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November 30, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-30

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Little change in temperature
through Saturday.

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
TotalEnrollment Shows Increase Over La

;t Year

Freshman Class Up;
206 Added Students
Hellwarth Says Engineering Drop
Less Marked Than Previous Years'
The total University enrollment reached 26,552 this fall, an in-
crease of 1,077 over last year's total, a five-week enrollment report
There are 10,412 graduate and graduate-professional students on
campus this semester and a total of 16,140 undergraduate students.
The niumber of graduate students at the University has reached 38.9
per cent. Last year 38.7 per cent of the student body were graduates.
There are 18,804 in-state students participating in credit pro-
grams at the University and 7,748 out-of-state students. The men-

Ann Arbor
A great deal of American history
is concerned with the New Eng-
land states, according to Prof. F.
Clever Bald, director of the Mich-
igan Historical Collections.
To counterbalance this Eastern
emphasis, Prof. Bald yesterday
pointed out some key facts in the
history of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw
County and Michigan in a speech
to te Washtenaw chapter of the
Michigan Education Association at
Dexter High School.
Ann Arbor, Prof. Bald said, was
the second city formed in Wash-
tenaw County. Founded by John
Allen and Elisha Rumsey, it was
named for their wives and the
thickly w o o d e d surroundings :
Annarbour. The two words were
later separated and the British
spelling was changed.
Indian Name?
Ypsilanti was named for an
early nineteenth century Greek
prince, whose attempts to liberate
Greece from Turkey failed, Prof.
Bald said. "Some people believe
the city has an Indian name," he
"Many ghost towns once existed
between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
-Geddes and Superior, for exam-
ple. Fosters and Hudson were the
names of ghost towns to the west
of Ann Arbor. These small towns
thrived on paper, woolen, grist and
saw mills and when the mills fold-
ed, they were abandoned. ,
The first Washtenaw County
village was Woodroof's Grove,
which stood on land now occu-
pied by Ypsilanti. The county's
name, Prof. Bald commented, is
Indian for "grand river."
Michigan. History
Concerning Michigan history,
Prof. Bald stressed the fact that
Michigan was being explored by
Frenchmen looking for the north-
west passage to the East. "Sault
Ste. Marie was reached by French
explorers in 1622-eight years be-
fore the founding of Boston."
The French feudal system of
land ownership was brought to
Michigan, Prof. Bald said, and
since each landowner wanted to
have access to water route, prop-
erty often took the form of long,
narrow ribbons with the narrow
side against the water.
'Ribbons' of Land
"These ribbons extended all the
way into Detroit and what were
once St. Aubien Farm and Beau-
bien Farm became St. Aubien and
Beaubien Streets," Prof. Bald said.
For this reason, Detroit has al-
ways had good north-south trans-
portation arteries. However, since
few were willing to split up their
land wth a road or highway, east-
west transportation had, until re-
cently, always been poor.
WCBN Board
Sets Changes
The WCBN Board of Directors
last night approved a new con-
stitution for the station which
would divide the duties of the
station's general manager and
chairman of the board.
"There are some basic weak-
nesses in this constitution," Har-
vey Kabaker, '64, present general
manager and chairman of the
board, said. "But the WCBN board
is using this document as a start-
ing point for' a re-evaluation of
the station's present organization-
al structure. In the near future,
a nrfected form of this constitu-

