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December 06, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-06

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Martin Refutes Need
For New State Plan

$- !

"Must both houses be appor-
tioned on a strict population bas-
is?" Republican National Com-.
mitteeman from Michigan John
B. Martin, recently asked.
Martin, speaking on "Reappor-
tionment and the E x e c u t i v e
Branch," was sponsored by the
Union Special Projects Committee.
"The idea of one-man-one-vote
he s historically not been the policy
on which the states were set up,"
he said., "There is no legal or his-
torical justification for this posi-
Forty Per Cent Required
Martin claimed that the reap-
portionment, plan set up by the
Cc nstitutional Convention would
make Michigan one of only seven
states in which at least 40 per cent
of the population is required to
elect a majority of the legislature.
The present figure for the state is
23 per cent.
The proposed constitution cre-
ates an eight-member reappor-
tionment Commission. If there is
deadlock on the Commission, plans
being considered may be submit-
ted to the State Supreme Court for
decision. At present,mtheustate
legislature is given the task of re-
apportioning itself.
Martin said that opposition to
this point in the constitution
"seems to benbased on a theory
that the courts will give them a
better deal than the formula."
Explains Changes
As chairman of the convention
committee of the e x e c u t i v e
branch, Martin explained that
proposed changes include a four-
year term for the governor and
senators, appointment of many
Elect Officers'
To 'U Board
Wayne E. Shawmaker of Toledo,
has been elected chairman of the
University Alumni Board. He will
assume his one-year term on
Jan. 1.
Mrs. Marcus E. Cunningham of
Bloomfield Hills, will be the new
vice-chairman; Mrs. Robert Lang-
ford of Ann Arbor, has been re-
elected secretary; and Vice-Presi-
dent for Business, and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont has been elect-
ed treasurer.
Funds collected amounting to
$610,000 last year, by the board
are used to support the Univer-
sity's distinguished faculty awards,
scholarships and other adminis-
trative needs.
Flames Strike
Parking Structure
The Ann Arbor Fire Department
reported no damage resulted from
a fire yesterday afternoon at the
Thompson St. parking structure.
The fire department speculated
that the fire was caused by a high-
ly flammable sealcoat being used
on the concrete floors. The coating
caight fire in several places and
was extinguished.

members of the Administrative
Board, and the placing of over 120
state agencies into 20 principal de-
In the proposed constitution,
committees are generally set up on
a bi-partisan basis, an equal num-
ber of seats going to each party,
Martin explained.
Martin termed the Civil Rights
Commission set up by the conven-
tion "the only self-sustaining Civil
Rights Commission with constitu-
tional status" in the nation. He
said that Negro delegates who vot-
ed against the constitution for
various other reasons "must have
done so with considerable unhap-
"The fact of Gov.-elect George
Romney's election may be an indi-
cation of the trend of the voters,"
Martin said. Because of this, and
the support from many groups
considered nonpartisan or citizen
groups, chances for passage of the
proposed constitution are good, he
The Literary College Steering
Committee will hold an open
meeting from 4 to 6 p.m. today in
the first floor conference room of
Angell Hall to interview students
who have petitioned for positions
on the organization.
"After the Fire" by August
Strindberg will be the fourth Lab-
oratory Playbill production by the
University speech department. The
play will be presented at 4:10 p.m.
today in the Arena Theatre, Frieze
Lighting.. .
John B. Flynn, '54A&D, will give
an illustrated lecture on architec-
tural lighting at 3 p.m. today in
the Architecture Aud.
College recruiting.
The Bureau of Industrial Re-
lations is sponsoring a seminar on
"Effective College Recruiting and
Interviewing" today and tomorrow
in the Third Floor Conference Rm.
of the Michigan Union. Prof.
George S. Odiorne of the business
school and Arthur S. Hann, direc-
tor of placement of the business
school, will be the principal speak-
ers in a program designed for vis-
iting interviewers from industry.
Launch vehicles*...
Prof. Richard B. Morrison, on
leave from the aeronautical en-
gineering department to serve as
the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration's director of'
launch vehicles, will discuss "The
Future of Launch Vehicles" at 8
p.m. today in Rackham Amph.
Arabic Films ..*.
The Arab Club is sponsoring an
Arabic film with English subtitles
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Amph.

