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December 06, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-06

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Lilt A6

:43 a 40

Colder with a possible
2-4 inches accumulation

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


GSC, Board Meet
To Air Problems
Session Studies Graduate Role,
'Burden' of Recent Tuition Hike
The Graduate Student Council and the graduate school execu-
tive board yesterday held their yearly joint session, at which they
examined relevant problem areas including the current hassle be-
tween GSC and Student Government Council over ex-officio repre-
sentation; the tuition increase; and foreign language requirements.
GSC President Edwin Sasaki, Grad., briefly explained the ra-
tionale for graduate students having an ex-officio representative
tin campus-wide student govern-

Name Arms Control Snpeakers


... meets GSC

Cites Issue
NEW YORK (;)-Gov. Nelson
A. Rockefeller said yesterday the
nation has been falling/ far short
of its economic objectives under
the Kennedy administration.
He hit at what he called "the
gap between goal and perform-
Rockefeller, a potential contend-
er for the 1964 Republican presi-
dential nomination, took up na-
tional issues in his first major
speech since his re-election last
'Armband Labels'
The governor, sometimes called
a liberal, though he has disclaimed
"armband labels," sounded a con-
servative note fiscally in address-
ing the National Association of
He hit at "massive government
spending." He called for "elimina-
tion of waste in government" and
"more businesslike management of
government affairs" and opposed
shorter work hours without a com-
parable increase in productivity.
Rockefeller opened his speech
by recalling that President John F.
Kennedy at Yale University last
June suggested a serious dialogue
of the kind that led in Europe to
"unrivaled economic progress"
through "fruitful collaboration
among all the elements of econom-
ic society."
Administrative Dialogue
Rockefeller said he wanted to
join the dialogue as governor of
a large industrial state and head
of an administration that promot-
ed such collaboration and achieved
economic progress through "res-
toration of fiscal integrity" and a
climate favorable to private enter-
Rockefeller said Kennedy set
forth his administration's econom-
ic objectives by declaring at De-
troit in 1960 that the nation must
grow at the rate of 5 per cent a
Capability Range
Remarking that Kennedy sub-
sequently held that a yearly
growth rate of 41/ per cent was
"well within our capability," the
governor said, "I applaud these
goals, but it is plain that the
methods used to achieve them have
been lacking, as we have been fall-
ing far short of achieving them as
a nation."
Ross To Direct
USNSA Region
Student Government Council
member Robert Ross, '63, has as-
sumed the chairmanship of the
Michigan region of the United
States National Studient Associa-

ment, and reviewed in part GSC's
policy concerning future dealings
with SGC.
Sasaki noted that during the
past five years, GSC has attempt-
ed to induce SGC into adding the
graduate ex-officio since "the
graduate students are excluded
from SGC, although a portion of
their student fees goes to Student
Government Council. SCC has cer-
tain powers over student bodies--
including several graduate organ-
izations - and in view of these
facts, we feel it would be good for
graduates to also have representa-
tion," Sasaki said.
"We officially are recommending
that SGC reorganize its structure,"
Sasaki added.
Tuition Hike
Michael B. Rosen, Grad., chair-
man of the GSC Committee on
Graduate Affairs, reported on the
committee's findings on the tui-
tion increase which went into ef-
fect this semester.
"Thekannouncement - or, rath-
er, lack thereof - of a fee raise
was a great burden on many grad-
uate students. Some people feel
the University still thinks students
are livings at home," and hence
have an unlimited source of tui-
tion funds.
But, many are working, and th(
increase in tuition-particularly
for out-of-state students who were
not notified of the hike during
the summer-proved to be a prob-
lem, Rosen said.-
Rising Costs
While the GSC committee real-
izes the fee increases were neces-
sary, and that in determining thej
tuition rates the position and
feelings of the Legislature must
be taken into account, it is con-t
cerned that constantly rising costs
will be a detriment to the Univer-
sity in the long run, since manyt
good students will not be able tok
afford costs here, he added.-
Vice-President for Research andt
dean of the graduate school Ralpht
A. Sawyer, noted that out-of-state
students had not been notified oft
the increase because the Legisla-
ture and Regents did not act ont
the University's budget until afterf
compencement. The graduatef
school did advise newly-enrolled
graduate students living in state,
about the fee increase.
Sawyer said it is likely the en-j
rollment deposit which undergrad-
uate units demand will also beC
required of graduate students by
the end of the current academicr
He added that currently, some
19,000 graduate students, not cur-;
rently enrolled in courses at the]
See GSC, Page 2

