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Folk Trio Shows Authentieity
Southern mountain music is in-
vading urban and collegiate Amer-
ica through the medium of three
witty New Yorkers known as the s
New Lost City Ramblers.
The trio, composed of John
Cohen, Mike Seeger and Tracy
Schwarz, is not designed to be
popular. "We try to present the
music honestly, as we feel most
popular folly music groups do not Y
do. We'll never be a hit group," S Y
said Seeger.
None of the three reads music.
Their arrangements and lyrics are
identical to those of the moun-
tain musicians who first recorded
the songs for sale during the '20's
and '30's. Despite their Ivy out-
fNts, their music reminds one more
of nay than of echo chambers.
No Chambers
Program Notes
Schools Prepare for Changes
Echo chambers they need not.
With mandolin, banjo and guitar
-and occasionally such imple-
ments as two banging spoons-
they achieve a clarity and reson-
ance of sound unmatched by the
marvels of Tin Pan Alley. And
Schwarz's a cappella chant, at-
tempted for the first time at the
group's appearance here recent-
ly, attests to his tonal virtuosity.
Yet the trio has problems. "We're
having trouble playing the college
circuit. supposedly our biggest au-
dience," said Seeger. "And our six
records have not sold as well as we
had hoped. Our press has been
phenomenally good, better than
our audiences."
Another Rambler crusade is the
explosion of popular myths about
the uneducated, unintelligent hill-
billy. "We like the rural artists
and audiences as people. Even if
unlettered, many show a deep folk
intelligence. And people like Doc
Watson, dean of the mountain
musicians, are amazingly articu-
late and brilliant," said Seeger.
Trio Song
The trio demonstrates the moun-
tain intelligence in a song about a
mountaineer and a traveling sales-
man who are lost, in which the
former comes out far on top.
The group was founded four and
a half years ago. Cohen and Tom
Paley, one of the original mem-
bers who is now playing in Europe,
had played together at Yale. Seeg-
er joined them in New York, where
they played as amateurs until their
appearance at a community con-
cert before an audience of 300.
Schwarz, Paley's replacement, had
played with Seeger in Washington,
The three had all been attract-
ed to mountain music casually.
Seeger heard mountain records at
his parents' house as a child. For
a while he "tried to play" classi-
cal guitar and the five-string ban-
jo, forte of his half-brother Pete,
but "disliked formal music." Like
Seeger's, Schwarz's parents were
-Daily-Todd Pierce
VIRTUOSOS-The Lost City Ramblers, John Cohen, Tracy
Schwarz and Mike Seegar, strive to present a program of folk
music similar to that heard in
of America in the 1920's and '30s.
musicians who exposed him to
mountain music.
The trio's honesty to the orig-
inal seems particularly fortunate
in light of the music's evolution.
Standard mountain music realized
its peak during the '20's and '30's,
when the guitar was a relatively
new instrument in the hills. The
appearance of the blues during the
'30's influenced the form to the
extent that "blues and mountain
music often were inseparable.
"The most recent and popular
the southern mountain regions
evolution has been bluegrass," said
Seeger. Bluegrass uses a faster
tempo with a fiddle and double
bass. Even with bluegrass, less
mountain music is being originat-
ed today, he said.
The Ramblers have acclimated
themselves to evolutionary trends.
They have extended their range
to both early mountain music and
bluegrass. However, the group
plans to remain a trio, rather
than expand to bluegrass' custom-
ary five musicians.
Prof. Maynard Klein of the mu-
sic school will conduct the Uni-
versity Choir and Symphony Or-
chestra in their annual Christmas
concert at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Hill Aud. The groups will present
the Ann Arbor premiere of Fran-
cis Poulenc's "Gloria," and Mo-
zart's "Mass in C Minor."
Dance Performance...
