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September 15, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-15

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South Viet Nam To End'
Martial Law Situatio
Permit Civ

Council To

Vote on Orinanc

NDEA Student Aid Cutback
Leaves State Unaffected
WASHINGTON-Hundreds of colleges and universities will have
to curtail their federally supported student loan programs this year
because loan requests have exceeded the amount of money available.
However, .the University and other state schools will be un-
affected by the cutback. The state is one of 13 whose heavy college
enrollment prompted the United States Office of Education to.
approve all the loan4 money requested by the state. The involuntary
- reduction resulted after loan re-
quests exceeded the $90 million
available in federal aid, according
to the education office, which ad--
ministers the program under the
National Defense Education Act of
First Time

... interracial marriage

Martin Cites


"Mixed marriages are the foun-
dation of a future world commun-
ity," Douglas Martin said to the
Baha'i Student Group last night.
Speaking on "Interracial Mar-
riages: Catalyst in World Unity,"
Martin, a Baha'i leader, sees inter-
racial marriages as enriching this
new° community. He points, out
that the Hawaiian and Israeli
people have been physically and
intellectually improved by racial
The United States has not taken
advantage of this opportunity for
enrichment. Martin said that
Americans exaggerate the prob-
lems facing a child of a mixed
family. This child can profit by his
struggles with social pressure if
he is supported by his parents'
The question of Negro and white
intermarriage is only part of the
worldwide problem of the division
of mankind into artificial cate-
gories of race, religion and nation-
s Unifying Influence
"The major religions have had
a unifying influence on civiliza-
tion throughout history," Martin
Therefore, religious Iforces can
abolish these categories. He points
to the role of Christianity in the
Roman world to support this con-
Christianity demanded that each
Roman surrender his self-interests
to the greater interest of mankind.
People of all classes are united in
their surrender to a higher au-
thority than the state, Martin
cn d.World Unity
1Vartin related his views on in-'
terracial marriage to the Baha'i
faith. The faith attempts to find
a common religious synthesis in
all major religions both; eastern
and western and thus seeks world
Slayton Notes
Selection Goals
For Astronauts
HOUSTON (R)-With the selec-
tion of the next group of astro-
nauts next month, the nation will
have a supply to last until as late
as 1970, an astronaut said yester-
"This next group should take us
through the third lunar landing,"
1 Maj. Donald K. Slayton, one of
the original astronauts who is now
in charge of astronaut affairs, said.
The end of this decade is the
time limit President John F. Ken-
nedy has set for the first Ameri-
en moon landing.
The.spacecraft center will name
from 10-15 new astronauts "hope-
fully, in the early part of Octo-
ber," Slayton said.
Slayton said 26-30 men are un-
der consideration as potential as-
tronauts. They were culled from
271 volunteers.

Officials said this was the first
time the requests had gone over
the limit. The 1,548 participating
colleges and universities had asked
for loans totalling $122 million for
the present school year.
Some institutions may be forced
to cut down on the number of
loans while others may reduce the
size of the loans.
Recognizing the shortage of
money compared with the demand,
President John F. Kennedy has
asked Congress to raise the pres-
ent loan ceiling to $135 million.
Congress has not acted on the pro-
posal yet.
Hardest Hit
South Dakota, whose schools will
receive only 43 per cent of the
total requested, will be the hardest
hit by the curtailment.
New York institutions have also
been cut back sharply, from a
request of $12.4. million to $7.5
New Jersey's total was reduced
by more than $300,000 and Con-
necticut by a similar amount.
Criticize Move
The cutback was criticized by
college officials in Rhode Island,
which will receive only $516,637
of the $939,000 requested. They
were critical of what they termed
the delay in notifying them until
after most students had planned
their 1963-64 program.
The education office said that
the delayuwas unavoidable. The
agency added that schools were
notified in May that requests were
beginning to exceed the fund
The amount of money distribut-
ed to various institutions is de-
termined by a formula based on
college enrollments.
This factor explains why statis
like Michigan will receive the total
amount requested. Other states
getting the full amount are Ari-
zona, California, Delaware, Flor
ida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Utah,
Virginia and Wisconsin.
Under the student loan program,
a participating college or univer-
sity is required to contribute a sum
equal at least to one-ninth of the
amount given by the federal- gov-
Priority is given to students with
superior academic backgrounds,
particularly those who plan to
teach in elementary or secondary
schools and those who are superior
in science, mathematics, engineer-!
ing or modern foreign languages.
Copyright, 1963, The New York Times

