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January 05, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-05

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Boulding Seeks New Science
4> 4

Phoenix Project Names
Beadle Third Lecturer,

Haddock, Hobbs Measure Polarization

According to Prof. Kenneth E.\
Boulding of the economics depart-
ment and co-director of the Cen-
ter for Research in Conflict Reso-
lution, there is an urgent need in
today's world for a science of
threat systems.
"The whole threat system, that
is the system of national defense,
is suffering a grave crisis, indeed,
I would argue, a breakdown," he
told the American Economic As-
sociation in Pittsburgh recently.
"The control of the threat sys-
tem is therefore a matter of top
priority for the human race. Un-
less we do this, we may not have
a chance to develop other sys-
tems," he said.
No Adam Smith
The science of threat systems
has yet to "find its Adam Smith,"
but so much development has tak-
en place in recent years that a
breakthrough will probably occur
in the near future.
Boulding pointed out that the
world of the economist is organiz-
ed fundamentally by exchange, "a
relationship by which each of two
parties gives up something to the
other and receives something in
"Like exchange, threat in 'its
simplest form is a relationship be-
tween two parties." The difference,
he explained, is that exchange
originates in a conditional prom-
ise to do something good if some-
thing good is done in return, while
a threat originates in a promise to
do something bad.
So far, there are four responses
to threat which can be distin-
guished, Boulding noted. These he
identified as "submission, defiance,
counter-threat and integrative re-

nuclear threat, however, has elim-
inated whatever unconditional vi-
ability nations once had.
"If we are to exist at all,"
Boulding said, "it must be on con-
ditions of conditional viability, in,
which each organization can de-
stroy the other but refrains from
doing so. This is not an altogether
unfamiliar system," he explained,
"as it is constantly used in in-
terpersonal relations.
"In our personal relations we
now live in a world in which we
are literally at each other's mer-
cy. One would think that, in these
circumstances, mercy should be
taken seriously and studied, but
this is the last thing that anyone
seems to want to do.
"In international relations, es-
pecially, we are still living in the
illusion of unconditional viability,
and we may have a very rude
awakening," Boulding noted.

University of Chicago President
Dr. George W. Beadle, winner of
the Nobel Prize in Medicine, has
been named the third Dewey F.
Fagerburg Memorial Lecturer by
the Phoenix Project.
Dr. Beadle will speak on "The
New Biology and the Nature of
Man," at 8 p.m., Jan. 25, in the
Rackham Amph. The lectures are
sponsored by the Phoenix Project
The Nobel Prize was awarded
to Dr. Beadle and his colleague,
Dr. Edward Tatum, in 1958 in
recognition of their discovery that
genes act by regulating chemical
They irradiated the organism
neurospora crassa, a bread mold,
in order to produce mutations. By
analyzing a large number of these
mutations, they demonstrated that
essential biological substances are
synthesized in the individual cell
in chains of chemical reactions.

... Pittsburgh speech
Integrative response "establishes
community between the threaten-
er and the threatened and pro-
duces common values and a com-
mon interest. The integrative re-
sponse may be mixed with any
one of the first three responses,"
Boulding said.
Exchange systems and threat
systems have several things in
common, he continued. Geograph-
ical structure can produce a price
war between business firms or an
arms race between nations. Con-
cepts of liquidity and inflation in
economics havd their close coun-
terparts in threat systems, Bould-
ing asserted.
Business organizations may have
"unconditional viability," he said,
if "no other organization has the
capability of destroying it." The

... Phoenix lecturer

Regents Report Faculty, Staff Changes

Tannenbaum Cites Laxity
In Labor Union's Efforts

Labor unions have not done as
much as they might to solve some
of the problems of employe dis-
satisfaction, according to Arnold
S. Tannenbaum, a program di-
rector of the Survey Research
"The labor movement has work-
ed effectively toward enhancing
the economic position of workers,
and it has contributed in this way
to their mental health as well as
their economic well-being," he
"But labor has not concerned
itself directly with many of the
Bears Delay
'U' Zoo Razing
The current project to raze the
University Zoo to make way for a
new addition to the University Mu-
seum has run into a slight snag;
it seems that two bears residing
therein don't care to leave their
cozy home.
Although Maze(y) and Blue, the
bears in question, have been ac-
cepted for future exhibition by
representatives from the central
Michigan village of Athens (popu-
lation 966), the deal just won't
work unless the bears can be in-
duced to leave their cages; but
they won't budge.
Several efforts have already
been made to make them enter a
crate in which they can be ship-
ped to Athens. They have been 91-.
ternately coaxed, prodded and 6f-
fered all sorts of delectable tid-
bits (including their favorite, wa-
ter-soaked raisins), but to no avail.
Further attempts will be made
to budge the recalcitrant bruins,
according to museum director Irv-
ing G. Reimann. He added that he
is expecting a call from Athens
about the return of the truck to
transport the bears.
It has already been suggested
that tranquilizers be utilized after
all else had proven little help in
the matter. Workers decided to put
off such a feat until later, how-
Reimann said that none of the
zoo animals would be killed, al-
though other zoos have failed to
take an interest in obtaining the
evicted creatures.
Sat., Jan. 12 MASONIC

