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October 02, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-02

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See Editorial Page

Ci r



Mostly sunny today
with cooler temperatures tonight

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Present 'U'
Non-Resident Total
Shows Slight Drop
Schools of Pharmacy, Social Work
Experience Most Marked Changes
Total University residence credit enrollment for the 1963-64
academic year is a record high of 27,388, an increase of 863 over
last year.
Breaking down the total, Roger W. Heyns, Vice-President for
Academic Affairs reported yesterday that the statistic included

jnrollment Hits New Peak of 27,386










Develops 'Taylor
A r"~ -H-2



17,688 men and 9700 women. He

.... pledges to farmers

Algeria Sees
End of Revolt
ALGIERS (P-Algerian Presi-
dent Ahmed Ben Bellatold 100,000
cheering supporters yesterday the
military rebellion will be settled
without bloodshed and, in an ap-
parent bid for more support,
pledged quick seizure of all farm-
lands remaining in French hands.
French settlers, with massive
support payments from the home-
land, have farmed most of Al-
geria's richest land for decades.
With the military revolt appar-
ently spreading, Ben Bella said:
"No blood will flow. We don't
want to see one Algerian fight an-
other Algerian . . . this country
has seen enough blood. Let us
stop our quarrels."
As for his nationalization pro-
gram, which has also hit industry,
newspapers and hotels, Ben Bella
"We are living a historic mo-
ment which is giving back to the
country its essential right - the

further explained that the total is
-divided into 24,416 in Ann Arbor,
602 at Flint College, 586 at the
Dearborn campus and 1,784 at the
graduate centers.
Total Enrollment
Total University enrollment, in-
cluding Extension Services sources
is 30,799, up 836 over last year.
Of the residence credit enroll-
ment of 27,388, a total of 19,654
are Michigan residents (up 850)
and 7,734 are non-residents (down
14). Of the latter tootal, 6,780
come from other states and United
States territories; 195 are from
Canada and 759 are from other
foreign countries.
Enrollment Distribution
Distribution of enrollment by
schools and colleges is: architec-
ture school, 734 (up 8); business
administration school, 1,002 (up
108); Dearborn Campus, 586 (up
61); dental school, 456 (down 2);
education school, 1167 (down 4);
engineering college, 2,906 (up 30);
Flint College, 602 (up 66); grad-
uate school, 6,604 (up 72) ; Law
School, 1,007 (up 9); literary col-
lege, 8,779 (up 377) ; Medical
School, 1,290 (up 25).
Music school, 613 (down 10);
natural resources school, 196
(down 17); nursing school, 758 (up
63); pharmacy college, 117 (down
27); public health school, 240 (up
17); and social work school, 355
I(up 54).
Two of the more striking
changes from last year occur in
the schools of pharmacy and social
r Striking Changes
The 25 per cent drop of enroll-
ment in the pharmacy school (144
last year; 117 this year) was com-
mented upon yesterday by Dean
Tom D. Rowe of the pharmacy
Dean Rowe attributed the drop
*to the fact that the school has
embarked this year upon a new
five-year program, leaving it with-
out a senior class.
Dean Fedele F. Fauri of the
social work school attributed his
school's 14 per cent rise in en-
rollment (301 last year; 355 this
year) to the larger number of
scholarships and traineeships
available and the general rise of
salaries in the field of social work.

... admissions report

Class of '67
Gets Bigger
Assistant Director of Admis-
sions Byron L. Groesbeck reported
yesterday that this year's fresh-
man class is "between 3450 and
3500," an increase of approximate-
ly 25 over last year.
The percentage of out-of-state
students in the freshman class
"ranges between 30 and 32 per
The average college board scores
of this year's freshmen are up 16
and 13 points in the verbal and
mathematical Scholastic Achieve-
ment Tests, respectively.
Last year's median verbal score
was 549; this year's is 565. The
median in the mathematical exam
rose from 590 to 603.
Groesbeck pointed out, how-
ever, that these rises in the aver-
age board scores are attributed
more to a smaller number of stu-
dents under the 500 range than
a larger number over the 700
Another significant report from
the admissions office is that policy
has been altered so that in the
case of out-of-state applicants,
only those in the immediate family
(son, daughter, grandchild, broth-
er, sister or spouse) of a Univer-
sity graduate will be given special
Policy Changes
In past years policy has been
to grant special consideration to
any out-of-state applicant who
had any relative spend time at the
University, whetherna degree was
granted or not.
This policy, Groesbeck noted,
has been and, in its altered form,
will continue to be applied only
in schools such as Architecture
and Design and the literary col-
lege, where competition for ad-
mission is especially stiff.
He also pointed out that the
policy has no really significant
affect upon admissions standards,