Diem Sets
Of Election
State Department
Welcomes Changes,
'Return to Normalcy'
SAIGON (MP)-Martial law which
has prevailed in South Viet Nam
for 25 days will end at noon to-
morrow and civilian agencies will
resume all administrative func-
tions, President Ngo Dinh Diem
announced yesterday.
Even while student unrest was
reported expanding to the coun-
tryside, the president rescheduled
for Sept. 27 a national assembly
election that had been postponed
from its original date, Aug. 31.
Dropping of martial law would
be one step toward a return to
normalcy sought by the United
States, a worried ally of Diem's
administration in a war against
Communist guerrillas.
Good News
In Washington, the state depart-
ment welcomed the news and said
such an action would be a step in
the right direction.
"We have not yet received a'
report from our embassy in Sai-
gon," the state department spokes-
man said in the United States
capital. "But if the lifting of mar-
tial law means that the Vietna-
mese government is mving to un-
dertake constructive measures to
achieve adequate support to win
the war and to insure a better
future for the Vietnamese people,
it is a step in the right direction.
We shall be watching develop-
ments in Viet Nam closely."
Diem reminded his people that,
while martial law will end, the
technical state of emergency pro-
claimed Oct. 15, 1961, stays in
effect. The cotistitution empowers
the president, under the state of
emergency, to rule by decree.
Censor May Stay
There was no mention whether
press censorship, imposed at the
outset of martial law, will be abol-
ished. Censors delayed news of the
scope and significance of the mil-
itary crackdown on Buddhist op-
ponents of Diem's administration
Aug. 21 and are still using blue
pencils on press copy.
All government ministries have
been under at least the nominal
supervision of army officers in this
phase of Viet Nam's crisis. A strict
night curfew has been in effect
in key cities and troops have been
on duty throughout the capital.
A hint the situation might be
easing came in a report by usually
reliable sources that policeshave
freed Prof. Dao Duc Hoanh, a
member of the medical faculty of
the University of Saigon, and his
wire and daughter, arrested on
suspicion of anti-government ac-
Strike Ends
The informants said freeing of
Hoanh ended a strike in his be-
half by doctors and interns in four
hospitals 'run by the university's
faculty of medicine.

Tomorrow night the Ann Arbor
City Council will take final action
on a fair-housing ordinance draft-
ed by Fourth Ward Councilman
Wendall E. Hulcher (R).
The ordinance, passed on first
reading on July 29, has had a his-
tory of controversy. Civil rights
groups in Ann Arbor claim the
Hulcher ordinance is inadequate
and does not cover enough of the
housing to be worthwhile.
A total of 17 people. have been
arrested for protesting the present
ordinance, and one man was con-
victed by a jury trial. There is
indication the demonstrations for
a strong fair-housing law will con-
tinue. if the Hulcher ordinance
The ordinance now before coun-
cil covers housing of five or more

units, whether or
and under control

The units could be apartments,
houses or lots.
Also covered are financial in-
stitutions, housing advertising and
real estate personnel. Maximum
penalty for violation would be a
$100 fine.
A number of clergymen in Ann
Arbor have offered an alternative
ordinance. They claim the current
ordinance covers only 33 per cent
of the dwelling units for sale or
for rent in the city. The "clergy-
men's ordinance" would cover all
city dwelling units for sale or for
rent, with the exception of two-
family houses that are owner-oc-
Not Tomorrow Either
However, the council has never
given any public consideration to

council member has publicly indi-
cated intention to propose such
That's Not Enough
But it is likely that such amend-
ments would not satisfy the Fair
Housing Association-Council on

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

:4E aitv

not contiguous
of one person.


