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December 15, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-15

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New Electron Microscope
May Reveal DNA Atoms
(Continued from Page 1)

Museum Holds Old Monster

Notes Raise
In Standards
For Entrance

Students Study Opinions
On Canadian Education


fact to come out of that research
as the width of the DNA molecule
(20 angstrom units). This agrees
with the theoretical DNA model
drawn up by Prof. Francis H. Crick
of Cambridge and Prof. James D.
Watson of Harvard, who recent-
ly won a Nobel prize for their
efforts, Prof. Gay added.
The electron microscopes cur-
rently in use at the University are
not of this new design, which
includes such innovations as a
new conical lens to allow less
chance for distortion in, focusing
by permitting slow electrons to
pass through unhindered and thus
give better contrast with the ob-
jects viewed. But this is only the
private design of the Arizona re-
searchers, Prof. Charles R. Worth-
ington of the physics department
points out.
Since the microscopes used
here are commercially supplied
models, research with such an in-
strument on this campus will have
to wait until such time as Prof.
Wilska patentsuand markets his
invention. Prof. Worthington add-
ed that he knew of no person now
at the University who was capable
of building such an electron mic-
As far as DNA research at the
University is concerned, the new
microscope would be useful but
not really essential, Joseph Eigner
of the biological chemistry depart-
ment of the Medical School said.
The structure of the DNA mole-
cule consists of two molecular
Predicts Rise
In Open Jobs
Corporate recruiters will have
more jobs at higher pay for col-
lege graduates next year, especially
for those in science and engineer-
ing, Prof. Frank S. Endicott, of
Northwestern University, conclud-
ed recently in a survey of 218
company recruitors.
In 1963 there will be 2T per
cent more jobs available for grad-
uates in engineering. Companies
reported that they would increase
hiring of graduates -in all other
fields however, by only four per
Engineers and accountants, still
in short supply, will receive higher
starting pay offers, Prof. Endicott
said. The average starting pay
will be $588, which is up from
$572. Accounting graduates can
expect about. $510. Sales people
will receive an initial $473.
"There is a sharp increase in
the hiring of men with master's
degrees," Prof. Endicott said. The
companies in the survey will seek
29 per cent more men with mas-
ter's degrees in 1963 than they
recruited this year.
Technical fields are placing more
emphasis on the master's degree.
Some 55 per cent more graduates
with master's degrees' will be
sought in engineering, 70 per cent
more in physics, and 90 per cent
more in mathematics-statistics.
The gap between the starting
pay of the engineer and salesman
is usually eliminated after ten
years, Prof. Endicott found..
Women graduates will find seven
per cent more jobs available next
year. Women are still at a wage
disadvantage though. A woman
in engineering, for example, will
be offered an average of $557 per
,month compared to a male en-
gineer's average starting salary of
By a 2-1 ratio recruitors feel
that a student aspiring for a non-
technical management position
should study in the business ad-
ministration school rather than
in the liberal arts.
Support Creal

For Election
A committee, to support the
Republican candidacy of Ann Ar-
bor Mayor Cecil 0. Creal for re-
election was formed Thursday:
This group will serve as the
nucleus of a larger committee that
will function before next April's
election. Creal will be seeking his
third two-year term as mayor,
the only office in Ann Arbor city
government chosen in a citywide

strands called "polymer chains"
connected by links of guanine and
cytosine, or adenine and thymine,
classified by the biochemist as
organic bases.
Separate Strands
When these two strands sepa-
rate, Eigner continued, they dup-
licate themselves; and they carry
with them genetic information
coded in the sequence of the or-
ganic bases on the two strands.
More specifically, they group in
certain ways to code for the series
of 20 amino acids comprising the
proteins, a group of large mole-
cules required for the functions
of all living organisms.
Through X-ray crystallography,
the exact location of the atoms
in two such proteins and of the
bases in DNA has already been
discovered, Eigner pointed out.
Thus the structures of the sub-
units of the DNA molecule are
now a matter of record, and the
important thing is to ascertain
their sequence along the two
strands. "The Arizona workers
hope to be able to see these sub-
units with their new microscope
and avoid tedious chemical tech-
niques," Eigner said.
"It would be enough if they see
and recognize these subunits
(bases), since the atomic config-
urations within them are already
know through crystalligraphic
research," he added.
Studies currently being conduct-
ed at the University are not di-
rectly concerned with such work
as Prof. Wilska is conducting, Eig-
ner continued. Rather, researchers
here are interested in what hap-
pens when a virus (which consists
of DNA surrounded by a protein
shell) attacks a bacterium and in-
jects into it its own DNA.
As a result of this action, Eigner
explained, new enzymes useful to
reproduction but deleterious to the
bacterium are produced within the
infected cell.
End Result
The end result of this enzyme
action is that when the bacterium
is attacked, its own DNA becomes
inoperative while that of the virus
duplicates itself until many new
viruses are formed. The study of
these enzymes is one aspect of
DNA research at the University.
Eventually these studies might
lead to sequence analysis of DNA
and proteins; and Eigner ,re-em-
phasized that for such work, Prof.
Wilska's microscope might come
in handy but by no means would
be indispensable.
Calls Trainees
In Diplomacy
Most American college students
interested in diplomatic careers
are too ignorant to accomplish
the simple task of describing their'
country abroad, R. Smith Simpson'
wrote in the Foreign Service Jour-
nal recently.
Simpson, a retired veteran of the
foreign service, said that the great
majority of college graduates are
"wholly unprepared for diplomatic
They are handicapped by "abys-
mal ignorance of so elementary
a subject as the geography of the
United States, deficient in know-
ledge of even contemporary Ameri-
can culture."
He said that few of the ap-
plicants for foreign service could
accurately place the principal
rivers of the United States. They
could only guess at the popula-
tion, labor force, and gross na-
tional product.
"Many could not name a singlei
American painter, a single com-
poser, a single philosopher, other
than contemporary,' Simpson said.i
While most applicants could name
a few'poets and produce the names

