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November 28, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-28

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To Confer'

Over Di~plomatic)Strife;
Expect Cuban. Sessions

Resignations Dissolve
Adenauer 's Government
Strauss, Erhard, Other Ministers Quit Posts
To Clear Way for Revised Cabinet Structure
BONN QP)-German Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss, center
of a controversy that has shaken the government, and all other Chris-
tian Democrats in the cabinet offered their resignations yesterday,
informed sources said.
The decision, clearing a way for formation of a new cabinet, was
taken at a meeting of Christian Democrat members of parliament.
They told German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in a unanimous opin-
ion that he should step down next

To Discuss
Broad Range
Of Problems
Marks Major Opening
In Nations' Relations
House announced yesterday that
President John F. Kennedy will
confer with Soviet First Deputy
Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan here
tomorrow afternoon.
The Washington visit by Mikoy-
an, whom many regard as second
only to Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev, opened the way for a
broadening of United States-So-
viet discussions which in past
weeks have been confined to the
Cuban crisis.
To Meet Today
Mikoyan's White House appoint-
ment was set for 4:30 p.m. tomor-
row. The Russian leader is expect-
ed to see Secretary of State Dean
Rusk and other United States of-
ficials during his stay..
The still-unsolved Cuban dis-
pute is expected to be on the agen-
da for the Mikoyan visit. But in-
formants said that now that the
main part of the Cuban crisis is
over, the talks with Mikoyan are
likely to cover a broad range of
That would amount to somewhat
of a thaw of the freeze on diplo-
matic dealings with the Soviets
which Kennedy imposed at the
start of confrontation with Russia
over Cuba.
Focus on Cuba
Aides said the President at that
time directed that dealings with
the Russians focus on the Cuban
issue until United States demands
for the removal of offensive weap-
ons from Cuba were accepted. How
much of a thaw develops would
depend on how well negotiations
with the Soviets proceed in New
United Nations Ambassador Ad-
lai E. Stevenson, who conferred
with Kennedy before the Mikoyan
announcement, had told reporters
Mikoyan had, not requested a
meeting with Kennedy at the time
he (Stevenson), Mikoyan and their
United Nations assistants had din-
ed with acting United Nations Sec-
retary-General U Thant Monday
night in New York.
Mikoyan Arrives
Mikoyan arrived in New York
Monday from Cuba where he is
believed to have attempted to work
out a Cuban settlement that Cuban
Prime Minister 'Fidel Castro, the
United States and the Soviet Union
would accept.
Plans To Advance
Shelter Program
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Plans for accelerat-
ing Michigan's fallout shelter pro-
gram to provide protection for
more persons during a nuclear at-
tack have been disclosed by State
Police Commissioner Joseph B.

GOP Faction Raps Goldwater

CONFER ON KEY ISSUES-President John Kennedy (right)
and Soviet First Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan will meet to-
morrow and Friday to hash over many prime areas of concern
to East and including settlement of the Cuban situation.
Western Heads To Meet
AboutCold War Issues
LONDON (P)-British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan last
night disclosed new Western moves have begun for a bit-by-bit
settlement of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.
He told Parliament he intends to discuss a wide range of
measures designed to ease East-West tensions in the aftermath

year, informants reported.
Among those resigning was Vice-
Chancellor Ludwig Erhard, the
economics minister credited with
restoring the West German econo-
my after World War II. He often
has been mentioned as Adenauer's
Letters to Adenauer
The letters of resignation were
supposed to be in Adenauer's hands
last night, informants said.
The aim is to reorganize the cab-
inet to get the minority Free Dem-
ocratic Party back in the coalition
government. Their five ministers
quit the cabinet last week because
of the Spiegel affair involving
Whether Strauss will fight to
hold his office in the new cabinet
was not clear. Party sources said
he may quit voluntarily. One re-
port said Adenauer had offered the
defense post to Paul Luecke, hous-
ing minister.
The Wrath of Strauss
Strauss incurred the wrath of
the Free Democrats and the op-
position Socialists when he first
denied, then admitted he had a
hand in the arrest of the publisher
and four editors of the news maga-
zine "Der Spiegel" on suspicion of
The arrests were widely viewed
as revenge because the magazine
had repeatedly assailed Strauss.
Should Retire
The Christian Democrats told
Adenauer he should retire early
next year or at the latest in the
summer, informants said. There
has been a feeling in the party
that Adenauer no longer exercises
enough control since he lost a
parliamentary majority in last
fall's election.
Informants said the 86-year-old
chancellor said nothing when the
subject of his retirement was rais-
ed. They urged him to form a new
cabinet to be stable enough to stay
in office until the 1965 election,
and said toe question of his suc-
cessor should be decided at the
same time.
Urges Increased
Nuclear Planning
WASHINGTON (T) - Sen. John
0. Pastore (D-RI) last night urged
the fastest possible development of
nuclear rockets as "our best chance
to leapfrog the Soviets" in the
space race. At the same time, Pas-
tore indirectly criticized the pres-
ent space program for not utiliz-
ing auxiliary nuclear power devices
more fully in satellites.