UN Nations
Request Seat
For Chiniese
World Federation of United Na-
tions Associations adjourned its
latest session last night after
adopting a resolution proposing
that Communist China be brought
into the Geneva disarmament
talks. The United States delega-
tion, among others, abstained on
this resolution.
The federation, based in Gene-
va, describes itself as a people's
movement for the United Nations.
It consists of 52 national associa-
tions, and 48 of them took part in
its 18th plenary assembly, which
began here Monday.
On the last two days, the as-
sembly adopted resolutions on po-
litical, economic, social, education-
al and administrative subjects.
One set out that the assembly, as
the federation's legislative body:
"Believes that the People's Re-
public of China (Red China)
should be invited to join the 18-
nation (disarmament) committee,
"Urges on the governments of
NATO and the Warsaw Treaty the
conclusion of a non-aggression
pact between them,
"Urges the establishment of nu-
clear-free zones in Africa, Latin
America, the Middle East, Asia,
Central Europe, Scandinavia, the
Balkans, and in certain other parts
of the world,
"Suggests the conclusion of a
treaty forbidding the arming with
nuclear weapons of vehicles orbit-
ing in outer space."
The resolution called on all na-
tional United Nations associations
"to direct their efforts to mobilize
public opinion in support of these
Nineteen delegations voted for
the resolution.
In other resolutions, the dele-
gates appealed for cessation of
underground nuclear tests, with
proper controls, and for "the early
negotiation of a German peace
They also urged that United'
Nations associations influence
their governments to embargo
arms shipments to South Africa
and ° devise United Nations eco-
nomics measures to persuade
South Africa to abandon race
The delegates further appealed
to member associations to press
for immediate implementation of
the 1960 United Nations declara-
tion against colonialism.

Ask-omen's Training Unit

A center "designed primarily for
the married woman whose ad-
vanced education or career may
be interrupted and who will wish
to resume further University train-
ing on a part-time basis" has been
proposed by Mrs. Stanley. Cain,
assistant to Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Roger Heyns.
The Center for the Continuing
Education of Women of the Uni-
versity of Michigan is designed
to enable the intelligent and edu-
cated married woman to fill the
needs of society for skilled workers
within the present patterns of her
family life.
A return to college for further
educational training has become
more and morg necessary in the
preparation fox a particular oc-
cupational objective. The center
will aid the University to meet its
responsibility to augment their
present educational resourses with
programs and services for this
specific group of students.
Mainly for Housewives
The center is designed priinarily
for the married woman. Although
it doesn't exclude assistance to
the single woman, she will gen-
erally be able to pursue further
education full-time without in-
terruption and the problems that
The first function of the cen-
ter will be to inform the prospec-
tive adult woman students of the

they have been away from the
academic discipline of University
training, and second because they
cannot devote full time and un-
divided attention to study.
No One Service
While such students may obtain
some part of the information and
guidance they need from a variety
of sources, there is no single serv-
ice in the University to consider
the total situation of such a stu-
It is of special importance for
the center to keep in touch with
occupational trends and to coun-
sel women- as to the opportunities
now available or likely to become
so in the next decade. In the cases
where employment is the goal fol-
lowing a program of study, the
counseling service must help
match the women to the needed
educational training and to the
actual or potential job opportun-
A second function of the center
will be to work with the adminis-
tration and faculty in order to
"achieve a greater amount of flex-
ibility in the University require-'
ments and programs." This is
necessary in order to take full
advantage of the resources and
needs of these returning students.
Special refresher courses in spe-
cific fields might be included in
the adjustments. The changed
scheduling of several courses to
See REPORT, Page 2

To Hold
H earin
Onl Rules
SGC To Consi+
Affiliate Polic
Student Government Cc
will meet in an open public
ing at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Michigan Union Ballroom tC
cuss proposed regulations on n
bership selection practices a
student groups.

