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December 16, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-16

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Romney To Face
Rockefeller Woes
While Gov.-elect George Romney was dabbling in Citizens for
Michigan and the like not so long ago, Gov. Nelson Rockefeller was
engaged in putting the state of New York back into gear.
Now, in two more weeks, Romney will begin attempting to meet
and solve the same gubernatorial problems, the brunt of which Prof.
John White of the political science department terms "the growing
demands upon an inadequate fiscal structure," with the same degree
of success now presidential hopeful Rockefeller apparently has at-
However, in an essentially analogous situation, Michigan's gov-
ernor-elect has a considerably tougher job ahead of him than Rocke-
feller had, Prof: White and two of his colleagues believe.
Prof. White notes that both Michigan and New York:
1) Are large and highly industrialized;
2) Have one large-population area pitted against the rest of the
3) Are governed by moderate-Republicans who follow a Democrat-
ic administration, and
4) Have an "inordinate" out-state representation in the legisla-
Nevertheless, Romney seems to
be hampered by at least three dis-
advantages Rockefeller didn't have.
Different Divisions
For one thing, "the party dis-
tribution in New York is not as
geographically divided as it is in
Michigan," Prof. Karl Lamb of the
political science department said.
"In New York, there are always
some out-state Democrats and
some New York City Republicans
Thus, both parties have had to x
take into account the full range .. .'_..
of state problems. hn
"In Michigan, we have a one-
party system out-state, and a one-
Party system in Detroit-the only
Wayne County Republican legisla-
tors are from Grosse Pointe
Therefore, the Michigan GOP has
been able to avoid considering De- GEORGE ROMNEY
troit problems," Prof. Lamb con- today Michigan
The political battlegrounds of the two states differ in another
respect, as Prof. White points out: "The rural-urban cleavage here is
worse. In New York, it is more of a New York City-upstate division, as
that state does not have any vast thinly populated areas.",
These factors thus do not help to abate inter or intra-party policy
"There has not been so clearly a hardening of party lines in
New ,York over fiscal reform measures as in Michigan;" Prof. Joseph
Kallenbach of the political science department said. "Both Rockefeller
and Romney will have Republican-controlled legislatures; but, for
Romney, it's a question of whether he will get any cooperation from
the Legislature.
Some Requests
"He will probably be asking for things which have been turned
down before by the Legislature."
Romney's governing difficulties are not confined to the Senate
and House, however; he also has the executive wing to contend with.
"Rockefeller was not confronted by an all-Democrat administrative
structure," Prof. White said. "In New York, only one top state official
was a Democrat."
Only Republican
In Michigan, Romney was the only Republican to win a state-wide
office; he must work with five Democrats on the Administrative
Board. In addition, the Michigan governor does not possess the same
formal powers the New York chief executive does, for there are fewer
elected administrative officials there, Prof. Lamb added.
A third major difficulty for Romney is that in jousting with
his legislative and gubernatorial problems, he will bring to bear con-
siderably less political experience and background than Rockefeller
possessed. Prior to being governor, "Rockefeller hadn't had any elec-
tive experience, but had been involved in quasi-public affairs and in
the national government for a long time," Prof. Kallenbach said.
Romney, in contrast, became actively involved in politics only a
few years ago-with Citizens for, Michigan and then the Constitutional
Convention. "So his experience in public affairs is certainly much
shorter than Rockefeller's," Prof. Kallenbach declared.
Political Future?
What could be the political future of George Romney after he
completes his first year as governor, and perhaps begins to look, as
Rockefeller does, toward the presidency?
If a serious fiscal crisis takes place during the Romney adminis-
tration, he would be as politically dead in the national arena as for
mer Gov. G. Mennen Williams was after "payless paydays," Prof.
White asserted;

"But since the state's financial difficulties are highly publicized,
he will be closely watched by the national press, and would get all the
credit if they were solved."
Summing Up
Prof. Kallenbach assays the situation in this manner:
"Generally, the out-party in the national sense, which is not in
a position to build up a national figure, has a tendency to turn to
governors for presidential candidates. This situation will tend to wor;
to Romney's advantage, as it does for Rockefeller, in the forthcoming
presidential nomination contest.
"Romney's disadvantage is that his name is not as well known as
Rockefeller's. Michigan is not as big nor as prominent a state as New
"On the other hand, Romney might prove to be more acceptable
to both wings of the GOP. Rockefeller has been stamped with a
'moderate' label; but Romney hasn't as yet identified himself with
any liberal causes."