SPEAKERS - Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn) and UAW
President Walter P. Reuther are among the speakers who will
address the Conference on Arms Control here in two weeks.
Kuhns Cite Soviet Threat
In Chinese Military Moves
Ferdinand and Delia Kuhn noted Chinese avoidance of a Soviet
clash in its military decisions in the "India-China collision" yester-
day in a lecture sponsored by the journalism department.
"Sakkhim, by all rational standards, was the place which they
should have chosen as their route into India for their attack," Mrs.
Kuhn noted. Citing Sikkhim's easy accessibility when compared -to
the other Himalayan border re-

Set Joint
Space Work
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion announced agreement here
yesterday to cooperate in using
artificial earth satellites in com-
munication, weather forecasting
and mapping the world's magnetic
The agreement provides that: 1)
In 1963-64, the Soviet Union and
the United States will experiment
with weather satellites and work
out communication links for the
transfer of information gathered
by them; in 1964-65, there will be
'coordinated launchings by the
two nations of a system of opera-
tion weather satellites;
2) From mid-1964 to mid-1965,
the period called the International
Year of the Quiet Sun, each coun-
try will launch a satellite to gath-
er data for a map of the magnetic
field of the earth; and
3) In 1962-63, the two countries
"agree to cooperate in experiments
on communication by means of the
United States satellite 'Echo A-12'
They also agree to hold meetings
on "the working out with other
nations of a project for an experi-
mental global system of space
No mention was made in the
agreement of the United States
launching last July of the Telstar

gions, she stated that the prov-
ince's relatively fiat surface geog-
raphy would make it seem a very
likely place for the Chinese toat-
tack, rather than trying to run
supply lines and transport troops
over the 16,000-foot peaks of the
"It has been used for centuries
by pilgrims and caravans because
it was the easiest place to trans-
port any type of vehicles and
people. The mystery is why the
Chinese did not choose this as
their attacking point," Mrs. Kuhn
Actual Attack
Kuhn noted that their actual
attack through Ladakh was ex-
tremely important. "This area of
India is dreadfully close to the
Soviet Union and is the only in-
surance for the Chinese that theiri
Sin Jong region would not be con-,
fiscated at a moment's notice," he
"The Chinese also probably felt
a little safer in attacking here
since they had previously built an
entire road through the province
without the Indians ever becom-
ing aware of it," he added.
Pointing to history, Kuhn stat-
ed that he thought that the rea-
son the Chinese had attacked
through the Northeast Frontier
Agency (NEFA) area was because,
several years earlier, the Chinese
had permitted the Dalai Lama of
Tibet to escape through that very
same area. The Chinese have never
forgiven the Indians for that, he
Asian Jealousy
Kuhn noted that one of the
reasons the Chinese may have had
for attacking at all right now was
that they are "jealous of India and
of Nehru for their influence among
other Asian nations." This is false,
he said, and only shows how badly
the Chinese have misinterpreted
India's role in international affairs.
The holdouts, such as the Shans
of Burma, the Moros of the Phil-
ippines and the Kurds of the
Middle East, do want two aspects
of Westernization, the Kuhns
First, they desire public health
measures. "No holdout wants his,
baby to die of a disease that can
be prevented," Mrs. Kuhn com-
Second, education is wanted.
Like other people of Asia, they be-
lieve that there is some kind of
magic in it, the couple said. "Inde-
pendent of the vocational aspects,
education is a status symbol in

