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,473 til
Occasional light snow,
clearing toward evening
Seventy.Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Data from Venus
Craft's Radiometers Send Findings;
Scientists Elated at Probe Results
WASHINGTON (P)-Earth men reached out 36 million miles
through space yesterday for their first close-up "look" at the mystery-
shrouded planet Venus.
What they saw through the electronic eyes of the Mariner II space
probe must be analyzed and evaluated over the next several weeks
but scientists were elated at the outcome of the' $47-million experi-
.ssal of
"We have definitely received data from both radiometers," they
reported as Mariner II reached the climax of its long journey.
The radiometers, the principal scanning devices, were turned on
by a last-minute radio command from Earth after a built-in self-
' timing mechanism twice failed to
U S ~operate. '
corns U .S. Thegold and silver plated
spacecraft, launched from Cape
Canaveral on Aug. 27-110 days
Press ,- ago-finally reached its rendez-
C vous point about 21,000 miles from
/ Venus at midafternoon and radio-
)*ed back its findings.
~onL or 1Ltv Dr. William Pickering, head of
./ the California Institute of Tech-
nology's jet propulsion laboratory,
CHICAGO (JP)-Associate Justice announced all of the scientific
William O. Douglas of the United experiments packed in Mariner II
States Supreme Court yesterday were recording during the crucial
accused government,-press, schools moments.
and business of developing con- Pick Up Signals
formityand ignorance among the The coded signals sent back
American people, from the craft were picked up by
He said the "common sense or the National Aeronautics and
informed judgment of people, Space Agency's tracking station
which we trust in theory," has in Goldstone Calif., and relayed
been undermined by censorship, to a news copference in Washing-
secrecy and promotion. ton.
"We have become the new Con- The signals contained coded in-
servatives, who, unlike the old, formation on temperature meas-
practice intolerance," 0Dug1a urements of the surface and cloud
said. The press has failed to in- covering of Venus, radio emana-
form the public, he charged, and tions from the planet and other
the government has kept secrets. data.
CIA Issues Nothing Over the hookup from Gold-
In Washington, the Central In- stone, Jack James, Mariner pro-
telligence Agency and the defense jet manager, reported "we are
definitely receiving scientific data
from the planet," and he described
the data reports as excellent.
Surface Data
Pickering said that meant data
from the actual surface of the
planet as well as from its sur-
Although Pickering said it will
be "several ,days and probably
weeks" before the information is
broken down and analyzed, space
officials said Mariner already has
sent back significant preliminary
It reported finding a steady solar'
wind-a thin gas blowing from the
sun-moving at a rate of between
250 and 450 miles a second'
Measured Variations
It also has measured variations
in an interplanetary magnetic
WILLIAM O. DOUGLAS field and determined that there
conformists was less cosmic dust, in its path
than it encountered before leaving
department, specificially accused the neighborhood of the earth.,
by Douglas, made no comment. The data from the two radiom-
Douglas accused the Central In- eters which scanned Venus dur-
telligence Agency of intrigue in ing the final 42 minutes of Mar-
Middle East politics. iner's approach to the cloud-
CIA Favors Feudalism shrouded planet may give some
"The reasons why it supports clue to riddles that have puzzled
feudal regimes, the result of its astronomers for centuries.
policies, the dangers that it gen- The radiometers, one taking in-
erates are not known even to many frared and the other microwave
of the informed press," he said. measurements, were turned on by
Douglas' remarks were publish- a signal rom the Goldstone track-
ed on the eve of Bill of Rights Day ing station after a tense few hours
in a 48-page booklet, "Freedom of of waiting for the automatic start-
Mind," issued by the American er to operate.
Library Associationi and the Pub-'
lic Affairs Committee Inc., of New
York. The booklet was third in aS
series on reading for an age of
'Trend to Conformity' As Dominatei
His essay noted what he called
"a trend to conformity" which, he
said has fostered violation of con-.
stitutional rights of Americans by By KENNEY
many interests for their own ends
or prejudices. Michigan's Republican Party'
The scientific revolution, in top" and blocks progress, Congre
which technology is "a dubious last night.
synonym for progress," he said, is Speaking before local Democr
concentrating power in the hands predicted that the state GOP would
of those who control science; "and der Gov.-elect George Romney. St
one who traces the controls back gram thus wouldbecome "rigic
to origins often finds the Penta- n ujc ohde nlecs
gon in a central position." and subjec
The press, he said, does not Turning to the past work of
cover adequately operationsof the Gov. John B. Swainson, he lauded
Pentagon, "nor can it report Swainson for "using federal pro-
truthfully on the CIA." grams and policies wherever pos-
sible," and cited area redevelop-
ment programs, the manpower re-
Cava na rhI H ts training act and emergency public
works as examples.
y (Ia- *) b
Adopts Premises
Of State Councl
Rule Forbids Advocating Violence;
Forn Group To Sponsor Speakers
Michigan State University Board of Trustees formally ap-
proved a new outside speaker policy, recommended by the
Michigan Coordinating Council for Public Higher Education
in November, at yesterday's meeting.