women ratio breaks down to 17,-
245 men and 9,307 women at the
Freshman Students
The number of freshmen admit-
ted increased by 206 over last year
making the total freshman enroll-
ment 3,421. The nursing school and.
the education school were the only
two units to see decreases in the
number of incoming freshmen.
Total enrollment figures showed
that enrollment in the engineer-
ing college dropped again this
year, but at a slower rate than
The current enrollment is 2,876
students compared to 2,938 at the
same time last year and 3,073 in
Drop-Outs Effect Size
Associate Dean Arlen Hellwarth
attributed the slowing decline to
a reduction in the number of drop
outs and a slight increase in the
size of the freshman class.
Had the current rate of drop
outs held, 190 students would have
been lost to the college this year,
he reported. However, many re-
mained, boosting the enrollment.
The $50 deposit required of Uni-
versity students to maintain their
enrollment undoubtedly kept oth-
ers in the college, Hellwarth add-
Increase-Decrease Balance
The freshman enrollment in-
creased seven per cent this year,
he reported. This increase, how-
ever, did not wipe out the large
drop in enrollment last year and
the freshman class is stillsmaller
than those in 1959 or 1960, Hell-
warth added.
Hellwarth. noted that the in-
crease in the freshman class
bucked the national trend toward
falling engineering enrollment.
According to the Wall Street Jour-
nal, the Engineering Manpower
Commission of the Engineers Joint
Council found that the national
freshman class dropped 2.3 per
cent below last year.-
There was no appreciable change
in the number of transfer stu-
dents, he added.
Hellwarth said that the tuition
rise had little effect on enroll-
The enrollment in the graduate
school rose by 322 this year mak-
ing the total 6,532. The literary
college increased by 214 students
hiking enrollment to 8,402.

GSC Tries
To Revamp
SGC Set-Up
Graduate Student Council will
push for an extensive reorganiza-
tion of Student Government
Council, GSC President Edwin
Sasaki announced last night.
GSC's move, made at a special
meeting, was its reaction to SGC's
refusal to add a graduate student
to its organization as an ex-officio
Earlier this month GSC propos-
ed that SGC either add a graduate
representative, or reorganize to
"moredemocratically" represent
the campus. SGC, at its regular
Wednesday nightmeeting, refused
to consider the proposal.
Develop Plan
GSC considersathis the official
answer, Sasaki said, and will now
develop its reorganization pro-
posals more fully. A detailed an-
alysis' of the program will be de-
veloped within the next few weeks,
he added.
Essentially this means that GSC
will push for reorganization of
SGC and will back any such plan
that might come up. "At present
I am working, independent of
GSC, on a proposal calling for re-
organization of SGC," Sasaki said.
New Constitution
GSC spent most of its meeting
preparing a new constitution for
ratification. It postponed dealing
with the bylaws until its next
meeting, Dec. 13.
The new constitution and by-
laws redefine "graduate student"
to include students in the Medi-
cal and Law Schools and other
professional schools now unde-
fined by GSC.
The document also attempts to
make representatives more con-
scious of constituent opinion, and
to improve communication be-
tween the GSC committees and
the GSC executive board."
Ex-Officio Status
Under the proposed constitu-
tion, the immediate past GSC
president becomes an ex-officio
member without vote of GSC's ex-
ecutive board.
The constitution also provides
for different amending process,
making a two-thirds majority of
the "registered" members neces-
sary, not as formerly, two-thirds of
the total members.
GSC, also rejected the idea of
closed meetings, in keeping with
its opposition to those held by
other campus governing bodies.
SGC took no action on the GSC
The proposal called fo the elim-
ination of "undemocratically chos-
en ex-officios." It suggested an or-
ganizational restructuring of the
Council "along more democratic
lines." The alternative was a plan
whereby each college in the Uni-
versity would elect to SGC a num-
ber of representatives in propor-
tion to that college's total enroll-