At taiks
Foreign Secretary Lord Home dis-
cussed a wide range of disarma-
ment proposals with Soviet For-
eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko
yesterday but there was no give
on either side.
This was reported by British
sources last night after a two-
hour luncheon meeting between
Home and Gromyko, the latest of
a series of probes to see what
further Cold War agreement might
be possible to follow up the limited
nuclear test ban treaty.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
sees Gromyko today, and tomor-
row all three plan to meet again.
Sources said Home also intends to
see President John F. Kennedy in
Washington Friday before return-
ing to London.
Cautious Acceptance
Home gave cautious acceptance
to the Soviet proposal for an 18-
nation summit meeting on dis-
armament. He said it would have
some value if a work program was
drafted in advance on a lower
Home spelled out this British
position in a major policy speech
in the 111-nation General Assem-
bly, then went on the the lunch-
eon talk with Gromyko at the
headquarters of the Soviet mission
to the United Nations.
British informants gave this
Disarmament Possibilities
Home and Gromyko, for the
first time in the current round of
meetings in New York, went into
depth on the list of disarmament
possibilities that have been men-
tioned since the test ban signing.
Gromyko for the first time
raised the Soviet proposal for a
non-aggressioon pact between the
North Atlantic and Warsaw mili-
tary blocs.
IST Sets Up
Physics Lab
To Study Light
The Institute of Science and
Technology has established a new
laboratory for research in electro-
optical sciences and Prof. George
W. Stroke of the eletrical engi-
neering department has been ap-
pointed head of the new unit.
Prof. Stroke, who joined the
faculty this fall received his doc-
toral degree in physics at the
Sorbonne and was formally at
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
The laboratory is part of a pro-
gram initiated this year to enable
graduate students to work in the
relatively new field of optics.
"The University is pioneering
in this field," Prof. James T. Wil-
son, acting hear of IST, said.
"New knowledge in optics is be-
ing developed and used in indus-
try with dramatic results-espe-
cially in electronic information
processing, light amplification and
control with lasers and communi-
The new la'oratory will con-
duct studies in diffraction grat-
ings, light propagation, speed of
light measurement, electro-optical
communications, and optical elec-
tronics, Stroke commented.
"As far as I know, the Univer-
sity is the only school in this
country to offer such a course in
electro-optical science," Stroke


Military Men
Quit Palace
armed forces which overthrew
Dominican Republic President
Juan Bosch will move out of their
offices in the national palace this
week, a high government official
said yesterday.,
Such a withdrawal would mark
the first time in modern history
that Dominican military men have
not had a substantial force with-
in the palace.
Military Remained
Dictator Rafael L. Trujillo was
always surrounded by a small ar-
my, and the military remained
after Trujillo's downfall.
The government official said in
an interview the generals and their
staffs will move into the armed
forces building at Centra de Los
It is believed this move was
urged by those members of the
three-man provisional government
and the 14-man cabinet anxious to
show the United States and the
rest of the hemisphere that the
new regime is worthy of recogni-
tion as a democratic establish-
Political Power
Throughout Latin America,
armed forces are traditionally a
power in political affairs. The Do-
minican move was regarded as an
attempt to achieve full separation
of the military from the govern-
Meanwhile, in Miami three lead-
ers of the ousted Juan Bosch re-
gime vowed yesterday to return to
power within a short time.
"The provisional government
cannot last because it is a tyran-
nical one and is not the expression
of the people," declared exile Do-
minican Republic Vice-President
Armando Gonzalez Tamayo.
Exiles Arrive
Tamayo, Dominican Revolution-
ary Party President Angel Mio-
lan, and Jacobo Mazluta, Bosch's
finance minister, arrived in exile
Monday night.
They said they would begin im-
mediately plotting against the new
Dominican regime.
"First we want to talk to Bosch,
who we understand arrived in
Guadeloupe," Miolan said.
Claims Funds Misused
Meanwhile, a government offi-
cial claimed Bosch misused $92,-
000 in government funds while in
office by transferring it to the
Dominican Revolutionary Party,
the party to which he belonged.