Among the featured speakers in
the upcoming International Arms
Control Symposium to be held at
the University Dec. 17-20 will be
Victor Karpov, first secretary of I
the Soviet Embassy, Senator Hu- m(U
bert Humphrey (D-Minn.), and
Walter Reuther, president of the
United Auto Workers, the Univer-
sity announced yesterday.
The conference is being spon-
sored by the University and the
Bendix Systems Division. "
Joseph O. Hansom, Jr., of the
United States Information Agency
policy and plans office, and Reu-
ther will open the conference with
discussions of Arms Control and
Public Information.
General Topics ..
At the major general sessions,
open to the public, the featured
speakers will discuss general topics
and following these sessions asso-
ciated "concurrent technical ses-
sions" will be held for discussions
of related aspects of the major
Featured speakers for the gen-
eral sessions are Karpov talking on
"Arms Control and the USSR,"
Harold Taylor, chairman of Na-
tional Research Council on Peace
Strategy discussing "Arms Control
and Peace" and John T. McNaugh-
ton of the department of defense
explaining "Arms Control and the
Department of Dfense."
At a banquet Dec. 17 Russell D NEW
O'Neil of the Bendix Corp. will and R
discuss "Industry, Society and vice-p
Arms Control" followed by Prof. chosen
Kenneth Boulding of the Center os
for Conflict Resolution who will a conf
talk on "University, Society and
Keynote AddressR e
Presenting a keynote address
Dec. 19 will be William C. Foster, To
director of the United States Arms 10
Control and Disarmament Agency.
Prof. Hans Morgenthau of the
University of Chicago will speak
on "Arms Control and Foreign
Policy" on Dec. 20 and Humphry Stev
will address the final general ses- Council
sion discussing "The Future of Hee
Arms Control." on the s
Among the various participants in a tie.
in the technical sessions are Pro-
fessors J. David Singer of the Coui
Mental Health Research Institute, '65 A&D,
Boulding, Harold Jacobson and defeated
Innis Cluade both of the political in the ra
science department. president
Also participating are Professors back tov
Harold Laswell of Yale University, defeating
Klauss Knorr of Princeton Uni- Stockm
versity and Warner Schilling of close ele
Columbia University and various "reflecte
governmental officers from the the Cou
defense department. the quali
Give Students He sai
enable h
Jail Terms better p
cause of
For Fightin g rsde"t
("5term, ud
for stud
Two University students yester- revision
day were fined $50 each and sen- Study C
tenced to short jail terms for sibility
their parts in the disturbances the authority
night preceding the Michigan Brown
State football game Oct. 13. is a lot o
James Speed, '66E, and Fred- vice-pres
erick Worrell, '66, are currently responsib.
serving terms of two and fiverepsi
days, respectively, for "engaging including
in a disturbance, fight, or quarrel ing com
in a public place," a misdemeanor, more pro
Municipal Judge F rancis srorepr
O'Brien, who presided over the
trial, said that the students tre con
brought clubs back to an area of calen
where they knew there would be meetings
trouble and that three persons
were injured in the fight. Epker
The University aided Speed and to havet
Worrell by giving them a student the exe
loan with which to post bail, di- that beca
rector of student activities and or- surer wa
ganization John Bingley said. It to "work
also recommended legal counsel to the role
the pair. However, they chose to Barnell
defend themselves instead of en- meeting
gaging a lawyer. Point Co

Pike Cites L

-Daily-Ed Arnros
OFFICERS-Steven Stockmeyer (left), Thomas Brown
ussell Epker (right) were elected SGC president, executive
resident and treasurer, respectively. Charles Barnell, newly-
administrative vice-president was at West Point, altending
erence yesterday.
-E lecis Stockneyer
Council Presidency
en Stockmeyer, '63, was re-elected Student Government
president in last night's SGC officer elections.
edged out Administrative Vice President Kenneth Miller, '64,
econd ballot by a 10-8 vote, after the first ballot had ended
Defeat Gilbar
ncil Treasurer Thomas Brown, '63, defeated Gary Gilbar,
, for the post of executive vice-president. Charles Barnell, '63,
Russell Epker, '64BAd., ------

ce for administrative vice-
t; however Epker came
win the post of treasurer,
Howard Abrams, '63.
neyer, commenting on his
ction, said that the vote
d the partisan division of
ncil, and not necessarily
fications of either candi-
Better Position
4 that his re-election will
im "to move SGC into a
osition on campus" be-
his past experience as
. Major concerns this
eadded, will be studies
ent-faculty government;
of the Council's Judiciary
;ommittee; and the pos-
of extension of SGC '
into student rules.
commented that "there
of room for the executive
ident to take over more
iilties of the president,"
supervision of the stand-
mittees to make them
ductive. He intends to in-
a motion in the near fu-
cerning current violations
daring, when unapproved
are held.
Executive Work
said that he was "happy
the privilege to work on
cutive committee," and
ause the role of the trea-
s limited he was planning
as much or more" outside
of treasurer.
1 was absent from the
as he had gone to a West

ouncil Sets Program
or Bias Elimination
1Social, Organizations

Seek Probe
Rep. E. D. O'Brien (D-Detroit)
is seeking an attorney general's
investigation of the operations of
the Arborcrest Cemetery, part of
which the University purchased
for North Campus development.
Several Ann Arbor residents who
have purchased burial rights there
told a joint Legslative committee
on cemeteries that their plots were
not being maintained. Upon buy-
ing burial rights, a customer con-
tributes a "perpetual maintenance
fund" which is supposed to provide
for the upkeep of the grounds.
O'Brien said last night that his
visit to the cemetery indicated that
"the Arborcrest people had not
spent any money on maintenance,
at least this summer."
However, O'Brien denied reports
that the investigation he is ask-
ing would cover a second contro-
versy, this one concerning the
Two owners of Arborcrest burial
plots are suing the University and
Arborcrest's former owner, Roy
Hatten, because Hatten sold 60
acres of the cemetery to the Uni-
versity in 1960. The plaintiffs
claim that the transaction carved
Arborcrest up into a misshapen
and virutally useless tract, de-'
stroying the value of their plots.
The suit contends that the Re-
gents helped Hatten buy the ceme-
tery in 1959.

