniques.
"Britain's Policy if Labour Wins":
Labor Party leader Harold Wilson tells
what Britain's new foreign policy would
be under a Labor Prime Minister.
Poetry: by Robert Graves, Theodore
Roethke, Stanley Kunitz.
"Saying What One Means": Freya
Stark tells why accuracy of
language is the basis for
any writing style.
Month in and month
out The Atlantic's
editors seek out ex-
cititng expressions of
new and provocative
ideas. And whether
tlolse expressions
tape the form of
prose or poetry, fact
or fiction, they al-
ways attain a re k
markably high level
of academic value ^>
and literary interest.ON
Make room in your SALE
life for The Atlantic.
Get a copy today. NO

Thursday and Sunday evenings 7-10
$1.00 an hour
Contact EVAN MILLER 5-5851

Chess Club, Meeting, Oct. 2, 7:30
p.m., Union, Rm. 3M. Everyone wel-
" * *
German Club, Coffee Hour-German
conversation, music, singing. Refresh-
ments. Oct. 2, 3-5 p.m., 4072 FB. "Herz-
lich Willkommen."
* * *
Rifle Club, General Shooting, 7:30-
10 p.m.; Informational Meeting, 8:15
p.m.; Rifle Range.
* * *
Senior Society, Dinner Meeting, Oct.
3, 5:15 p.m., Union Dining Room.
* * *
Univ. Lutheran Chapel, Midweek De-
votion, conducted by Pastor A. Scheips,
Oct. 2, 10 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw.
* * *
WAA, Crop & Saddle, Riding, Oct. 3,
6:45 and 7:45 p.m., WAB.
S * * *
Voice Political Party, Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m.,
UGLI, Multipurpose Rm. Speaker: Fred
Fetchheimer, "Americus, Georgia."


DIAL 8-6416


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