The Concert Dance Organization
will present student and faculty
GSC Revises
Graduate Student Council ap-
proved a new constitution and by-
laws at its meeting Wednesday
The new document modernizes
the old document and redefines
a graduate student as those in the
graduate school and those in the
medical, dental, Law, business ad-
ministration and music schools
who are working for professional
It also provides a more flexible
committee structure eliminating
the standing special projects com-
mittee and giving the executive
board more power to create ad hoc
Sasaki Proposal
GSC president Edwin Sasaki
brought up Wednesday night's mo-
tion at SGC that would have ex-
panded that council from 18 to
23 members including the addi-
tion of a non-voting ex-officio
from Graduate Student Council.
Sasaki called the motion a step
in the right direction as it elimi-
nates voting ex-officios, but it does
not go far enough as council mem-
bers are elected by proportional
He indicated that he favored
electing SGC members by school as
this procedure would put council
members in closer contact with
their constituency.
GSC Considers Action
Sasaki said that the GSC was
considering future action to take
as a result of the motion.
GSC has written several letters
this semester to Student Govern-
ment Council urging changes in
the latter's structure. It hassug-
gested that GSC be given an ex-
officio seat on Student Govern-
ment Council as a temporary mea-
sure and the restructuring of
council to represent the schools
and colleges.
Like his predecessors, SGC presi-
dent Steven Stockmeyer, '63, has
brushed aside the GSC request.
compositions in ballet, jazz and
modern dance at 2:30 p.m. today
in Barbour Gymnasium.
Cooper Sonata ...
Robert and Lydia Courte, violin-
ist and pianist, will play "Sonata
(1961)" by Prof. Paul Cooper of
the music school and works by
Handel, Mozart and Stravinsky at
4:15 p.m. today in Rackham.
Art Exhibit ..
The Art Museum is exhibiting
Art. Nouveau objects borrowed
from local collections through Jan.
Chamber Music...
Student and faculty members of
the music school will present a
program of chamber music at 8:30
p.m. Wednesday in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Sculpture . .
Mrs. George Forsythe will lecture
on Romanesque Sculpture in
France at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Romance Language Lounge of the
Frieze Bldg.
Bach Performance...
The "Kyrie" and "Gloria" of
Bach's "B-Minor Mass" will be
presented at the Northside Baptist
Church at 8 p.m. Wednesday by a
choir and orchestra conducted by
David Sutherland, Grad, and in-
cluding music school students.
Art Techniques...
The use and effects of light and
motion in painting will be discuss-
ed by Prof. Guy Palazzola of the
architecture school and Prof. Vic-
tor Miesel of the history of art'
department at noon today on tele-
vision station WWJ.
(Continued from Page 1)
semester", he added. These will be
staggered so that faculty members
will not be required to spend every
summer in Ann Arbor, Prof. Esch-
man added.
Geology 111 and 112 may be
combined into one 15-week sum-
mer course for non-majors, he
said. These and other all distribu-
tion courses may also be more
staggered so that they are avail-
able three times every two years.
The public health school plans
to use the full summer semester
add a significant number of cours-
es to its curriculum, but rather
spread them out so that more will
be available in the three-semester
academic year. Dean Wegman cau-
tioned that plans are still in the
"discussion stage."
The astronomy and chemistry
departments and the pharmacy
college plan to add courses to meet
student demand for summer class-
Astronomy department chair-
man Prof. Orien C. Mohler said
that his department would prob-
ably add courses as needed. Prof.
Leigh C. Anderson, chairman of
the chemistry department, ex-
pressed similar sentiments, saying
his department was waiting to see
what sort of student demands ma-
The astronomy and chemistry
departments also are considering
plans for the split short summer
sessions that will run currently
with the third full semester. In
the early May through late June
session, regular summer school
courses would be taught. In the
second part, classes for advanced
teacher training would be given.
Shorten Program
The pharmacy college prepared
its full-year operation program a
year ago, Dean Tom Rowe de-
dared. More courses will be offered
in the summer to allow pharmacy
students now on a five academic
year program to graduate in four
calendar years.
The dental school full-year oper-
ation plans are "still in the for-
mative stage," Dean William R.
Mann reported, As clinical facili-
ties are too hot in the summer,
the first problem to be faced is
air conditioning, he said.
