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September 12, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-12

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REASSURANCE-Under the urging of Senate Minority Leader Everett M
jority Leader Mike Mansfield (center), President John F. Kennedy sent
plaining the safeguards for the nuclear treaty. Kennedy also answered the
Goldwater (left), who had asked that the United States wait for Russia
.S. o Propose World Payi

rms Senate
GOP Leader
To Support
Nuclear Pact
President Stresses
Defense Assurances
WASHINGTON (P) - President
John F. Kennedy told the Senate
yesterday that the limited nuclear-
test ban treaty is "safe" and will
in'no way tie the President's hands
against using nuclear weapons in
defense of the United States or its
[. Drksn (rght andMa- In a letter to Senate Minority
Dirksen (right) and Ma- Leader Everett Dirksen and Ma-
a letter to the Senate ex- jority Leader Mike Mansfield,
reservations of Sen. Barry Kennedy pledged to carry out
n removal of troops from safeguards insisted on by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff in giving their sup-
port to the pact. After receiving
the letter, Dirksen said he will
give the treaty his wholehearted
Kennedy's list of what he called
nent Sy "unqualified and unequivocal as-
surances" included the four safe-
guards emphasized by the nation's
gold, cash or credit available military leaders:
ettling international accounts Underground Testing
the foreseeable future" 1) "Underground nuclear testing,
h might impede economic ex- which is permitted under the trea-
on. ty, will be vigorously and diligent-
t the report conceded that ly carried forward, and the equip-
problem requires continued ment, facilities, personnel and
attention and suggested that, funds necessary for that purpose
re liquidity is needed, "It may will be provided."
ore important and feasible to 2 "The United States will main-
entrate on the adaptation or tain a posture of readiness to re-
'gement of the existing multi- sume testing in the environments
al arrangements through the prohibited by the present treaty,
than to seek to establish sup- and it will take all necessary steps
entary or alternative ar- to safeguard our national secur-
ements outside." ity in the event that there should
eo movement to make a start be an abrogation or violation of
the planning for f u t u r e any treaty provision."
gthening of the payments 3) "Our facilities for the detec-
m got a boost in July withtion of possible violations of this
cation by the Joint Econom- treaty will be expanded and im-
ommittee of Congress of a proved as required to increase our
rch report by the Brookings assurance against clandestine vio-
tutioGap May Close lations by others."
isRr a coa re Arms Laboratorie,

States will soon propose to the
International Monetary Fund a
study of ways to overhaul and
strengthen the free world's pay-
ments system, government sources
reported yesterday.
The United States will take the
initiative before the finance min-
isters of 93 countries, gathering
here Sept. 30 for the anmnal meet-
ings of the IMF and the World
Bank, a high official said.
There is every reason to. be-
lieve,'this source added, that the
proposal will be adopted and the
study launched.
Insufficient Output
Chairman Walter W. Heller of
the President's Council of Eco-
nomic Advisers recently told Con-
gress that foreseeable world gold
5 output is insufficient to generate
the needed new reserves.
"The development of an improv-
* ed international monetary system
Test-Ban Staid
At Conference ,
NICOSIA, Cyprus (P)-The split
in the African-Asian People's Sol-
idarity Conference became more
acute yesterday with a Soviet de-
mand that members of its execu-
tive committee take a definite
stand on the limited nuclear test-
ban treaty.
Conference circles said such a
9 move is violently opposed by the
Communist Chinese delegation,
which threatens a withdrawal from
? the conference if it approves the
The outcome of the Soviet-Chi-
nese quarrel and its effect on the
future of the African-Asian soli-
darity group will be settled in se-
cret committee meetings.
The four-day meeting of the
executive committee, which so far
has been taken up by speeches by
the heads of delegations, delivered
in open sessions.

