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September 06, 1963 - Image 1

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SAir uyrn


Becoming partly
cloudy tonight

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'U' Officials Review
Union-League Report
Groth Notes July Regental Referral
Of Merger Plan to Pierpont, Lewis
The Union-League merger report, which was sent to the Regents
for approval last summer, is now again in the hands of University offi-
cials, Michigan League President Gretchen Groth, '64, announced at
last night's League Council meeting.
The report was approved last spring by both Union and League
governing boards. It was referred in July to Vice-President for Business





Alleged Romney

Tax Pla:

... treaty delay

Tries Delay
Of Test Ban
Goldwater (R-Ariz) ignited sharp
debate in the Senate yesterday by
launching a move to delay pass-
age of the limited nuclear test ban
treaty until Russia removes all
its military forces from Cuba.
Senate Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana told Gold-
water that such a formal reserva-
tion would "require negotiation
not only with the Soviet Union
but with over 80 other nations."
Mansfield said about half the
world will ask for reservations of
one kind or another and "we will
be back where we started from."
The assistant Democratic leader,
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Min-
nesota, denounced Goldwater's
move as "partisan mischief." He
said "it would wreck the nuclear
test ban treaty and would result
in a staggering setback for the
United States internationally."
Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY)
said Goldwater's reservation would
"open up all questions involved
in the Cold War" rather than let
the Senate act on a treaty on
which the Russians and the United
States agree.
Sen. Gordon Allott (R-Colo)
told Goldwater the stipulation
about Cuba should have been
made when the treaty was under
negotiation. Saying the adminis-
tration had "dropped the ball" at
Moscow, Allott said "we have pass-
ed up the strategic time to have
insisted on the withdrawal of
troops from Cuba."
Sen..Kenneth B. Keating (R-
NY) said that as strongly as he
feels about getting the Russians
out of Cuba, he would be "very
reluctant to go along with" any
reservation requiring re-negotia-
tion of the pact.
Formal debate on the treaty is
scheduled to begin Monday.
Goldwater, a front runner for
the 1964 Republican presidential
nomination, had previously urged
in an Aug. 27 speech that getting
the Russians out of Cuba and
tearing down the Berlin Wall be
made the price of ratification of
the treaty.
The Arizona senator laid special
stress on his proposed reservation
dealing with Cuba and said he
would fight for it. He said in es-
sence the reservationswould say
"that the effectiveness of the
treaty be deferred until the USSR
has removed all nuclear weapons
and all military-technical person-
nel from Cuba."
Stocks Reach
All Time High
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-The Dow Jones
industrial average climbed to an
all-time high yesterday, closing at

and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont
and Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis for recom-
mendations. Miss Groth reported
that no further information has
been received on the status of the
The progress of the report was
slightly complicated by interfer-
ence from the University Alumnae
Association of Detroit in an ef-
fort to "save the League" from the
merger. The group, feeling the
League should be operated for
women only, appealed to local
alumnae chapters across the coun-
try, but response has been negli-
gent, Miss Groth said.
The purpose of the proposed Un-
ion-League merger was to create
"a real university center, a co-
educational organization serving
the need of all segments of the
University community: students,
faculty, alumni, administration
and their guests," the original re-
port states.
The University center's govern-,
ing board would replace the pres-
ent Union and League boards. The
plan also recommended that the
Union and League activity be sup-
planted by a single coeducational
activities organism.
The report suggested that an
implementation committee be ap-
pointed immediately, however fin-
al reports from the administration
must precede the committee ap-
The report recognizes the re-
sponsibility of students to direct
their own programs independently.
It places upon the University ad-
ministration thearesponsibility to
expand service facilities and pro-
grams without delay.
The single governing board for
the center would be directly re-
sponsible to the Regents. Accord-
ing to the report its "real mission
will be the management of physi-
cal facilities." Another function
will be financing of student ac-
The proposed board would con-
sist of four faculty members, from
the University Senate, four alumni
from the Alumni Association and
four executive officers of the pro-
posed student activities organiza-
SchoolIs Study
Race Problem
The Ann Arbor Board of Edu-
cation appointed a committee to
study "racial imbalance" at the
Jones Elementary School at their
Wednesday night meeting.
Although the committee has no
deadline for its report, Board
President Albert Coudron said he
hopes the committee will work
"hard and fast" so that any solu-
tions it proposes may be put into
effect by the 1964-65 school year.
The Jones school district is pre-
dominantly Negro.