Cites Move
To Damage
Voter Drive
Chairman of the Student Non-
Violent Co-ordinating Committee,
Charles McDew said recently he
feels the discontinuation of the
surplus food commodity program
in Lefiore County, Miss., "was
definitely done to stop the voter
registration drive."
Just before Thanksgiving the
Leflore County Board of Super-
visors by a vote of 40-29 decided
that the program, which provides
food for more than 22,000 work-
ers, most of them Negro, was no
longer economically practical. The
cost of continuing htis program
comes to about $4,150 or less than
19 cents per month per person for
the food.
The editor of the Jackson Daily
News in an editorial on the Board's
action said, "We don't believe that
almost 50 per cent of the popula-
tion of Lefiore County is entitled
to nibbling at the public trough.,"
Editorial Reply
In reply to this an editorial ap-
peared in the Mississippi Free
Press, pointing out that "while it
was profitable to have the 'mooch-
ers' work in the fields, it was ac-
ceptable to allow them to have
surplus food, but with machinery
displacing hand labor, the 'mooch-
ers' must go-especially since they
are becoming interested in regis-
tering to vote," the editorial add-
Meanwhile, 22,000 people who
normally depend on the surplus
program to continue eating are
faced with a serious problem. They
are almost all transients moving
from place to place in search of
work, and do not earn enough
money during the short chopping
ind picking season to pay for
food during the winter.
Organize Drive
Friends of SNCC, a newly or-
ganized group at the University,
which will be up for recognition as
an ad hoc group at Student Gov-
ernment Council tonight, is plan-
ning to organize a food and money
drive to help SNCC in its work.
Chairman of Friends of SNCC,
Martha Prescod, '65, said the or-
ganization is planning to publish
a newsletter about the situation
within the next few days.
There will also be information
distributed to the Ann Arbor com-
munity and to faculty. Each dor-
mitory will have representatives
to accept contributions.
SNCC was organized two years
ago and has been dealing primarily
with the issue of voter registration
in the South.
The University's "free" aca-
demic climate apparently in-
spired a former University stu-
dent yesterday and he severed
his connections, at least tem-
porarily, with the state institu-
tion presently concerned with
James J. Minder, Jr., until
yesterday an inmate at the
Michigan Reformatory at Ionia,
escaped from his guards yes-
terday at the Frieze Bldg.,
where he and the other mem-
bers of the reformatory debate
team were scheduled to debate
a team from the social work
Minder, who committed a
series of armed robberies while
a student here, stole a car from
a neighboring parking lot and
is presumed to have left his
alma mater once again.

SDS Holds Conference
On Areas of Discon tent

Special To The Daily
CAMBRIDGE-The need to see
the "areas of discontent" within
broader political issues was the
theme for the Eastern Regional
Meeting of the Students for a
Democratic Society here last
Several University s t u d e n t s
travelled to Cambridge, two of
whomaddressed the conference of
approximately 70 SDS members
from the Boston area.
Paul Potter, Grad., painted out
that as the American "establish-
ment" widens it absorbs those sec-
tors of society that are tradition-
ally areas of dissent: labor, edu-
cation and even business'
Stifling of Conflict
The frightening aspect of this
absorption, former Daily editor
Thomas Hayden, Grad., main-
tained, is the stifling of conflict.
At many points in our life, he
said, such as adolescence, a person
needs to challenge his society to
achieve self-definition.
Without open conflict, Hayden
continued, the problem may be
merely taken care of, not solved.
It is then internalized.
"Pretend mechanisms" such as
student government, he noted,
take care of protesting students
but don't solve their complaints.
Discuss Cuban Demonstration
The Ann Arbor Cuban demon-
stration was discussed. While it