is important to the long-run ex-
pansion of the world economy,"
Heller testified.
"The elimination of the current
United States balance of payments
deficit will not mean the end of
world balance of payments prob-
lems. Other countries will have
deficits when we get into surplus,
and we ourselves can. expect the
periodic recurrence of deficits."
Since it would take years to
plan, adopt, and institute a major
alteration of world payments ma-
chinery, Heller and others have
urged that formal discussions be
started promptly.
Secretary of the Treasury Doug-
las Dillon, who argued a year ago
that there was no urgency in the
matter, is understood to have come
around to the view that prelimin-
ary inquiries might well be begun
-especially since the government's
f o r c e f u l balance-of-payments
measures have shown the world
that the United States would not
simply be trying to use interna-
tional machinery to bail itself out
of its payments difficulties.
The question of exactly which
international body might under-
take the study remains open. Some
officials have suggested the IMF
itself but there is precedent for
having major problems of pay-
ments policy undertaken - with
IMF's support and sponsorship-
by smaller groups representing the
industrial "creditor" countries
most directly involved.
Annual Report
The IMF's report, issued Sun-
day, said the fund sees no lack of
"international liquidity"-resourc-

es of
for se
if mo
be m
ic C

A nticpate!
Vier N am
SAIGON ()-United States of-
ficials awaited with little optimism
yesterday for a response from
President Ngo Dinh Diem to what
a high official source called a for-
mal American request for removal
of Ngo Dinh Nhu from South Viet
Nam's government.
Nhu is Diem's younger brother,
counselor and intelligence chief. He
is widely regarded as the master-
mind of the military crackdown on
Buddhist opponents of the govern-
ment Aug. 21 and subsequent oper-
ations against rebellious Saigon
Nhu Ouster?
A high official source said Tues-
day United States Ambassador
Henry Cabot Lodge had asked
Diem to oust Nhu and suggested
that "it would be advisable" for
Nhu to leave the country.
Broad hints from Washington
had been ignored. Lodge's request
may get the same treatment. Unit-
ed States officials expressed belief
Diem, 62, will reject it. He has said
repeatedly he regards Nhu, 52, as
extremely helpful.
Both the brothers have denied
speculation that Nhu, whose at-
tractive wife is the bachelor presi-
dent's official hostess, in fact con-
trolled the government.
President John F. Kennedy sug-
gested in a television interview last
week that a change in personnel
would help Diem's administration
to regain popular support for its
United States-backed war against
Communist guerrillas.
Vatican Pressure
The archbishop brother of Diem
abruptly left Rome yesterday and
flew to New York, disclosing that
the Vatican ordered him to stop
talking about South Viet Nam's
explosive political situation.
Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngo
Dinh Thuc landed at Idlewild Air-
port in late afternoon, telling
newsmen that "I am coming to see
my friends."
His departure from Rome was a
dramatic indication of growing
concern within the Vatican about
unique family aspects of the Sai-
gon crisis.
Stocks Achieve
All-Time Highs
In Heavy Trade
NEW YORK UP) - The stock
market bounced into new high
grounds yesterday in very heavy
trading, although late profit tak-
ing skimmed some of the cream off
the advance.
The Dow Jones average gained
2.91 to 740.34, exceeding the pre-
vious record high of 737.98 estab-
lished last Thursday. The prior
peak of 734.91 had been attained
Dec. 13, 1961.
Volume soared to 6.68 million
shares from 5.32 million Tuesday
and was second to the year's high-
est of 7.2 million Friday.
Trading in the first hour was
the heaviest in 26 years. In that
period 1.84 million shares changed
hands, compared with 1.11 million
Tuesday and 2,212,200 Oct.
19, 1937.
Brokers said buyers' enthusiasm
was spurred by the House Ways
and Means Committee's favorable
vote on the $11 billion tax reduc-
tion bill, higher retail sales and
the market's ability to surge back
from two days of decline.

