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September 10, 1963 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-10

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Khrushchev Hits Mao as 'Anti-Mankind'

Claque Announces New Price Index


Associated Press News Analyst
TOYKO-Soviet Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev, with his charge
that Red China would sacrifice
half of mankind in a nuclear war
to achieve Communist victory, ap-
parently has hit Peking where it
The Chinese theoretical organ
Red Flag today called this kind
of talk "spittle" picked up from
the United States.
Chinese leader Mao Tze-Tung

does not seem to relish being
cast as an enemy of mankind. In
the past week his propaganda or-
gans have devoted much space to
the subject, all of it seeking to re-
but Khrushchev's accusation.
Second Comment
Red Flag's 2000-word article was
the second Chinese comment with-
in eight days. The first appeared
in a joint article by Red Flag and
the official Peking People's Daily
Sept. 1. The joint article was even
more vehement.

"The main feature of the Soviet
government's latest statement is
its slanders that we want Socialism
to win by means of thermonuclear
war and that we would sacrifice
300 million Chinese and half of
mankind in order to create a
greater civilization on the corpses
and the ruins," it said.
The article called this "really
hair-raising stuff. How shocking!
The Chinese Communists are no-
thing but a bunch of bloodthirsty
monsters, worse than Hitler, worse

Rushees Visit Future Houses

than any tyrants past or present,
and needless to say, hundreds of
times worse than the United States
1957 Remarks
The Chinese identified the So-
viet charges as stemming from re-
marks made by Mao in Moscow in
1957 and to a passage in "Long
Live Leninism," written by the
editorial department of Red Flag.
Mao, in his then-secret speech,
said that if war should break out
a third of the world's population
might be lost, but that "imperial-
ism would be razed and the whole
world would become socialist."
That did not mean China wanted
a nuclear war, only that there was
no need to be afraid if the West
launched one, the article said.
The Chinese now tartly accuse
Khrushchev himself of wanting to
destroy civilization when he
threatens to use nuclear bombs
against the West if it starts any-
thing, and thus to "wipe out and
bury capitalism."
Easily Understood
China's sensitivity to Khrush-
chev's accusation is not hard to
understand. If the Soviet leader
makes it stick, Peiping's prestige in
Asia is likely to nose-dive. So far,
Mao has won the backing of some
Asian, African and Latin Ameri-
can communist parties by advocat-
ing a tough revolutionary line
against the West.
But even his most solid support-
ers don't want to see a nuclear
holocaust, particularly one which
would decimate their own coun-
tries while leaving populous China
still powerful.
Chambers Ouits

WASHINGTON-The labor de-
partment's Bureau of Labor Sta-
tistics will issue a new and ex-
panded version of its monthly con-
sumer price index beginning in
January, Commissioner for Labor
Statistics Ewan Claque announced
"A significant change in the in-
dex will be an extention of cov-
erage, now limited to families of
two or more persons, to include
single persons, to make it more
representative of the total urban
wage and clerical-worker popula-
tion," Claque said.
The index will also be reweight-
ed to place less emphasis on food
and more on housing and trans-

portation, he added. "These
changes represent shifts in con-
sumer spending habits in the dec-
ade sincerthe earlier expenditure
surveys from which the current
index is weighted were derived,"
Claque explained.
Six cities-Cincinnati, Houston,
Kansas City, Minneapolis, San
Diego, Milwaukee-will be added to
consumer price index surveys. San
Diego and Milwaukee will be added
in 1966.
Portland, Ore., and Scranton
will be dropped early next year.
The revised index will cover
prices for food to be used at home
including cereals and bakery pro-
ducts, meats, poultry and fish,

dairy products, fruits and vege-
tables. Food purchased away from
home will also be included.
The index has a new housing
section including oasts of rents
and home ownership. This covers
rents, hotel and motel bills and
home purchase, mortgage interest,
settlement charges, taxes, insur-
ance and repairs and maintain-
The apparel session has been
retained. So has section on trans-
portation and health recreation.
The latter catagory includes medi-
cal and personal care, reading and
recreation and other such goods
and services.

