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October 01, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-01

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Seventy-Third Year
SWhereo pinions An STUDENT PU3LJCATJONs BLDG., ANN AazoR , MICH., PoNE o 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"a
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


DAC Fanaticism
Can, Only Alienate

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IT'SALL for the Cause. Michigan My
Michisippi" A new slogan has come
onto the civil rights scene, more angry,
more indignant, more brutal and less ra-
tional than most other slogans. It is the
watchword of the Direct Action Commit-
tee, an Ann Arbor group headed by
Charles Thomas, Jr.
DAC calls itself militant and indeed it
is. The group laughs at caution, at
"White liberals," presumably at civil
rights legislation. DAC wants action now
-and on its "own terms."
THOSE TERMS, it appears, are extremely
dangerous to the civil rights movement
and to whatever progress has been made
so far. DAC members believe that the
black man has nothing to lose in the fight
for civil rights-except his life-while the
white man has everything to lose. And
with this attitude, there is nothing that
can stop DAC and similar groups from
their antagonistic, uncompromising and
belligerent actions.
Difficult as it may be for many "white
liberals" to understand DAC's position, it
is still well worth the effort. DAC, like
the entire black nationalist movement, is
a natural reaction to the hundreds of
years of oppression suffered by black
skinned people in this country. It is a
logical outcome to the years of procras-
tination and half-hearted gestures, in-
cluding the recent Ann Arbor fair housing
ordinance, on the part of token integra-
tionists. Furthermore, the anger expressed
by Thomas and his followers is about as


natural as the anger anyone feels when
continually deprived and degraded, when
promised something which is never de-
And DAC and its sympathizers do have
cause to complain. Even in Ann Arbor-
a supposedly liberal community which,
we have found, is not liberal at all-police
tactics are often brutal, especially re-
garding the Negro community. The case
of Leroy Juide is frequently cited as an
example of unnecessary and mindless
police action.
BUT THE important question is whether
such tactics as DAC applies to fight
against the problems of Negroes can be
successful? DAC says it plans to picket,
sometime in October, the Administration
Bldg. to demand more jobs for Negroes in
that building and the Student Activities
The tactic of picketing is certainly not
in itself objectionable-provided it is car-
ed out in an orderly manner. However,
the condition of demonstrations being
peaceable is not one to which DAC neces-
sarily will adhere. Thomas has said that
"Our first picket will be conventional but
the tactics of our second picket will be to
close down the buildings involved, includ-
ing both the Administration Bldg. and
the SAB."
Thomas went on to say that "DAC will
consider any attempt to break our line
an act of violence that will be met in kind.
We are a self-defense organization."
and if the picket is undertaken, it too
will be powerful. But will the picket be
successful in terms of a real gain? Per-
haps the University administration-and
this is unlikely-will succumb to the de-
mands of the DAC picket, which Thomas
threatens will have several thousand
people if necessary.
If this happens, then DAC may have
made a gain. But a much more likely
possibility is that DAC will so alienate
the people of Ann Arbor by its violent
and unreasonable use of force, by its
frightening threats, that the cause of
civil rights will be pushed back a few
Thomas and his followers refuse to
recognize that there is a place in this
whole civil rights "revolution" for peace-
ful negotiations; there is a place
for picketing and for protesting. But vio-
lence-even in self-defense-will win no
concessions from the Ann Arbor City
Council, the University administration or
any other northern group.
serve to alienate further the whites
from the blacks of this community. In its
publication "The Brotherhood Eye," DAC
writes that it is in agreement with the
Detroit militant group whenever: "If the
man won't get his foot off my neck, I'll
chop his damn white foot off." Perhaps
someday DAC and its sympathizers will
realize that although they have an ul-
timate justification for their, complaints,
their actions and attitudes will get them
nowhere-except to jail or back to the
point where responsible civil rights nego-
tiations will have to begin again.
Associate Editorial Director



