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December 02, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-02

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UN Officials Try
To Soothe Critics
Of, Cong Action
UNITED NATIONS (IP)--The United Nations' top man in the
Congo headed back there yesterday with the reported aim of pushing
a new idea for outside arbitration of deadlocked money disputes be-
tween the Congolese central government and the Katangan seces-
sionist regime.
But little optimism was shown here that the idea would work
Secretary-General U Thant's military adviser went along for the
stated purpose of studying "the future needs" of the United Nations

To Resume Talks over Cuba

U.S. Cites Segregation Patterns

UNITED NATIONS (M)-Soviet First Deputy Premier Anastas I.
Mikoyan's departure from Washington yesterday cleared the way for
shifting Soviet-United States talks on Cuba back to United Nations
But indications were that there was little prospect of quick agree-
ment to clear up the unsettled issues of the fading Cuban crisis.
A spokesman for the United States' U.N. delegation said Soviet
and United States negotiators would meet at that delegation to-
morrow to carry the talks for-

plan tested
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Joseph Chris-
topher O'Mahoney, for 25 years a
Democratic senator from Wyom-
ing, died yesterday at the Naval
Medical Center in suburban Beth-
esda, Md. He was 78.
* * *
CHICAGO - Thirty-two scient-
ists, engineers and technicians
who ushered in the atomic age
gathered at the site of the original
atomic pile on the University of
Chicago campus yesterday to com-
memorate the 20th anniversary of
the birth of atomic power. They
agreed that the future offers a
choice of accelerated peaceful ad-
vancement or annihilation, and
that the choice has not yet been
* * ~*
SANTA FE-Republican Edwin
L. Mechem resigned Friday as
governor of New Mexico and was
promptly appointed to the United
States Senate seat of the late
Dennis Chavez.

*force in the Congo and "the ques-
tion of an eventual withdrawal of
the Indian contingent."
Robert K.A. Gardiner, the Gha-
naian officer-in-charge of the
United Nations Congo operation,
and Brig. Indar Jit Rikhye, the
Indian military adviser, left for
Leopoldville yesterday.
Seek Agreement
An authoritative source said his
eventual object was to get Katan-
gan President Moise Tshombe to
end the secession along the lines
of Thant's Aug. 20 plan for re-
unifying the Congo.
But he said a key to this was
to induce Adoula and Tshombe to
agree to split up the money com-
ing from Union Miniere, a big
company that mines copper and
cobalt in Katanga.
Union Miniere earns about $220
million a year in foreign currency
and pays almost $50 million of this
to Katanga in export taxes, thus
sustaining the secession.
New Split
Thant's plan provides for a 50-
50 split of Katanga's foreign cur-
rency reserves and export revenue
with the central government.
But Tshombe has balked at that.
One of his arguments is that Un-
ion Miniere itself needs a large
part of the foreign currency to
pay for spare parts, diesel oil and
other things necessary to keep its
mines and smelter going, and the
Thant plan would not guarantee
it this.
The new idea, the authoritative
source said, .is that Ad' ula and
Tshombe should agree that ex-
perts of the International Mone-
tary Fund should decide arbi-
trarily what percentages of the
foreign exchange"reserves and the
export taxes should go to the ceA-
tral government and to Katanga,
Union Miniere has agreed to
abide by the arbitration of these
experts, he said, provided Adoula
tand Tshombe agree to do so.
This idea it was indicated, was
among those BelgiarForeign Min-
ister Paul-Henri Spaak and Unit-
ed States Undersecretary of State
George C. McGhee discussed Wed-
nesday with Thant and Gardiner.
They have been holding talks here
for the last week.