"With the clinics air condition-
ed, the dental school can operate
in the summer months," Dean
Mann asserted. "The school cannot
go ahead without air condition-
Discuss Plans
Proposals for enriching the den-
tal school program or for allow-
ing students tom graduate earlier
are still in the earlydiscussion
stage before the faculty, he noted.
The engineering college and the
physics and botany departments
are awaiting--further developments
before preparing for full-year
"The engineering college will ex-
pand, but only after it has student
reaction," Attwood said. "The
problem of student reaction is hard
to predict."
He noted that more money, stu-
dents and faculty will be needed
if year around operation is to work.
Consideration is being given to
increasing summer courses and
staggering courses. throughout the
yea~r so that students may gradu-
ate early, he added.
Attwood declared that the engi-
neering college "is getting in
... discussion stage
to enrich its program. Dean Myron
Wegman explained that most stu-
dents come only for the current
one academic year program be-
cause it is difficult for them to
get longer leaves of absences from
their jobs.
The school does not propose to
Charge NU Fraternities
With Sales Tax Violation
.. nothing formal
shape" to meet full-year operation
when it occurs.
Tentative Stage
The botany department's plan-
ning is in a very tentative stage,
Prof. Kenneth L. Jones, chairman
of the department, said.
"The department has not for-
malized anything yet, but has rec-
ognized the need to schedule field
courses when there is field to go
to," he added.
Prof. Jones noted that courses
in ecology and taxonomy which
require field work will probably be
given in the fall and summer se-
mesters as the spring semester
ends too early for field work. The
introductory course Botany 101
will have to be given every semes-
ter, Prof. Jones noted.
Studying Implications
The physics department is
studying the implications of full-
year operation, departmental ad-
ministrative assistant Bernice Beh-
rens noted.
Few of-the deans or department
chairmen noted any faculty grum-
bling about the impending full-
year operation. In the natural re-
sources and public health schools,
the faculty is already on a full-
year appointment, the deans re-
ported, and the calendar change
will be of little meaning in that
In the geology department and
the public health school plans are
being made to stagger courses so
that the added full semester will
not interfere with research plans.
Teachout To Run
For City Council
John L. Teachout, local busi-
nessman and musician, announced
his candidacy for the first ward
seat on -the Ann Arbor City Coun-
cil yesterday. He is a Democrat.
Goodman Says Scholars
Should Leave Universities
A number of fraternities and
sororities at Northwestern Uni-
versity have been charged by the
State of Illinois of having violat-
ed the state's food sales tax laws.
The state claims that the units
either have not collected sales
taxes on food sold members or1
have not collected the taxes prop-
erly, the Daily Northwestern re-
cently reported.
The cause of the action lies in.
an amendment to the state taxt
laws which was passed in August,
1961. The measure removed fra-
ternities and sororities from the
list of non-profit organizations
exempt from paying taxes. As of
now only schools, charitable or-
ganizations and churches are ex-
empt from taxes.
Date from 1961
up to the fraternities and soror-
ities to either "set up procedures
for the tax or contest the deci-
May File Claim
If the latter course is adopted
the units will have 30 days after
the agreement to file a law suit
claiming they are educational and
therefor exempt.
A Northwestern inter-fraternity
council official commented that
while not the official university
view, "the fraternities may be
part of the educational organiza-
In order to correct the ills of
education, students and teachers
should secede from their univer-
sities and set up their own schools,
said Paul Goodman in a recent ar-,
ticle in Harper's Magazine.
"I am inclined to be amused,"
commented Vice - President for
Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns,
after reviewing the article.
Goodman proposed that "a core
faculty of about five professors
secede from a school, taking some
of their students with them; that
they attach themselves to an equal
.. £ ...4v..~~vr:
n lam A lk117AdT 1 '"Kl
lU .7CNII V 1 ! 1VI If the fraternities eventually
NOTICES have to pay the back taxes the
average amount would come to
3.5 per cent of the value of all
food sales since August, 1961. It
Conservative Study Group, n is estimated that about 10 frater-
tional Meeting, Dec. 16, 2-5 p.m., Union, .
