EPTEMBER 12,1963
Jeneticists Clarify Chromosome Functions
-Daily-Kenneth Winter
GENETIC SYSTEMS--Diagram at left illustrates the chromosomal gene segregation process according to Mendelian principles. Here
the carriers of hereditary characteristics are located on the chromosomes within the nucleus of each cell. The segregation process oc-
curs immediately after the zygote stage. The more theoretical non-chromosomal system (right) has its genetic carriers located in the
cytoplasm, outside the cell nucleus. Here the segregation process, deviating from the Mendelian concepts, occurs later. In the gene re-
combination process, the same differences between the two types of systems occur. Though this system is frequently considered a new
theory, University geneticists point out that it dates back to 1908.
In order to overcome the prob-
lem of using the rare cases of male
transmission of nonchromosomal
genes cells were mated on a me-
dium that acted to kill all off-
spring that carried only female
nonchromosomal genes, leaving
those that got nonchromosomal
genes from the male.
Investigation has brought ge-
neticists to the point where, ac-
cording to Dr. Sager, they can
study these genes on a systematic
basis. The mechanism of the non-
chromosomal genes has been wide-
ly researched. The greatest re-
maining question is the exact func-
tion of these bodies.
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ec h type tions could be produced in the The Daily Official Bulletin is an RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION
o eaco rype cytoplasmic genes while not af- official publication of The Univer- IN NON -ATHLETIC EXTRACURRICU-
of Correns fecting the chromosomal genes sity of Michigan for which The LAR ACTIVITIES:
ar inherit- e Michigan Daily assumes no editorial Any regularly enrolled student is
ed and de- Males Too responsibility. Notices should be eligible to participate in non-athletic
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to extracurricular activities provided he is
In addition,it was found that Room 3564 Administration Building not on academic discipline.
lonchromo- males do, at times, transmit non- before 2 p.m. two days preceding Responsibility:
had n chromosomal genes, which per- publication Responsibility for observance of the
Mendelian creligibility statement is placed directly
Dne reason mitted the study of experimental THURSDAY, SEPT. 12 upon the student. In case of doubt of
lonchromo- crosses. status, students should inquire at the
Office of Student Affairs. Participation
pear o Uf- The method to deal with cyto- in an extracurricular activity in viola-
pontaneous plasmic gene mutations was de- tion of the requirements may subject
)mal genes. vised under the that there a student to disciplinary action.
wiedude tetheorythtter Bureau oft Industrial Relations Per-
ssion were probably numerous copies, of sonnel Techl1ques Seminar No. 93 Restrictions:
eves whicheach cytoplasmic gene in -every W. Richard IBryan, Director of Manage- In interpretation of the above elig-
Ssexes al- cell, instead of just one copy, asment Development, Goodyear Tire & ability statement, the following are
Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, "Increasing specifically forbidden to participate in
ssed on to there is on a chromosome. Drs. the Effectiveness of Business Decisions": extracurricular activities indicated be-
le female. Sager and Tsubo sought a way to Third Floor Conference Room, Mich. low.
from the inactivate the chromosomal genes Union, s a.m.-5 p.m. a) Students on academic discipline,
i.e., notification, warning, probation,
in order to achieve an observable action pending, as determined by the
nonchromosomal gene change. Cinema Guild - Toshiro Mifune in faculty of the college in which the stu-
Sets They accomplished this by growing Akira Kurasawa's "The Magnificent dent is enrolled. Academic Discipline
the migro-organiswi Chlamydo- Seven": Architecture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m. also includes the term "Needs Coun-
the icroorgaism hiamdo-seling" as used by the School of Music
b monas, in the presence of strepto- Applied Mathetmatics Seminar-"The and the School of Education.
mycine. George and Charlie Show on Non-linear b) Part-time and special students
g Club will The growth of the cells was Integral Equations of the Hammerstein carrying less than 12 hours.
zip meeting slowved, but they were not killed. Engin. Refreshments will be in Room The eligibility requirements must be
n the ball- After several divisions, the cyto- 350 W. Engin. at 3:30 p.m. met by students participating in such
League. plasmic genes in the offspring be- activities as are listed below. The list is
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics- not exhaustive but is intended to indi-
Prof. W. Ericson, "Optimum Stratified cate the kinds of extracurricular activi-
Sampling Using Prior Information," ties for participation in which eligibil-
3201 A.H. All interested are welcome. ity is necessary.
NINGs NOW ON a) Participation in public perform-
ances which are sponsored by student
XECUTIVE COUNCIL General Notices organizations and whicherequire group
I E o V 1C I G V n e r l N o Lrehearsals. Examples: Junior Girls' Play;
Joint Judiciary Council will hold a productions of the Gilbert and Sullivan
ton Affairs-Chairman conference on Sat., Sept. 14, from 2-4 Society; performances of Arts Chorale
~o~nnittes~Chaimanp.m. in Rooms 3R-S of the Union. All and the Glee Club.