See Danger
In Studying
'Mind' Drugs
CAMBRIDGE.(P)-Harvard Uni-
versity officials, noting that "a
number of undergraduates are be-
coming interested in the effects
of . . . mind distorting drugs,"
have warned students against
possibly serious psychotic effects
from their use.
In a letter addressed to the
Harvard Crimson, Harvard Col-
lege Dean John U. Monro and Dr.
Dana L. Farnsworth, director of
university health services, declar-
ed that "Our concern for this de-
velopment is such that for more
than a year we have had an agree-
ment that Harvard University ex-
perimenters studying the effects
of such drugs should not employ
undergraduates as subjects in
their research work.
"It is important to warn under-
graduates that ingestion of these
drugs may result in serious haz-
ard to mental health and sta-
bility, even for apparently normal
"The drugs have been known to
intensify seriously a tendency to-
ward depression and to produce
other dangerous psychotic ef-
The Crimson quoted Harvard
authorities as saying that their
present concern was to warn stu-
dents and that no plan for any
action against students was under
The Crimson carried a report
that there had been black market-
ing of cubes, impregnated with one
of the hallucinatory drugs selling
for a dollar each.

. . . leaves Washington

Recessed Session
Any formal Soviet-United States
agreement to settle the Cuban
question would be put before the
Security Council, which has been
in recess since Oct. 25 while ne-
gotiations have been going on
among Cuba, the Sovif ; Union,
the United States and Thant.
A source close to Sir Patrick
Dean of Britain, president of the
council for December, said nobody
had asked for a meeting next week
on Cuba or anything else and he
did not think there would be one.
Thant told a reporter the United
States had not yet replied to a
Cuban-Soviet proposal he relayed
on Nov. 15.
No Hurry
The United States delegation
seemed to be in no hurry to reply
to it. But United States sources
said the Americans had told the
Russians long ago that parts of it
were unacceptable.
Communist accounts indicated
that Castro's oft-repeated five de-
mands were reflected in clauses
that would have the United States
lift its economic embargo of Cuba
and talk with the Cuban govern-
mentaabout eventual withdrawal
from the United States base on
Guantanamo Bay in eastern Cuba.
The United States negotiators
have even refused to talk here
with Cuban chief delegate Carlos
M. Lechuga.
The Communists have said the
proposed agreement in c lu d e s
withdrawal of Soviet missiles and
bombers from Cuba, lifting of the
United States naval quarantine of
that country and a United States
pledge not to invade Cuba.
Alters Policy
About Satellites
agon announced yesterday it is
putting into writing a list of ex-
ceptions to its otherwise iron-
clad ban against announcing any
details about military space shots.
These exceptions cover such
satellites and other researchsve-
hicles as the Navy's Transit navi-
gation satellites and the Air
Force's Dynasoar- and applied re-
search space probes.

Moses Quits
State Posts
Robert Moses, for 50 years the
well known driving force behind
power, parks and parkways in
New York State, announced Fri-
day that he was giving up all five
of his state posts after a disagree-
ment with Gov. Nelson Rocke-
He said Rockefeller had asked
him to resign immediately as
chairman of the State Council of
Parks so that thegovernor could
appoint his brother, Laurance S.
Rockefeller, to the post.
"Under the circumstances, I
shall retire from all state park
work on Jan. 1" and from the
chairmanship of the State Power
Authority, Moses said in a state-
ment issued from his office at the
State Council of Parks.
'Growing Load'
In Albany, Rockefeller said in
a statement that he had suggested
Moses resign the Council of Parks
post "because of the growing load
on him" from his other positions.
"There is no one who has done
more to develop parks, not only in
this state but anywhere in the na-
tion, than has Moses," the gover-
nor said, "and the people of this
state will forever be indebted to
"It is regrettable," he added,
"that in his statement of resigna-
tion to the press Mr. Moses has
made an invidious reference to my
brother, Laurance."
Cite Potentiality
Meanwhile, Rockefeller, in his
first newsconference since the
election, said he was a potential
candidate for the 1964 GOP nom-
ination for the presidency and
added that he thought the Repub-
licans could beat President John
F. Kennedy.
He noted that he was abandon-
ing his policy, adopted during the
campaign, of not speaking on na-
tional issues. Rockefeller will ad-
dress the National Association of
Manufacturers Wednesday in
He stressed that he accepted
the NAM invitation as part of
duty to the national Republican
Copyright 1962, The New York Times