De Gaulle, Macmillan
Consider Broad Issues
PARIS (M)-French President Charles de Gaulle and British Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan yesterday began a phase of diplomatic
consultation with historic implications for the future of the Western
The French and British leaders dwelt on the philosophical as-
pects of East-West relations, Europe's place in the unfolding power
struggle and the roles France and Britain can play in it. Yet the basic

Tshombe Move May Open
Way to Congo Unification

purpose of Macmillan's informal w
U.S., Britain
To Consider
Skybolt Issue
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON - An alliance-
splitting controversy over the Sky-
bolt missile, involving Britain's
future as a nuclear military pow-
er, will dominate next week's meet-
ing between President John F.
Kennedy and British Prime Min-
ister Harold Macmillan.
United States officials expressed
confidence yesterday that in the
end the Skybolt dispute would be
resolved. They see it more as a
political than a military issue be-
cause, they say, military aspects
of the problem can be solved.
Some authorities see the rift,
which has created considerable
public bitterness in Britain, as a
focusing of British resentment and
exasperation with the United
States for a number of reasons.
No Consultation
These include a lack of consul-
tation during the Cuban crisis and
the recent statement by former
Secretary of State Dean Acheson
that Britain has ceased to be a
world power without yet finding a
new role.
Other issues on which the two
leaders are expected to spend con-
siderable time during their con-
ference include:
1) The recent smashing suc-
cesses achieved by Red China in
the border war with India. Ken-
nedy and Macmillan evidently will
go to Nassau convinced that the
United States and Britain, with
the Commonwealth countries, must
give large-scale, long-term mili-
tary help to India to bring its ar-
my up to minimum defense
strength and to. modernize it.
Congolese Unity
2) The Congocrisis resulting
from inability of the United Na-
tions to integrate secessionist Ka-
tanga province with the central
3) Penalties on free world ship-
ping to Cuba. Differences over this
issue are severe. Britain basically
disagrees with any United States
effort to control trade with Cuba
or regulate free world shipping in
a period other than war or a war-
like crisis.

'eekend with de Gaulle was to find
'out, if he could, just what the
prospectsare of Britain entering
the French-led Common Market.
Mounting Setbacks
Yesterday's talk was the first
of two encounters for Macmillan,
who is beset withsmounting policy
setbacks at home and abroad. To-
morrow, he flies to the Bahamas
to meet President John F. Kenne-
As the British-French talks got
under way, British informants
spread word of two seemingly un-
related developments which never-
theless clearly could have an im-
pact on Macmillan's meetings with
de Gaulle and with Kennedy.
The first development, accord-
ing to the British, concerns East-
West relations. In confidential ex-
changes with the West, informants
said Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev has given the clear
impression he would be embarrass-
ed to have to deal with any sort
of major negotiating initiative at
this time.
The Soviet premier's hands are
too full with problems at home
and abroad, notably with the Chi-
nese Communists. Accordingly the
Western allies intend to sit tight
awhile. And the significance of
this, as both de Gaulle and Mac-
millan doubtless will note, is that
there will be less pressure on the
Allies to hurry over-anxiously into
far-reaching and binding new
The second development con-
cerns the almost certain cancella-
tion of the air-launched Skybolt
Russia Levels
Spy ICharges
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-The Russians yes-
terday accused three more United
States embassy officials of en-
gaging in espionage activity, a
charge that has already led to the
departure of four Americans from
Moscow this fall.
All three were alleged to have
had contact with O. V. Penkovsky,
a Soviet government official ar-
rested Dec. 11 as a spy for the
United States and Britain. Prav-
da named:
Capt. Alexis H. Davison, an as-
sistant Air Force attache who
serves as the embassy's doctor;
Robert K. German, a second sec-
retary; and Hugh Montgomery, an

U.S. Fears
Stall Tactics
Adoula Could Receive
Katanga Mine Profits
WASHINGTON (M)-A new con-
ciliatory move by Moise Tshombe,
president of secessionist Katanga
province, could lead to a break in
the deadlock over unification of
The Congo, United States officials
said yesterday.
But the United States govern-
ment fears Tshombe may be seek-
ing primarily to stall off the threat
of economic sanctions against his
mineral-rich province. They in-
dicate that real progress toward a
Congo settlement.must be made in
a few weeks if stronger pressures
are not to be imposed.
One reason for growing United
States concern is the belief that
the Soviet Union will make a new
bid to establish a power position
in the Central African nation un-
less the government of Congolese
Premier Cyrille Adoula has its
political position reinforced by
success of the unity drive.
Conditionally, Tshombe propos-
ed in a letter to the United Na-
tions last Wednesday that foreign
exchange earnings of the Union
Miniere du Haut Katanga, a
European-owned mining corpora-
tion, be turned over to the Adoula
government rather than Tshom-
be's Katanga regime.
Getting the Union Miniere for-
eign exchange payments into the
hands of the Central Government
has been a major objective of UN
Secretary-General U Thant under
a unity plan which U Thant put
forth last August. Tshombe's move
appears to be a concession under
the U Thant plan but Washington
officials see a possibility that
Tshombe may stall negotiations
which are still necessary to work
out details of the proposal.
Among other things Tshombe
and Adoula will have to agree on
the proportion of the $120 million
of foreign exchange which the
Central Government would pass on
to Katanga. Also involved is the
question of the division of the
$40 million annual Union Miniere
tax payment which has recently
gone to Katanga but under a new
arrangement would be divided be-
tween _Katanga and the Central