Plan Meeting
For Students
The Honors Steering Committee
will hold a freshman orientation
meeting at 7 p.m. today in the
lounge of Mary Markley.
The meeting is to acquaint
freshmen in the honors program
with the evening seminars and
music ensembles.
The steering committee itself is
also planning to meet shortly. An
election for the freshman position
on the steering committee will be
held, and the election procedure
and duties of committee and sub-
committee members will be dis-


Rest easy, knowing that
n the morning you'll




FAST FRIENDS-Rushees are given the opportunity to see as many houses as possible during the
formal rush period. Smokers and dinners are an integral part of the ceremony of visiting various
houses, as rushees have a chance to understand the nature of fraternity living. Bidding--a for-
mal request for a man to join a fraternity-does not mean that the recipient of the bid should
stop going to other houses or that he must accept the bid immediately.

Prof. Merritt Chambers, visiting
professor of higher education for
two years, has left the University
to take a teaching position at In-
diana University. A seminar on
legalaspects of higher education
he was to have taught has been

find you

r copy of

for you!



.nYVant .4u Y ..' .'.6rV.Wn... rrU rte..'.. Y4 '.oK?6i" r :ttnnrsr...J7i:v:"::.. e:ir?. : 4V . . . :ยข:":V..u.v....... .. . . .
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} ?. ..a. .:.a'.r3. a rY LA~f gY ..r. ".... 4"}.":"'"}:4" Y : ..... Y: i:"":.. . .. ... .

(Continued from Page 2)

ton. Employ about 1500. Graduate with
1-3 yrs. exper.
Huron Valley National Bank, Ann Ar-
bor-Tellers or bookkeepers. Exper. pre-
ferred. Women who like to meet the
Libbey-Owens-Ford, Detroit-Secre-
tary with all skills including typing
and shorthand. Woman, graduate.
General Box Co., Des Plaines, Ill. -
Degree in Engrg., Indus. Mgmt., Forest
Products, or Business. Limited travel.

Exper. in time and motion study or
superv. helpful. Production Staff.
All-State Insurance Co., Detroit --
Graduate (Man) for Office Supervisor,
age 20's or early 30's with 1-2 yrs. exper.
to supervise 15-20 women employes.
Duties include training.
Walker Mfg. Co., Jackson, Mich. - 1)
Accountant - Budget -- Recent college
grad, with degree in Ace't. Related
work exper. desired but not required.
2) Production Planner-College grad
with some industrial exper. or trng. 3)
Process Engnr.-ME degree plus exper.
in sheet metal fabrication & welding.

Morse Chain Co., Ithaca, N.Y.-Sub-
sidiary of Borg-Warner Corp., manu-
facturing a complete line of mech. pow-
er transmission products. Seeking
Trainees for Sales Engrg. Prog. Engnr.
grads & Business grads with mech. ex-
per, are best suited for this tech. sales
General Railway Signal Co., Roches-
ter, N.Y.-Seeking Industrial Relations
Ass't. Degree Bus. Ad. and/or Phych.
Military service completed. Interest in
personnel-industrial rels. as a profes-
General Motors Institute, Flint, Mich.


New Shments of

-Openings for Management Trainers to
teach all levels of Management. Will be
employed in a plant or div. in northern
region. No travel involved. Excellent
potential for advancement. Possibility
of relocating later. BA or adv. degree
with bkgd. in Educ., Industry, Psych.,
Personnel, Personnel Supv., etc. Some
type of exper. Age 25 & up.
Wayne County General Hospital,
Eloise, Mich.-Chemist to work on re-
search project-3 yr. grant. Electro-
phoretical investigations of enzymes.
Male or female. MS or BS Chem. Exper.
not required.
Penn-Dixie Cement Corp., Detroit,
Mich.-Sales Representative for Metro.
Detroit area. Military oblig. fulfilled.
Degree any field. Construction industry
exper. helpful but not essential. Age
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Organizations who are planning to be
active for the Fall Semester should reg-
ister by Sept. 24, 1963. Forms available,
1011 Student Activities Bldg.
If you wish to be listed in the Student
Directory, please give the president's
name, address and telephone number
to Miss C. Bilakos, 1011 SAB by Sept. 16,




arriving daily!
for that hard-to-find textbook try
n^00I ia

Call NO 3-3241

Voice Political Party (U. of M. Chap-
ter of the Students for Democratic So-
ciety), Executive Committee Meeting,
Sept. 11, 8 p.m., 2534 SAB. Everyone
Young Friends, Supper Meeting Dis-
cussion, Topic: "An Experience in Geor-
gia," Sept. 11, 5:30-7 p.m., 1420 Hill.




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