Lnplements Transition
Year-Round Program,

_ _ _ _

Call Strauss170TH ANNIVERSARY:
Vindicated Announce

Give Deans

Festival Program

Of Treason
By The Associated Press
In an apparent attempt to
facilitate the resignation of De-
fense Minister Franz Josef Strauss,
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's
Christian Democratic Party last
night called Strauss innocent of
any deliberate wrongdoing in the
government's treason case against
Der Spiegel.
The Christian Democrats' state-
ment said Strauss "has convinc-
ingly maintained that all his de-
cisions in the Der Spiegel case
were made in good faith. He was
fulfilling his duty to support the
attorney general in a case of sus-
pected treason."
Political Deal
Meanwhile, other sources claim-
ed that Strauss sought a political
deal, guaranteeing his resignation
providing that his return to the
government would not be barred
after Adenauer retires.
The Free Democrats have de-
manded the Minister's withdrawal
or dismissal because of the im-
proper part they allege he played
in the police action last month
against the news magazine- Der
Spiegel. The arrest of Der Spiegel
publisher Rudolph Augstein and
three of his editors on suspicion
of treason was widely construed as
an act of revenge. The magazine
had often criticized Strauss.
Arrest Colone
Two West German colonels
were arrested on the same grounds
after the magazine published a
story on the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization maneuvers. The gov-
ernment claimed the magazine re-
leased military secrets. Colonel
Adolf Wicht, an intelligence of-
ficer, and an unidentified mem-
ber of the Defense Ministry staff
were arrested shortly after offi-
cials raided the magazine's offices.
Commenting on the release free-
ing Strauss from blame in the
treason case, Heinrich Von Bren-
tano, head of the Christian Demo-
cratic Parliament Group, said,
"This statement represents the
end of all party discussions on
the roles played by our leaders.
Now it is up to us to think about
the new coalition and to form an
effective government as soon as



Guest artists and the outline of
programs for the 70th annual
Ann Arbor May Festivalwere an-
nounced by the University Musical
The Festival, which begins May
9, will commemmorate the 50 May
Festivals which have been held in
Hill Aud.
This auditorium, constructed in
1913, will be honored on the anni-
versary by the world premiere of
a choral work, "Still Are New
Worlds," by Ross Lee Finney, head
of the composition department of
the school of music, commissioned
by the Musical Society.
The Philadelphia Orchestra,
performing in all six concerts of
the Festival, will be conducted by
Eugene Ormandy with E. Power
Biggs, organ soloist, for the first
program which includes Poulenc's
"Organ Concerto in G minor," and
Saint-Saens' "Symphony No. 3
in C minor," "Organ." "Music for
The Royal Firewoiks" by Handel-
Harty and excerpts from the opera
"Lulu" by Alban Berg will also be
Choral Premiere
The second program, which in-
cludes the choral premiere, also.
features Grant Johannesen, piano
soloist, in "Variations for Piano
and Orchestra" by Wallingford
Riegger and the "Wandered Fan-
tasie for Piano and Orchestra" by

.. with son .. . violin solo

Schubert-Liszt. Thor Johnson will
be the guest conductor.
The third program will be di-
rected by William Smith, assist-
ant conductor of the Philadelphia
Orchestra. The featured soloists
will be clarinetist Anthony Gig-
liotti and the bassoonist, Bernard
Garfield, in "Duet-Concertante"
by Richard Strauss. "Variations
on a Theme by Haydn" by Brahms
and "Symphonie Fantastique" by
Berlioz are also included.

IQC To Establish Group
To Clarify Quad Rules
Inter-Quadrangle voted last night. to establish a committee to
study and clarify the rules and regulations governing residents in the
The committee arose from what IQC felt to be the need to clarify

Eugene Ormandy returns to the
podium for the Saturday night
concert with Isaac Stern, violin
soloist. Stern will perform both
the Mendelssohn Concerto and the
Prokofieff First Violin Concerto.
The "Trumpet Voluntary" of Pur-
cell, with Gilbert Johnson soloist,
and Brahms' "Symphony No. 2"
are also scheduled.
Choral Union
Sunday afternoon the Univer-
sity Choral Union, under guest
conductor Thor Johnson, will per-
form the "Creation," an oratorio
by Haydn. Soloists are soprano
Adele Addison, tenor John McCol-
lum of the faculty of the school
of music, and bass Donald Bell.
The Festival will close Sunday
night with a concert featuring
Rudolf Serkin and his son Peter
in Mozart's "Concerto No. 10 for
Two Pianos." Rudolf Serkin will
also perform the Beethoven "Con-
certo No. 4." Ormandy will also
include the Mozart "Haffner"
Symphony, No. 35, and Buxte-
hude's "Passacaglia."
Beginning Saturday, the So-
ciety will accept series orders at
its office in Burton Tower.
Pick Andersen
In Minnesota
ST. PAUL l'P--Minnesota's 23-
day old vote snarl over electing
a governor began to unravel yes-
terday when the state supreme
court ordered the canvassing
board to certify Republican Gov.
Elmer L. Andersen the winner.
The board promptly carried out
the court's order and loser Lt..
Gov. Karl Rolvaag, Democrat, an-
nounced immediately he would
seek a recount of the Nov. 6 elec-
tion returns.
Rolvaag has ten days in whichj
to petition the state district court
for a recount.