administration, faculty and Of-
fice of Student Affairs.
On the student role as inter-
preted through Council action,
SGC Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent Thomas Smithson, '65, ex-
plained that he assumed "that
students coming to this campus
have certain responsibilities cou-
pled With the ability to carry them
out." He noted that the student
government should be given the
authority to enact these responsi-
Community Participation
Robert Shenkin, '65BAd, com-
mented that the students should
use their Council "as a meaning-
ful voice in the conduct of their
affairs." He said that by using
"whatever means it has at its dis-
posal," the Council should seek to
maintain this powerful voice.
Gary Cunningham, '66, observ-
ed that the Council should strive
to answer the desire of students
"to participate in a community."
He called on Council "to set the
overall tone of this community and
make the student feel is he is do-
ing more than just studying."
Involvement in 'U'
Turning to the student role in
academic affairs policy-making,
Howard Schechter, '66, said that
"it is morally and democratically
correct to assume that if the stu-
dent is involved in an academic
community, he must have his
views well represented with those
who make policy."
Naming specific ways the stu-
dents could involve themselves,
Russell Epker, '64BAd, appealed to
students to examine the proposed
See SGC, Page 2

-. presents amendment

IFC Fines
The Interfraternity C o u n c 1
executive committee, acting as a
judicial body, last night fined
Theta Xi fraternity $100 for illeg-
ally initiating a pledge with a
scholastic average of less than 2.0.
The executive committee also
approved a proposal to charge 50
cents admission to IFC Sing con-
-This is the second consecutive
semester Theta Xi has violated the
IFC by-law stating, "No man shall
be initiated . . . unless his overall
scholastic average is 2.0 ..."
A $50 suspended fine for the
spring violation will now auto-
matically be levied; $50 of the new
fine will be suspended; the viola-
tion will cost Theta Xi $100.
"This is not strictly a punish-
ment," IFC Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Richard Mandel, '64, chair-
man of the judiciary, said. "We
want to make fraternities aware
that they must check the grades
of initiates." The Office of Stu-
dent Affairs publishes a list of the
averages of fraternity pledges.
The IFC concerts are currently
free. IFC Social Chairman Robert
Tobias, '65, said expenses now are
too great.


CanidaesAir Ieas
CaddtsOn Role of Student
The 10 candidates for Student Government Council's eight avail-
able seats last night presented their views interpreting the student's
role in the University as it might be expressed through Council action.
Speaking at the annual Daily press conference in two groups of
five, the candidates specifically examined Council's possibilities of
aiding in academic affairs policy-making and SGC's relation to the

To Present
On Motion
Action Follows Move
By SGC Last Week
Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent Clifford Taylor, '64, is seek-
ing implementation of a plan to
create an IFC committee to deal
with fraternity membership selec-
Tonight he will present three
amendments to the Student Gov-
ernment Council motion, "Mem-
bership Selection in Student Or-
ganizations," which is up for final
passage. They would:
-Allow the IFC membership
committee, if established, access
to all information concerning fra-
ternities filed with the SGC mem-
bership committee.
SGC Approval
-Make appointments to the
IFC committee subject to SOC ap-
-Create disciplinary procedures
whereby any member of the IFC
committee who released "confi-
dential" information could be im-
peached by SGC and tried by
Joint Judiciary Council.
Follow-Up Action
If the amenddents pass to-
night, IFC would still have to set
up its committee.
Taylor's amendments are a fol-
low-up to SGC's action of last
week. At that time a section was
inserted into the "Membership Se-
lection" document stating, "In the
event that Panhellenic Association
and/or Interfraternity Council es-
tablishes a committee dealing with
discrimination in their respective
organizations the Student Govern-
ment Council Committee on Mem-
bership shall work in conjunction
with" them.
Monday, Panhel President Pa-
tricia Elkins, '64, said that her or-
ganization would not participate
in such a committee because it
would lack original jurisdiction in
fraternity-sorority discrimination
cases. She has indicated she will
ask SGC to delete Panhel's name
from the motion tonight.
To Operate Within IFC
The IFC committee would oper-
ate solely within the structure of
the fraternity system. While it
could impose its own punishments;
on fraternities found guilty of dis-
crimination, SGC's membership
committee would have primary re-
sponsibility in the field.
Taylor's action in the area of
membership selection is nearly un-
precedented for IFC. The frater-
nity system has made another
statement on the subject: a reso-
lution by the Fraternity Presidents
Assembly in 1959 against selection
on the basis of race, creed, color,
religion, natural origin or ances-
IFC is now considering certain
bylaw changes which would enable
it to establish its membership
committee..The present IFC By-
laws make no reference to mem-
bership selection.
"We should have these changes
prepared within two months,"

Taylor said last night, "and we're
optimistic that FPA will approve
them. For the first time, they
would enable us to move into the
area and give us the authority to
handle problems which might
Choose Staff
For Magazine
The Board in Control of Student
Publications last night appointed
George White, '65, and Douglas
Eldridge, '65BAd, as editor and
business manager of this year's
Generation, the campus inter-arts

