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December 02, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-02

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___________________________________________________ UNDAY, D~

ECEMBER 162 ~*


Bureau Gathers Test Results


students in specific courses such
as individual mathetmatics courses
on the basis of their performance
on the examinations," Prof. Fricke
The division supplies the Hon-
ors Council with a list of names
of entering students who seeming-
ly would benefit from the pro-
gram, he noted.
"We use a 'multiple cut-off'
point to select freshmen for the
honors program. These 'cut-off'
points means that a certain mini-
mum score is necessary on each
test to be placed on the list sent
to the honors counseling office."
Scoring Facilities
The division also provides scor-
ing facilities for professors to
grade their examinations and gives
them help in analyzing the qual-
ity of them, he added.
"The Evaluation and Examina-
tions staff is currently involved
in an evaaluation of the College
Boards to determine their possible
usefulness for admission pur-
"We also hope in the near future
to be able to give instructors some
description of the students they
will have in their sections. This
may include College Board scores,
Achiever personality scores, college
grade point average and a sum-
mary of their high school record,"
Prof. Fricke commented.
More Direct
The Reading Improvement Ser-
vice deals more directly with stu-
dents than the Division of Evalu-
ations and Examinations, and it
offers three types of course pro-

Frank Greene, assistant psy-
chologist and teaching assistant
at the service, said that one
course is "specifically for incom-
ing freshmen and provides them
for a combination of reading and
study skills and an introduction
to problems they may meet in
their classes."
Another course, which is heav-
ily loaded with study skills, is for
students who are advised becausej
of poor grades that they might
benefit from the course, he said.
"We also offer a strictly speed
and comprehension course to up-
per classmen and graduate stu-
dents who face no problems in
terms of their grades."
The course of instruction covers
a seven week period, and there
and two complete programs a se-
mester. The service handles some
1000-1200 students a year.
"Another type of counseling
available at the service is indi-
vidual student counseling which
handles study skills of any sort."
Task Oriented
This individual counseling deals
with both short run and long run
problems. The short run or task
oriented counseling may help a
student with a specific course he
is having difficulty in, Greene
"The long term problem is when
the student is weak in specific
study skills and yet is still good
enough college material that he
should not be sent home."
Two other services provided by
the service include the field train-
ing of teachers or graduate stu-
dents who work with children who
are severely retarded readers.
"The old educational argument
that students in college should not
need help in reading and study
skills is not valid. The largest per-
centage of students using the Ser-
vice are freshmen and graduate
"There is no stigma in coming
her for assistance, and the major-
ity of students who do come are
self-referred. Students may take
one two-hour evening class or two
hour classes on two days during
the week.
"We try to keep a fairly flex-
ible schedule and offer a variety
of times so that anyone who wants
to come may find a place," Greene

-Daily-David Goldstein
REHEARSAL=-Members of the acting troupe of the Ann Arbor
Civic Theatre practice for their coming production of "The Grass
Harp," a comedy adapted from a novel written by Truman Capote.
The play will be given Thursday through Saturday.

MSU Ends
.Army work
Continuing discussion by the
faculty of Michigan State Univer-
sity has resulted in a change in
ROTC training from a mandatory
to an elective two-year course,
Prof. James F. Skells of the De-
partment of Military Science at
MSU said yesterday.
The -Board of Trustees decided
in May, 1961, that enough students
would take ROTC to warrant its
conversion to the new voluntary
program. The decision came after
the department of defense an-
nounced that it would leave the
final decision concerning compul-
sory ROTC programs to individual
colleges and universities. At pres-
ent all land grant schools, includ-
ing MSU, must offer military
training of some kind.
Prof. Skells explained that the
program will be required only for
sophomores this year. Next year
no one will be required to take
the ROTC course.
The voluntary turnout this year
has given a "good base" of stu-
dents, Prof. Skells noted. "We will
be working with those who want a
commission and will have as many
in the end as we had when the
course was mandatory."
The advanced course completed
in junior and senior years will re-
main unchanged, he said.
Col. Thomas A. Harris, professor
of military science and chairman
of the University's military science
department, noted that the Uni-
versity has traditionally graduated
proportionally as many ROTC
candidates in its voluntary pro-
gram as MSU in its compulsory
program. The high drop out rate
occurs in all ROTC programs
whether mandatory or not. The
University drop out rate is under
the national rate. "There is no
need at Michigan to have a re-
quired ROTC course," Col. Harris

