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September 10, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-10

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MSU Picks
'Nne' Coach'
Litwhiler, former major league
star and now head coach at Flor-
ida«State, was appointed the new
Michigan State baseball coach
Litwhiler succeeds John Kobs,
who retired this summer after 39
years as MSU baseball coach.
Great Coach
"He is one of the great college
baseball coaches," said athletic
director Biggie Munn. "He will
make a most valuable addition to
our staff."
Litwhiler compiled a -record of
189 wins against 81 losses in nine
years at Florida State. He sent,
teams to seven NCAA district
playoffs and three college world
Developed Players
He developed a number of major
league players, probably the best
known being shortstop Dick How-
ser, now with the Cleveland In-
Litwhiler, 46, a graduate of
Bloomsburg, Pa., State College,
spent 12 years in the majors as
an outfielder before he retired in
1950. He played with the St. Louis
Cardinals, Philadelphia Phillies,
Cincinnati Reds and the former
Boston Braves.

Former Olympic Star Dies


By The Associated Press
WICHITA, Kan.-Stone John-
son, promising rookie for the Kan-
sas City Chiefs and a runner for
the United States in the 1960
Olympics, died Sunday night -
eight days after being injured in
an exhibition football game.
A post-mortem examination was
conducted, but the results were
not immediately released.
Serious Condition
The 23-year-old halfback had
been in serious condition since
suffering a fractured neck verte-
bra in the game against the Hous-
ton Oilers. He was hurt on a first
quarter kickoff when he dived to
make a block in the game Aug. 31.
Johnson, 6'1" and 180 pounds,
was left paralyzed in the lower
part of his body and partially
paralyzed in the arms.
Underwent Surgery
He underwent surgery before
the end of the game and was
placed in traction. Johnson had
geen kept motionless on his back
since the injury.
CHICAGO-The New York Yan-
kees of the American League and
the Los Angeles Dodgers and St.
Louis of the National League were
authorized to print tickets by
Commissioner Ford Frick yester-

.A il~

day in completing plans for the
World Series.
The Yankees, who lead the
American League by 14% games,
were represented by General Man-
ager Roy Hamey. Representing the
league leading Dodgers was Buzzy
Bevasi and appearing for the Car-
dinals, who trailed Los Angeles by
31 games, was Art Routzong.
Series Opens
Frick said the Series would open
in the American League city Oct.
2. The second game would be
played there Oct. 3 and Oct. 4
will be an open date with the
third, fourth and fifth game, if
necessary, to be played in the Na-
tional League city Oct. 5-7.
Should the Series go beyond five
games, Oct. 8 would be an open
date with the sixth and seventh
games scheduled for the American
League city, Oct. 9-10.
League Playoff
In case of a tie in the National
League race, Warren Giles, presi-
dent of the National League, said
the best-of-3 playoff would begin
Monday, Sept. 30, and continue
without a break.
FORT WORTH, Tex.-The Col-
onial National Invitation Tennis
Tournament completed its 24-
player field yesterday and pointed

to the possibility of a feature re-
match between Chuck McKinley
and Rafael Osuna.
Osuna became the first Mexican
player ever to win the U.S. sin-
gles championship when he turned
back Frank Froehling Sunday in a
nationally-televised windup at For-
est Hills, N.Y.
McKinley Trimmed

14,000 Exchange Coupons
For Football Tickets{
The actual way in which the
Over half of the students en- students' funds will be put into
rolled at the University have avail- use for the building of a new field
ed themselves of the $12 athletic house, expanded recreation and
coupons sold by the Board in Con- intramural facilities remains in
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics doubt, pending the action of the
for expansion of its facilities.- Board in Control and its Commit-
"We are now over the 14,000 tee on Plant Expansion.
mark," Don Weir, ticket manager,
said yesterday. "Almost all of the
14,000 sold have been redeemed


M-wD EN ,far6er4
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Osuna trimmed the top-seeded for tickets to football games," Weir
McKinley in the semifinals Satur- went on to say.

Harris Leads Amateur Golf Tourney

DES MOINES, Iowa ({-Labron
Harris, playing only as well as he
had to, led a small army of candi-
dates for the United States Ama-
teur golf title into the second
round yesterday over the pinched
fairways of the demanding Wa-
konda Club course.
The bespectacled mathematics
student at Oklahoma State Uni-
versity, shooting as precisely as
if he were demonstrating a prob-
lem in his statistical course, de
feated Bill Cowardin Jr., of New-
port News, Va., 8 and 6. He sank
one putt of 25 feet and another of
15 but missed six others of less
than 10 feet.
Still in the running for the 1963
title with Harris after the first
round of action over the 6,896
yards of the oak-walled course,
where par is 36-36-72, are such
threats as Deane Beman, Steve
Spray, Dick Sikes, Charlie Coe,
John Lotz, Dale Morey and Billy
Joe Patton.
They triumphed in the congest-

ed first round that was more than
an hour behind schedule because
players took walks to neighboring
hummocks to find their way to
the green. There are blind shots
on two-thirds of the holes.
Seated on the sidelines with
first round byes were Downing
Gray of Pensacola, Fla., the beat-
en finalist of a year ago; Bob
Gardner of Montclair, N.J., five
times the New York Metropolitan
I-M Officials
There will be a meeting of all
men interested in officiating
I-M touch football at the In-
tramural Sports Bldg. at 5:00
king, and Homero Blancas of
Houston, who gained the sixth
round in this tourney in 1962.
A trio of Walker Cuppers was
among the opening day's losers.
Eliminated were Charlie Smith of