Full Charge
In Operations
Spurr Notes Change
Dependent on Need
Of Separate Units
The University has transferred
the responsibility for the summer
session from the Summer Session
Office to the deans of the indivi-
dual schools and colleges, complet-.
ing the transition to two and a
half semester full-year operation,
Dean Stephen Spurr of the na-
tural resources school and assis-
tant to the vice-president for
academic affairs, said yesterday.
Spurr, in a report on year-round
operation of the University, said
that "we shall not be on a three
term program next year." The
plan is. that in 1963-4 the first
semester will be completed befo'e
Christmas and the second semes-
ter will run from January to May
with most summer courses being
eight weeks.
Thus, the University will be on
an integrated year-round two and
a half semester operation, not a
three semester operation.
New Calendar
Spurr noted that the extent of
the University's commitment to
full-year operations is the two
and a, half semester calendar.
He stressed that the transfer of
the summer session was an ad-
ministrative decision which will
give each' dean his own summer
budget and the full responsibility
for 12-month operation of his unit.
Formerly, the responsibility for
the summer session was in the
hands of Dean of State-Wide Edu-
cation Harold Dorr.
Spurr termed the decision "a
very important psychological step"
since the University, in effect, has
always been in full-year opera-
tion, with - approximately 12,000,
students attending the summer
session. Now, however, as the sep-
arate schools run their own opera-
tions year-round, they will be able
to work into trimester operations
gradually within each individual
Forsees Delay
The report says that 'for some
schools and colleges and for in-
dividual departments within other
schools and colleges, this increase
in activity will be long-delayed."
Those units in the University
which are overcrowded and be-
sieged by many more applicants
than they can handle will be the
first on the list to go on year-
round operation. Those units
which are not over-crowded will
be among the last to be placed on
expanded full-year operations.
Although the individual schools
will be limited by such factors as
funds, each school will decide for
itself what type of operation it
wishes to maintain, Spurr said,
providing its calendar does not
cause conflicts with related units.
He suggested that interlocking
undergraduate schools such as the
literary might develop some year-
round courses while retaining some
courses on the present calendar.
The purpose of this step would be
that students in the other schools
on full-year operation, such as
the nursing school, could take
courses in the literary college.
Time Needed
The gradual introduction of. the
trimester could be done by in-
troducing these new full-year
courses. Spurr estimated that it
would be a "long time" before the
trimester and two and a half
year programs were fully develop-
With the new calendar, to which
the University is now definitely

Lewis Tells Merits of HUAC


Not only are the chances for
abolition of the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee one in a
billion but there is no need for its
demise, Fulton Lewis III, former
staff member of HUAC, said Yes-
terday at a Young Americans for
Freedom-sponsored lecture.
Although many of HUAC's crit-
ics have asked for the committee's
abolition or at least curtailment,
the House itself has "overwhelm-
ingly" endorsed -it with a 412-6
vote in March, 1961, the Supreme
Court has upheld the legality of
committee procedures and ac-
knowledged the threat of a sophis-
ticated Communist infiltration to-
day and HUAC's need is obvious,
Lewis explained.
He claimed that some of HUAC's
critics contend that the Commu-
nist Party is nowdwindling and
therefore it is weak and cannot
pose a threat to domestic secur-
ity. This, however, is a claim
"made naively without the knowl-
edge of the type of organization
the party is," Lewis said.
New Subversion