To the Editor:
T THE OCT. 2 Student Gov-
ernment Council meeting, I
will ask for the deletion of the
Panhellenic name from the pro-
posed Panhellenic-Interfraternity
Council committee as suggested by
Sherry Miller: The reasons fol-
low .
The Panhellenic Association
could have been an effective group
within the structure of the mem-
bership committee as proposed by
Panhellenic and Interfraternity
Council last week. In its present
status as a group working outside
of the Council plan, in effect, it
cannot be of any more benefit
in this area than it "has been in
the past.
this issue was given initial thought
and consideration the then Pan-
hellenic President worked with the
individual Panhellenic members to
help them with any questions and
problems they might have had.
SGC itself, under thehaccepted
proposal, is now the more ef-
fective working group since Pan-
hellenic deliberations have been
previously pursued on this level.
Panhellenic supports the mem-
bership action taken by Student

Withdraws Panhel Participation

Government . Council, but it is
unfortunate that Panhellenic does
not have the opportunity to help
in this area in the most effective
way that it could have as a part
of the Student Government Coun-
cil plan.
-Pat Elkins, '64
Panhellenic Association
SNCC . . .
To the Editor:
I'M WRITING this letter in an-
ticipation of questions which
are certain to arise concerning
the University Friends of- SNCC
bucket drive which will continue
through tomorrow afternoon.
Many people will want to know
where their money will go, for
what purpose it is to be used, and
why it is so urgently needed.
The major function of the
Friends of SNCC group is to raise
funds for the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee's voter
registration projects in the deep
South, primarily Alabama, Missis-
sippi and Southwest Georgia.
* * *
THE DEGREE of harassment
and brutality from the Southern
officials is a strong indication

ought to go to the nut who dreamed
up those idiot lights one sees squarely
planted in the midst of the grillwork of
occasional oncoming automobiles.
Ostensibly, this engineering brainstorm
assures the oncoming traffic that the
engine of this hastily approaching vehicle
is indeed engaged and the car is not
traveling out of sheer momentum.
But worse is the hazardous aspect of
this development. In the dusk and beyond
into the Twilght Zone, most any driver
will attest that oncoming headlights are
all that can be discerned of oncoming
cars until the approaching machines are
within close proximity.
THE SOLUTION is obvious. Automobiles
must be constructed in such a manner
that further electrical apparatus would
be unnecessary, both on the front and
back. One way to accomplish this end is
to arrange both ends of the car so that
there will be no more room for further
nut ideas like the idiot light.
Therefore, be it resolved that the auto
manufacturers should equip each car with
one 18 inch by four foot, 750 watt head-
light, that covers the entire front of the
car; in the rear should be installed a com-
parable, red reflecting tail light.
Not only will this eliminate such de vices
as idiot lights, but it will also be sure to
blind other drivers both fore and aft,
which seems to be the scheme these days
on the part of the head-and-tail light
makers anyhow.

that they feel a significant threat Gregory,
to their power from SNCC's ef- dian.
forts. Every voter registration pro-
ject that SNCC has established, MON]
from the McComb, Mississippi pro- these p
ject of three years ago, to the licize t
present Americus, Georgia, and must b
Selma, Alabama efforts has had Departn
to fight "legal," semi-legal and areas ca
illegal interference of an almost if the f
unbelievable nature and intensity. ing to
The Albany Movement is at a Act of 1
virtual standstill due to the con- Constitu
tinuous arrests of demonstrators, In ad
religious leaders and SNCC field Mississi
secretaries. The history of police ject, he
brutality perpetrated by Albany's in dire
Chief Laurie Pritchett is well Thef
known throughout the civil rights dinatin
movement. nues fo
The Sumter County Movement sary foa
(Americus, Georgia) is in more tions. F
the onl
severe difficulty. Three SNCC come.
field secretaries and one CORE
worker are in jail on charges of IF Y
inciting an insurrection, a capital civil rig
offense in Georgia. of a ma
Last Sunday's New York Times street it
gave comprehensive coverage to States;i
the horrors of the police and ad- tion of
ministrators of Americus. Yester- timidati
day, the Times editorially deplored then sem
the "legal terror in Americus." Departn
According to the editorial, "A And su
Federal Bureau of Investigation drive.
report that it could find no evi- -Dav
dence of police brutality has caus- Cha
ed no abatement in Negro charges Uni
that 'legal terror' is being applied
to bar them from exercising their Inside
legal rights. Claude Sitton, The
Time's chief Southern correspon- To the
dent, found a climate of fear and j CAN
intimidation among the town's TheI
Negroes and a belief that the the real
Kennedy administration had little that G
or no interest in their plight." meeting
Over 200 people have been ar- led" thi
rested there in the last two never hE
months. It would take the entire what th
Daily editorial page to describe Mr. Kir
fully the impossible jail conditions of obfus
for 12 and 13 year old children. Follett's
In Selma, Alabama, over 300 says the
people have been arrested in the text" a
past couple of weeks. Among those baum r
in jail are John Lewis, SNCC Na- they we
tional Chairman, and Mrs. Dick Mike.