The Trustees adopted the general policy statement which
encourages a spirit of free inquiry with a minimum of re -
straints. The only limitation is that speakers do not urge the
audience to take action which is prohibited by the rules ofj
MSU, federal or State of Mich-a
Varner Action Wins
Full Truste- e Support
Chancellor's Letter Says Decision
Did Not Include Cuba Consideration
The Michigan State University Board of Trustees yesterday unan-
imously upheld the decision of MSU-Oakland not to renew the con-
tract of Prof. Samuel Shapiro.
Warren M. Huff, Board of Trustee member from Plymouth, said
"I feel very strongly that the university people made the correct de-
cision in this case."
In a letter to MSU President John A. Hannah, which was read
at the Board meeting, MSU-O Chancellor Durward B. Varner defend-
ed the action.
Varner Says
Varner states that "Having reviewed all aspects of.this decision, it
is my unqualified conclusion that the best interests of this institution
... sanctions
Women Cite
"From what occurred at the
hearings and, after reading the
press coverage, my impression is
that Women for Peace has won
the first round with the House
Committee on Un-American 'Ac-
tivities," Mrs. John Sonquist said
last night.
Mrs. Sonquist and the other
members of the Women for Peace
group have just returned from
Washington where their offer to
testify before a HUAC subcommit-
tee, investigating alleged Com-
munist infiltration in p e a c e
groups, was denied.
Notes Hearings
"There were about 90 women
who went to the capitol to volun-
teer and all of those who have
received answers so far were told
that they could not testify but
could submit written reports re-
garding the group's aims," Mrs.
Sonquist revealed.
She also noted that the hear-
ings, held during the last four
days, have "probably strengthened'
the peace movement. People have
flocked to groups for they have
strengthened their own convictions
through analyzing the testimony
and reading news coverage.
There was a feeling that the
HUAC subcommittee was more
protesting protest than the peace
movement itself, she continued.
Show No Fear
And, in turn, the women, both
those who testified and those who
volunteered, showed no fear of
the committee since "we feel that
ours is the American, democratic
and right way."
There was more protest of the
method used by the committee
than in the entire history of
HUAC, Mrs. Sonquist declared.
State GOP
I by Romney
... gains support
igan laws..
Advocating the modification of
the federal or state governments
by violence or sabotage is specif-
ically prohibited.
Enthusiastic Support
"The Board enthusiastically ap-
proved the general policy state-
ment and incorporated some pro-
visos of implementation," MSU
Provost Clifford Erickson said.
Included in the policy on out-
side speakers, invited by student
organizations, is a Forum Com-
mittee of five faculty members and
five students which will encourage
and sponsor speakers1
"The committee will insure that
the campus has a viable, well-bal-
anced group of speakers on a va-
riety of subjects of interest to the
campus," Erickson commented.
Also Available
Although the committee will al-
so be available in an advisory ca-
pacity on the policy and speakers
to student organizations, "it defi-
nitely will have no authority of
prior censorship," he added.
The student members of the
committee will be selected by the
student heads of the five major
campus organizations, including
the student government, men's,
women's and off-campus groups.
The Board also stipulated in the
policy that there must be a ques-
tion and answer period included
in every speech.
Inviting Speakers
Student organizations inviting
speakers will have to file forms
with the nature of the meeting,
subject of the speech and name
of, the speaker with the head of
the Forum Committee, Erickson
Under the policy, speakers must
be invited by recognized student
organizations. The organization
must inform the speaker of the
MSU policy before the lecture.
The new rule, patterned after
the recently adopted University
speaker policy, was approved two
weeks ago by the MSU Academic
Council. Prof. Rollin Simonds,
chairman of the steering commit-
tee of the faculty-administrative
body, said, "there were no objec-
tions at all" from the faculty.
In September
In September MSU had adopted
an interim policy to be in effect
until the Coordinating Council
made its recommendations. The
policy had centered around a fac-
ulty-student committee which re-
ceived applications from recogniz-
ed student groups and had the
power to grant or refuse permis-
sion for the speech.
