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September 06, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-06

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lental Health Experts Praise
vocal Efforts To Provide Care

Texts of Membership Bias Procedure Resolutions


lental health experts and a top
te legislator agreed yesterday
,t mental-health services are
t organized on a local com-
nity basis.'
t a press conference sponsor-
by the Michigan Society for
ntal Health, the speakers also
eed that the state Legislature's
itude has been progressive, but
t the public is generally un-
are of the needs of mental
'he "major principle" involved
organizing services on a local,
her than statewide, basis is that
'breaks up the bureaucracy" to
vide more efficient services, Dr.
cold G. Webster, executive di-
tor of the mental health society,
Set Up Program
uch a program will be set up
ler the Community Mental
ilth Services Act, passed by the
;islature this spring. Localities
,hing to establish mental health
ilities may petition the state,
ich will provide 40-60 per cent
ector Announces
ernstein Sell-Out
'ickets for the Leonard Bern-
n concert next Thursday night
sold out, according to Gail
Rector, executive director of
University Musical Society.
kets are still available for other
sical Society presentations, he

of the funds. The medical stand-
ards of a proposed project must
meet state approval before funds
will be provided, Dr. Webster not-
"We will be satisfied to get one
or two counties moving this year,"
and this will require an appropria-
tion of about $500,000. Though no
appropriation was made when the
act was passed, it provides for up
to one dollar for each person in
the state-a total possible outlay
of about $8 million, he said.
Locally-organized services also
will draw more psychiatrists into
public facilities, Dr. Webster com-
More Effective Program
In addition, adequate local
after-care service for patients dis-
charged from the hospital makes
a program more effective by reduc-
ing the number of patients re-
turning to the hospital from the
usual 50 per cent return rate to as
low as 10-12 per cent.
Dr. Webster also suggested that
more intensive care - requiring
more money spent per day on a
patient-makes for shorter patient
stay in the hospital, thus saving
money in the long run.
He went on to cite five needs if
the state. is to have a good dental
health program:
1) The Legislature must under-
stand and support mental health
programs. "We are quite pleased
with the responsibility, interest
and concern the Legislature has
shown," Dr. Webster commented.
He said generally the lawmakers
have come up with "good, progres-
sive decisions."

Dr. Webster also pointed out
that the state appropriation for
mental health, now $81 million,
has doubled in the last 10 years.
House Speaker Allison Green
(R-Kingston) pointed out that the
Legislature has been concerned be-
cause the rising mental health ex-
penditures did not seem to bring
a proportionate increment in serv-
ices. Investigations by the Legisla-
tive Audit Commission and other
committees led to the community
Mental Health Services Act, which
should make more efficient use of
state funds, he said.
Needs Public Support
2) Public support also is essen-
tial; here Dr. Webster was less
optimistic. Too many people, he
said, think "mentally ill people
must be removed by law--to a hos-
pital far from their home area."
3) Capable administration of
mental health facilities is im-
portant, Dr. Webster continued.
4) Executive leadership in the
governor's office is important in
getting prorams in action: Here Dr.
Webster criticized Gov. George
Romney for failing to appoint
members of a mental health advis-
ory council authorized last spring
by the Legislature.
Romney Submits Names
Prof. Peter A. Martin of Wayne
State University, Romney's advisor
on mental health, said the gover-
nor has "just recently" submitted
a list of names for the council.
5) Finally, of course, adequate
funds are needed. Dr. Webster pre-
dicted "a shift in the emphasis on
financing mental health care.'

Lewis Statement
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is the complete text of a resolution
on student group membership selec-
tion prepared by Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis.
Written from an original draft by
Prof. Robert Harris of the Law
School the resolution was entered
as a "working paper" before Coun-
cil, which amended it. The final
motion will be formulated by Coun-
cil on Sept. 18 and 25 following an
open hearing on Sept. 16.)
Whereas it is the policy of the
University that, subject to the
veto of the Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs, Student Government
Council shall have the authority to
establish membership rules and
procedures to implement Bylaw
2.14 as it relates to fraternities,
sororities, and other non-exempt
recognized student groups. Be it
SGC Rule Making...
1. Subject to the veto of the.
Vice-President for Student Affairs,
Student Government Council shall
have the authority (a) to establish
substantive rules to implement By-
law 2.14 as it relates to fraterni-
ties, sororities and other non-
exempt recognized student organi-
zations, including rules assuring
the student members of the local
chapters freedom to pursue any
non-discriminatory policy of mem-
bership selection, (b) to establish
information rules prescribing the
duty of recognized student groups
to furnish to the Membership Com-
mittee information (whether con-
fidential or not) which might be
relevant in deciding whether or
not there has been a violation of
substantive rules and what should
be done about it, and (c) to estab-
lish procedure rules governing im-