USSR Keeps Troops in Cuba

WASHINGTON (P)-Four top-
notch Soviet combat battalions,
with armor and up to 8000 crack
troops, are among the swarm of
Russian soldiery still in Cuba,
information available yesterday
The units are part of the over-
all contingent of Russian infantry,
artillery and. aviation experts
which some estimates place as
high as 20,000.
The battalion-size outfits are
believed to be among the best in
the Soviet army, better than
troops usually deployed in recent
years to satellite areas.
As the buildup in Cuba got un-
der way, the battalions were sent
in for the initial mission of de-
fending the ballistic missiles and
IL28 medium jet bombers which
Russia shipped to Cuba.
There now is belief that while
Govern ment
Visits to Cuba

the launching sites were prepared
and much of the guidance and
supporting equipment sent in,
most of the ships carrying the
bigger intermediate-range rockets
turned away from their Cuban
destination when the United
States quarantined Cuba.
One of the biggest cargoes of
this type was believed to have
been aboard the merchant ship
Poltava, which headed away be-
fore reaching the United States
quarantine line.
Apparent Planj
The plan aparently was to em-
place for firing slightly more than
70 rockets, of which the greater
part were medium range rockets.
The medium-range missile used

by the Russians can reach about
1200 miles, the intermediate-range
about 2500 miles.
The mission of the four bat-
talions apparently was, and is two-
fold: to defend first the ballistic
rocket bases and now the antiair-
craft batteries against any inva-
sion attempt by the United States
and to keep control of the weapons
systems in the hands of reliable
Soviet military personnel and out
of the hands of Fidel Castro.
Although the United States be-
lieves the missiles and the L28
bombers have been pulled out of
Cuba-a huge quantity of defen-
sive weapons, including antiair-
craft missiles, remains ready for


Publisher and Editor of The Jamestown Sun
Noted foreign corespondent for Overseas News Agency
One-time special correspondent for The Nation
Contributor to The New Republic, Commentary
will speak on:




I World News Roundup


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Thirty Soviet
bloc ships and 20 non-Communist
vessels have steamed into Cuban
ports since the United States arms
blockade v:a., lifted Nov. 20, ac-
cording to recent information. The
figures indicate the volume of
shipping has not reached the level
which existed before the blockade
was imposed Oct. 24.
DETROIT--A group of suburban
officials, dressed as Indians and
colonists, invaded downtown De-
troit yesterday for a "Boston Tea
Party" protest over the Detroit
income tax. Some 20 mayors,
clerks and other officials of out-
lying suburbs staged a brief war
dance in front of the city-county
ACCRA-The Ghana govern-
ment has asked for 30 Peace
Corps geologists and 30 industrial
engineers from the United States.
Recruitment would be effected
next April, George Carter, Peace
Corps representative in Ghana,
said yesterday.
NEW YORK-Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefeller stepped into this city's
week-old newspaper strike yester-
day with an appeal to federal
mediators to assure continuous

negotiations toward a settlement.
The governor cited the impact of
the strike on the economic life of
the city and state.
WASHINGTON - A continued
drop in power supply aboard the
Relay satellite forced yesterday an
indefinite postponement of efforts
to relay communications signals
via the orbiting space vehicle. The
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration announced the ex-
tensive series of experiments plan-
ned for Relay-including an in-
ternational Christmas television
show-can not be undertaken un-
less the situation changes mark-
* * *
SALISBURY-The right wing
Rhodesian Front, strictly segrega-
tionist, won control of the South-
ern Rhodesian parliament yester-
day in an upset ele'ction victory.
Prime Minister Sir Edgar White-
head, who favors a gradual take-
over by the heavy African popula-
tion, promptly resigned.
* * *
NEW DELHI-An external af-
fairs ministry spokesman reported
yesterday the Communist Chinese
have now returned 239 wounded
and sick Indian prisoners. Another
360 will be returned next Wednes-
day at Dhirang Dzong on the

mountain road beyond Bomdila,
Peking announced.
Robert F. Kennedy left last night
for a two-day visit to Brazil and
military installations in the Pan-
ama Canal Zone. Kennedy's office
and state department sources said
the attorney general was going to
Brazil informally at the invita-
tion of President Joao Goulart.
States yesterday was reported
planning to propose that the Gen-
eral Assembly dismiss the UN rep-
resentative on Hungary, Sir Leslie
Munro of New Zealand. Diplomatic
sources said the United States
delegation would submit a resolu-
tion, probably tomorrow, that
would have the 110-nation as-
sembly discontinue Munro's office
and turn the Hungarian question
over to UN Secretary-General U
BIRMINGHAM - Police Com-
missioner Eugene Connor promised
an all-out effort to apprehend
those responsible for an explosion
which heavily damaged a Negro
church and two nearby houses
yesterday. Twelve children practic-
ing a Christmas play in the church
basement escaped injury but two
babies in nearby houses received
minor injuries from broken glass.



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