Rockets, Instruments Probe Space
"The University has been among the leaders in space research
and will continue to be' so in the future," Andrew F. Nagy,
assistant research engineer in the Space Physics Research Labora-
tory of the electrical engineering department, said.
To date, no department of the University has yet had
an instrument package placed in orbit. But although most de-
partments which have laboratories working in space research
are involved mainly with non-orbiting rockets, all have instru-
ment packages planned for satellites in the future.
One such laboratory is the Space Physics Research Lab,
which has a package measuring charged particle density and
The Goddard Space Flight Center has incorporated the lab's
instrument package into its S-6 satellite, which will be boosted
into orbit in early 1963 by a Thor-Delta rocket.
This package has also been accepted for use in both the S-66
ionosphere satellite and TIROS (Television Infra-Red Observa-
tional Satellite). The next TIROS will probably be launched early
in 1963.
WORKHORSE-The Journeyman, a NASA supply rocket, carries the Radio-Astronomy Observatory's instruments to 1000 miles.
"But the advent of satellites has not made vertical sounding
rockets obselete at 'all," he continued. Sounding rockets lift pay-
loads to varying heights and then fall back to earth. The payloads
are usually not retrieved.
Non-orbiting rockets have the advantage that they cover the
part of the atmosphere which is too low for satellites and too
high for balloons. Also, a sounding rocket can take a vertical
profile of the atmosphere, whereas a satellite cannot for all
practical purposes, Nagy said.
Cost is another factor which works to the advantage of sound-
ing rockets. Since a satellite is expensive, many}experiments are
crowded in the same satellite. But a non-orbiting rocket is rela-
tively cheap, and one vehicle can be allocated per experiment, he
Starting with a firing in November, the space physics lab
began a series of NASA sponsored experiments with an ejectabie
package boosted by a sounding rocket. The thermospheric probe,
after receiving its initial thrust, separates from the vehicle. It
telemeters information on both neutral and charged particles as
it rises to a height of about 200 miles and falls back to earth.
Working in about the same field as the Space Research Lab,
See 'U,' Page 8
At present, the space physics lab has a contract from the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration to measure the
moon's atmosphere. The instruments used will be soft-landed by
a Surveyor spacecraft powered by an Atlas-Centaur. However,
difficulties encountered in the development of the Centaur may
lead NASA to substitute some other booster for the second stage,
Nagy said.
The Space Physics Research Lab began making direct measure-
ments of the upper atmosphere with captured German V-2 rockets.
A number of different experiments were developed to measure
the neutral* and charged particle density and temperature. "These
early experiments were only partially successful. Their :Hain value
was in proving the validity of the techniques," Nagy explained.
Successful Experiments
In the late 1950's, when smaller research rockets became
available, the lab developed and successfully flew a large number
of new experiments employing the techniques tested earlier. "The
results of these experiments have provided a lot of new information
on the physics and structure of the upper atmosphere," Nagy
See Editorial Page
Bright and mild
with increasing cloudiness
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Sees University Research Role
The University will play an important part in the Upper Mantle
Project, announced Friday by the National Academy of Sciences,
Prof. James T. Wilson, acting director of the Institute of Science and
Technology, predicted yesterday.
The venture, discussed at the Academy's annual meeting in Dal-
las, will involve geophysicists of 20 nations over a 10-year period and
Grace Notes Threat
Of Marxist Idealism
Marxist ideology, aside from the power of Russia, is itself a
threat because it has more appeal for young intellectuals today than
the national socialism of Germany and Italy had for the young
intellectuals of the 1930s.
Prof. Frank Grace of the political science department made
this point yesterday at the Conference on Teaching About Commun-
ism, and cited the theme of Man's Fall and Redemption as the
This theme, Prof. Grace noted, is at the base of Marxist ideology.