A recent African report of evi-r
dence linking at least one form of
cancer with an insect-transmitted
virus brought the verdict of "not
proved" from Prof. Francis E.
Payne of the public health school.
The disease in question, known
as a malignant lymphoma, en-
larges one or more parts of the
body, especially the jaws. The tu-
morous growth spreads so quickly
that facial features may be en-
gulfed ina spherical mass of tis-
sue in about two months, until
the face becomes scarcely distin-
guishable from the back of the
head. Only two cases are known
to have been cured thus far.
There is a possible relationship
between cancer and viruses, Prof.
Payne remarked. However, it must
for the present be noted only as a
possibility, he continued.
Geographical Areas
He referred to the coincidence
of the geographical distribution of
the disease with that of yellow
fever, a virus-caused disease
known to be transmitted by mos-
quitoes. Prof. Payne said that in
terms of a specific virus this is
suggestive of a possible connection
between it and cancer.
Prof. Payne explained that re-
search in this field at the Uni-
versity is currently being con-
ducted with various cancerous
growths, but malignant lymphoma
is not among them. In none of
these studies has any evidence,
been found which would conclu-
sively link cancer to a virus in
However, it is a generally-ac-

Payne RejectsCancerTheory

... attends conference

cepted fact in biological research
that a large number of tumors in
other animals have been traced to
viruses and it is quite probable;
that some are in humans as well,
Prof. Payne added.
Find No Association
To establish a true connection
between cancer and a virus, Prof.
Payne said, the virus would have
Hold Talks
(Continued from Page 1)
University, are still enrolled in
the graduate school. It is expected
that an enrollment deposit would
give an idea of the future grad-
uate student population each se-
GSC and the executive board
also reviewed a report and survey
conducted last spring to deter-
mine staff members' attitude on
graduate foreign language require-
ments. The survey indicated that
in general, the faculty is in favor
of students' having reading knowl-
edge in at least two foreign lan-
guages, and recommended that a
department should have the right
to require a third language of its
graduate students.
This survey led to a decision
which permits each graduate de-
partment to require proficiency
in as many as three-French,
German, and/or Russian - lan-
guages. Thus far, no department
has implemented such a policy, al-
though there has been additional
stress on Russian as the second
language, rather than French and
GSC questioned certain aspects
of the language requirement in-
and the rationality of what in
cluding examination procedure
many instances is a superficial-
reading-knowledge of one or two
languages as an aid to higher edu-

to be isolated and an association
between it and the disease proven.
He pointed out that no such as-
sociation has as yet been reported
by the African researchers.
In Africa, the disease is com-
monplace, as are other equally
disfiguring ones, so that only a
small proportion are noticed at the
jungle clinics. Prof. Payne ex-
plained that the malignant lymph-
oma is as common among African
children as leukemia is in the
United States.
The African researchers empha-
size that the cancer is not a dis-
ease of Africans but rather one
which is endemic in certain local-
ized parts of Africa.
Start Council
To Aid Growth
Thirteen local businessmen have
announced the incorporation of
the Ann Arbor Development Coun-
cil, a non-profit corporation which
will. aid commercial developers a
purchasing land.
The council will consolidate
small land parcels into larger ones
by obtaining option or ground
leases on the small holdings.
Although the Chamber of Com-
merce played a large role in the
council's formation, the council
will function, as an independent
organization that will be able to
deal effectively with any land ac-
quisition problems.
Options on land will not be
sought by the council until a firm
has a definite interest in locating
in the city.
Then, operating as a local group,
the council will try to acquire the
land without paying the inflation-
ary land costs usually prevalent
known for a given area.
A spokesman for the council
said, "Firms planning to move
into Ann Arbor will only have to
deal with the development council.
We will take care of the 'leg work'
for them."