Asks Board
To Vote Out
Merger Plan
Aeronautics Board (CAB) examin-
er recommended yesterday that
the CAB turn down a request by
American and Eastern Airlines to
He said it would tend to create
a monopoly.
Examiner Ralph L. Wiser, who
heard arguments on the proposal
for several months, said neither
airline is a failing business or is
unduly weak. Therefore, he said,
the merger cannot be justified on
the basis of business necessity.
American is the nation's second
largest air carrier and Eastern the
fourth largest.
To View Report
The five-man board will consider
Wiser's recommendations and pre-
sent its findings to President John
F. Kennedy, who will make the
final decision because internation-
al routes are involved.
In New York, American Airlines
said it expects the CAB to reverse
"The American-Eastern merger
proposal represents necessary prog-
ress and is in the public interest.
We are therefore confident that it
will be approved," the airline said
in a statement.
'Crippled' Transportation
Eastern, in similar vein, said the
"critical" financial condition of
through-route air carriers general-
ly calls for ending duplication of
routes and facilities "which are
crippling air transportation."
Wiser's report said that if East-
ern routes should regiure strength-
ening this could be done by other
He pointed out that the merged
airlines would extend over the
American continent into all parts
of the United States except the.
Northwest, and into Canada, Mex-
ico, Puerto Rico and Bermuda.
The Justice Department had op-
posed the merger as "repugnant"
to established antitrust principles.
There was opposition also from
some other airlines and from labor
unions. Stock Market witnesses
who favored it said a merger would
greatly improve the attitude of
professional investors toward the
airline industry as a whole.

Three weeks after the 1962 con-
gressional elections, elements with-
in the Republican party are be-
ginning to have second thoughts
about the party's strong showing
in the South.
"Advance," a national magazine
published by a young, liberal GOP
wing, has criticized the party's
national leadership for support-
ing pro-segregation candidates in
the South.
In an open letter to the Repub-
lican National Committee printed
in the December issue, the editors
of Advance declared, "Though a
traditionally conservative appeal to
the South is certainly acceptable,
a segregationist appeal is totally
unacceptable, both morally and
GOP Hitches
The editors claimed that by
"hitching the party wagon to the
falling star of segregation," Re-
publicans were hurting the party's
long-range prospects in the South
and embarrassing GOP office
seekers in other parts of the na-
Advance said that the GOP
should neither encourage nor fi-
nancially support segregationist
candidates. In this respect it at-

a moderate conservative movement
in the South whcih refutes segre-
gation policies. He said that men
like Senator John Tower (R-Tex)
are not part of this movement and
may hurt the party by their dog-
matic approach to issues. "Tower
is not a true conservative," Haus-
er said.
Stockmeyer Speaks
Steven Stockmeyer, '63, who, in
addition to serving as Student
Government Council president is
chairman of the state Young Re-
publican organization, was even
more emphatic in his concern over
Republican policy in the South.
"This has plagued the party for
a long while," he said. "We're
picking up voters in the South be-
cause the people are beginning to
realize that our philosophy is clos-
er to theirs than that of the na-
tional Democratic party.
"At the same time, we have the

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problem of how not to become the
party of segregation in the South
which the Democrats are now," he
Stockmeyer noted that not all
Republicans are exploiting the seg-
regation issue and mentioned
Georgia as one state where moder-
ates hold the balance of power
within the party. He was strongly
critical of Goldwater's role.
'Definite' Exploitation
"Goldwater is definitely exploit-
ing segregation for two reasons.
He is looking for Southern support
at the national convention in 1964,
and hehopes carry the South in
the election."
Stockmeyer said that the Gold-
water wing has been a bad influ-
ence on the party. "Personally, I
would sacrifice this support rath-
er than have the Republican party
become the party of segregation
in the South."

of Cuba when he meets French President Charles
President John F. Kennedy sparately next month.