"The Soviet Union is a land of
extremes," said Prof. George Kish;
of the geography department,,
speaking at the Michigan Council
for the Social Studies program'
Prof. Kish began by giving the
audience some concept of the size
and extent of the Soviet Union.'
"Russia has the greatest east-west
extension of any country in the
world, stretching some 5000 miles
from Poland to Alaska," he said.
He pictured this size in terms of
air travel, stating that it takes
111/2 hours to fly by jet from Mos-
cow to the Pacific.
"These extreme variations in
physiography have a definite ef-
fect on the climatic make-up of
the country," Prof. Kish contin-
ued. "Siberia was once termed the
'Cold Pole of the Earth', with
temperatures reaching as low as
-90 degrees Farenheit; and the
South Asian portion of Russia
holds a near-record high of 128
degrees Farenheit in the shade."
Commenting on the Soviet ag-
ricultural outlook, Prof. Kish
stated that "Marxists know very
little about farming. Whatever
Marx, Lenin, and Stalin have all
agreed upon must be true. It
makes very little difference to
these people that the irregular
rainfall in such areas as Khrush-
chev's 'Virgin Lands' makes it
virtually impossible, to grow any
Prof. Kish summarized the three
problems of Soviet farming as: 1)
Martin To Analyze
Republican national committee-
man John B. Martin will speak
at 4 p.m. today .on "Reapportion-
ment and the Executive Branch"
in the Multipurpose Rm. of the

Eastman, Cites Literature,
lan's 'Dilemma of Action'

Kish Views Russia,
Geographic Effects

Citing examples from Hamlet,
Electra, and The Book of Esther,
Prof. Eastman illustrated the re-
lationship of moral evil to the
themes of revenge and martyrdom
in literature. Both revenge and
martyrdom have a dualistic na-
ture, he said, in that man is
prompted to avenge a wrong or
to die for a cause by both selfish
and selfless motives.

Program Notes

Prof. John Mohler of the music
school will appear with the Uni-
versity Woodwind Quintet for the
first time when the group gives
a public concert at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday in Rackham Lecture Hall.
The quintet comprised of Nel-
son Hauenstein, flute, Florian
Mueller, oboe, John Mohler, clar-
inet, Louis Stout, French horn,
and Lewis Cooper, bassoon, will
play "Divertimento No. 8 in F"
by Mozart and "Quintet No. 1

(1955)" by Alvin Etler.
termission, the group
"Quintet in F, Op. 100,
Anton Reicha.

After in-
will play
No. 1" by

Chinese Paintings ...
An exhibition of 38 paintings
by Chi-kwan Chen, Chinese-born
artist and architect, will run at
the University Museum of Art in
Alumni Memorial Hall through
Dec. 16.
Rights, Liberties - - -
The opening program in the new
University Television production,
one of the "Understanding Our
World" series, will be Freedom In
a Threatened Society, a series of
discussion programs analyzing the
range of problems affecting the
rights and liberties of free men in
contemporary America. The open-
ing program will be seen at 8:30
a.m. today on WXYZ.
Debussy ...
There will- be a recital of the
music of Claude Debussy at 8:30
p.m. Wednesday in the Little Aud.
of the Ann Arbor High School.
Among the performers will be Miss
Reah Sadowsky and Prof. Mohler
of the music school.
'Art and Abstraction',. ..
Prof. Guy Palazzola of the
architecture college, will be joined
by Prof. Victor Miesel of the his-
tory of art department in exam-
ining the place of abstract pro-
cesses and techniques in art . on
"Art and Abstraction," the seventh
in "The Painter's Art" series. The
program will be seen at noon to-
day on WWJ.
Folk Songs **.
University Television's produc-
tion of Accent will present Prof.
Niel Snortum of the English de-
partment as he sings and dis-
cusses "Songs While Working."
The program will be presented at
7:15 a.m. Saturday on WJBK.

"The Grass Harp" by Truman
Capote, to be presented by the
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre next
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, is
essentially a play of characters
revealing themselves to each other
and to the audience.
Capote's comedy goes beyond the
amusing with its continual theme
of characters searching to discover
themselves by stripping away the
defenses and repressions forced on
them by a southern, small town
The drama is the story of Collin
and Dolly Talbo, Catherine Creek
and Judge Charlie Cool, who seek
refuge and self-understanding by
fleeing to a tree-house, and Ver-
ena Talbo, who causes their flight
and is significantly changed by it.
Adapted by Capote
The play was written first as
a short novel and later adapted
for the stage by the author. It is
consequently presented as a story
about people' and is not particul-
arly concerned with dramatic
"The Civic Theatre group will
treat the stage as simply a plat-
form on which the characters
come out and attempt to discover
who they really are," Herbert
Propper of the English depart-
ment, director, explains.
Because the production is to be
staged in Trueblood Aud., the
staging will be theatrical rather
than realistic. Since the stage is
so open and close to the audience
the sets have not been designed
to create a feeling of reality.
Atmosphere of Suggestion
It is important only that the
audience feel the atmosphere of
the outdoors because it is this
Baha'i Student Group, Discussion:
Ethics, Dec. 2, 8 p.m., 528D SA.
Congr. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, Open
House-Special Refreshments, Dec. 2,
8:30 p.m., 802 Monroe.
* * *
Gilbert & Sullivan Soc., Full Society
Meeting, Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m., Union.
* * *
International Students Assoc., Lunch-
eon Discussion: Higher Education-A
Comparative Evaluation," Dec. 4, 12-1
p.m., International Center.
* * *
Lutheran Student Assoc., Dec. 2, 7
p.m., Hill & Forest. Speaker: Rev. Dr.
W. Kloetzli, "The Church and the Urban
Newman Club, Open Retreat-Retreat
Master Fr. Butler, Dec. 2, 3, 4, 331
* * *
Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, Dec. 3,
3-5 p.m., 3050 FB.
#* * #
Unitarian Student Group, Meeting,
Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m., 1st Unitarian Church.
Speaker on "Confucianism."
* * *
Wesleyan Guild, Seminar, Dec. 2, 10:15
a.m., Pine Room; Worship & Program,
Dec. 2, 7 p.m., Wesley Lounge; Open
House, Dec. 3, 8-11 p.m., Jean Robe's
* * *
Graduate Outing Oub Hike, Dec. 2,
2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. En-
* * *
Socialist Club-Organizational Meet-
ing, Dec. 3 7:30 p.m., Room3B Union.
New members welcome. Showing of
film on Danilo Dolci in Sicily.