wife of the Negro come-
* * *
EY IS NEEDED to keep
rojects alive and to pub-
he harassments. Pressure
e kept on the Justice
ment for these deep South
an remain nonviolent only
ederal government is will-
enforce the Civil Rights
1960 and the United States
ddition, SNCC's expanded
ppi Voter Registration Pro-
adedi by Robert Moses, is
financial straits.
Student Nonviolent Coor-
g Committee has few ave-
r raising the funds neces-
r even subsistance opera-
riends of SNCC groups are
ly steady source of in-
* * *
OU SUPPORT the basic
hts embodied in the Con-
n; if you support the right
an to walk, unharmed, any
in any city in the United
if you support the elimina-
police brutality and in-
on by public officials-
nd telegrams to the Justice
ment and the President.
upport the SNCC bucket
vid Strauss, '64
versity Friends of SNCC
e Story . .
SEE that if I didn't read
Daily, I would never know
[ly inside story. I was at
raduate Student Council
where Mike Rosen "level-
ose charges, but I would
ave known that that was
hey were if I hadn't read
shbaum's magnificent bit
cation in Saturday's paper.
manager, Mr. Graham,
charges are "out of con-
nd from the way Kirsh-
reported them, I'm sure
Rosen actually stated that

certain departments had refused
to give book lists to the NSA Co-
op bookstore, and since I can't
keep a secret, I'll even give you
the name of such a department.
According to Roger Kaputnick, it
was the economics department
and furthermore The Daily re-
porter knew that at the time he
wrote the article.
* * *
baum knew and which neither he
nor anyone else on The Daily has
seen fit to print is that the Co-op
bookstore has not failed. It re-
ceives and fills orders, it has stock
on its shelves, a manager who is
interested in being of service to
students, a sofa, a coffee pot and
about three times the atmosphere
of any other store on State Street
-and it's only been in business
four weeks! In addition, it has
acquired a group of students and
professional people who are sup-
porting and sustaining this ven-
ture constructively. Why hasn't
The Daily done as much?
A further addition to the Great
Bookstore Charade has been pro-
vided by Mr. Cohen, who says he
would be "more than glad to have
a phone call or post card from
anyone who wishes to make a gen-
uine contribution." Until Mr. Co-
hen's own contribution to the
success of the Co-op is forth-
coming. "I would suggest those
postcards and phone calls would
be better directed to Miss Wigle,
the manager of the Co-op book-
store (Nickels Arcade,;665-2158.)
MR COHEN feels it is unfair
to impugn the morality of the
local textbook stores and supports
Mr. Graham's contention that
anyone can receive the booklists
if they are willing to share the
cost of compiling them. How odd,
then, that, as Roger Kaputnick
tells me, the Co-op was unable to
get a statement from the Text-
book Reporting Service as to how
much their services would cost.
What price morality? On State
Street it seems to be at a discount
these days.
--Peter H. Roosen-Runge, Grad