. i

brought attention to the protest-
ing group, it was felt the peace
group lost an opportunity to show
the real scope of their program.
The National Council Meeting
of the SDS will take place in Ann
Arbor Dec. 27-31. About 100 are
expected to take part in policy
interpretation and program imple-
mentation for the coming year.
SDS is one of the many student
movement groups that arose
within the past few years.

Sees Growing Interest in U.S.



The French, in the increasing
interest they presently show for
American literature, are attracted
by a profound sensitivity, a sin-
cerity and a freshness they do not
find in their own literature, Rene
Allewaert, cultural attache of the
French embassy in Chicago, said
in a recent lecture.
Speaking in French, Allewaert
cited growing French interest in
authors like Steinbeck, Faulkner,
and Hemingway, and traced it to
the understanding these men
brought to the situation of man
in society.
The cold realism of a Flaubert,
and the detailed descriptions of a
Zola made for a beautiful page of
writing, Allewaert said, but be-
tween the language and the
Frenchman, there was a large gap.
Objective Picture
The French, particularly inter-
ested in the novel form as op-
posed to poetry and criticism
are intrigued by the ability of a
Steinbeck, for example, to paint an
objective picture of his own na-
tion. Of course, the country in it-
self holds a great attraction for
a French reader.
Allewaert contrasted the French
and American educational systems
to mark the corresponding differ-
ence in the literature of the two
nations. In the former, the cul-
tural attache sees a preoccupation
with classic perfection and form.
In the other, there is a newer ap-
proach that sets the child out on
a path of discovery.
Increased Awareness
Tracing the development of in-
creased French awareness in this
area, the attache noted that
though Steinbeck, Faulkner, and
Hemingway are France's favorite
American writers today, American
literature, in the 1930's owed its

reputation to Poe, and later to
The increasing number of trans-
lators was another factor in the
increasingly wide circulation of
American books. These books were
specified as being "translated from
the American." The distinction
had its significance: "one had the
feeling he was reading something
in a class of its own, a book which

reflected the morals of a nation
different from England."
The work of the United States
Information Service, with two
American libraries in Paris, for
example, "where one feels like
he is taking a little trip to the
United States, as he reads in
typically comfortable American
surroundings," helps promote
French interest

Dial 2-6264


Labor Group To Study
New Nations' Problems

Now ! 1:20-3:45-6:20 & 8:55
Feature Starts
10 Minutes Later
"Everyone in the Ann Arbor area wants to find out
whatever happened to baby Jane. Why don't
you? The most talked about picture for 1962"
HONORED as the picture to inaugurate the
Bette Davis and Joan Crford

A two-day labor union confer-
ence on "Our Changing World"
will begin today at the Michigan
Union with a noon luncheon and
an afternoon session devoted to
"The Emerging Nations."
Taking part in this session will
be former Prof. Samuel P. Hayes,
president of the Foreign Policy
Association; Saul K. Padover of
the New School for Social Re-
search, and Vera Micheles Dean of
Columbia University. Prof. Dean
has written about the emerging
nations for the controversial Lib-
eral Project of several Congress-
At dinner tonight, chairman of
the Post-War World Council Nor-
man Thomas, will speak on "The
Role of the United Nations in Our
Changing World."
"The Challenge of Capitalism"
will be examined at 9:30 a.m. to-
morrow by Adolf Sturmthal of the
University of Illinois.
Prof. Kenneth Boulding will
chair a discussion of "The Demo-
cratic Answer" at 2 p.m. tomor-
row. Participating will be Jaime

Benitez, chancellor of the Uni-
versity of Puerto Rico; G.S. Krish-
na Moorthi, minister for econom-
ic3 of the Indian Embassy at
Washington; and Aminu Kano of
both the Nigerian parliament and
the Nigerian UN delegation.
Power Failure
Hits Buildings
University buildings in the May-
nard-South State St. area suf-
fered a total electric power failure
between 1:45 and 1:50 p.m. yes-
terday. In the Student Publica-
tions Bldg., the rarely silent AP
teletype was stilled, while South
and West Quadrangle residents
sat in total darkness for five mii-
utes. Electric typewriters stopped
in the SAB and switchboard op-
erators in the Michigan Union
worked by candlelight. The Ad-
ministration Bldg., was not affect-
ed by the failure.