In, f3

'U'AdaptsNotif ication Form-
to the boards to decide whether a Woolley said, "The Selective Serv
Male undergraduates who par- student is to be deferred," Wool- ice would place students at th
aded through registration two ley said. bottom of the ladder. Single me:
weeks ago in Waterman Gym- However, since most local boards classified I-A would be called first
nasium were 'handed a new and do not even bring up the names of married men, currently protecte
unfamiliar form and asked to sup- students for draft classification, a by last Tuesday's presidential or
ply the addresses of their local student can usually escape the pos- der, would be the next group draft
draft boards, as well as some other sibility of being drafted during his ed."
general information about them- school years by annually filling out Only when these two source
selves, form 109, he added. were exhausted would the loc
This form, designed by Douglas Most colleges and universities in boards begin drafting deferre
Woolley of the Department of Reg- this country cooperate with the students.
istration and Records, is the Uni- Selective Service System by hav- Two Levels
versity's adaptation of the Selec- ing these forms completed and There are two student classifica
tive Service notification form 109. sending them to the local draft tions. The more common of tli
The purpose of the form is to boards. two, II-S, is usually granted by I
convey to the local draft boards Flunking Changes Things cal draft boards to those men wh
the information that some of their Furthermore, when a student have been shown registeredi
potential draftees are registered drops out of school, the colleges some acceptable school by the for
students and are eligible for stu- notify the boards of this change in 109. This deferment is normal]
dent deferments. his status, Woolley said. renewed every year the stude
Not Automatic "Failure to fill out form 109, continues his studies full time.
The fact that a young man is a whether as an undergraduate or When a young man is workin
student does not automatically graduate student, may in the fu- full time and is pursuing his std
give him a special draft classifi- ture seriously jeopardize a young ies at night or has received his de
cation. "We can report to the lo- man's eligibility for deferment," gree and is doing part time gra
cal boards that a student is en- Lt. Col. Gilbert G. Holmes, direc- uate work, he, upon being drafted
rolled in the University, but it is up tor of the state Selective Service may apply for a I-S classification
System, warned. This is a temporary defermer
All male undergraduates who which usually permits the studer
UtD el S have not yet completed this form to complete his semester of study
do so immediately by coming to
ru Pr bRm. 1513 of the Administration Hatcher Records
Bldg., Woolley stressed.
Temporary Protection Speech for VOA
WASHINGTON (M)-The Senate A student classification tempor-
AntrusHt O Vbcm tee atefarily protects a young man from University President Harla
Antir ust Sueda whter to coff the draft, but does not extend his Hatcher recorded a 28 minute ta
duct a full-scale investigation of draft age beyond the normal max- on the contribution of America
ductalscthat major American drug imum of 26, Woolley explained. universities to business and indu
reportstatmor Amerin dto pre- Discussing the possibility of de- try for the Voice of America ye,
vent cut-rate sales in Latin Amer- ferred students being drafted in terday. The recording was donei
vencuthe face of a national emergency, WUOM-FM studios.
Chairman Philip A. Hart t(D -
Mich) said that before reaching a
decision, the subcommittee will ex-
plore the situation in closed-door t
hearings atwhichigovernment of- wlTEE
ficials and mndustry witnesses will
be heard.
"Based on these executive ses-
committee will decide whether a
full-scale investigation will be held
and whether the anti-trust laws Driving Range & Min ature Golf
are adequate."
No Date Set NOW OPEN
No date for starting the closed 2455 S. State (one mile South of campus)
hearing was set, but Hart said they
will be held as soon as possible. ;
He said the subcommittee unani- ' '
mously agreed to extend until Dec.
2 subpoenas that have been served
on seven drug manufacturing
firms and the Pharmaceutical Jfl
Manufacturers Association.
Involved in the inquiry is the
move of the nation's largest drug
wholesaler to sell drugs in Colom-
bia and other Latin American na-
tions at sharply reduced pricesFO YUR O M
under their generic, or chemical, FOR YOUR ROOM
names rather than their trade
names. We have ash trays, candles,
Interference madras spreads,china
The late Sen. Estes Kefauver
(D-Tenn), chairman of the sub- scoffee mugs
committee before his death last
month, said he had been informed Almost everything you
that some American drug manu-
facturers had made concerted ef- need to enjoy your
forts to interfere with their sales. Michiga
He initiated the inquiry, but year atMihgn. .
after the subpoenas first were
served Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-
Ill) asked that the advice of the JO H B. L E I CY
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee be obtained before the anti- Phone NO 8-6779 " 601 East Liberty
trust unit went ahead with the in-x
vestigation because of possible ef- % '
fects on foreign relations.