The Marxist theme of the enslavement of the worker by the capitalist
system after he had been master
India Snubs China Bid
For Border Settlement,
Seeks Pakistani Peace
Urge Erhard
In Key Post
BONN (A')-West German Chan-
cellor -Konrad Adenauer was told
yesterday by leaders of his Chris-
tian Democratic Party that he
should retire next year and make
way for Economics Minister Lud-
wig Erhard, authoritative sources
But he was reported to have
shown no willingness to accept the
Adenauer met for 6/2 hours with
party leaders to prepare for nego-
tiations next week over a- new
coalition government.Attention
... next chancellor
was given to the question of a
successor for the 86-year-old
He reportedly has been blamed
in part for the way the charge of
suspicion of treason against editors
of the Der Spiegel magazine de-
veloped into a national contro-
versy, bringing, about the collapse
of the old coalition government
and the withdrawal from cabinet
of Defense Minister Franz Joseph
Party leaders in the consulta-
tions yesterday included Strauss;
Adenauer's old friend and close
advisor, Heinrich Krone; Chris-
tian Democratic Executive Secre-
tary Hermann Dufhues; and the
Party's Bundestag Leader Heinrich
von Brentano.-
Adenauer countered, by calling
a general meeting for Monday of
the party's national and state ex-
ecutive groups in an effort to find
backing for his position. He has
dodged being pinned down on his
retirement. Until now, he has
promised only that it would come
before the 1965 general election.
The informants said the nation-
al party leaders proposed that the
announcement by Adenauer of his
retirement date be combined with
a declaration to Bundestag mem-
bers that Erhard was the choice
for the next chancellor.
Seven Arrested
",will cost $31 million. The project
will explore the outermost 600
miles of the Earth's solid-rock in-
Some Research
-TheUniversity has already con-
ducted a considerable amount of
research in this field and surely
will become involved in this pro-
w ject once specific plans are form-
ulated, Prof. Wilson said.
He explained that the academy
only heard a preliminary report
and that no organization to ad-
minister the project had yet been
"The Vela-Uniform Program of
the Acoustical and Seismic Labor-
atory at Willow Run, dealing with
t detecting underground nuclear
tests, has yielded much scientific
information on' the outer part of
tthe Earth," Prof. Wilson noted.
.Gravity Studies
Research on gravity is another
area in which the University may
participate in the project, he said.
This study is now being under-
taken by Prof. John M. de Moyer
of the geology department.
The proposal was drafted by the
Geophysics Research Board of the
academy and has been submitted
to the federal government and the
Comite International de G6o-
"A knowledge of the structure,
composition and physical state of:
the mantle is extremely important
to an understanding of the genesis
and history of the whole Earth,"
the report said.
Earth Volume
The mantle, extending nearly
2000 miles below the thin outer
crust of the Earth, accounts for;
more than 80 per cent of the
Earth's total volume.
The region mapped for study-;
the upper 600 miles of the mantle
-is where earthquakes are found.
"In recent years," the report
said, "it has become apparent
that an extensive and coordinated
program of exploration into this
region, which is still mostly un-
charted, would more effectiv.-ely
yield useful information concern-
ing that portion of the universe
directly beneath our feet than the
continuation of a program of ran-
t dom investigations."
The recommended United States
program calls for expanded and
accelerated efforts by university
scientists, private non-profit re-
search organizations, and govern-
ment laboratories, particularly the
United States Geological Survey
and United States Coast and
Geodetic Survey.
. ..-earth studies
MSU Aide
Cites Need
Warning that
the MichiganI
State University forestry depart-
ment has the poorest facilities for
any such accredited institution in
the United States, Prof. Terrill D.
Stevens, department chairman,
pleaded for a new building before
his unit drops "to a position of
Prof. Stevens urged the Legis-
lature to accept a request for a
new building to house MSU's
forestry, fisheries and wildlife
forest products, and resource de-
velopment departments.
Currently, the four departments
are housed in nine buildings. Plac-
ing the departments in one build-
ing will increase teaching and re-
search efficiency as the four have
similar interests, he said.
"All four departments are re-
sponsible for research and exten-
sion activities as well as the teach-
ing of professional course work
and new equipment and space are
needed in all of , them," he
Prof. Stevens explained that his
department never had any addi-
tional space given to it in recent
years and that through normal
growth his department is "burst-
ing at the seams."
Although graduate programs
had to be curtailed for lack of
space, enrollment has not been
limited as of yet, he said. But
with the increased number of po-
tential college students, the de-
partment will soon be forced not
to take in any more students, Prof.
Stevens warned.
The deiartment currently con-
tains 700 students.
of his own means of production
represents man's fall, he said.
Ability, Needs
He noted that Marxist ideology
pictures man's Redemption in the
promise of a classless society bas-
ed on the maxim, "From each ac-
cording to his ability, to each ac-
cording to his needs.'