important psychological problems
of wprk-except to oppose the ef-
forts of others in this direction."
Negative Approach
Tannenhaum notes that the
labor movement has taken a neg-
ative approach to work. He ex-
plains this view in the report, "The
Worker in the New Industrial En-
vironment," published by the
Foundation for Research on Hu-
man Behavior.
"The labor movement has re-
peatedly expressed aversion for ef-
forts toward developing some of
the psychological positives," he
"These are often identified as
'cow' sociology and manipulation
techniques for exploiting the
worker and undermining the
power of the labor movement.
"The'satisfied worker'is thought
to be a 'tranquilized' worker. In
its zeal to protect itself against
this 'tranquility,' labor has per-
petuated a set of cultural norms
which define terms. The ideal
image of the working man which
the labor movement provides is
not that of a man enjoying his
"This is ironic since in many
unionized plants, the man who
enjoys his work is more likely to
be an active and loyal union mem-
ber than his less satisfied broth-
He calls it ironic, too, that la-
bor, which is committed to elevat-
ing the status of the working man
in our society, may be fostering
an attitude on the part of the
workers which is inconsistent with
this position.
Social Values
Different jobs have different
social values attached to them,
Tannenbaum continues. He points
out that industrial jobs are some-
times belittled even though they
are essential and important.
Many ideas, valued in thousands
of dollars, come from people who
are "just" pushing brooms, he
says. And industrial work, though
often hard, dirty and dull, "pro-
vides us as a nation with opulence,
comfort and the very basis of sur-
vival. Work is more than a job;
it is a vital function through
which workers contribute to the
welfare of all."

The Regents made the following
changes in personnel and status
for faculty and staff at their reg-
ular December meeting:
Prof. Walton M. Hancock of the
engineering college was appointed
chairman of the industrial engi-
neering department, effective Feb.
1, for four and one-half years.
Prof. Joseph T. Hartsook of the
dental school was appointed pro-
fessor of pedodontia in the pedi-
atrics department in the Medical
Prof. James B. Lackey was ap-
pointed visiting professor in the
public health school.
New Chairman
Prof. Jesse 'Ormondroyd of the
engineering college was appointed
chairman of the engineering
mechanics department, effective
July 1.
Prof. John A. Sullivan was ap-
pointed assistant professor in the
public health school. He will di-
vide his time between the environ-'
mental health department and the
National Sanitation Foundation,
which operates at the University.
Prof. Barry E. Supple of the New
University of Sussex at Brighton
was appointed professor of eco-
nomics, beginning with the fall se-
mester next year. Prof. Supple
has also served at Harvard and
McGill Universities.
Prof. Alfred S. Sussman of the
botany department was appointed
chairman of that department, ef-
fective July 1.
Committee Assignments
The Regents also approved the
following committee assignments:
to succeed themselves for three-
year terms on the Board of Direc-
tors of the Development Council,
effective immediately: Hugh K.
Fuffield, H. Bruce Palmer, Sam-
uel J. Sackett, Ellis D. Slater, E.
Gifford Upjohn.
Donald N. Frey to succeed Hal-
sey Davidson, Malcolm P. Fergu-
son to succeed Thomas E. Oyler,
Harry G. Gault to succeed Charles
R. Walgreen, Roland Taylor to
succeed George E. Parker, Jr., all
for three year terms, effective im-
Committee on University Schol-
arships: Professors C y d e H.
Thompson of the music school and
Thomas M. Sawyer, Jr., of the en-
gineering college to succeed them-
selves for three year terms, retro-
active to July 1, and Johanna M.
Wiese of the nursing school to suc-
ceed Prof. Elzada U. Clover of the
botany department for a similar
Board of Directors
Board of Scientific Directors,
Centers for Research in Diseases
of the Heart and Circulation and
R e 1 a t e d Disorders: Professors
James L. Wilson, Franklin D.
Johnston and Jerome W. Conn of
the Medical School for three year
terms to succeed themselves, ef-
fective immediately.
University Press Editorial Com-
mittee: Prof. Samuel D. Estep of
the Law School and Prof. Russell
T. Woodburne of the Medical
School for three year terms to
succeed themselves, effective im-