The iBrookings researcners sai
the basic United States payments
gap may be closed over the next
five years, largely because of ris-
ing wages and prices in Europe.
But this gain will be at Europe's
expense, they said, and will result
in some countries suffering such
severe deficits that they may be
forced to adopt restrictive policies
hindering domestic growth and
overseas trade.
The volume of international
trade and investment will increase
35 per cent in five years, the
Brookings study indicated, while
gold and dollar reserves needed to
support it will rise only about 12
per cent.

world News Roundup

4) "This government will main-
tain strong weapons laboratories in
a vigorous program of -weapons
development, in order to ensure
that the United States will con-
tinue to have in the future "a
strength fully adequate for an ef-
fective national defense.
"In particular, as the secretary
of defense has made clear, we will
maintain strategic forces fully en-
suring that this nation will con-
tinue to be in a position to de-
stroy any aggressor, even after
absorbing a first strike by a sur-
prise attack."
The main question raised both
by critics of the treaty and many
backers is whether it would bar
use of nuclear weapons against a
hostile threat to this country or its
No Restraint
"I am glad to emphasize again
that the treaty in no way limits
the authority of the commander in
chief to use nuclear weapons for
the defense of the United States
and its allies, if a situation should
develop requiring such a grave de-
cision. Any decision to use such.
weapons would be made by the
United States in accordance with
its constitutional processes and
would in no way be affected by
the terms of the nuclear test ban
Kennedy also had a reply for
the demand by Sen. Barry Gold-
water (R-Ariz) that the effective-
ness of the treaty be delayed until
Russia removes all its nuclear
weapons and personnel from Cuba
and permits verifying on-site in-
Dirksen said, "It will be easier
to ratify this treaty if we do not
expect too much." Kennedy, he
said, had spelled out clearly what
the treaty will not do.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-- The Interna-
tional Association of Machinists
announced yesterday that it will
strike United Air Lines and Trans-
World Airlines and other major




Basement SAB

sources said yesterday that Laos'
Premier Prince Souvanna Phouma
hoped to confer in New York soon
with Soviet Foreign Minister An-
drei A. Gromyko and British For-
eign Secretary Lord Home about
his coalition government's trou-
bles with Communist Pathet Lao
WINNIPEG-Canada has closed
a deal for a giant wheat sale to
the Soviet Union, an informed
source said yesterday. Exact size
of the deal was not known.
* * *
MIAMI-Cuban troops using So-
viet armed helicopters and Ameri-
can tactics wiped out anti-Castro
guerrillas in a clash near Cuman-
ayagua, in central Cuba, it was
reported by exile groups yesterday.
sources said yesterday a United
Nations survey mission found a
majority of the people in North
Borneo and Sarawak favor joining
with Malaya and Singapore to
form an independent fedgration of
Boll Weevil
Jazz Concert
Beer Blast
All over 21 invited
l.D. Required

7:45 P.M.
Thurs., Sept. 12
League Ballroom



The Graduate School announces an open
meeting for undergraduate. and graduate
students interested in graduate fellowships
for 1964-65.
Campus faculty representatives will explain
the major fellowship programs including:
University of Michigan Fellowships,
National Defense Education Act,
Rhodes, Marshall, Danforth,
National Science Foundation,




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