... counseling coordinator

Accepts Job
Mrs. Elizabeth Davenport, as-
sistantto the vice-president for
student affairs, has been appoint-
ed to the post of coordinator of
Her last year's responsibility as
head of women's housing is now
included in the duties of Peter
Haun, recently-appointed director
of housing.
"The University has several
well-developed counseling services
on campus. In addition there is a
greatly varied student population,"
Mrs. Davenport pointed out.
Supervise Referral
"It will be my job to supervise
the referral of students and their
problems to the most suitable
counselor or service available
here," she explained.
Some of the counseling services
involved are the academic, health,
financial, and remedial reading
areas, she said.
Mrs. Davenport claimed the goal
of her office is "to give the stu-
dent the opportunity to get the
very best out of his academic life
Same Goal
She declared that each agency
of the University has a different
and particular purpose, but each
has that same goal. "If this were
not so, there would be no need for
my office."
The job of coordinator of coun-
seling also includes protection of
students' personal non-academic
The scope of her office was de-
termined two years ago in the
Reed Report, a plan of reorganiza-
tion aimed at implementing an
Office of Student Affairs. Prior to
the report, separate deans for men
and women concerned themselves
with all general student problems.
The OSA is now functionally re-
vised to include individual direc-
tors for housing, financial aid,
student organizations and coun-
seling without regard to a stu-
dent's sex.
Mrs. Davenport expressed en-
thusiasm'for her new position. She
said the talents of herself and
Mark Noffsinger, assistant director
of residence halls, are now being
used to best advantage. She was
assistant to the dean of women
in the past. Noffsinger has had
long experience in men's housing
As assistant dean of women and
head of women's housing Mrs.
Davenport had also assisted wo-
men students with their counseling

Party Heads
For 1964
State Democratic Party Chair-
man Zolton Ferency and State
Republican Chairman Arthur El-
liott discussed state and national
politics for their respective Uni-
versity chapters of the Young
Democrats and Young Republicans
last night,
Ferency predicted that there
would be no primary elections
next year for the office of gover-
nor and that the gubernatorial
candidate would come from the
higher ranks of the party.
Ferency also announced plans
to eliminate the party's $250,000
debt. "The Michigan Democratic
organization is, enthusiastically,
in good condition; however finan-
cially, it is horrible," he reported.
As for possible gubernatorial
candidates, Ferency named such
party leaders as former Gover-
nor John B. Swainson, Congress-
man Neil Staebler (D-Mich),
Highway Commissioner John C.
Mackie and Secretary of State
James M. Hare.
Cavanagh Possible
Ferency said Detroit Mayor
Jerome P. Cavanagh "is not
making noise like a candidate,"
but may figure into the race by
next year.
He added that the nomination
will hinge strongly on what fiscal
reform progress Gov. George M.
Romney makes in the next 90
days. "If Romney has no major
problems and smooth sailing in
the Legislature, we will have to
look pretty hard for a candidate,"
Ferency explained.
Addressing the Young Republi-
can Club Elliott praised the "vol-
unteer campaign militia" of stu-
dents for "spearheadipg impress-
ive victories" in recent Michigan
campaigns. He cited as example
election of Gov. Romney, increas-
ed strength in the House of Rep-
resentatives, and the passage of
a new state constitution.
Narrow Labels
In calling for party unity, he
urged a "maximum effort to elect
all party candidates without re-
sorting to the foolish nonsense of
backing candidates according to
narrow and often times mislead-
ing political labels."
Elliott noted that a recent con-
vention of Young Democrats had
caused President John F. Kennedy
"severe embarrassment" w h e n
they passed resolutions calling for
initiation of diplomatic relations
with Cuba, and withdrawal of
United States troops from Viet-
"As Republicans, let us concen-
trate on the things that unite us,
not on those that divide us, in
the upcoming presidential cam-
paign," he urged.