Prof. Joseph J. Firebaugh of
the Flint College was granted a
change in sabbatical to cover the
current semester at full salary.
Alfred C. Robinson of the engi-
neering college was promoted to
assistant professor of instrumen-
tation, effective at the beginrning
of the coming semester, and Louis
W. Wol of the Dearborn Center
was promoted to assistant profes-
sor of engineering mechanics, re-
troactive to Dec. 1.
Furlough, Absence
The Regents also granted retire-
ment furlough to Prof. Nathan
Sinai of the public health school,
effective next fall, and leave of
absence without salary to Prof.
Donald T. Greenwood of the en-
gineering college, for the coming
semester, to work with the Nation-

al Aeronautics and Space Admin-
istration Ames Research Center at
Moffett Field, Calif.
Leave of absence was extended
for Eleanor Tabor Linenthal of the
public administration institute
through Jan. 31, due to illness.
Prof. Lawrence W. Jones of the
physics department was assign-
ed to off-campus duty for two
months, retroactive to Dec. 1 to
work with the European Organiza-
tion for Nuclear Research in Ge-
Leaves of Absence were granted
to Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor), assistant director of the
Development Council, for the pur-
pose of serving his second term in
the Legislature, and to Dean of
Statewide Education Harold M.
Dorr, retroactive for November, due
to illness.

W. Va.-University radio astron-
omers reported to the American
Astronomical Society meeting that
they have successfully measured
the polarization of radio waves
from space.
Their findings confirm previous
observations in this new area of
interest, extend measurements to
a number of new sources, and
may help to resolve one of as-
tronomy's latest and most puzzling
That question is how to account
for the staggeringly large amounts
of energy contained within cer-
tain radio galaxies, described as
island universes of stars.
Natural Sources
Prof. Fred T. Haddock, director
of the University radio astronomy
observatory, and Robert W. Hobbs,
Grad, reported measurement of
several natural radio sources in
the sky at a frequency of 8,000
These included two sources
newly discovered to be polarized,
known as 3C58 and Tycho's super-
nova of 1572, plus three sources
measured previously by others-
the Crab nebula, Cygnus A and
They also included two "ther-
mal" sources which don't show
polarization, the Orion nebula and
M17, the astronomers said.
Magnetic Field
Their measurements of polar-
ization help reveal the orientation
in space of the sourve's magnetic
field-an important piece to the
puzzle of the enormous energy re-
quired to account for the intensity
of radio waves from such sources.
By studying polarization at
short wavelengths, a complicated
phenomenon known as Faraday
rotation-caused by presence of
electrons and a magnetic field in
the space through which the wave
travels-can be virtually eliminat-
ed through mathematics to yield
a more precise measurement of
the orientation of the magnetic
Move Source
The importance of the measure-
ments is that they extend the
range of data at these short wave-
lengths to more sources, the as-
tronomers pointed out.
Thesemeasurements can help
determine the shape of distant
galactic magnetic fields and per-
haps give clues about how radio
galaxies progressed into this con-
dition, Haddock noted.
The total energy in these radio
sources is so great-equivalent to
the complete , conversion of 10
stars to energy each years of the
sources existence-that it cannot
be satisfactorily explained.
Where Oh Where
"No one has a suitable idea
about where this energy comes
from," Haddock said.
He added, however, that the
British astronomer Geoffrey Bar-
bidge has suggested as a possible
explanation that this comes from
a chain reaction of supernova ex-
State Librarians
To Discuss Plans
The board of directors of the
Michigan Association of School
Librarians will meet at 9:30 a.m.
today at the Michigan Union. The
planning of a pamphlet on start-
ing an elementary school library
service and the spring conference
on April 5 and 6 will be discussed.

The key to the state's economic
growth is the development of new
products through greater use of
science and technology, accord-
ing to the director of the indus-
trial development research pro-
gram of the Institute of Science
and Technology Frank R. Bacon
Addressing a seminar sponsored
by the state Chamber of Commerce
yesterday, Bacon said that the
University stands ready to aid
state industry in turning this key
to a better future through IST,
which can provide much of the
basic research necessary for new
product development.
Also addressing the seminar was
Prof. L. Joseph Crafton, chairman
of business administration at the
Dearborn Center.
He felt that in order to compete
effectively for the government
contract dollar, state firms must
become more than suppliers -
they must be partners in govern-
ment business.
"State businesses, by and large,
do not anticipate the government's
"We respond to a demand and
we do not participate in the deter-
mination ofgovernment product
and system requirements; we are
not mission-oriented."
That is why the state is not
getting more research and devel-
opment contracts, he said.

plosions in the center of a galaxy.
The work was sponsored by the
Office of Naval Research.
Also at White Sulphur Springs,
University radio astronomers have
greatly extended the range of
radio frequency intensity measure-
ments of the Milky Way.
In a preliminary report, Prof.)