'U' TO Conduct Sun Probe
As Part of IQSY Project
The University will conduct observations to determine the sun's
effect on the ionosphere as its part in the world-wide International
Year of the Quiet Sun (IQSY), to begin in 1964.
The project, modeled after the International Geophysical Year
of 1957, will coordinate world-wide observations of the sun when its
flare activity is at a minimum. This low point in the 11-year cycle
Sees Early
Cut, in Taxes
NEW YORK (P-President John
F. Kennedy made a strong pitch
last night for an early and sub-
stantial tax cut, then drew en-
thusiastic applause from his busi-
nessmen listeners by pledging
economy in government.-
Appearing before some 3,000
diners at the Economic Club of
New York, Kennedy argued that,
despite formidable opposition in
Congress, a 1963 tax cut offers
the best hope in the long run of
spurring employment and balanc-
ing the budget.
He promised that a tax reduc-
tion bill going to Congress next
month would be coupled with a
new federal budget that would
keep spending on domestic pro-
grams at current levels.
Kennedy Concedes
Although, Kennedy conceded
there will be heavier spending on
defense and space programs, he
said later during a question period
that Secretary of Defense Robert
McNamara foresees the time, not
far off, when defense expenditures
will peak off.
He said he would prefer to await
Secretary of the Treasury Douglas
Dillon's presentation to the tax-
writing House Ways and Means
Wants Reduction
Kennedy said he wants tax re-
duction at an early date and in
"a sufficiently large amount" to
pep up the economy.
However he gave no hint of the
date on which he would like to
see it become effective or the
dollar total to be involved.
Kennedy argued that "this na-
tion can afford to reduce taxes."
of sunspots will occur in 1964-
The project was approved last
week in London with the National
Academy of Sciences serving as the
United States sponsor of the proj-
Physical Research
The IQSY will include research
in meteorology, geomagnetism, au-
rora, airglow, the ionosphere, solar
activity, and cosmic rays.
Observations of solar activity
and its effects on ionosphere, elec-
trical and radio disturbances will
be conducted at the McMath-Hul-
bert Observatory near Pontiac,
Prof. Helen Prince of the astrono-
my department explained.
In one project, a telescope will
photograph the outer regions of
the sun and record its disturb-
ances. Measurements will be taken
of the red radiation of the hydro-
gen atom.
A continuous record will be kept
as these disturbances wax and
are served by not reappointing,
Prof. Shapiro; that the procedure
followed in making this decision
was appropriate in every respect;
and that the question of academic
freedom is not involved in this de-
Prof. Shapiro is currently the
object of controversy on whether
his dismissal was due to his criti-
cal views on American foreign pol-
icy,, especially concerning Cuba.
Discusses Comments
Discussing the comment made
by Dean George Matthews on Prof.
Shapiro's political views entering
into the reasons for his dismissal,
the statement notes that "unfor-
tunately, Prof. Matthews, in his
discussion with a Free Press re-
porter, permitted himself to get
much too involved."
It adds that "he would be among
the most vigorous proponents of
the free play of ideas in the aca-
demic community."
Varner also noted "I shall never
favor the dismissal of a person
simply because he is controversial,
but by the same token, neither'
shall he be exempt from dismissal
because he is controversial."
Defines Freedom
The statement defines academ-
ic freedom according to the Ameri-
can Associationof University Pro-
fessors 1940 Statement of Princi-
ples. In part the AAUP statement
reads, "Hence he (the professor)
should at all times be accurate,
should exercise appropriate re-
straint, should show respect for
the opinions of others, and should
make every effort to indicate that
he is not an institutional spokes-
Varner would not comment on
Prof. Shapiro's compliance with
this statement of principle.
For Stealinr
Police last night questioned five
University students on suspicion
of stealing greens and a Christ-
mas tree from University property.
Three of the students allegedly
sawed down a large evergreen at
the University Golf Course. They
purportedly were stealing the tree
for use in a residence hall.-
The other pair supposedly stole
evergreen branches from the Ar-
boretum. When apprehended they
were carrying both the branches
and a saw which they purportedly
used in cutting the branches.
Important Measurement
"This measurement is important
as it permits unambiguous asso-
ciation of events on the earth and
sun. With few disturbances, scien-
tists are more apt to be correct in
assigning effects to the disturb-
ance," she noted.
In the second project a tele-
scope will record the spectrum of
disturbances on the disc of the
sun and note its variations. These
will be compared with ionospheric
monitors to determine what effect
the sun has on the magnetic
properties of the ionosphere.