the "clergymen's ordinance" and Racial Equality which is seeking
there is no indication that coun- passage of an ordinance as com-
cil will at tomorrow's meeting. plete as the "clergymen's propos-
If the ordinance now before al."
council on second reading is pass- The possibility of an advisory
ed, it would go into effect on Jan. vote by the people of Ann Arbor
1, 1964. However, it is possible that has been considered informally by
the ordinance, if passed, would be council and it is not likely that
challenged in court. If so, it could the vote will be called.
be many months before the ordi- A number of possibilities exist
nance would take effect. for tomorrow's meeting. First,
The City Council met yesterday council could reject the ordinance,
to review all the circumstances claiming that no legislation is call-
surrounding the fair-housing or- ed for. Ann Arbor would be the
dinance and to consider possible first city in Michigan and the
amendments to the ordinance. One eighth in the United States to have


a fair housing law if the ordinance
is passed.
Try, Try Again
If the ordinance is rejected,
some council members would prob-
ably be sympathetic to attempts
at formulating a new fair housing

ordinance with greater coverag'
Second, council could pass
Hulcher ordinance as it stand;
with a few amendments. .
civil rights leaders are afraid
this possibility, as it would
Ann Arbor a weak ordinance
little chance of a stronger one
some time.
These two possibilities are
most likely. However, some o
alternatives exist.
Could Be Stronger
Council could pass a stror
ordinance. About 2300 personsf
ed for such action in an open
ter to the City Council. ME
Cecil O. Creal has asked t:
people to come forward as an
pression of good intent. These 1
ple seek coverage of all sale o:
See ACTION, Page 5

.!. "Catalyst" chairman
University programs and require-
ments. It will advise her in the.
planning of continued education,
taking into consideration her
home responsibilities and her ob-
Many adult women are return-
ing to college with a desire for
further training by which to aug-
ment the family income or to en-
large their own interests and ac-,
tivity. These women are in need
of specific counseling, first because


GOP Backs Romney Tax Plans

Pope Seeks To Improve
Non-Christian Relations
VATICAN CITY ()')--Pope Paul VI opened the Vatican's doors
yesterday) for closer Roman Catholic relations with Judaism, Budd-
hism, Hinduism, Islam and all the non-Christian religions of the
He also named four cardinals, among them his closest unofficial
aide, to key posts as his personal executives in running the Vatican
Ecumenical Council. The council opens again Sept. 29 after a nine-,
ihonth recess. "It seems opportune'--
to us to extend the scope of the
Secretariat (for promoting Chris- en
tian unity), in time, to those of A
non-Christian religions," the Pope Il n r
-His plan reflected a desire for
Catholicism to work in areas of
common interest with the non-
Christian creeds of the world,
comprising two billion persons.
Some Vatican sources said the
Pope's one-sentence reference ap-
parently was to an expansion of.
the Vatican secretariat for pro-
moting Christian unity. Others
said they thought an entirely
separate, secretariat eventually
would be formed because of the
different aims in having contact
with Christians and with non-
His plan reflected a desire for
Catholicism to work in areas of
common interest with the non-
Christian creeds of the world,
-mnricia ftwn billion n o-on.

By The Associated Press
debate which became acrimonious
at times, the Republican State
Central Committee endorsed Gov.
George Romney's fiscal reform
With one dissenting vote, the
committee urged the Legislature
to pass a program that "accom-
plishes the goals outlined by
The endorsement providedu'a
sharp contrast with the flareup
Friday night when a dissenting
Republican, Harold Schrier of Kal-
amazoo, charged that Romney's
fiscal reform program was based
on a Marxist philosophy.
11 Resent That!'
Declaring "I resent that with all
my heart," Romney vehemently
denied this allegation and added
that he was willing to stake his
political career on the tax pro-