de Gaulle and
Macmillan did

Sets Standard
Pay Practice
At Space Unit
standard pay and benefit practices
has been adopted with government
approval to apply to union and
non-union contractors alike work-
ing at the nation's biggest space
center, Cape Canaveral, Fla.
The project stabilization agree-
ment, as it is called, goes into ef-
fect this weekend. It was negotiat-
ed by the contractors and unions
working at the Cape. It will mean
non-union employers must hence-
forth meet union-agreed pay and
work conditions.
Much Money
The plan will govern the more
than $5 billion worth of work the
government plans to have done at
the Cape during the next decade in
completing the moon shot project
and other varied missile and space
work planned for the huge Florida
The agreement hopefully will:
A) Save the government money;
B) Minimize labor troubles and
make more secure the unions' no-
strike pledge; and
Correct Overtime Abuses
C) Correct some of the overtime
and other labor practices criticized
as abuses by Sen. John L. McClel-
lan (D-Ark) and other congres-
sion investigators.
The project agreement is the
product of intensive negotiation.

not say if any new propositions
will be examined for submission
to Moscow. But he left the clear
impression he and his fellow chiefs
of government will be taking a
new look at existing Western po-
Practical Problems
Answering questioners, Mac-
millan listed some of what he
called the more immediate and
practical problems which he will
take up with de Gaulle and Ken-
nedy. He meets de Gaulle near
Paris Dec. 15 and 16, and Kennedy
in Nassau, Bahamas, Dec. 19 and
Macmillan listed these major
talking points:.
1) Measures to be taken in the
first stage of a general disarma-
ment program.
Plans for Peace
Existing Western plans call for
a gradual cutback of armaments
and nuclear weapon delivery ve-
hicles, a reduction of United States
and Soviet armed forces, and
curbs on nuclear weapon produc-
2) The banning of nuclear
weapon tests.
Russia and the West cannot
agree on a system to guard against
cheating. The system must allow
for some kind of verification, in
the West's view.
No Surprises
3) Measures to guard against
surprise attack.
Macmillan's meetings with de
Gaulle and Kennedy have been
arranged primarily to discuss East-
West relations in the light of
events in the Caribbean and the
Communist Chinese invasion of

accused of exploitation

tacked the role of the Republican
S e n a t e Campaign Committee,
headed by Senator Barry Goldwat-
er of Arizona.
Mark Hauser, '64, chairman of
the University Young Republican
organization, agreed with Ad-
vance's analysis.
Importance of Winning
"The most important thing for
the Republicans is to win elec-
tions," he said, "and I don't think
a segregation platform in the
South can win. We need liberal
candidates, not segregationists.
"Southern Republicans can run
on a moderate, conservative plat-
form without coming out in favor
of segregation. Anyone for segre-
gation should not get the support
of the national party."
Hauser said he thinks there is


Britain Issues Visas to Soviets

$5,428.80 and $5,721.12

By The Associated Press
LONDON-Britain has issued
visas for a Soviet trade delegation
to enter the self-ruling colony of
British Guiana, government sourc-
es reported Monday night. The ac-
tion by the British Embassy in
Moscow appeared a reversal of
London's past policy. In the last
two or three months Soviet and
Cuban trade groups which applied
to visit British Guiana were re-
fused visas.
partment revoked yesterday an or-
der that officials giving interviewst
to newsmen must report to an as-
sistant secretary the names of the
correspondent, his organization1
and the subject matter of the in-
terview. The order was issued Oct.
31 during the Cuban crisis. A sim-
ilar order was put into effect inj
the Defense Department at about
the same time. A Defense Depart-
ment spokesman said there are no
present plans to suspend or cancel
communications satellite Telstar
has developed difficulties in its
command circuit, Bell Telephone
Laboratories reported Monday.
After three months of continuously
successful operation in space, the
satellite refuses to take orders to
turn its communication receiver
and transmitter on and off. A
spokesman for Bell Telephone Lab-

oratories, creator of the satellite,
said efforts were under way to de-
termine the cause of the trouble
and to circumvent it.
* * *
LIMA-A Brazilian jet airliner
on a flight to Los Angeles crashed
and burned before dawn yester-
day on a barren hilltop near a sub-
urban slum. All 97 persons aboard
were killed.
LONDON - An authoritative
British naval journal reported yes-
terday the Soviet Union has 30
missile - launching submarines -
twice as many as the United States.
But the figures given by the ar-
ticle indicate the United States
missile-launching submarines pack
a more powerful punch with nine
of the 14 in operation capable of
firing Polaris rockets while sub-
merged at targets 1,725 miles away.
HAVANA - Cuban militiamen
called to active duty during the
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blockade crisis continued to be de-
mobilized yesterday amid increas-
ing signs of a large-scale with-
drawal of Soviet personnel in
Cuba. Several anti-aircraft batter-
ies in Havana, including some de-
pioyed along the Malecon Seaside
Drive, were removed overnight.
* * *
NEW YORK-At closing yester-
day the Dow Jones industrial aver-
age was up 5.99 at 648.05, within
two points of the 650 level. Several
key issues gained one point or
more. Relatively few issues lost as
much as one.
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