... original draft ... rewritten resolution

plementation of the membership
and information rules.
2. In adopting these rules Stu-
dent Government Council shall be
guided by these policies: (a) Sec-
tion 2.14 is to be implemented with
all deliberate speed and consistent
with fair notice and hearing for
adversely affected recognized stu-
dent groups; (b) to the extent rea-
sonably compatible with the above
mentioned notion, freedom of as-
sociation shall be preserver; (c) to
the extent reasonably compatible
with the above notions, confiden-
tiality of the secrets of recognized
student groups shall be preserved.
Membership Committee
3. Student Government Council
hereby creates a Membership Com-
mittee which may receive com-
plaints, collect and process rele-

vant information, investigate sus-
pected violations, attempt concilia-
tion, initiate and prosecute pro-
ceedings before . the appropriate
campus tribunals, adopt procedure
rules consistent with (10) and en-
gage personnel including Counsel.
Nothing in his Resolution is to be
read as limiting the power of the
Membership Committee to initiate
proceedings in the absence of any
complaint from a person outside
the Committee.
4. The Membership Committee
shall engage, as its Counsel, a per-
son connected with the University
who has had substantial litigation
experience. Alumni are deemed to
be connected for these purposes.
Membership Judge...
5. There shall be a membership
judge, selected by SGC for a two-
year term from among persons
with an L.L.B. degree who are con-
nected with the University, alumni
being deemed to be connected for
this purpose. If a vacancy occurs
or if the judge disqualifies himself
from a case an interim judge shall
be designated in similar fashion.
6. The membership judge shall
have the power to impose appro-
priate sanctions upon recognized
student groups found in violation
of rules promulgated by SGC pur-
suant to this resolution. No sanc-
tion shall be imposed except after
fair notice and hearing pursuant
to the rules of procedure described
in Section 9 of this resolution. The
possible sanctions include, but are
not limited to, withdrawal of rec-
ognition of the group. In the event
the judge orders withdrawal of
recognition and his order is not re-

versed on appeal, SGC shall with-
draw recognition.
7. The Membership Judge shall±
hear all proceedings initiated by!
the Membership Committee, as-
certain facts, and shall have the
"power to impose appropriate
sanctions" upon non-exempt rec-
ognized student groups found in
violation of rules promulgated by
Student Government Council pur-
suant to this Resolution. No sanc-
tion shall be imposed except after
fair notice and hearing. The possi-
ble sanctions include, but are not
limited to, withdrawal of recog-
nition of the group. In the event
the Judge orders withdrawal of
recognition and its order is not re-
versed on appeal, Student Govern-
ment Council shall withdraw rec-
8. Any party to proceedings be-
fore the Membership Judge may
appeal from that final decision to
the Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs. The Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs, with the advice of the
Committee on Referral, shall re-
view the decision of the Member-
ship Judge to determine whether
(a) all crucial and challenged
findings of fact are supported by
substantial evidences in the rec-
ord below; and (b) there was any
prejudicial error committed by the
Membership Judge in interpreta-
tion or application of rules pro-
mulgated pursuant to this Reso-
lution. In the event he reverses
the Membership Judge, the Vice-
President for Student Affairs shall
accompany his order with a pub-
lished opinion.
Non-Exempt Recognized
Student Groups
9. In this Resolution "non-
exempt recognized student group"
shall include any group enjoying
the benefits of recognition by the
Student Government Council un-
less the group falls within one of
the exempt categories created by
Student Government Council. In
creating exempt categories Student
Government Council shall make
rational rules concerning non-fra-
ternal nationality and religious
10. All actions taken by Student
Government Council pursuant to
this Resolution shall conform to
the procedures designated in the
Student Government Council Plan,
as amended from time to time,
and nothing in other sections of
this Resolution shall be interpret-
ed to the contrary. Such actions
shall be subject to veto by the