TEMPERS FLARE-Demonstrators fall to the ground during an incident at Graymont Elementary
School in Birmingham, Ala. The school was integrated yesterday.
Negro Lawyers Ask Reopening
Locked Birmingham Schools

Report Sees
2 Per Cent
Income Lev
Bursley Calls Story
'Fishing Expeditior
But Withholds Den
Key legislative leaders last i
asserted that a Detroit Free :
report claiming Gov. George F
ney's fiscal reform programr
cludes a two per cent flat
income tax, a corporation pi
tax and property tax relief
"fishing expedition."
But these legislators, who
seen Romney's tax plans, ref
to flatly deny the report.
House speaker Allison Green
Kingston) and Sen. Clyde C
lings (R-Holland), chairma
the Senate taxation comm
refused to comment on how cl
the Free Press report tallied
the actual program, preferrir
wait until the governor offi
releases his plans to the preE
Refuse Disclosure
Geerlings noted that he had
cussed an alternative proposal
Romney, but added that it
been understood between
that neither would disclose df
of either plan at this tim(
cannot believe that Romney
actually released his pro
now," he said.
The Free Press claimed tha
program would include elimin
of the business activities ta:
well as other changes designs
encourage business, in additic
the personal and corporate in
Inserted in the program
provision thaththeepersonal ins
tax shall not significantly inc
the total tax burden.
Close to Present

By The Associated Press
BIRMINGHAM - Negro attor-
neys asked a federal court yes-
terday to force the city Board of
Education to re-open three Birm-,
ingham schools closed in the face
of scheduled desegregation.
In a separate motion, they asked
an injunction against Gov. George
Wallace to stop him and other
state officials from interfering
with operation of the schools and
any others ordered integrated.
A hearing is scheduled for 1:30'
p.m. (CST) today before United
States District Judge Seybourn
Avert Integration
The three schools were closed to
avert integration yesterday morn-
ing at Wallace's request after ra-
cial violence leftronesman dead
and a score injured.
Meanwhile, hundreds of state
troopers and other special state
officers who were rushed here
Tuesday left for Mobile and Hunts-
ville, where public school integra-

tion has been ordered by the fed-
eral courts. Integrated classes!
are scheduled to start at Hunts-
ville today and perhaps at Mobile.
In Washington, the Justice De-
partment announced that the FBI
is investigating the dynamiting of
the home of Negro attorney Arthur
Shores, an act that triggered Ne-
gro disorders Wednesday night in
which one Negro was killed.
Robert C. Arthur, president of
the city Board of Education, said
he hoped the three schools closed
in Birmingham "will be re-opened
Monday." He stressed the shut-
down was temporary.
The three schools closed yes-
terday, at the request of Wallace,
were to have admitted a total of
five Negro pupils to previously
all-white classes.
In asking for an injunction
against Wallace, the Negro attor-
neys submitted an affidavit from
Negro attorney Ernest D. Jackson
contending that state troopers

AHC Votes To End Key Use-;
Assistant To Admit Seniors,
Presidents and Assembly House Council representatives voted
unanimously last night to forego use of keys by senior dormitory
For admittance into dormitories after closing hours, seniors will
be asked to use the night assistant now employed in every women's