Rm. 3D. nties are involved.
* * University officials have warn-
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student ed the affiliated units involved
Group, Supper, 6 p.m.; Candlelight not to take "individual action" in
Choral Service, 7 p.m.; Dec. 16, 1511 the matter. They plan to take their
* * * case to the Illinois Department of
Pakistan Students' Assoc., Social Eve- Revenue sometime in the near
ning-movies, refreshments & BIG sur- future.
prise, Dec. 16, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rms. If an agreement is reached be-
3R-S. All welcome. fa gemnti ece e
tween the officials and the state
Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, Dec. 17, on sales tax procedure it will be
3-5 p.m., 3050 FB.
* * *
. Wesleyan Guild, Seminar, Dec. 16,
10:15 a.m., Pine Room; Supper & Train-I
ing Sessions for S.R.S., Dec, 16, 6 p.m.,
Pine Room; Carols, Dance, Play in
Praise of the Christ Child, Dec. 16, 7
p.m., Lounge; Open House, Dec. 17, 8-1i
p.m., Jean Robe's Apartment.
"* s s
Congregational Disciples E & R Stu-j
dent Guild, Open House-Cecil North;+
talk on his pictures displayed in Guild
House, Dec. 16, 8:45 p.m., 802 Monroe.
* * *
Lutheran Student Assoc., Xmas Party
sponsored by Pastor & Mrs. Yoder, Dec.
16, 7-11 p.m., Hill & Forest.+
s* *
Graduate Outing Club, Tobogganing,
Sun., Dec. 16, 2 p.m., Rackham Bldg.,I
Huron St. Entrance.{
To Consider,
Another in a series of seminars
on the engineering college's bio-
engineering program will be held
at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Multi-
purpose Room of the UGLI.
Associate Dean C. M. Sliepcevich
of the engineering college at the
University of Oklahoma will speak
on "The Chemical Engineer in
The Daily Bulletin is an official
publication of the University of
Michigan for which The Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564
Administration Building before 2
p.m. two days preceding publication.
Day Calendar
2:30 p.m.-Concert Dance Organization
will present a Studio Performance at
the Barbour Gym studio. Admission is
free; the public is invited. Coffee after-
4:15 p.m.-School of Music Faculty
Sonata Recital-Robert Courte, violist;
and 'Lydia Courte, pianist: Rackham
Lecture Hall.
7:00 and 9:00 p-m.-Cinema Guild-
Greta Garbo, Frederic March, and Mau-
reen O'Sullivan in "Anna Karenina";
short, "Lafcadio": Architecture Aud.
General Not ifes
The Student Automobile Regulations
will be lifted for Christmas vacation
from 5:00 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 20 to 8:00
a.m., Thurs., Jan. 3.
Midyear Graduation Exercies will be
held Sat., Jan. 26, 1963, in Hill Aud.
Further notice will follow.
Recreational Leadership Class: Women
students interested in preparation for
summer camp jobs or recreational work
this summer may apply for a class in
Recreational Leadership to be held next
semester and offered by the Dept. of
Phys. Ed. for Women.
Applications and further information
may be obtained in Rm. 15 Barbour
Gym. A completed application should
be turned in by Dec. 20 at the latest.
Jan. 26, 1963
To be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hill Aud.
Exercises will conclude about 4:00 p.m.
All grads of the summer session of 1962
and grads as of Jan. 1963 may attend.
Reception for grads, their relatives
and friends in Mich. League Ballroom
at 4:00 p.m. Please enter League at west
Tickets: Four to each prospective grad,
to be distributed from Mon., Jan. 14, to
1:00 p.m. Sat., Jan. 26, at Window 2,
Diploma Dept., first floor lobby of
Admin. Bldg. except on Sat., Jan. 19,
when ticket window will be closed. On
Sat., Jan. 26, window will be open from
9:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. Univ. Ave., Ann
Arbor. Orders should be placed imme-
Assembly for Graduates: At 1:00 p.m.
in Natural Science Aud. Marshals will
direct grads to proper stations.