"The appeal of Marxist ideol-
ogy," Prof. Grace continued, "is
not economic, nor political, but
spiritual-it holds out to men the
hope of overcoming their human,
Persons of good will and human-
itarian spirit find it difficult to
repudiate Marxist ideology be-
cause of this theme, the political
scientist said. "There was a will-
ingness to attack fascism in the
'30s, but there is a hesitancy to
attack Marxist ideology today," he
went on.
Close Kinship
"We subscribe to many ideals-
like progressive advance and a
world free from fear and free
from want - that are close to
Marxist ideals."
Much of his talk to the social
studies teachers taking part in the
conference was devoted to an
analysis of Marxist ideology. Karl
Marx drew from Western philos-
ophy, especially the Hegelian dia-
lectic, classical Western economics,
and Western politics, notably the
French Revolution, in formulating
his ideology, according to Prof.
Berle To Give
Cook Lectures
Prof. Adolph Berle of Columbia
University will deliver the 12th
series of William Cook Lectures
on American Institutions, Feb.
Prof. Berle, who. has authored
several books on the modern po-
litical and economic society, will
lecture on "The American Eco-
nomic Republic."
Educated at Harvard, he has
been Assistant Secretary of State,
ambassador to Brazil, and United
Statessdelegate to the Inter-Amer-
ican Conference for the Mainten-
ance of Peace, 1936.
U.S. Official
Tells Needs
Of Defense
Harriman Stresses
Kashmir Question
... Communist hopes
Study Noted
Five state senators or membters
of the state department of public
instruction explored the pros and
cons of required high school
courses in Communism at a social
studies conference here yesterday.
Discussion genierally was con-
ducted in very general terms, em-
phasizing that educational con-
trols should be kept in local hands
as much as possible.
This is why, Senators Thomas
F. Schweigert (R-Petoskey) and
George Montgomery (D-Detroit)
explained, the state Legislature
has exhibited some reluctance to
dictate to high schools curricula
patterns for comparative govern-
ment courses beyond the civics
Schweigert noted two other
handicaps which caused the Sen-
ate's education committee last
year to kill a proposal to require
such a course at the secondary
level, after the measure had re-
soundingly passed through the
House: there are simply no ade-
quate textbooks which render an
adequate treatment of a com-
plicated subject such as Commun-
ism, and also there aren't very
many teachers who are well versed
in this field.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Assistant
Secretary of State W. Averell Har-
riman returned home yesterday to~
report to President John F. Ken-
nedy on India's military needs to
repel Chinese Communist intrud-
ers and her willingness to reach a
settlement with Pakistan on dis-
puted Kashmir.
High United States sources said
Harriman made clear to both . AVERELL HA
Prime Minister Jawaharial Nehru prepares
and Pakistan President Ayub
Khan that they must get to- COMMITTEE:
gether to discuss the Kashmir
question if they want continued G
Western help.
Harriman said he had heard no G
suggestion of any requirement for-
United States troops for the Him-
alayan border fight.L
He said the Indians look upon
their problem with Communist By JOHN BR
China as a long-term affair. "This T
attack is on the Indian way of Ten members of t
life and will need a military build- lowing the resignati
up to resist," said the veteran mittee chairman Noa
trouble shooter. dall.
Harriman said he could not tell According to Ra
how sincere the Chinese Commun- other GOP workers
ists are about their cease-fire and organization are also
withdrawal from the fighting resign.
fronts, scheduled to take place Randall earlier wa
today. for the Republican n
Harriman declared he was "very mayor but withdrewf
glad" he had been able to par- Nov. 23, leaving the1
ticipate in the agreement reached scene. Wendell W. H
by Nehru and Ayub to begin talks Republican chairm&
on a settlement on their long dis- pointed Randall to 1
pute over Kashmir. assistant.
Harriman expressed confidence Strengthenq
that Nehru will go through with "The county orga
the agreement without any pre- definitely be strengt
conditions. addition of Randallt
He would not say he was op- Hobbs said. Hisa
timistic on a Kashmir settlement, abilities will be put
but declared "there is a better now that we are o
chance than there ever has been round. I can't say w
before to end the dispute. resignation will have
Top American officials antici- organizatidn until I k
pate a long road ahead before any nwcara ilb
agreement can be worked out, but new chairman will
at least after 15 years the Pakis- Randall's successo
tani and Indian leaders have fin- lected by a nominati
ally decided to make a real effort which will meet wit
at settlement, week.