barred students at the schools on
orders from the governor.
Troopers were at the schools
yesterday although they were clos-
unit Passes
Medical Bill
Labor Committee yesterday ap,
proved 13 to 2 President John F.
Kennedy's $236.4 million bill to,
provide grants for construction of
medical schools and loans for med-
ical students.
The committee accepted the
measure exactly as it came from
the House. It is likely to be the
first of Kennedy's broad educa-
tion recommendations to be en-
acted this year.
Democratic Leader Mike Mans-,
field of Montana said he would
like to bring up the measure for
Senate consideration today.
But Committee Chairman Lister
Hill (D-Ala) said this would de-
pend on whether the two Repub-
licans who voted against the bill
can get their minority report ready
in time. They are Senators Barry
Goldwater (R-Ariz) and John G.'
Tower (R-Tex).
The administration originally
asked for a 10-year authorization
bill but went along with the deci-
sion of Chairman Oren Harris (D-
Ark) of the House Commerce Com-
mittee to scale it down to three
Administration officials havej
contended that the federal aid was'
needed to prevent a shortage of
doctors, dentists and other medical
They said that under the most=
conservative estimates a 50 per
cent expansion of the number of
physicians in training and a 100
per cent expansion of dental school
enrollments will be required by
China Charges
Soviet Plot'
TOKYO (P)-Communist China
accused Russia today of having
attempted to overthrow theChi-
nese local government at Ili, a dis-
trict bordering the Soviet Union
in northwestern Sinkiang Prov-
A Chinese language broadcast
monitored here said the Russians
admitted tens of thousands of
Chinese into' oviet territory to
further such a plot last year.

dormitory except Betsy Barbour

Taylor Outlines Benefits of Greek Life

Approximately 500 prospective rushees were introduced to rush
procedures and fraternity practices at the mass rush meeting last
"Perhaps the most crushing and unmatchable argument in
favor of Greek living units is the firm friendships and.loyalties that
are developed," Interfraternity Council President Clifford W. Taylor,
'64, said.
He also listed "academic enlargement," "leadership qualities"
and "social alertness" as advantages fraternities offer.
Office of Student Affairs Advisor to Fraternities John Feldkamp
urged rushees to "get a good sampling" of University chapters,
which he called "45 unique and challenging groups."
Brothers of Delta Tau Delta entertained the group with school
songs, fraternity songs and an excerpt from their winning IFC Sing
medley, "The Streets of Laredo."
Representatives from each chapter answered rushees questions
in informal sessions after the meeting.
Viih - a wil vn i nm P M5n n, ah, and

and Helen Newberry halls. Night
'assistants are on duty in women's
residences this year for the first
time. They will remain in the halls
from midnight until seven a.m.
for the purpose of admitting
Assembly President Charlene
Hager, '64, also announced that
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis has tenta-
tively accepted Assembly's defini-
tion of authority on the condition
that it does not remain a blanket
document but is incorporated into
Assembly's constitution.
"It has been accepted in spirit
and structure," Miss Hager com-
A motion was passed to recom-
mend to AHC that in the future
the council be comprised of house
presidents or vice-presidents in-
stead of the current separately
elected AHC representatives.

According to the Free Press
port, total state- tax collections
the general fund would com
about $585 million, which is c
to the amount that would be
lected under the present meth
The report admitted that n
details of the program are still
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R
Arbor) said the Free Press re
was "substantially correct,
consistent with what the gove
has already suggested."
Don't Really Know
"I think they are implying
know a lot more about Romi
program than they really do
fact, I wouldn't be surprise
this is only the first of a seri
alleged details to be leaked'
the press from now until he
ficially releases his plans."
"As far as that figure of
million is concerned, I don't t
even Romney's own office c
give the exact total, and I d
that the Free Press has bee
work computing it," Bursley
He added that Romney's re
Mackinac Island conferences
sulted in many ideas mentione
the Free Press report, includi
figure of $580 million. "That e
$5 million is just guesswork,
Income Tax
It had also been mentione
these conferences that an in
tax would be included in his p
age, although subsequent rep
tended to play this idea down
"I think the principles state
the Mackinac talks will stil
'followed," he added.
Bursley saw the statement
the corporate income tax wi
be higher than the personal
come tax as "a logical supj
tion.'' He noted that it was
logical to expect relief for 1
nesses and from property taxe
the Free Press had said, on
basis of Romney's earlier rema
Local Revenue
The tax program will take
revenue sources into considera
and it is "logical to assume
option taxes will be includ
Bursleyrent on.
He added that even the prog
Romney releases next Thur

The consensus of opinion was
that AHC would become more ef-
fective after such a change be-
cause presidents are more aware of
house problems, can represent
their houses more adequately and




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