Shows at
7 and 9 P.M.

1 o



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The Daily Bulletin is an official
publication of the University of
Michigan for which The Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564
Administration Building before 2
p.m. two days preceding publication.
Day Calendar
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-Office of Civil
Defense and Mobilization, Department
of Defense, Fallout Protection and De-
sign Workshops.
Perforaing Nghty ... THE 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.-Bureau of In-
dustrial Relations Seminar No. 69-Dr.
arc mi (E /. Jqif "V George S. Odiorne, Prof. of Industrial
Throgh .U GALLERY Relations and Director, Bureau of In-
"17600 Jas.x dustrial Relations, Graduate School of
aPhone 864 9907 Business Admin.; and Arthur S. Hann,
AdccsixiWe1dyt.5,mt .4a0,a~o.-35 Director of Placement, Grad School of
Wr of leading AmricanartistsBusiness Admin., "Effective College Re-
cruiting and Interviewing": 3rd Floor

. I



Conference Rm., Michigan Union.
12:00 noon-Institute of Labor and
Industrial Relations Conference on "Our
Changing World"-Lunch: Mich. Un-
ion; Afternoon Session, "The Emerging
Nations," 1:30-5:00; Dinner, "The Role
of the United Nations in Our Changing
World," 6:30.
7:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild-John Gil-
bert Renee Adoree, and Karl Dane in
"The Big Parade": Architecture Aud.
8:00 p.m.-Opera Dept., School of Mu-
sic, Laboratory Opera-"Carmen": Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.
1:30 p.m.--"Our Changing World
Conference-Co-sponsored by the Insti-
tute of Labor & Industrial Relations.
Afternoon speakers: Samuel P. Hayes,
Pres., Foreign Policy Assoc.; Saul K.
Padover, New Schol of Social Research;
Vera M. Dean, Columbia Univ.
7:30 p.m.-Evening Speaker: Norman
Thomas, Chairman, Post-War World
Council. 3rd Floor, Mich. Union.
6:30 p.m.-American Nuclear Society
Dinner Meeting-Dinner at Michigan
Union, Meeting at 8:00. Speaker - Dr.
Henry Hurwitz, Manager Nucleonics and
Radiation Section, General Electric Re-
search Laboratories, Schenectady, N.Y.
3:00 p.m-Lecture-John Flynne, G.E.
Research Lighting Center, Nela Park,
Cleveland, will speak on "Architectural
Lighting." Sponsored by the Dept. of
Architecture. This will be held in the
Architecture Aud.


-aas i A 'WD'

The Faculty Seminar on Economic De-
velopment will meet in Rm. 301, Eco-
nomics Bldg., Dec. 6, from 4 to 6 p.m.
The speaker will be Dr. Dudley Seers,
Visiting Prof. at Yale, formerly of the
(Continued on Page 5)

I -

_ ml

DIAL 5-6290
Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9:05 P.M.
All about Young Love,
Modern Marriage, and
a tenderly hilarious
Ka NN~l I aH M

Thursday and Friday
There will be only one showing
each, night at 7:00
John Gilbert, Renee Adoree, Karl Dane,
King Vidor's panorama of American participation in
World War I, the most ambitious and one of the
most successful of all war films. ,
__Saturday and Sunday-
at 7:00 and 9:20
Lawrence Olivier, Robert Newton



See the
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
production of

Not since Birth of a Nation
(1914) had war been dealt with'
nnc r - n Pingelp T act.

ation of what Dwight McDonald
calls the "super-super movie of
the Great War," and a subtle












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