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"~ I

Vice-President for Student Affairs
in the fashion prescribed in that
plan; however, review of the de-
cisions of the Membership Judge
pursuant to Section 8 of this Res-
olution shall not be governed by
the provisions of that Plan.
Amendment. ..
11. Unless otherwise specified by
the Board of Regents, the Stu-
dent Government Council upon
two-thirds vote may recommend
modifications of this Resolution
subject to the veto of the Vice-
President for Student Affairs.
Ef fective Date .. .
This Resolution shall be effec-
tive at once.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
are excerpts from an implementa-
tion resolution on membership dis-
crimination practices. The 34-point
resolution was considered by Coun-
cil as a "working paper" but will be
made into a formal motion for the
Sept. 18 meeting.)
Definition . .
1. "Discriminatory" means "se-
lecting with regard to race, reli-
gion, color, creed, or national ori-
Penalties .. .
15. If a group refuses to be sworn
or refuses to answer apy question
or refuses to file any statement
after being directed to do so by the
Membership Judges the refusal
may be punished by one or more of
the following penalties, but no oth-
(a) Immediate withdrawal of
(b) Withdrawal of recognition
effective at a designated future
time not later than thirty days
from the date the penalty is an-
nounced in the event the contempt
has not been purged by then.
(c) Immediate suspension of
rushing privileges until such time
as the contempt has been purged.
(d) Immediate social probation
until such time as the contempt
has been purged.
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
fidial publication of The Univer-
ty of Michigan for which ,The
ichigan Daily assumes no editorial
sponsibility. Notices should be
nt in TYPEWRITTEN form to
som 3564 Administration Building
fore 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
areau of Industrial Relations Per-
nel Techniques Seminar No. 92 --
enon Bayer, President, Bayer-Kobert
Associates, Inc. Management Con-
ants, Detroit-Minneapolis-New York,
w to Train Supervisors in Cost Re-
ion": Third Floor Conference Rm.,
h. Union, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
nema Guild - Humphrey Bogart,
y Astor, Peter Lorre, and Sydney
enstreet in "The Maltese Falcon";
- - - - - - - - - -



DIAL 5-6290


at 1:30-4:40-8:00 P.M.

also, Laurel and Hardy in "The Fin-
ishing Touch": Architecture Aud., 7 and
9 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital-Elea-
nor Fowler, organist: Hill Aud., 8:30
School of Music Degree Recital-Gary
Glaze, tenor: Aud. A, Angell Hall, 8:30
Foreign. Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors pro-
grammed through the International
Center who will be on campus this week
on the dates indicated. Program ar-
rangements are being made by Mrs.
Clifford R. Miller, Ext. 3358, Interna-
tional Center.
Ernesto Foldats, Director, School of
Biology, Central Univ. of Venezuela,
Caracas; Venezuela, Sept. 2-14.
Alec Gorshel (accompanied by Mrs.
Gorshel), Member of Parliament. United
Party, Johannesburg, Union of South
Africa, Sept. 4-6.
Elod Halasz, Head of the Chair of
Germanic Languages and Literature,
Univ. of Szeged, Hungary, Sept. 8-10.
General Notices
Fri., Sept. 6, is the final day for addi-
tional or corrected information to be
submitted for the Faculty-Staff Direc-
tory. Information must be received in
writing by the Publications Office, 3564
Admin. Bldg., before 5 p.m. Fri.
The Univ. Women's Bowling League
has places for additional bowlers each
Tues. night at 6:45. For further infor-
mation, call Mrs. Wirick, Ext. 2064.
Preliminary PhD Exams in Economics:
Theory examinations will be given on
Thurs. and Fri., Sept. 26 and 27, 1963.
The examinations in other subjects
will be given beginning on Mon., Sept.
Each student planning to take these
exams should leave with the secretary
of the dept. of economics not later than
Sept. 10, 1963, his name and the three
field: in which he desires to be exam-
Faculty Meeting--College of Lit., Sci-
ence an dthe Arts will be held on Mon.,
1o:30A.M.-1y:30 P.M.
Sorry girls-men only