In scope, the total IQSY pro-
gram is expected to be more tim-
ited than the International Geo-
physical Year. However, its space
observations are expected to be
far more intense and extensive.
The United States program will
be largely conducted within exist-
ing research projects, a report is-
sued by the academy predicted.
Pickets Aid
In Protest
For "Shapiro
Protesting what they felt was
the unwarranted dismissal of Prof.
Samuel Shapiro, roughly 35 stu-
dents picketed outside the Oak-
land' Student Center at Michigan
State University-Oakland yester-
day afternoon.
The delegation from the Univer-
sity was organized by the Socialist
Club headed by Peter Signorelli,
'63. The students from the Uni-
versity numbered only 10, but
Signorelli said he nevertheless felt
the picketing accomplished what
he had hoped it would. "I feel we
achieved a great deal by just be-
ing on campus and causing a dis-
cussion of the issue," he said.
Several Oakland students be-
came involved with conversations
with the picketers and later in
the afternoon both groups were
able to speak with several faculty
members in informal discussion
groups in the student center. Sig-
norelli said he was very pleased
with the whole afternoon since
the purpose of the picketing was
primarily to involve the student
body in just the kind of discussion
that occurred.
Analyze Attitude
Editor 'of the Oakland news-
paper, Nancy Kowen, said that.
it was difficult to analyze the
attitude of the students on cam-
pus toward the Shapiro case. 'f
would say it was about half and
half," she said, "but it is difficult
to tell." Apparently there has not
been a coherent or predominant
expression of opinion from the
campus, although there is a good
deal of discussion going on be-
tween individual students.
Prof. Shapiro himself volunteer-
ed little comment on the situation.
"Legally I am in no position to
make a protest," he said when
asked about what he thought the
outcome of the case would be.
Adds Certainty
He added that he certainly
would not want to stay at Oak-
land but as yet he had no plans
about what he would be doing
after June when his contract ex-
pires. He also said that he has
not yet contacted the American
Civil Liberties Union because he
was still not exactly sure of his
legal position.
Associate Dean George Matthews
of the history department had no
comment on the case as it now
exists. He said only that his re-
mark that Prof. Shapiro "would
have had a better chance if he
had written ard said less about
Cuba and Latin-American affairs"'
had been quoted widely out of
context. "I am sorry I said any-
thing at all," he said.
Prof. Shapiro has been receiving
mail from educators all over the
country during the past week.
Commenting upon the books
and articles he has written, Prof.
Shapiro said, "I guess quite a lot
but I guess not on the right stuff."
Elev Not To Seek
"concentrates its strength at the
ssman-elect Neil Staebler charged
ats, the new congressman-at-large
d drift toward one-man control un-
aebler said that the party's pro-
.:::..................... . . ..........
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Microscope !lMay Open lolecules of
1 TC Varty
By The Associated Press
BERKLEY-Poking fun at the
Vigilance Tax Committee's sched-
uled "Boston Tea Party" protest
against the Detroit income tax,
Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh
laid the fate of the tax at the
'hnndfi m' the tna
Lawmakers Lag
"But it's notable that Michigan
leas laggei on the one federal prof-1
ect which required action by the
Legislature: aid to dependent chil-
c en," StaetUr remarked.
He claimed that "the Legislature
has steadLastly refused to author-
ize it," b.-cause it would reform
the county welfare programs.
University faculty members
viewed with mixed feelings of
skepticism and hope a recent
report of a new type of electron
microscope with which it may
be possible to see the atom of
the "molecules of life."
. The molecules concerned are
those of deoxyribonucleic acid,
generally referred to by the
more convenient term DNA.
This cellular substance is now
believed to be responsible for
of about eight angstrom
(that is, two particles
viewed may be distingu
as separate objects even if
are as close together as
angstrom units, or .000(
of a centimeter), the newr
promises to be capableo
solving to far beyond tha
The Arizona researchers
made a significant step fo
as far as actually seein
molecules of DNA, but
more can safely be said a
Life' Studys
units One of the first successful.
being attempts to increase this con-
uished trast was made at the Univer-
f they sity in the late 1940's, when two
eight scientists here introduced the
000008 currently-used method of shad-
model owing samples at an acute angle
of re- with heavy metal particles,
t. Prof. Oncley added.
s have Gay Notes
rward Prof. Helen Gay of the, zoo-
g the logy department pointed out
little that, "We don't know that the
t this Arizona workers are actually
working with DNA molecules,
: <:.:
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