WASHINGTON (A)-While the
South desegrates i t s schools
slowly and with great reluctance.
there is a growing storm in the
North over school segregation, the
Civil Rights Commission said yes-
These conclusions were reached
after a commission study of public
school segregation in four South-
ern states and five Northern
The reports showed that public
school segregation existed in all
five Northern cities and four of
the five are, or have been, involved
in law suits seeking integration.
Study Cities
The study covered Highland,
Park, New Rochelle, N.Y., Phila-
delphia, St. Louis and Chicago.
The reports found that school
segregation in the North grows
mainly out of residential patterns.
Re-segregation occurs in a school
when the neighborhood around it
changes from integrated to Negro
as the whites move out. Segrega-
tion exists when the neighborhood
around the school is all-white or
School integration in the South,
the reports said, has been slowed
by court acceptance of token in-
tegration. It has proceeded very
slowly in North Carolina and Vir-
ginia as a result, the commission
Faster Pace
The rate of desegregation was
found to be more rapid in Tennes-
see, but concern was expressed
over the lower scholastic achieve-
ment of the average Negro student
in the upper grades of Negro
The reports also found that fed-
eral courts in the South generally
will accept a more limiter' program
of school desegregation if - a com-
munity takes action before a law
suit is filed than if it waits until
it faces a court order.
St. Louis was credited with a
major achievement in desegregat-
ing its schools eight years ago, but
was said to face now problems of
resegregation as residential pat-
terns change.
'De Facto Segregation'
"On balance," the St. Louis re-
port said, "de facto segregation in
the St. Louis public schools has
patently worsened during the past
seven years."
In Highland Park, a suit was
filed after Negro students who had

been attending an integrated
school were ordered to attend a
segregated school.
The dispute was settled by a
juggling of school boundaries and
Only Case
A case involving an elementary
school in New Rochelle resulted in
the only decision where a North-
ern community was found to have
violated the 1954 Supreme Court
The National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple has charged in Philadelphia
that an easy transfer rule tends
to encourage discriminatory prac-
tices and create segregated white
and Negro schools.
The report on Philadelphia
noted that more than half the
Minister Views
Algeria Plight
PARIS (R) - Algerian adminis-
tration was left by the French in
such "catastrophic shape" that it
will take six months to find out
how the country stands, Algerian
Foreign Minister Mohammed Khe-
misti said yesterday.
He made the statement to the
French Diplomatic Press Associa-
tion. In Paris to negotiate French
aid, the 28-year-old foreign min-
ister said the destruction of nearly
all official records by the Euro-
pean SecretArmy Organization
forced the new administration to
start almost from scratch.
Only a rough estimate can now
be made, he said, of next years
income from taxes and other
sources. The estimate varied be-
tween $240 million and $440

city's 214 elementary schools are
populated by 99 per cent or more
white students or are 97 per cent
or more Negro.
Three Lawsuits
The Chicago Board of Educa-
tion has been target of three law-
suits and a complaint charging
discrimination in teacher hiring in
the past year.
Nearly 90 per cent of the Chi-
cago's Negro pupils attend schools
which are virtually all Negro, the
report said, adding that this is due
to racial concentration of housing
in the central city area.

