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December 06, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-06

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est' s Officials Move
Block Soviet Plan


For Treaty on

UN Group
Sees More
Foreign Aid
General Assembly's economic com-
mittee unanimously approved yes-
terday a United States-Soviet dec-
laration affirming that agreement
on disarmament could mean multi-
billion dollar aid to the lesser de-
veloped nations.
The declaration-a display of
East-West harmony-will be for-
warded to the Assembly for ratifi-
It was presented to the commit-
tee by Sen. Gordon Allott (R-
Coo), a member of the United'
States United Nations delegation,
who warned that -its approval
would have "little or no importance
unless there is real progress in
negotiations for an agreement on
disarmament under effective in-
ternational controls."
He said the United States ne-
gotiators, in the interests of co-
operation, agreed to call it a dec-
laration rather than a resolution
after the Soviet Union said that
designation would be more ap-
pealing and less binding.
Nehru Tours
Bor der Regioi,
Cites Neutrality
TEZPUR, India {M)-Prime Min-
ister Jawaharlal Nehru toured the
northeast front yesterday where
bruised Indian forces waited and
watched for the next move by the
Chinese Communists.
He said he had no late infor-
mation on Chinese positions. On
Monday he asserted the Commu-
nist advance units appeared to be
standing firm but there were indi-
cations some rearguard troops were
pulling out.
Tuesday before his trip Nehru
declared he still believes non-
alignment with great powers "is a
good policy for India, and for most
other countries" despite the Red
Chinese attack on his nation.
He said he did not believe the
Chinese would have been less em-
boldened to attack if India had
belonged to the SEATO or CENTO
Nehru said the invasion was "not
a frontier conflict-it is a regular,
massive attack on India.

... presidential assurance

View 'Trap'
In Gestures
By Russians
Khrushchev May Halt
All USSR Detonations
GENEVA (M)-The United States
and Britain sought yesterday to
dismantle a trap they believe Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev is pre-
paring for the West on the nuclear
test ban issue.
United States Ambassador Ar-
thur H. Dean said the West expects
Khrushchev to announce an end
of all Soviet testing on his own
initiative, regardless of what the
other atomic powers do.
Dean told the 17-nation disarm-
ament conference such a move was
foreshadowed by the Soviet Un-
ion's determination to frustrate
all attempts to negotiate a mean-
ingful test ban treaty.
He saw the whole Soviet design
as an involved effort "to maneu-
ver the West in every possible way
into some sort of uninspected, un-
controlled moratorium arrange-
In coordinated speeches, Dean
and acting British delegation head
Sir Michael Wright reminded the
conference that the Russians were
unwilling to negotiate a treaty on
any of the compromise alternatives
still open.
The ,United States and Britain
would find themselves on the de-
fensive before world public opin-
ion if Khrushchev halted all Rus-
sian tests. The Soviet leader might
even present this as Moscow's
yuletide present to the world.
Khrushchev also could claim a
Soviet test halt matches the spirit
of a United Nations resolution call-
ing for an end to all nuclear blasts
by Jan. 1.

Cuba Spy
Over U.S.'
House Press Secretary Pierre Sal-
inger emphatically denied yester-
day reports that Cuban or So-
viet reconnaissance planes have
flown over the southeastern Unit-
ed States.
So did AirForce Chief of Staff
Gen. Curtis E. Lemay.
A newspaper executive said the
reports are true and came from
high administration sources.
Salinger touched off the ex-
change in a speech Tuesday night
at a Pittsburgh journalism awards
dinner. He criticized what he call-
ed irresponsibility in news report-
ing and cited a story carried by
the Scripps Howard newspaper
chain last week.
That story reported that Soviet
planes had been over the south-
eastern corner of the nation.
Lemay declared, "There have
been no overflights of Southeast
United States territory by either
Soviet or Cuban air force aircraft.
"The only aircraft from Cuba
which have appeared over United
States territory have been small
aircraft flown by defectors who
landed in the United States."
He added that each of these
small plane flights has been an-
nounced previously.
Rumors ofrRussian overflights
have been circulating for weeks
and have been brought into the
open by Senator Strom Thurmond,
(D-S.C.), and John Tower, (R-
Tex.), among other members of
Denies Order
On Admission
NEW ORLEANS (P) - United
States District Judge Frank B. El-
lis ruled yesterday Tulane Univer-
sity, as a private institution, can-
not be forced to admit Negroes.
He opened the way, however, for
the university to accept Negroes
voluntarily, saying that no state
act could force racial discrimina-
tion in private affairs.
The judge noted that the Tulane
Board of Administrators had said
it would admit Negroes "if it were
permissable to do so."