Haddock and two other colleagues
noted that they extended the fre-
quency ratio of precise measure-
ments from 20 to 1, to 400 to 1.
One result will be that the ac-
curacy of scientific deductions
from physical data on the Milky
Way's radio emissions will be
greatly increased.

Bacon Cites New Products
As Key to Economic Growth

f ,-

Bacon pointed out that tie
three largest segments of Michi-
gan's economy-metal working in-
dustries (particularly transporta-
tion equipment), machinery and
fabricated metal products-have
been declining over the past de-
cade "relative to the total of all
manufacturing in the United
"We need growth through diver-
sification outside the auto in-
dustry," he asserted, adding that
"It seems to me that one im-
portant element in any solution
should be the more effective use
of valuable resources."
To Examime
About 1600 Michigan elementary
and secondary school teachers,
supervisors and administrators
are expected to attend the 13th
annual Mathematics Education
Conference, being held at'the Uni-
versity today.
The conference is being spon-
sored by the school of education
in cooperation with the mathe-
matics department. Prof. Phillip S.
Jones of the mathematics depart-
ment will speak on "A Decade of
Reform" at the general session,
9 a.m., Rackham Amph.

U' Geolo0gis
Research on gold deposits in
Colorado has come under Univer-
sity auspices, Prof. Edwin N. God-
dard of the geology department
said recently.
Prof. Goddard explained that
he and his associate, Prof. William
C. Kelly of the geology depart-
ment, have conducted research in
Boulder County, Colo., over a
period of several years. Their work
was financed in part by the gradu-
ate school and in part by the Uni-
versity during the summer session.
The gold deposits in which the
researchers are interested are an
unusual form known as gold tel-
luride, Prof. Goddard said. He
added that this ore is of interest
because tellurium is the only ele-
ment with which gold combines
to form a mineral.

ts Research
old Deposits

Hold Samples
Several mining districts in that
area contain samples of gold tel-
luride, Prof. Goddard said. Furth-
ermore, specimens of the ore are
often easily located without a
great deal of preliminary excava-
Although he has done much in-
dividual research in the Colorado
mining districts, Prof. Goddard
noted that the main source of ac-
tivity in that area for the past
few summers has arisen from Uni-
versity-sponsored summer camps,
to which geology students come
for study sessions.
The majority of research with
which Prof. Goddard and Prof.
Kelly concern themselves centers
around the complex mineral rela-
tionships and structural formation
of the telluride ore.
For such work, Prof. Kelly util-
izes a mineralographic microscope
on polished ore specimens. By thus
magnifying these specimens sev-
eral hundred times, the research-
ers hope to unravel the mineral
Overlooked Veins
Prof. Goddard added that most
mines in the Boulder County area

are all worked out, at least as far
as any visible traces of gold are
concerned. Even so, some company
could still lease one of the mines
for future explorations in the hope
of discovering some previously
overlooked vein of gold ore.
The gold specimens which Prof.
Goddard has brought back from
Colorado are not of great value as
anything but specimens for scien-
tific study, he went on. He added
that the price of gold has not risen
above $35 an ounce since the
1930's, whereas the cost of labor
and equipment for gold prospect-
ing has tripled since then. Prof.
Goddard added that he knew of
no gold mines currently in opera-
tion in that area.
U' Announces
New Program
The University has started a
training program in laboratory an-
imal medicine, designed specifical-
ly for veterinarians, Dean William
N. Hubbard of the Medical School
announced yesterday.
The new program, one of only
three or four in the nation, will
offer both post-doctoral and pre-
doctoral training and opportuni-
ties for formal graduate study. It
will be directed by Dr. Bennett J.
Cohen of the Medical School and
director of the University's animal
care unit.
"The objectives of this program
are to provide professional instruc-
tion and research training for aca-
demically oriented veterinarians
interested in pursuing academic
and professional careers in this
discipline," Dr. Cohen said.
Pre-doctoral summer fellowships
are available to students who have
completed at least two years of
veterinary school.
The post-doctoral training per-
iod will run for two pears.

.. ..


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