AO Housemother
Named Campus

Tour Representative
Mrs. E. Strachan, Alpha Tau
Omega housemother, for the ninth
consecutive year has been appoint-
ed campus representative of How-
ard Tours, the original college and
travel program to the University
of Hawaii summer session and to
the Pacific. Applications for 1963
are now being accepted by her
at 1415 Cambridge Road; tele-
phone-NO 5-7953.
Next summer's tour of 56 days
to Hawaii costs $589, plus
$9 tax from the West Coast.
This price includes roundtrip jet
between the West Coast and Ha-
waii, campus residence, and the
most diversified itinerary of din-
ners, parties, shows, cruises, sight-
seeing events, beach activities, and
cultural entertainment; plus all
necessary tour services.
Waikiki apartment living,
steamship passage, and visits to
Neighbor Islands are available at
adjusted tour rates. Steamship
travel, however, will be at a prem-
ium. Therefore, interested travel-
ers should apply early to protect
their reservations.
1963 will be the "Big Summer
in Hawaii" because this is the bi-
ennial year of the world famous
Trans-Pacific Yacht Race from Los
Angeles to Hawaii, with everybody
sharing in the extra fun and added
In addition to Hawaii, Howard
Tours offers a 67 day study pro-
gram to the ORIENT and another
study tour of 45 days around
Francisco State College summer
session study tours offering six
upper division university credits.
College men and women may call
Mrs. Strachan for further infor-



6 P.M.
331 Thompson


Bank Aids World's


speaking on
4:00 P.M.
Special Projects Comm., Mich. Union


The International Bank f or
Reconstruction and Development
-the World Bank-consists of
80 member nations and is con-
cerned with granting loans for
development projects in develop-
ing nation's economies, Alice
Brun, an executive director of
the World Bank, said Thursday.
Miss Brun represents the five
nation homogeneous bloc of Den-
mark, Sweden, Norway, Finland
and Iceland.
"If"a particular government
plans a project such as a neW
power plant, it can make applica-
tion to the bank. The bank in
turn, sends personnel on a 'mis-
sion' to study both the project
itself and the country's economy,
investigating such things as its
balance of payments and tax
Private Funds
The bank requires that a coun-
try first try to get its capital
in the private investment market,
before it applies for a bank loan.
The bank is supposed to supple-
ment the private flow of capital,
and if finally the country cannot
get a loan on reasonable terms
from the private market, it may
be allowed to receive a bank loan,
Miss Brun explained.
"Each director must consult
with the contries he represents
before any large loans or major
policy decisions can be made. The
board bank policy f or the year is
formulated at an annual meeting
of governors, who each represent
their country," Miss Brun added.
The bank, which has lent over
$7-billion in the 15 years since its

formation, receives its money from
member nations, by selling bonds
on the private investment market
and from profit it may accumu-
late on its capital.
"Two important organizations
affiliated with the bank are the
International Development Asso-
ciation (IDA) and the Interna-
tional Finance Corp. (IFC). IDA
grants loans to underdeveloped
countries on a 'soft loan' basis,
requiring no interest payments.
IFC, which has capital of only
some $100 million, gives money to
private corporations," Miss Brun
The only way IDA can receive
capital is through gifts from rich-
er, more industrialized nations,
since it offers no interest pay-
ments, and it does not build up
profits for further lending.
The board of directors is pres-
ently considerin ghow it can make
more funds available to IDA and
expand loans to these poorer na-
tions to an even greater extent,
she said.

"The bank also offers some
technical assistance experts who
may be called upon to aid on a
specific project. This assistance is
offered as a part of the Develop-
ment Service Department," Miss
Brun added.
The Economic Development In-
stitute, which is also a part of
the bank, provides six month study
courses for selected groups of
experienced administrators whose
work in their countries requires
decisions on economic policy and
the formulation of development
The Institute classes present a
practical orientation and helps
give the participants a broad per-
spective of the problem of eco-
nomic development.
Miss Brun indicated that "many
industrialized European nations
such as France, Sweden, Germany
and Holland have become capital
exporting countries, contributing
to the bank's capital fund. Swit-
zerland, which is not officially a
member of the bank, has also con-
tributed large amounts of money."

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Dec. 2, 3, 4, Sun., Mon., Tues.
Retreat Master:
Rev. R. Butler, O.P.
"National Newman Chaplain"
Sermons: 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Monday 5 p.m. . .. for men



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