In the recent Alabama election,
veteran Senator Lister Hill (D)
had a hard time securing victory
over his segregationist, Republi-
can opponent.
This has been called one symp-
tom of a new Republican revival
in the so-called Solid South and
a definite breakthrough for the
Republican party in its efforts to
establish a two-party system in
that area.
Industrial Enterprises
Recently there has been an in-
flux into the South of more indus-
trial and commercial enterprises
and an expansion in urbanization.
Along with the growth and urban-
ization there has been more poli-
tical activity within the South
and deviation from the typical
mores of the society, Prof. Eugene
Feingold of the political science
department says.
With this increased activity more
Southern corporation executives
have begun to participate in poli-
tics. Now, he declared, it is also

To Official
WASHINGTON (P) - President
John P. Kennedy has written a
letter assuring United Nations Am-
bassador Adlai E. Stevenson that
he has the President's "fullest con-
fidence and best wishes."
The letter to Stevenson was an
obvious effort to scotch continuing
reports of administration dissatis-
faction with Stevenson.
Retain Aide
It left no doubt that Kennedy
intends to retain Stevenson in the
post and it credited Stevenson with
an active part in formulating pol-
icy which Kennedy said resulted
in eliminating "the nuclear men-
ace from Cuba."
The flurry over Stevenson's role
in the Cuban crisis and his possi-
ble future developed after an ar-
ticle appeared in the Saturday Eve-
ning Post, co-authored by one of
Kennedy's close personal friends,
Charles Bartlett. It pictured Stev-
enson as having advocated a soft
line in the crisis.
Stevenson denounced the article
He said that he had approved
the United States naval blockade
of Cuba at least three days before
the United States invoked it.
Reflect Views
Stevenson denied that the ar-
ticle reflected his views on the
Cuban crisis.
"It charges," Stevenson contin-
ued, "that I opposed the Presi-
dent's policy on Cuba, and that I
was the only one to dissent from
the consensus of the President's
advisers. To put it mildly, this is

GOP Scores South Gains

"respectable" to be a Republican
in the South.
The conservatism of the Repub-
licans often puts them to the right
of the Democrats. "The Republi-
can party must decide if it will be
the party of Abraham Lincoln and
confine itself to conservatice so-
cio-economic'ideas and civil rights,
a more liberal party than the Dem-
ocrats or a party which 'out seg-
regates' the Democrats," he added.
In choosing to "out segregate,"
the Republicans are thinking of
the short term, Prof. Feingold add-
ed. To them it seems more ad-
vantageous to win the elections
now than to become the more lib-.
eral party and gain Negro votes
"Until more Negroes get the vote
it will be a choice between two
segregationist parties," he com-
Little Support
The Southern Republicans may
find that their candidates do not1
receive complete national support
at party conventions, however,
Prof. Feingold added. The nation-
al party historically has chosen the

.predict Slight Changes
In Congressional Stands
The newly-elected 88th Congress has not been changed drastical-
ly in its composition and therefore, President John F. Kennedy's
chances for passing important legislation have not altered, three Uni-
versity political science professors agreed.
"There was no massive repudiation of Kennedy's program in
this past election. Democratic losses in Congress were marginal and
showed at least a mild endorsement of the President's administra-
tion," Prof. Norman Thomas of__ __
the political science department
Kennedy's chances will probably
be slightly strengthened although
the Democratic party did not gain 4
some expected seats, Prof. John - ";
White of the political science de- u
partment noted.
Active Supporters ...,s
Some of the Democrats who lost
in the election didn't actively sup- MIN
port Kennedy during their terms . ..
in Congress, White continued, and
some of the newly-elected Demo-
c r a t i c congressmen, especially
from California, will probably be
strong supporters.
The Democrats retained their
control of the Senate, meaning
therewill be no changes in the
chairmanships of the 16 standing
committees which originate legis-
lation. Thus nine of the most im-
portant committees will remain
under the chairmanship of South- PROF. JOHN WHITE
erners, most of them conservatives, .. . few changes
Prof. Thomas said.
The composition of the commit- SHIPPED OUT:
tees is important to the legislative
process because in most cases, aN
bill stands no chance unless it firstp ote Planes
wins committee approval. It is the
committees which conduct the eT
hearings and compile the record eave Cuba,
needed to support passage of a
measure, he noted. Beat Deadlne
Seniority Rules
"The election won't have much
effect because of congressional WASHINGTON (M-The Soviets
seniority rules which assure that are shipping their bombers out of
the chairmen of committees will Cuba at a rate which should re-
remain about the same," Prof. move them all well in advance of
George Grassmuck of the political the Dec. 20 target date, informed
science department said.
Prof. Thomas declared that in sources reported last night.
general, the fate of "New Fron- It was understood also that Rus-
tier" proposals seem at least as sia has told the United States it
promising as in the past Congress. had more than 40 of the IL-28 jet
"Kennedy will have to fight for craft in Cuba. The exact figure
whatever he gets from this Con- given by the Soviets was not dis-
gress," Prof. White explained, "be- closed. The number originally es-
cause the conservative coalition timated by United States intelli-
still exists and still has a majority gence to have been in Cuba has
there." been reported as 30 to 35.