Gastonia, N.C., Dr. Edgar Upde-
graww of Tucson, Ariz., and Bill
Hyndman of Huntingdon Valley,
Pa. Also eliminated were Merrill
Carlsmith, the U.S. Senior cham-
pion from Hilo, Hawaii, and Bob
Lunn, the 18-year-old San Fran-
ciscan who is the National Public
Links champion.
In Tuesday's second round Har-
ris will meet John D. McKey Jr.,
of Orlando, Fla., who went to the
fifth round a year ago.
Another 18-hole round is booked
for Tuesday with two 18-hole
matches scheduled for the sur-
vivors on both Wednesday and
Thursday. Friday's semifinals will
be over 36 holes as will the final
on Saturday.
Harris was two under par for
the 12 holes played and bested
Cowardin, the Virginia Intercol-
legiate champion, by 10 strokes.
The champion picked up half of
his huge margin in the first six
holes-the area dubbed Assassin'sj
Alley and where experts say thel
title will be won or lost.
Beman built up a two-hole'
cushion in this same stretch as
did Coe while both Patton and
Sikes were no better than even
after their safari through the ter-
rifying stretch.
Beman, who said he is playing
better than he did when he won
this title in 1960, ousted Richard
Latimer of Washington, D.C., 7
and 5. Patton conquered Arthur
Hudnutt of Elyria, Ohio, the 1962
Western champion, 3 and 2. Coe,
seeking this title a third time had
to spurt to beat Bill Castleman,
the oilman who now lives in White
Sulphur Springs, W. Va., 3 and 1.
The two collegiate 'champions,
Sikes of the University of Arkan-
sas and the NCAA, and Spray of
Eastern New Mexico University
and the NAIA, took different
routes to the victory column,
Sikes downed Jerry Greenbaum
of Atlanta, 3 and 2, and com-
plained, "The only putt I made all
day was one I didn't need." Spray,
a member at Wakonda, stopped
Martin J. Bohen of Las Vegas,
Nev., 5 and 4 after building up a
5-hole edge before the turn.

McKinley, the current Wimble-
don kingpin from Trinity Univer-
sity, nevertheless will be seeded
first here with Osuna No. 2.
Tourney Opens
The tournament opens Wednes-
day with qualifying matches
among 16 less nationally-known
Wrestling Team
All candidates for the varsity
and freshman wrestling teams
will meet in the wrestling room
in the Intramural Bldg. tomor-
row afternoon at 4:15.
players. The eight survivors of that
first day action will match shots
with such international stars as
Osuna, McKinley, Palafox, Ham
Richardson of Dallas and youth-
ful but potent Cliff Richey of Dal-
LONDON - World auto racing
champion Jim Clark said he had
been summoned to appear before
an Italian magistrate Monday
morning, within 12 hours of win-
ning his crown, but had decided
not to stay on in Monza, Italy,
because of travel commitments.
The 27-year-old "Flying Scot"
called a press conference on his
return to London to make some
bitter remarks about Italian po-
Clark Quizzed
Clark, who won Sunday's Ital-
ian Grand Prix and with it the
world championship, had barely
taken off his racing helmet when
he was quizzed by police about the
1961 Monza race disaster in which
16 persons died.
"I thought it was all finished,"
he said. "I told the police inquiry
a year ago all I knew about the
Monza business.
"It seems they are intent on
finding a culprit for the accident."
Clark said he had a clear con-
science about the 1961 disaster.
German driver Wolfgang Von
Trips in a Ferrari was among
those killed when his car plowed
into the crowd. The Lotus car
driven by Clark had been in a
slight collision with the Ferrari
just before it spun into the crowd.
He said he is willing to return
to Italy any time to answer any
allegations, but repeated that he
felt he had told all he knew.

Anticipate Wants
In anticipating the wants of the'
more than 13,000 who did not pur-
chase coupons, Weir stated, "We
are still selling the coupons at
the Athletic Administration ticket'
offices. Also, single game tickets
are still available for every game
on the schedule, both home and:
away." The Athletic department
has an agreement with all of the
schools in the Big Ten by which
students can purchase tickets for
any Michigan game.
The single game tickets sell for
$5 each and Weir advises that
"Anyone who wants tickets should
buy them as soon as possible, while
the selection is still good." Weir
emphasized the advice particularly
'for the Michigan State game on
October 12.
Block 'M'
Close to a thousand of the stu-
dent tickets were purchased for
seats in the Block 'M' section
sponsored by the Wolverine Club.
Weir commented that "the Block
'M' did a great job."
Seats in the Block *M' section
are still available according to
Weir and arrangements can be
made through Mervin Sharfman,
President of the Wolverine Club,
at the club's offices in the Student
Activities Building.
Already Sold
The 14,000 coupons already sold
are more than the original esti-
mate of -12,000-13,000. The sale
will start a fund of over $168,000
which will be used in the expan-
sion program of the Board in Con-
House Okays
Detroit Bid
joined the Senate yesterday in
asking the International Olympics
Committee to hold the 1968 Olym-
pic Games at Detroit.
It approved and sent to Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy a measure
that will put the U.S. invitation
before the International Commit-
tee at a meeting next month in
Baden Baden, Germany.
Congress already has invited
the committee to hold the 1968
Winter Olympic Games at Lake
Placid, N.Y.

I.II I ;

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Michigan League, Conference
Room 1. Sept. 10-Nov. 26.
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League, Conference Room I I.
Sept. i11-Nov. 27.

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