States must also. "We need agen-
cies to conceive and act to pass
legislation to tighten our protec-
tion against domestic subversion,"
Lewis commented.
Some critics also claim that the
Communist Party is only a politi-
cal organization and therefore is
not subject to such legislation be-
cause of the freedom granted in
the First Amendment. This, too, is
debatable, Lewis noted. He con-
tends that it is a conspiratorial
organization and as such sacrifices
its rights under the amendment.
Political Group?
"The Supreme Court has upheld
certain acts of legislation such as
the Smith Act aimed at curtailing
conspiratorial organizations and
has decided that -the Communist
Party is not a political group," he
The Communist Party is not
dedicated to change through con-4
stitutional means and has there-
fore fallen under the jurisdiction
of congressional legislation. The
courts have held that Congress
needs the power of investigating
In mmittees in ner to at on leg-

tempted to limit speech or rights
in any way. "The HUAC record is
the best of any congressional com-
mittee in this regard," he said.
HUAC has also imposed upon
itself criteria to protect the rights
of witnesses and complies with a
provision from the late Speaker of
the House Sam Rayburn for no
television coverage and release of
witnesses' names only a day prior
to a hearing.
Lewis also said, in response to
a question, that when a witness
invokes the Fifth Amendment he
could ;conceive of no reason other
than'that of possible criminal ac-
tion. When a witness refuses to
answer the question "are you a
member of the Communist Par-
ty?" "I can only assume that he
would leave himself open for crim-
inal action if he doesn't answer it."
Smear Tactics
He claimed that HUAC has not
used smear tactics since. the courts
upheld in San Francisco that there
had been Communist manipula-
tion behind riots. This point has
been debated especially in regard
to the movie "Oneration Abolition"

lines of authority for granting pe
Panhel Heads
Discuss Goals,1
Members of Panhellenic Associa-
tion President's Council consider-
ed the direction that the sorority
system seems to be taking and
whether there is a need to set up
specific goals for it at their week-
ly meeting yesterday.
The problem of scholarship as
well as the question of participa-
tion in cultural and social activi-
ties was discussed. It was agreed
sororities must raise scholarship as
well as encourage interest in ac-
It also was pointed out, how-
ever, that sororities should en-
courage but not insist on partici-
The suggestion was made that
the scholarship chairmen within
the various houses could meet
more frequently and discuss ways
to improve scholastic averages.
There was a general consensus'
that the girls should not be "push-
ed" to get better grades but, in-
stead, should be given some inter-
nal incentive to work for grades.
The attitude in a house-wheth-
er there is interest or apathy-
can influence scholarship, the
presidents noted. That is why sor-
ority members need some "direc-
tion" for times other than rush.
It was pointed out that when
girls contribute to their house, they
feel a sense of cohesion.

rmission to campus organizations
for literature distribution in the
quads. IQC postponed until their
next meeting the adoption of a
precise and more complete man-
date for the committee.
The committee will include the
representatives from each quad to
IQC, one representative from each
quad to be appointed by the re-
spective quad council and approv-
ed by IQC, the chairman of IQC
judiciary committee, and a chair-
man to be chosen by IQC.
A motion to amend the IQC con-
stitution, by stating that IQC and
its members could support SGC
candidates only on the basis of
issues directly touching on stated
IQC goals was defeated..
"We have a responsibility to in-
form theresidents of the quads
on the positions and goals of SGC
candidates. Any limitation on our
ability tq do that is undesirable,"
Bob Geary, '64, president of IQC,

U' Names Leonard
New Russel Lecturer

Prof. Irving A. Leonard has been
named a Henry Russel lecturer,
the highest honor a University
senior faculty member can re-
Prof. Leonard is Domingo Fauzs-
tino Sarmiento University Profes-
sor in Spanish-American history
and literature. The announcement
was made by Prof. George Kish,
president of the University Re-
search Club. The club makes its
recommendation for the honor to

> ;:

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