Cudiciary chairmen from the various b) Participation in public perform-
Oliming suntsaoraaJc m pfro e ur os ances which are sponsored by academic
living units on campus are urged t courses and which require group re-
attend this conference as well as any hearsals. for those participants who
T EN R OFFICES intereted patis are not enrolled in the sponsoring
SENpORn course for credit. Examples: Ensemble
Students interested in representing 45 46 (Orchestra), Ensemble 47, 48
e M ichigan Union the University of ;Michigan in debate (Bands), Ensemble 49, 50 (Choir), Voice
should contact Dr. Kenneth Andersen, 11, 12, 155, 156 (Opera Workshop).
2527 Frieze, ext. 2296 by Friday, Sept. 13.
mote Understanding between I;Representatives from the MARINES
will be at the U. of M. from Sept. 18 to
ts, Faculty and Adn innstration * ". Sept. 20 in the Fishbowl from 9:00 a.m.
until 4:30 p.m. They will furnsh infor-
mation to any interested student about
CEthe Officer Training Programs.
212 SAB-.
The Summer Placement Service will
open on Tues., Oct. 1. Be among the
first to put in your name for a summer
job in 1964. New listings will be avail-
October 25 and 26 POSITION OPENINGS:
Management Consultants in Mass. -
1) Computer Programming Writer-Bos-
Interview Forms Available for ton area. An experienced man who has
working exper. in the computer field,
partic. in computer programming. 2)
araduate and Undergraduate Students Programm er ramn. D)
Prgamer Trainee-Boston. area. De-
gree with Math, Acc't. or Language ma-
SAB -SGC Off cejor. No exper. bkgd. is required but
will have to pass an aptitude test. 3)!
-- Office Manager-Western Mass. location.
The finest in motion picture entertainment
Degree, MBA pref. Some exper. Must
have analytical & acc't. bkgd. Knowl-
edge of computers.
Local & Regional Civil Service -
Examinations now open for the follow-
ing job opportunities: Cartographer;
Draftsman; Quality Control Rep. &
Research Psychologist.
Current Federal Examinations-Now
open for the following positions: As-
tronomer; Fishery & Wildlife Biologist;
Oceanographer (biological, geological);
Architect; Forester; Radio Broadcast
Technician; Social Worker; Counseling
Psychologist & Student Trainee (Co-
operative Work-Study & Vacation Work-
Study Programs).
Blaw-Knox Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Vari-
ous openings for Engineers including:
ME; Structural; Design; EE; Welding; &
Steel Casting Sales Engnr.
College of the Virgin Islands, St.
Thomas, Virgin Islands-Opening for
Assistant Business Manager-MBA de-
cider, although careful consideration
will be given to BA's. Exper. sought in-
cludes service in the business mgmt.
office of other colleges & univ. or other
educ. institutions and/or work in busi-
ness or industry. Age is not a factor.
Celanese Corp.of America, N.Y., N.Y.
-Seeking qualified Patent Lawyers.
Must have a chemically orientated un-
dergrad degree plus a complete LLB.
(Persons without LLB are acceptable
only if have had several yrs. of actual
patent exper.) Exper. from 2-15 yrs.
Vickers, Inc.,, Detroit, Mich.-Seeking
men to be Aerospace Graduate Trainees.
1 yr.,trng. prog. Undergrad technical
degree & MA in Bus. Ad. or related
Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa.
-1) Two position openings in Electron-
ics for those with ES in EE (electronics
option) or BS Physics with electronic
training. Work exper. in one of the fol-
lowing areas desirable-a) design of
Indust. electronic equip. b) design &
testing of electro-mech. servo systems
& c) design & testing of electro-optical
or electro-mech. transducers. 2) Opening
as Control Engnr.-BSEE or ME & ex-
per. in one or more of the following: a)
design of control systems, b) analysis
& stimulation of control problems, c)
application engrg. of automatic control
Continental Aviation & Engineering
Corp., Toledo, Ohio-Opening for Metal-
lurgical Engnr. to work in met, lab.
Manufacture small gas turbine engines
(jet engines). Analysis of metals & proc-
esses involving aircraft engines. BS
Met. Engrg. Exper, helpful, but not
necessary. Recent grads accepted.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
DIAL 5-6290
This Week-End
at 1:30-4:40-8:00 P.M.
SATURDAY and SUNDAY at 7 and 9:20
eriflo I w wr~
0 -s Atuu w AV&-L S S4 snI