atmosphere that breaks down the
character's repressions.
Sound will be handled In the
same manner. Live sounds from
windflutes and noisemakers will
be used to create an illusion of
the forest noises rather than an
exact imitation.
Capote has related comedy with
earnest attempts at communica-
tion, while retaining a touch of
humanity in spite of the eccentri-
cities of the characters.
Changes in Emotion
Consequently, the play embod-
ies many sharp changes in emo-
tion. Characters begin by fighting
to release their feelings. This mood
is broken by an obvious laugh line
and then the characters break into
colorful, lyrical imagery concern-
ing nature.
"To preserve the warmth and
humanity of the comedy as well as
the lyrical quality of the novel on
the stage, the Civic Theatre is
trying to create a kaleidoscope of
emotions being revealed and re-
pressed," Propper says.
Center Gives.
Church Tea
Members of the Second Baptist
Church of Detroit were guests of
University students yesterday at
a tea at the International Center.
The tea was part of a weekend
program planned by the Univer-
sity's Protestant Foundation for
International Students.
The gathering was the first of
its kind, and came after a similar
affair in Detroit last year, when
50 university students from 11
countries were hosted by the Bap-
tist congregation.
These foreign students were
briefed last year on community
activities. They stayed in the
homes of members of the congre-
gation, and worshipped with them
in their churches.
International students were re-
ported to be especially interested
in this year's weekend program.
Muhammed A. Mannan, Grad,
from East Pakistan, one of the
guests, said that he was interested
in learning of Negro-white rela-
tions in the city of Detroit. He
considered the weekend exchanges
valuable in presenting a meaning-
ful view of the academic commun-
The Detroit guests to Ann Ar-
bor, on the other hand, expressed
their approval of the program as
a reciprocal exchange and were
reported glad to become acquaint-
ed with international student
Opera Tickets
To Go On Sale
Tickets for the University of
Michigan Players Wednsday per-
formance of "Carmen" will be on
sale Monday from 1:30 to 5 p.m.
at the Lydia Mendelssohn box
The Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday performances are sold out.

TONIGHT at7:00 and 9:00
Settled at the Seaside,
The Lion and the Souse, Friends,
The Clever Dummy, Leave 'em Laughing.
Coming Attractions
December 6, 7: THE BIG PARADE
December 8, 9: HENRY V
50 cents

the "incredibly primitive" system
of distribution; 2) the lack of in-
centive for farmers; and, 3) the
lack of "minimum investments" in
"The situation in the industrial
sphere is entirely different," he
continued. Whereas in the agricul-
tural realm there is a lack of re-
serves for future use, Prof. Kish
pointed out that there is "an ex-
treme abundance of natural re-
source bases in the Soviet Union"
--so vast as to be much more than
can possibly be used in consumer
Turning his attention to the
peoples of the Soviet Union, Prof.
Kish said that "Russia is a multi-
national country," composed of
more than 80 national groups
within its borders.
In spite of this wide variance of
nationality, Prof. Kish noted, the
religious picture is rather unified,
with the majority of the citizens
being of the Greek Orthodox faith,
a very small portion of Jews and
the Protestants a negligible minor-
"Religious persecution is still
very common," he added. "The
Jewish population gets the worst
of this, while most of the Greek
Orthodox, the former State church
of Russia, are permitted to con-
tinue without excessive hin-
drance," according to Prof. Kish.
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-Herald Tribune
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Prof. of Greek & Latin & Chairman, Dept. of Classical Studies
based on Aeschylus' "Agamemnon" and "Choephoroe;"
Sophocles' "Philoctetes;" Euripides "Hippolytus"






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