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September 15, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-15

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Co-ed Dining at South Quadrangle


Garrison Cites TV Problem

rison estimated the cost of a sta-
tion as ranging between $150,000-
$700,000, depending upon what
type of station is established.
35-Mile Area
The higher figures represents
the amount needed to provide serv-
ice to an area within 35 miles of
Ann Arbor and to construct a wave
link with Flint. "Such a station
would serve a large number of
viewers and provide a high level of
service to them," he noted.
"A station with lower power that
would serve a 15-mile radius and
show mainly programs of the type
now produced at the University
Television Center for commercial
television would cost approximate-
ly $150,000. Cost figures increase
toward the higher figure as more
services are added.
"A recent action by Congress has
established a program whereby the
federal government would con-
tribute approximately 75 per cent
of the funds needed for establish-
ing an educational station.. How-
ever, getting the 25 per cent is still
difficult,".Garrison commented.
In the University series pro-
grams, Prof. Keith Brooks of Ohio
State University will speak on "As
Others Hear You" in "Speak Up!"
today at 7:30 a.m. on WXYZ-TV;
Prof. William Kelly of the geology
department speaks on "Records in
Rock" in the series,."The Inquir-
ing Mind," at 8 a.m. today on
WXYZ; and Prof. Arthur P. Men-
del of the history department and
Warren W. Wiggens, chief of the
overseas planning and projects for
the Peace Corps, evaluate the
worth of the Corps during "Per-
spective-Peace Corps" on "Un-
derstanding Our -World," to be
seen on WXYZ today at 9 a.m.
Tomorrow, Prof. N. Edd Miller
of the speech department will cov-1
er group meetings on "The Meeting
Will Come to Order" in "Speak
Up" at 6:30 a.m. on WWJ-TV.

END SEGREGATION-The University entered the real world recently as South Quadrangle opened its
dining halls to both men and women, pictured enjoying institutional cuisine. The joys (?) of quad
food may now be somewhat compensated for by the joys (!) of the new atmosphere which has al-
ready developed.
Rosen Describes Civil Rights Movement

"Prior to protesting against un-
just conditions, people must be
aware that there are alternatives
to those conditions, achievable by
means of community action-grass
roots democracy," Michael Rosen,
Grad, said in describing his sum-
mer as a field-worker for the
Southern Christian Leadership
"For each demonstration, hun-

Report Proposes Center for women

acquired in courses, and residence
requirements. In some cases in-
dividual decision will be a neces-
In addition to the above pro-
posals, the center will incorporate
within its responsibilities the
"Catalyst on Campus" program.
Catalyst is a newly formed nation-
al agency which is striving to
bring "to our country's needs the
unused capacities of intelligent
women who want to combine fam-
ily and work." One part of the
Catalyst operation will be the
Set Meetings
Industrial research directors
from 10 countries will address state
industrialists tomorrow and Tues-
day in Rackham during the "Con-
ference on Production Research
Conference Chairman Prof. Les-
ter V, Colwell of the engineering'
school said the purpose of the con-
ference is to give Michigan indus-
trialists a chance to see and eval-
uate some of the radically differ-
ent approaches to industrial re-
search being employed in other
All of the 14 foreign participants
in the conference, which is spon-
sored by the University's Institute
of Science and Technology, are
members of the International In-
stitute for Production Engineer-
ing Research, a society of top level
industrial research experts whose
membership is limited to 100.
The conference here is one of
several to be held this month fol-
lowing the annual meeting of the
IIPER at Carnegie Institute of
Technology in Pittsburgh last
"IST has arranged to bring these
experts to Ann Arbor, so they can
tell our industrial people what
their countries are doing in man-
ufacturing and production re-
search-how it is conducted, where
the financial support comes from,
who benefits, and how," said Col-
The European approach to this
type of research is characterized
by great centralization and heavy,
government support. In the United
States, support comes primarily
from private industrial agencies,
he also noted.

"Catalyst on Campus" program
with Heyns serving as the. Na-
tional Chairman.
The work of this organization is
focused on the married under-
graduate and young home-bound
mothers. It is to act as a stimulus
for them to continue developing
their talents and educational
training without a lapse of time.
At this time, the allocation of
funds and the proposed opening
date of operation is being dis-
The first order of business is
to be the hiring of an initial staff
which would undertake the prep-
aratory work necessary before the
official opening of the center.
According to Mrs. Cain, the sup-
port of outside donors to the cen-
ter may be critical in determining
the dimension of this program. Of
great importance are student
scholarships, even in the form of
a very small amount of assistance
to individuals, for those young
married women who otherwise
couldn't afford even a part-time
University enrollment.
It is anticipated that within
several years a network of centers
of this type will appear in other
colleges and universities through-
out Michigan.
] Acgross
Prof. Martin Marty of the Uni-
versity of Chicago divinity school
and editor of the Christian Cen-.
tury will speak on "The Second
Chance for Protestantism" at ,7
p.m. today at the Lutheran Stu-a
dent Center.
Projects in South . .
Martha Prescod, field secretary
for the Student Non-Violent Co-
ordinating Committee, will speak
on current SNCC projects in the
South at 8 p.m. today in 3-MN of
the Michigan Union.
Oriental Highlights . .
Prof. Catherine Heller of the
architecture and design college will
discuss "Highlights of the Orient
and California" at . a meeting of
the University Women's Research
Club, to be held at 8 p.m. tomor-
row in Rackham West Conference

dreds of hours must be put into
organizing the community through
the churches, the civic organiza-
tions and door-to-door speaking,"
he continued.
Rosen described his work in
South. Carolina as "preparing the
Negro community for effective cit-
izenship through education, start-
ing with basic skills and working
up to political education."
'Exciting Experiment'
"The citizenship education liro-
gram is an exciting experiment in
combining civil rights with educa-
The SCLC project operated with
funds from the Field Foundation
and was led by "a dynamic young
minister, Rev. Andrew J. Young,
who was one of the people who
organized the young people in
Birmingham last April," and Mrs.
Septima P. Clark, formerly educa,-
tion director of the Highlander
Folk School in Mt. Eagle, Tenn.
Stressing the role of local ac-
tion in civil rights, Rosen said
that "field workers do the neces-
sary groundwork but -in the last
analysis it is only when the com-
munity acts that progress is made."
Newberry Activity
As an outstanding-example- of-
the effectiveness of the project,
Rosen cited SCLC activity in New-
berry, S.C., where three years ago
there were less than twenty reg-
istered Negro, voters. This sum-
mer, the project registered some
583 persons in three days.
The importance of the Negro
vote in Newberry can be judged
by the fact that the progressive
candidate in the last mayoral elec-
tion was elected by a plurality of
some 400 votes, he said.
"In the South unfortunately,
the battle is fought on two fronts:
on the one hand the well-publiciz-
ed attacks against segregation and
discrimination, and on the other
hand, the less kell-known problem
of, the Negro who is afraid of
Field Worker
The field worker quickly learns
to distinguish between the "Negro
leader" and the "leading Negro,"
those Negroes who derive economic
benefit from segregation. Often,
Rosen said, it is the wealthy Ne-
gro, the funeral director, doctor,
or segregated high school princi-
pal who is appointed to local bi-
racial committees.
Rosen stressed the "dynamic
role of youth" in the civil rights
movement. He maintained that
the forces which are directed
against civil rights activity in
South Carolina are primarily eco-


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