of a few novelists, "under ques-
tioning this familiarity proved to
be shallow; it did not survive dis-
Simpson found deficiencies in
both the students' efforts at pre-
paration and in the universities
"American education is letting;
us down . . . an educational sys-1
tem which turns out graduates
lacking the simplest geographical+
and sociological knowledge of their+
country is not an adequate sys-;
tem," he said.


"Admission standards of thej
Law School were raised during the1
past year," Law School Dean Al-
lan F. Smith said yesterday.
Smith compared the median
Legal Scholastic Aptitude Test
(LSAT) scores and undergraduate
grade-point averages of the classes
entering in the fall of 1961 and
The median LSAT's advanced
from 563, or the 79 percentile, in
the 1961 class, to 582, or the 83rd
percentile, in the 1962 class. The
scores are made on a scale of 800
possible points, although the per-j
centiles are calibrated on a curve
The median grade-point average
of the 1962 class was "close to a
B-average," Smith said.
This also represents an improve-
ment over the 1961 class, he noted.
The exact improvement has not1
yet been determined, however.
The grade-point and LSAT
scores "loom by far and away as
the two largest factors in weighing
the admittance of a student, and
they are weighted equally," he
Smith also noted that a rise in
applications-14 per cent in the
one year period-plus the increas-
ed quality of the applicants, has
caused the enrollmentitonbe en-
larged to 1004 students.
This weans "in all probability,
classroom space will be added."
The present facilities are adequate,
however, he said.
Plans for expansion await the
faculty decision on whether to
expand "or keep the level of en-
rollment," Smith said.

Nine members of the education
school recently made a trip to the
province of Quebec to study Ca-
nadian methods of education.
The students, all doctoral can-
didates for a degree in compara-'
tive education, went under the
sponsorship of Prof. Claude A.
Eggertsen, chairman of the com-
parative education program.
The specific mission of the trip
was to present a questionnaire to
leading Quebec and Montreal of-
ficials in industry, education, re-
ligion and government. The pur-
pose of this questionnaire was to
determine the reaction of leaders
of Canadian society to the caliber
of present education in Canada.
Dual System
In giving a summary of the'
trip, Prof. Eggertsen called the
educational system in Canada,,
and more specifically in Quebec,
a "dual system." There are two,
Quebec commissions for education,
the French-Catholic commission
and the Fnglish-Protestant com-
mission. Each controls a system
of government-supported schools

in which its language and religion
are taught.
Among the questions presented
to the participants, who represent-
ed both the Catholic majority and
the Protestant minority, was the
question of religion and religious
teaching in schools.
Religious Support
The Protestant commission, Prof.
Eggertsen noted, maintains schools
much like the American high
school which prepares its students
for college. The Catholic com-
mission, however, gives support
directly through the Catholic
Church, or through teaching or-
ders, to "classical academies,"
which are schools of high school
level through junior college level.
These classical schools emphasize
the cultural and linguistic edu-
cation and give less technical or
professional training, Prof. Eg-
gerthen said.
However, he added that at the
primary level there was not much
difference between the French-
Catholic and the English-Protes-
tant system of education.