Group Asks
For Sanction
Of Proposals
Statement Contains
Seven Basic Parts;
Asks Investigation
Student Government Council
last night endorsed proposals for
work in several areas for elimi-
nation of discrimination in affili-
ated groups.
The proposals, submitted by the
Committee on Membership, were
examined by Council members
during a committee of the whole
The membership committee in-
cluded with the proposals a ration-
ale as to why Council approval is
desired at this time: "In light of
recent actions of the Council ...
the committee feels uncertain of
(its) support," the statement read.
The bulk of the Council denied
.this, saying that SGC, rather,
wanted to make sure its position
was totally legal, ethical, and be-
yond reproach.
The Council, in committee of
the whole, approved a motion by
SGC member Robert Ross, '63,
which stated that "Student Gov-
ernment Council notes the receipt
of the Committee on Membership's
memorandum . . . SGC is sympa-
thetic to the committee's desire
of more speed and decisiveness in
the area of membership selection
in student organizations. Council
pledges itself to act with all pos-
sible speed on any case brought
to it by the Committee on Mem-
bership ..
Following this, the Council rose
out of committee of the whole
and formally approved the meas-
ure and the seven-part proposal.
The proposals note that the
1) Will resolve the last case of
clear written discrimination;
2) Present Council a recommen-
dation regarding a fraternity who
has refused to cooperate;
3) Follow-up a case in which.. .
only informal agreement with the
group that it could comply with
SGC's membership regulation was
4) The committee will begin a
detailed investigation of a sor-
ply with SGC's membership regu-
lation seems in question in light
of problems the group is having
on other campuses;
5) Will begin an investigation
of the sorority recommendation
6) Will meet in future with the
Human Relations Board, and
7) Will attempt to establish def-
inite lines of communication with
other universities so that work in
the area of student organization
discrimination could easily be ex-
Army Forces
Threaten Coup
In Argentina
BUENOS AIRES (A')-Two mili-
tary leaders warned last night that
some forces in the army are plan-
ning a coup against the govern-
ment of President Jose Maria Gui-
do, now in the grip of an economic
Secretary of War Gen. Benjamin
Battenbach said in a radio message
to all army garrisons that "some
sectors" are trying "to modify the
structure and objectives of the na-
tional government."
Army Commander in Chief Gen.
Juan Carlos Ongania in a similar

message declared that "displaced
sectors" in the army were "trying
to regain their lost influence, even
at the cost of a coup d'etat."
Ongania led the revolt in the
army last September that drove
out military leaders who had un-
seated President Arturo Frondizi
last March and installed Guido.
Ongania insists his group wants
a return to constitutional rule in

Oriental Rendezvousi

inguistic Method

They cited nationalism as a By STEVEN HALLER
major factor in these regions hold- W
ing out. "Asia has been rushedr With the help of a blackboard
into a new era of rising national- and various gestures, Prof. Ken-
ism. Many different kinds of peo- pntmenty Pike of the ing sticsd o
pses have been pulled together one might learn a totally foreign
s as a rdialect withoutthe aid of an in-
+- ;terpreter.
Recru ts Flood d"If there be any charm in the
Idemonstration you are about to
see, it is similar to that involved
Pe ce Co pswhen a man dives off a 100-foot
'Uc' OrA tower into a six-foot tank of
...r a r- ht ice11 )nTn

Upon the student's responses - cist's ear, a tape recorder proves
both vocal and otherwise - Prof. an invaluable aid, Prof. Pike said.
Pike wrote them on the black- Facial Observation
board in the characters of then
phonetic alphabet,rasedrinterna- Prof. Pike explained further that
tionally by phonemicists to desig- nmany cases he was able to sup-
nate sounds graphically, tpose whether his guess about some
As ne uchwor afer noterword or meaning was correct by
As one such word after another the student's facial expression.
found its way onto the blackboard, Many times the response he re-
Prof. Pike and the student engaged ceived was different from his prior
in further gestures and conversa- expectations, as became evident.
tion, in which Prof. Pike tried when the student laughed and
various combinations of these prof Pike wincei a if stiuck

;.: ,


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