Three Offic
Three vice-chairm
organization resigne
to Randall.
They were Mrs. J,
C cersin charge of a GOP
esprogram; Mrs. Borde
of the ward and prec
+,on;. an-4 'iRs. iT.r
he Republican
resigned fol-
ion of com-
rman J. Ran-
andall, many
in the city
o expected to
s a candidate
omination for
from the race
local political
Hobbs, county
an, has ap-
be his special
anization will
hened by the
to our staff,"
to good use
perating year
hat effect his
e on the city
know who the
r will be se-
ng committee
thin the next
en in the city
d in addition
ames Nichols,
n Chase, head
inct organiza-
T. Stone, re-
11 members
for "personal
y friction is
eave only two
nittee's execu-
1l membership
ty Committee
Nehru, Says
Reds Trying
To Add Land
Calls Plan Attempt
By Peking To Keep
25 Mile-wide Area
NEW DELHI WP) -Prime Min-
ister Nehru sharply rejected yes-
terday key points of Red China's
terms of settling' the Himalayan
conflict. He accused the Chinese
of using their cease-fire as a
cover, up for adding huge shunks
of borderlands to China.
Nehru's rejection, in a letter
to Red Chinese Premier Chou En-
lai, came after Peking announced
its troops were beginning to with-
draw, as promised, from advanced
positions on two ends of India'
northern frontier. Indian officials
could not confirm the withdrawals.
Chou had warned Nehru earlier
that if his troops did not with-
draw also there could be a re-
sumption of the fighting that had
dealt Indian army forces shatter-
ing defeats in an offensive launch-
ed Oct. 20.
Line Definition
Nehru told Chou he could' not
accept the Chinese definition of
a line behind which the Chinese
propose both sides withdraw 12%
miles, leaving a 25-mile-wide de-
militarized strip. This, Nehru
said, would leave the Chinese in
possession of the fruits of aggres-
Nehru said Peking's three-point
proposal of Oct. 24 and the proc-
lamation Nov. 21 for a cease-fire
and withdrawals were "clearly
aimed at securing physical control
of areas which were never under
Chinese administrative control
either on Nov. 7, 1959, or at any
time prior to Sept. 8, 1962."
India has proposed troop with-
drawals to lines both Chinese and
Indian troops held on Sept. 8 as
a basis for startingdnegotiations
on the long-disputed and unde-
fined border areas.
'Necessary Atmosphere'
Nehru once more asked Chou to
accept the Sept. 8 line "so that the
necessary atmosphere for peaceful
processes may be created."
Nehru's letter, handed to the
Chinese charge d'affaires here,
also asked Chou for further clari-
fication of the Chinese proposals.
Previous Indian requests for clari-
fication have brought only added
confusion, Indian spokesman have
The Chinese proposed withdraw-
ing to what they consider the line
of actual control on Nov. 7, 1959.
India does not accept this line.
These claims in the Chinese
cease-fire and withdrawal pro-
posal violate the principle Chou
himself set forth in earlier mes-
sages this year, Nehru said.
Suggest Attack
On Censorship
Cagers Don
Michigan unleashed a pair of
reserve forwards - John Ooster-
baan and Larry Tregoning - to
touch off a second-half explosion
that set up a 68-58 victory over _
Ball State's unsuspecting Card-n.
inals at Yost Field House yester-
With the Cardinals holding on{
to a lead which they had corn- r
n Ball State; MSU Overcom
It was a case of too little too late for the Michigan hockey team
last night as Michigan State took its second straight, 4-3, in a wild
affair at the Coliseum before a sell-out crowd.
The Spartans had a 4-1 lead before Michigan finally countered
with two scores late in the final period. The game saw two major
freeLfor-alls resulting in the ejection of three players, two from
Michigan State.
Second Straight Loss
It was the second straight loss on home ice for the Wolverines,
tion; and Mrs. J. Z
sponsible for the
Randall said the
left the committeef
reasons." Intra-part
reputed to be the cau
The resignations l
members in the comn
tive board. Thetotal
in the Republican Ci
is now down to 18 m
Five Sta
.. .:sanm m