Graduation Announcements, Invita-
tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Student
Programs: To be distributed at Hill
Doctoral degree candidates who qual-
ify for the Ph.D., the Sc.D., the A.Mus.
D., or the Ed.D. degree and WHO AT-
will be presented a hood by the Univ.
Hoods given during the ceremony are
all Doctor of Philosophy hoods. Those
receiving a doctor's degree other than
Ph.D. may exchange the Ph.D. hood for
the appropriate one after the cere-
mony. Such exchange may be made in
Room 1139 Natural Science Bldg. during
the half hour after the recessional
march, or in Rm. 2465 Admin. Bldg. on
the following Mon. morning.
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at Its Meeting of
December 12, 1962
Remanded: Report on Joint Student
Faculty Government back to commit-
tee for further consideration and com-
mended the committee for its work.
Adopted: Fact: Three weeks ago, Pres-
ident Kennedy named several cabinet
members to a task force, headed by
Robert F. Kennedy, to study the feas-
ibility of a 'domestic Peace Corps." This
national service would enable trained
youngpeople, including those who re-
sponded to and could not be used in
the limited overseas program, to take
an active part in improving living con-
ditions in various parts of our own
It was stated in a report by a staff
committee under the direction of the
Attorney-General, that thereareo"32,-
000,000 persons .living at a lower
level than America is capable of pro-
viding for its citizens." Though the or-
ganization still remains in the idea
stage, volunteers would be working
with such groups as Harlem juvenile
delinquents, American Indians, and mi-
grant laborers. Emphasis would be plac-
ed upon promoting more and better em-
ployment, and improved education and
health services.
This program would lack the diplo-
matic element of the Peace Corps which
(Continued on Page 5)
number of like-minded profession-
als in the region; collect a few
more students and set up a small
uncharted university that would be
nothing but an association.
No More Controls
He said that his plan would
dispense with the external con-
trol, administration and bureau-
cratic machinery which have
swamped our communities of
He observed that the effect of
these on education is summed up
by a quote from Prof. Oscar Hand-
lin of Harvard: "Many of our
most sensitive youngsters simply
throw up their hands. They turn
their backs on the whole process
.. increasingly, the able students
are among those who leave before
Furthermore, he claimed that
"for the near future, at least, the
prospect of large-scale reform in
the great majority of schools-and
especially in the big ones-is dim.
The changes that are most needed
are the very ones that the college
administration will resist."
Heyns Disagrees
Heyns, however, strongly dis-
agreed. "I don't think it is im-
possible to experiment in a large
university structure," he said, not-
ing the current plans for a small
literary college experiment at the
Heyns did acknowledge that
"large institutions are more con-
servative," but feels that "most of
our existing practices have been
carefully thought through by the
faculties and are not nonsense."
He pointed out that "new
schools don't deviate far from
existing practices, even when en-
couraged to do so."
Sugyavara To Give
Physics Lecture
Prof. Mafao Sugawara of Purdue
University will speak on "High
Energy Behavior of Elastic Cross-
Sections" at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow
in 2038 Randall Laboratory.
U.P.A. Presents an
an All - Fun, All -
Animated Story of
a French Sex - Kit-
ten . . . with the
voices of favorite
stars in conversa-
tion that could only
happen in 9 lives!
fh~ Vii ~f
Speaking of
you're in for
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Is the LAST DAY to
petition for FROSH WEEKEND
HURRY! Petitions available in
the League Undergrad. Office
_ _ . .. . _ .l
p 1
DIAL 2-6264
at 1:00-3:00-5:00
7:00 and 9:10
Feature Starts
10 Minutes Later
1 &
8-64 16
e*.in this great color spectacular!
"FABULOUS ... QUITE A SHOW" > : .r < +j';<%
oaf ffi
Join the after.
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Sand thrill to
TONIGHT at 7:00 & 9:00
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---- --- --- ---
\ V
Li V
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