To e R


Russian Roulette
Has Lively Ending
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Tony Stoneburner, an ordained Methodist minister and
a doctoral candidate in English, will review sermons for The Daily twice a
month. His purpose is to suggest that the usual sensitivity and intelligence
brought to a concert or play can service quite well in better understanding
sermons although theological knowledge is also necessary for full appreciation.)
ATTENDING ST. ANDREW'S Episcopal Church resembles playing
a genteel form of Russian Roulette: one never knows who will be
the preacher at the service. One enjoys the thrill of risk-running for
a preacher can be if not lethal at least deadly. Lester L. Dobyns,
Episcopal Chaplain to the University, preached at the 9 a.m. service
last Sunday. If not exactly lively, he was by no means deadly. Indeed
he presented a vital theme.
His sermon reported the daring theology that gives our time the
possibility of radical reformation, and an application of it to the
relation of church and university. The traditional attitude of the
church was that it had the nourishing, conserving task of protecting
students from the faith-threating university.
Mr. Dobyns called this attitude a "limited vision" based on the
"false assumptions" that the church, as religious, stood apart from
the university, as secular; that the church was devoted to building up
a religious organization; and that its ministry was the job of profes-
sional religious leadership. Such an attitude ignores that the univer-
sity is life-shaping for students, professors and administrators. If the
church is to influence life, it must influence life-shaping institutions.
BUT HOW? Mr. Dodyns made a motif or refrain out of a quota-
tion from a Detroit minister-to-industry: "The handles are on the
inside." Therefore the church must be the "on the inside." Against
"false assumptions," Mr. Dobyns recited the "Biblical grounds of min-
istry": the church is not an institution or place, but a people charged
to participate in Christ's commission. It is a ministry of the laity.
How is the laity, already "on the inside" of the university, to
fulfill its ministry? First, "engage in the enterprise of scholarship"
which has a claim upon university Christians prior even to that of
"religious activities." Second, do a service "lived out in response to
the immediacy" of the academic situation. Third, "be really human,
engaged in dialogue and action for humanity."
Mr. Dobyns quoted from an essay which called on Christians to
unite with non-Christians in the university who sponsor "reflection
upon the profound experiences below the surface" of academic life.
Such reflection may have to abandon traditional theological words as
meaningless and strange; but without the preparation of such re-
flection in people, Christ remains incognito to them.
As the laity performs its ministry it will have a new consciousness
of Christian unity. It will no longer be possible "to conceive of it as
simply Episcopalian, Methodist or Roman Catholic."
THE SERMON was both an essayistic summary of current thought
and a prophetic summons to a new way of life. As summary it was
clear and accurate. As essay it had the gentle meander of the genre
but not its addiction for concreteness. As prophetic summons the
sermon was momentarily uncertain and always too muted.
After what seemed surprise at finding himself in the pulpit with
a manuscript confronting him, Mr. Dobyns manfully started right in
reading. At first there was small blunder in page-turning and fluster
in pronunciation, but as he read on, his fingerwork became sure
,,n _sn kn im- nv ,hen he c atote m ostfmilar.at


Capsuled Courses
Gerald Storch, City Editor
tiptoed as of late toward a more active and attem
function in University affairs, having ini- the results
tiated the placement of students on fac-
ulty committees and structured its power A SECONJ
to investigate and punish discrimination courseE
in campus organizations. every three
While these are reasonable steps, -it this fall.r
would not be good to see SGC confine class evalu
its efforts this year 'to only those topics. addition, it
Instead, Council ought to broaden its distributed
scope a little and attempt to contribute -only the
more to the academic welfare of the Uni- ing college
versity than it now does. Thirdly,
tions for
ONE PROJECT SGC should begin to tween stud
work on immediately is a course de- tors. Gradt
scription booklet. I suppose the subject is student to
a trite one, but the fact remains that it and how t
is very difficult for a student to know SGC shout
beforehand what a course he might want letter form


hat his course covers, requires
pts to inculcate-and publish
in booklet form.
D AREA for SGC activity is the
evaluation forms, now filled out
e semesters. It's due to come out
The Council should' push for
ations for every semester. In
t should work for having them
in all units of the University
literary college and engineer-
gave them out last time.
SGC ought to present sugges-
institutionalized feedback be-
ents and academic administra-
uation should be a time for a
reflect on goals and emotions
his University related to him.
Id arrange for some sort of
to be filled out and returned


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