ier Visit Hootenanny

The endorsement was consider-
ed proof of Romney's ability to
sell the tax program to skeptical
Walter DeVries, Ronney's re-
search assistant, revealed that a
poll, conducted by a private De-
troit surveying company, showed
that the voters generally liked
Romney, and many approved ele-
ments of his 'fiscal reform pro-
12 Per Cent Approval
The June poll showed that while
60 per cent quizzed liked the way
Romney handled his job, only 12
per cent approved of major fiscal
Many prefered the increasing of
"nuisance" taxes on tobacco and
alcoholic beverages rather than
any new taxes, but a large seg-
ment sought local property tax
reduction, elimination of the sales
tax on food and prescription drugs
and the lightening of business tax
The latter elements play an iim-
portant part of Romney's tax pro-
Don't Be Cute
Despite the seeming public dis-
taste for an income tax, especially
among key ticket-splitting voters,
DeVries said that "the governor
was pledged to fundamental re-
form and nobody on his staff even
argued that we should play it cute
or cool."
Meanwhile, Detroit Mayor Jer-
ome P. Cavanagh backtracked
from his strong attack on Rom-
ney's program.'
"My position is that there are
parts of the program that are
very good-repeal of the business
activities tax, the intangibles tax
and others-but certainly not the
local government part," the De-
troit mayor said.
Detroit Loses
Romney's proposal to limit city
income taxes to a one per cent
i_-... ,,tea . ,",;+

refused to comment u: on them.
Both the Michigan mayors and
the Republican State Central
Committee discussed civil rights in
addition to taxes.
Flint Mayor George R. Poulos
scolded the mayors for "sweeping
the subject of civil rights under
the rug for too long" and urged'
the mayors to face up to-the prob-
At the GOP parley, Leo Greene,
special assistant to "omney for
minority groups, said that the
Republicans ignore the Negroes at
the Republicans' own peril.
Gibbs Chided
He specifically chided Rep.
Lloyd Gibbs (R-Portland), chair-
man of the House state affairs
committee, for failing to hold a
hearing on civil rights because of
a Negro demonstration and the
Republicans for failing to send a
representative to a Trade Union
Leadership Council meeting in'
He said that Negroes, who now
have been polled as having an 82
per cent group allegiance to the
Democrats, should be invited to
participate more in GOP affairs.
Republicans should attend more
Negro meetings, he added.
Truman Blasts
Youths' Role
CLEVELAND (M)-"If the North-
ern busybodies would stay at home
and clean up their own back yards,
the rest of the country will obey
its laws," former President Harry
S. Truman said last night.
In his usual blunt style, Truman
said, "These youngsters who are
running around the country trying
to institute mob rule were raised
under the nutty theory of let the
s .,, __ ,._. _ern

The proposed regulations ar
contained in a set of workini
papers discussed by Council a
its last meeting.
The first of these papers es
tablishes a membership committe
to review cases of alleged discrim
ination and bring charges agains
those groups suspect of violatio
The paper also provides a mem
bership judge to decide the cas
The document was drawn up fron
the Harris Report by Vice
President for Student Affair
James A. Lewis.
The second of the workin
papers is a series of implementa
tion proposals to accompany th
Council President Thomas J
Brown, '66L, yesterday outlined tl
ground rules for the meeting.
He noted that floor privilege
will be given to those groups an
individuals who have requester
them in the SOC offices prior t
3 p.m. tomorrow.
Speaking privileges will be limit
ed to current, members of thi
University, including students, fac
ulty and administrators; alumr
of the University, including foi
mer faculty members; and an
officers of national organization
who have representation on th
A time limit for speaking will b
set at the meeting.
Thus far, Brown has receive
two requests for speaking priv
ledges. They came from Directc
of Student Activities and Organ
zations John Bingley and fror
William Burns, '65, acting chair
man of the SOC committee o
Thant Reports
Area Support
For Malaysia
Nations Secretary General ,
Thant reported yesterday that"
sizeable majority" of the' populi
tion of North Borneo and Sarawa
want to join Malaysia, the ant
Communist federation to be bor
in Southeast Asia tomorrow morr
Diplomatic sources, howeve
voiced concern over renewed of
jections from the Philippines ai
Indonesia over formation of tl
federation, this time concernir
the findings of a. UN survey.
A report on the 10-day poll
the two British territories was r
leased by Thant yesterday wi
an appcndix containing his ov
conclusions. The nine - man U
survey group was led by Americi
Laurence Michelmore.
Malaysia will 'link North Bo
neo, Sarawak, Malaya and Sing
pore in a new 1500-mile crescen
shaped nation with a populationi

.. ,. tip~--- ::..:. ..... .. .........:.

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