OLD MONSTER-Irving Reimann, University Museum director, stands clutching the world's oldest
known captive Gila monster. A survivor of 35 years at the University, it more than doubles the
captive life of any other Gila monster, and quite a few university monsters. It has gained its fame
through passive action. It does little but exist on raw shelled chicken eggs and public interest.
Negro Migration Crowds Urban.Centers

P flan Exchange Programs,
For Students in Commerce

Since the appearance of the
1950 census, a phenomenon has
become apparent labelled the
"Negro City."
This is the migratory trend of
Negroes from Southern rural to
northern urban areas and the
movement of whites to suburbia,
resulting in a large proportion of
the cities' population being Negro.
"The basis of this phenomenon
is the cost of housing, because
the Negro migrants cannot afford
housing prices in the suburban
areas to which the whites are
moving," Prof. Robert Carroll of
the sociology department explain-
ed recently.
Certain Cities
However, the Negroes have been
selective concerning the North-
ern cities to which they migrate.
The flow has been steady only to
certain cities, he noted. Although
the definite reasons for this selec-
tion are not known, he postulat-
ed that it had some connection
with believed job opportunities in
certain Northern cities and with
traditional migratory habits.
For example, New York City.
has a net immigration of 30,000
Puerto,-Ricans and 10,000 Negroes
annually; 50,000 whites leave each
year. City officials estimate that
by 1970, 28 per cent of the popu-
lation will be Negro and Puerto
Rican. Manhattan will be 50 per
cent Negro and Puerto Rican if
this trend continues.
Chicago's Negro population has
increased at the rate of 35,000
per year. By 1970, the city's pop-
ulation will be one-quarter Negro.
The whites are exiting to sur-
Facilities Fix
Dental School
Although dental school enroll-
ment has remained static since
World War II, applications have
sharply risen this year, Dean Wil-
liam R. Mann reported yesterday.
Freshman enrollment is fixed at
97 by the lack of facilities, he ex-
plained, and will continue into
the indefinite future.
However, compared to the same
time last year, applications from
in- and out-state residents have
doubled, Mann noted.
"A big jump at this time is not
conclusive," he said. The increase
may reflect a trend toward earlier
applications or the increased birth
rate of the late 1940's, Mann ex-
He indicated that the dental
school could not expand enroll-
ment until it expands its facilities.
He said that the Dental School
Bldg. would need extensive re-
modeling to provide more clinical
and classroom space, or a new
building might be constructed.
Preliminary plans for expanding
dental school facilities have been
drawn up, Mann said, and they
are included in the University's
capital outlay plans.

rounding suburban areas at the
rate of approximately 15,000 each
Large Negro Population
In 1958 Cleveland was approxi-
mately 26 per cent Negro. Wash-
ington is the only major American}
city with more Negroes than
whites-53 per cent of the total
population. From 1950 to 1960,
Los Angeles County's Negro popu-
lation soared from 217,000 to 461,-
"Theoretically, one could deter-
mine a specific year when certain
cities will be completely Negro,
assuming the trend continues at
the rate it has in the past, but this
would be highly speculative," Prof.
Carroll said.
There appear to be several cy-
cles of Negro migration into an
area. In the early stages of this
process, housing values either
maintain themselves or increase
slightly. This is due, he noted, to
the high prices Negroes are will-
ing to pay for houses in certain
High Cost
"It is possible that Negroes, in
order to have housing in a rela-
tively decent area, will pay high
for it. The white owner will be
able to sell his house at a higher
price to the Negro than he would
to a white buyer," Prof. Carroll
However, if the total migration
cycle in an area is completed,
housing values will decrease.
Whether a neighborhood becomes
a slum (and this term, he noted,
is very hard to define properly)
depends on the social class and
occupational level of the Negroes
living there. When there is low-
class housing in which a building
is divided into many apartments,
it seems like a slum.
Governmental action in hous-
ing, particularly President John
F. Kennedy's recent order on an-.
ti-discrimination in federal hous-
ing' projects, is needed. "The ef-
fects of this will at first be rela-
tively imperceptible, but any gov-
ernment action along these lines
sets conditions for future benefi-
cial effects to occur," he explain-
Filth and Dirt
"We owe years of back pay to
the Negroes. We have forced them
to live in filth and dirt. Now we
have decided that it is no longer
'nice' to be prejudiced, and we are
gradually moving toward integra-
tion in housing and education.
But the Negro is still restricted
"Although we don't openly dis-
play our biases now, we still dis-
like the Negro for living in filth
and being dirty. But this was orig-
inally caused by the system that
taught him to be that way," Prof.
Carroll declared.
Because this is a relatively new
phenomenon, the migratory flow
might be stemmed by desegrega-
tion of housing and equal employ-
ment opportunities in high-in-
come positions everywhere in
America, he noted. As long as only
low-income jobs are available to
Negroes, they will be unable to

afford higher-income housing in
the suburbs.
Can't Stop Flow
However, it would be impossible
to stop the flow to Northern ci-
ties entirely. There are not as
many job opportunities in the
Northern cities as the Negro be-
lieves, but once in these cities, he
is either unwilling or unable to
return to the South.
"Automation decreases job op-
portunities in low-paying posi-
tions. The Negro is the first to be
fired. It is possible that major eco-
nomic changes, such as the indus-
trialization now progressing in
the South, may affect the situa-
tion," Prof. Carroll explained.
This will influence the politi-
cal scene because an active Re-
publican party may then emerge
in the South which would cause
the Democrats and Republicans to
realign themselves nationally.
Prof. Carroll noted that the
Northern Conservative - Southern
Democrat coalition that already
exists in Congress may be balanc-
ed by a Northern Liberal-Southern
Republican combination. "This
wouldreally affect national poli-
tics because then the traditional
differences between the Demo-
crats and Republicans won't exist,"
he said.