more liberal of two candidates
when it had a choice between a
conservative and liberal. For ex-
ample, it chose Eisenhower over
Taft in 1952, he explained.
Prof. Feingold noted, however,
that when the Negro vote be-
comes more important extreme
segregationist stands were some-
times moderated. Sen. Herman
Talmadge (D-Ga), for example,
has begun to moderate his views
somewhat in view of the increased
importance of the urban Negro
vote in Atlanta. He is, though, still
a segregationist.
Labor Vote
The labor vote in the South may
also affect Republican plans. Prof.
Feingold explained that there is
not much organized labor in the
area and organized labor as a
movement is often weak. The po-
sition on integration of national
unions plays a part in this. Em-
ployers often point to the integra-
tion policies in discouraging work-
ers to join unions.
While the Northern labor vote
fusually goes to the Democrats,
Southern labor is usually segrega-
tionist and often very strongly so
than other segments of the popu-
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World News Roundup
By The Associated Press state, the Cuban government has
WASHINGTON - An unexpect- nationalized all clothing, shoe and
ed increase among job-hunting hardware stores. Rationing of
teen-agers sent the nation's un- these items is expected to follow.
employment rate in November * * *
back up to its highest point of CHICAGO-Relatively unknown
1962. The labor department an- band leader Bernard Richards
nounced that unemployment in- sounded taps today to James C.
creased by about 500,000 to 3.8 Petrillo's 40-year unbroken ten-
Million, some 150,000 more than ure as president of the Chicago
seasonally expected. Federation of Musicians.
S ** * *
ROME-Moscow-line Commun- NASHVILLE-A slender young
ists stripped the camouflage from man walked calmly into Teamster
their dispute with Peking yester- President James R. Hoffa's con-
dyand openly lamnbasted the spiracy trial yesterday, whipped
Chinese Reds. The switch came at an air pistol from beneath his tan
the Italian Communist Party C -trench coat and fired point-blank
Con- at him. Hoffa was unhurt.
gress.* * *
* * *
WASHINGTON -- The govern- SIOUX FALLS - D e m o c r a t
ment is investigating local radio George McGovern former con-
station handling of the violence- gressman and official in the Ken-
marked University of Mississippi nedy administration, yesterday
.desegregation crisis, that may was conceded victory in the United
have led to violence, a Federal States Senate race by his Republi-
Communications Commission offi- can rival, Sen. Joe Bottum'
cial said yesterday. * * *
cia siyADDIS ABABA-Ethiopia yes-
* * * terday joined the roll of African
WASHINGTON -- On the nations declaring Sen. Allen J.
strength of an unexpected rise E l1 e n d e r (D-Ga.). unwelcome.
since midyear, industries' spend- Uganda and Tanganyika previous-
ing for new plant and equipment ly had barred him. Ellender had
in 1962 is breaking the 37-billion questioned the ability of Africans
record set in 1957, the government to rule themselves.
announced yesterday. The increase * *
is not spectacular, however, and L O N D O N - A choking smog
the investment plans reported by tightened an icy grip on London
business firms across the country last night and 200 hospitals were
indicate a levelling-off this quar- told to stand by for a major dis-
ter and a slight decline in early aster.
1963. The weather bureau said a sul-
phurous pall was as thick and pol-
HAVANA - Pressing its relent- luted as the great killer smog
less march toward the announced which caused at least 4,000 deaths
goal of setting up a Communist exactly 10 years ago.
NEW YORK - Stock Market
trading was heaviest in six weeks
CGyesterday. The 30 industrials were
'00' up 2.51, 20 railroads up .09, 15
utilities down .15 and 65 stocks
thPG Q Pi' /, up .34.

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