Sept. 9, 1963, at 4:10,p.m. in Angell Hall
Aud. A.
The Mathematics 483 classroom has
been changed to Room 2429 Mason Hall.
French and German Screening Exams:
The screening examinations in French
and German for doctoral candidates will
be administered on Tues., Sept. 10 from
7 to 9 p.m. in Aud. C, Angell Hall.
Doctoral candidates must pass thej
screening exams before taking the writ-
ten test in French or German. Anyone
who took the test on July 23 is ineligible1
to take it at this administration.
School of Music Degree Recital-Greg-
ory Kosteck, pianist, scheduled for Sun.,
Sept. 8, at 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell
Hall has been cancelled.
The following sponsored student events
are approved for the coming weekend.
Social chairmen are reminded that re-
quests for approval for social events
are due in the Office of Student Affairs
not later than 12 o'clock noon on the
Tues. prior to the event.
SEPT. 6-
Alpha Kappa Alpha, Welcome, Back,
YM-YWCA S. 5th; Anderson House,
Mixer, East Quad; Zeta Psi & Phi Delta
Theta, TGIF, 1443 Washtenaw; Scott
House, Mixer, Mary Markley; Kelsey
House, Party, S. Quad.
SEPT. 7-
Alpha Delta Phi, Record Party, 556 S.
State; Beta Theta Pi, House Party, 605
S. State; Delta Tau Delta, Party, 1928
Geddes; Hayden House,; Mixer, East
Qua Owen Cooperative, Orientation
USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Organizations who are planning to be
active for the Fall Semester should reg-
ister by Sept. 24, 1963. Forms available,
1011 Student Activities Bldg.
If you wish to be listed in the Stu-
dent Directory, please give the presi-
dent's name, address and telephone
number to Miss C. Bilakos, 1011 SAB
by Sept. 16, 1963.
Baha'i Student Group, Topic: "Inter-
racial Marriage," Sept. 6, 8 p.m., 500 E.
Christian Science Org., Meeting, Sept.
7:30 p.m., Rm. 528D (lower level) SAB.
*, * *
Circle Honorary Soc., Picnic, Sept. 8,
8, 1 p.m., Island Park. Meet at League.
Pakistan Students' Assoc., Annual
General Meeting-Election of New Of-
fce Bearers, Sept. 6, 7:30 p.m., Inter-
national Center.
Voice Political Party, Executive Com-
mittee Meeting, Sept. 6, 6:30 p.m., 2534
SAB. Everyone welcome.

Party, 1017 Oakland; Muriel Lester
House, Orientation Party, 900 Oakland;
Trigon, Open Open House & Dance, 1617
Washtenaw; Phi Delta Theta, Dance,
1437 Washtenaw.
Inland Steel Co., Chicago, 111.-Seek-'
ing Administrator for Inland-Ryerson
Foundation. Require broad educational
bkgd. with good understanding of major
problems in the fields of education,
community relations, & social welfare.
Must have ability to communicate ef-
fectively in speech & writing. 2-5 yrs.
exper. in educational admin., social
welfare or industry.
Oregon Civil Service-Public Health
Engineer I-Degree with major in sani-
tary, chemical or civil engrg, or indus-
trial hygiene. For next level position,
prefer grad study in sanitary engrg. &
4 yrs. exper.
Big Brothers of Lansing, Lansing,
Mich.-Assistant Directorship in a Big
Brother agency. Degree in either Social
Work, Education, Police Admin. or a
Sociology-Psych. combination.
Bowaters Carolina Corp., Catawba, S.C.
--Technologist - degree Wood Tech.,

Chem. Engrg, or Chem. is required. To
age 32. Exper.
Mich. Civil Service-Personnel Admin-
istrator III A-BA degree & 4 yrs. of
technical public personnel exper., two
yrs. of which shall have been in a cen-
tral personnel agency.
IBM, Detroit, Mich.-Salesmen for Ac-
counting Machines. Outside contacts
with business executives. Must have
sales personality & some technical apti-
tude. Training program lasts several
months. Degree required. Will consider
new graduates without exper. To age 30.
Iowa State Penitentiary, Fort Madison,
Iowa-Need male Psychologist for treat-
ment prog. Duties would entail admin-
istering & interpreting both standardiz-
ed & projective psychological tests &
involvement in individual & group ther-
apy. Degree & exper.
National Manufacturer of Lawn Mow-
ers, Midwest-Seeking Director of Mar-
keting. Will supervise 12-15 Field Sales
Managers. Bus. Ad. grad with Marketing
major. 10 yrs. marketing exper. with
national distributor. Age 35-45. Require
exper. in sales analysis, mkt. research,
adv. programs, etc.
* * *'
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.


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