A chapter of the American In-
ternational Exchange of Students
in Economics and Commerce is
being formed at the University,
Kenneth Phillips, Grad, president
of the University chapter, said yes-
AIESEC is, an independent, non-
political international student or-
ganization, representing 38 na-
tions and having 45 American
chapters. Its purpose is the es-
tablishment and promotion of
friendly relations between mem-
bers without regard to race or
"AIESEC provides working train-
eeships in foreign countries, al-
lowing American students to get
practical experience in business
operation," Phillips said.
One-to-One Basis
The traineeships, exchanged on
a one-to-one basis between mem-
ber countries, allow an American
student to receive a business
traineeship abroad, provided that
there is a corresponding position
in the United States for a foreign
business student.
"The jobs are exchanged in the
beginning of March and begin
during the summer. Students ar-
range with companies for a job
position for the foreign student;
or, if they cannot find one, the
AIESEC social committee may
raise the traineeships for them,"
Phillips added-.
Before a student goes to a com-
pany to find the exchange job,
he should check with the local
committee to make sure they have
not already contacted the same

company. "This helps to avoid un-
needed repetition," Phillips ex.
Experience Helps
"Interested students should have
some plans for a business career
and have some business experience
in either a summer or campus
job. The requirements also include
two years of college and two
semesters of business or economics
Knowledge of the languageis a
helpful .requirement, but not a
necessary one. The traineeships
are adjusted to the person's ability
and experience and may last from.
eight weeks to six months, Phillips
"Students must have arranged
for jobs by the end of February,
and the application deadline 2s
Jan. 4. Last year AIESEC exchang-
ed jobs for 4000 students and this
year is planning for about 4500."
Interested students should leave
their names in the AIESE9C mail-
box in the business administration

.. .


" w"

... standards raised

College Rountdup
FLUSHING-In response to a University of South Florida Prof.
ruling by Manhattan Supreme Sheldon Grebstein.
Court Justice Vincent A. Lupiano,
calling for a complete airing of CHICAGO-A series of open
the discrimination charges made meetings on university policy is-
by two professors at Queens Col- sues has been tentatively planned
lege. Gustave G. Rosenberg, chair- for next semester, Dean of Stu-
man of the higher education dents Warner Wick recently an-
board, has announced that the nounced.
board will either request an ap- The meetings, which would be
peal or avail itself of an oppor- attended by interested students,
tunity presented by the court to would feature general discussions
air the matter before the jury. by appropriate university officials
The two professors, Josef V. on campus issues.
Lombardo and Joseph P. Mullally,
have claimed they have been de-
nied promotion to full professors BLOOMINGTON - The Execu-
"solely because of anti-Catholic tive Council of Student govern-
bias." ment recently issued a statement
* concerning the use of children to
disperse anti-UN literature by two
NEW BRUNSWICK-More than members of the Phi Delta Theta
50 students from Rutgers Univer- social fraternity during the recent
sity are participating in the new UNICEF drive.
Education in Action tutorial pro-
gram designed for lower income At the same meeting, a formal
high school students in the area, report was received on the finan-
h sd m cial and organizational state of
BOCA RATON-After a series this university's Student Discount
of strong protests from Florida Commission. The st'atement issued
of trog potets romFloidaby the Council requests that the
chapters of the American Associa-bDenoudessdthatftd-
tion of University Professors, the ings of an investigation by the
Board of Control for Florida Edu- Council to the Student Conduct
cation has adopted a new academ- Committee for further considera-
ic freedom policy which, accord- tion and action.
ing to state AAUP President Sey-
mour Block, is "vastly superior" to *
the former directive. WALTHAM-About 20 Boston,
This former policy was the "Di- area students recently participated
rective on Communism and Homo- in a vigil at Boston Common
sexuality in Colleges" which was against the apartheid policy of
hastily passed after suspension of 'the Union of South Africa.
DOORS DIAL 2-6264 shows at 1:00-3:00-5:00
OENA7:00 and 9:00
12:45 P.M. 4
The War Lover Doesn't Love - He Makes Love!

4 Shows Doily at
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DIAL 5-6290



Itom .'''i7.: }$:":.:'*

So G.C
Sent e
TONIGHT and Tomorrow at 7:00 & 9:00
Greta Garbo, Frederic March,
Maureen O'Sullivan.

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