Voters Defeat Public Accommodations

CAMBRIDGE, Md. (A') - Voters
in Cambridge defeated a public
accommodations referendum yes-
terday, 1,994 to 1,720.
The decision raised the possibil-
ity of renewed demonstrations.
National Guard troops have been
garrisoned in Cambridge since
July because of racial violence.
The issue yesterday was a ref-
erendum on an amendment to the
city charter that would have re-
quired service to Negroes in res-
taurants, motels and hotels.
Negro Vote
In the all-Negro 2nd ward, the
vote was 587 in favor of the pub-
lic accommodations amendment
and only 32 against. But only 40
per sent of the 1,535 registered
voters cast their ballots.
By contrast, up to 76 per cent
of the registered voters cast bal-
lots in the white wards. Mrs. Glor-
ia Richardson, leader of demon-
strations for integration this sum-
mer, had told her supporters not
to participate in the voting. She
said public accommodations were
a right inherent in citizenship and
should not be decided by vote.
White city officials expressed
Mayor's Comment
Mayor Calvin W. Mowbray said,
"We'll have to start all over again,
so to speak."
He, the city council and other
civic leaders had campaigned for
the amendment, saying Cam-
bridge, a community of 12,000 on

W. Hall, 36, of suburban Garden-
dale, was released last night after
posting $300 bond.
Col. Al Lingo, commander of the
State Highway Patrol, announced
the man's arrest yesterday after-
noon, a few minutes before a ha-
beas corpus proceeding called for
Robert E. Chambliss, 59, who was
taken into custody Sunday and
held since then on open charges.
Civil Rights Commission
Meanwhile in Washington, the
United States Commission on Civ-
il Rights died at midnight Monday
but was virtually brought back to
life yesterday.
The Senate voted 70 to 15 to ex-

tend the agency a year, and sent
the legislation back to the House
where the Democratic leadership
will seek similar approval later
this week.
The Senate's action came after
Southerners registered token op-
position. It was accomplished by
attaching the one-year extension
onto a minor claims bill previously
passed by the House.
The final vote on the bill with
its civil rights rider was 71 to 15.
Only House concurrence in the
change will be necessary now to
send the legislation to President
John F. Kennedy.

Barnett Arrives at Princeton
To Meet Hostile Students
PRINCETON (Y')-Boos and hisses from a hostile crowd of 5000
greeted Mississippi's segregationist Gov. Ross Barnett last night as
he arrived to speak at Princeton University.
Three dozen state troopers formed a hollow square to shield the
governor and his wife for the 10 yard distance from his car to the
entrance of Alexander Hall.
The civil rights demonstrators had ignored pleas of their leaders
to move back when Barnett's car arrived at the hall behind a state

Sumner Cites Man-Law Relationship

"police car. As the crowd surged
forward, integration chants gave
way to boos and catcalls and the
troopers went to work.
Barnett told the packed Prince-
ton audience that the civil rights
agitation sweeping the country "is
being promoted by selfish politi-
cians of both parties in their mad
scramble for minority votes."
The segregationist governor re-
ceived both boos and applause as
he preached states' rights and
blasted civil rights legislation now
before Congress.
The proposals; he said "are revo-
lutionary in essence. The only
proper way to change the form
of the government, if it need be
changed at all, is by submitting
the proposals to the people."
Barnett said it "is time for true
Americans to become awakened."
"There are too many selfish,
mealy - mouthed, pussy - footing,
fence-riding politicians who are
seling the American people down
the river for their own personal
political ambitions and gains,"
Barnett said.
He added that Mississinians

"The God of love had become the God of law," David Sumner
of the English department said last night in expressing the essence
of Franz Kafka's "The Trial."
"Kafka was working in two directions, against man limited to
contractural, expedient, superficial relationships with other men
and against the court, which symbolizes law and ultimately God,
pulling men away from each other, passing down unalterable judg-
ments without explanation," Sumner explained.
Speaking in the third Kafka lecture sponsored by SGC's Reading-
Tln-_ n f-_n-nn gii-n _frs na ofth ,:'t itanne,.rs

society, the daily proprieties that are wholly extrinsic to a man's
basic worth.
The second kind of guilt is a man's inability or refusal to follow
the precept of love for self and neighbor, his violation of personal
Two Kinds of Guilt
There are elements of both these guilts in the protagonist
Joseph K.
The guilt K. feels in the first sense is created by the actual
trial. K.'s arrest has been wholly arbitrary, but it nevertheless
absorbs K. and creates an obsession for proving his innocence of
a crime about which he has no conception. This is the only guilt

... grim reception
Y'R's Endorse

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