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November 28, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-28

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'U' Policy Stresses
Flexibiity, Diversity

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
In a six part series on counseling
at the University.)
The policy of the University
regarding counseling.is to have no
rigid policy, but a program which
will be flexible and diverse enough
to meet the needs of the diverse
student population.
The counseling which goes on
at the University is aimed at aid-
ing the student in his academic
growth and providing him with

. .. aids students

means by which to make his own
decision. Consequently, the Uni-
versity does not believe in re-
quired, compulsory counseling, for
it allows the student his freedom
of choice.
Academic counseling is the basis
of the whole counseling system for
it provides aid in the main area
of University concern. But in addi-
tion services are offered to the
student which encompass more
areas than just in-classroom con-
Separate Agencies
Under the Office of Student Af-
fairs and the Co-ordinator of
Counseling Mark Noffsinger, sep-
arate counseling offices deal with,
psychological services, speech cor-
rection, mental hygience, religious
affairs, placement and personnel.
Each office attempts to aid stu-
dents who come for specific infor-
mation and "guide" not "force"
them into making decisions.
In addition, in the residence
hall systems informal use of coun-
seling is employed by staff per-
Explain Paradox
Each of these units is and is not
a separate agency; this paradox
is explained by the fact that while
these agencies are tied to the
OSA there is, no central directive
which all of them follow.
The Co-ordinator of Counsel-
ing's Office serves as an informa-
tion center for all of the agencies.
Attempts are made through this
office to work with existing units
an d improve the counselor train-
But no one rule or regulation
holds true for every office; in the
Wes Planned
As Subject
Of Weekend'
The 1963 Spring Weekend will
follow a Western theme, the fete's
planning committee revealed at its
mass meeting last night.
To be held on April 27-28, the
grand fete will be introduced by a
co:acert given on April 25.
The Friday-Saturday "Week-
end" will feature a Friday night
free-for-all open-house dance with
a gambling hall setting, and a
Saturday afternoon Island Lake
Ps rk picnic. Transportation to and
fro m will be provided by western
w" .goes.
The Picnickers will be enter-
ta'ned by a steeple chase stage;
co Ich race, with men's housing
units supplying pulling power and
wc men's units supplying ballast for
th coaches. Canoe races, fast-1
drawing and pie-eating contestsl
wil also be featured. Saturday'
ev ning fare will consist of Skit
Night and a dance at the Union.
A Western facade will be built
on the Diag, and a "duel" between
two professors will advertise the+

academic counseling area student
are assigned counselors while at
the placement bureau students are
counseled by requesting informa-
tion, for example.
Informal Counseling
In many cases, the student may
find better help from someone
who is in his confidence than an-
other person with a specific role
Therefore, the University attempts
to provide the student with the
opportunity to meet many faculty
and administrators or staff in in-
formal atmospheres. When the
student feels that he needs coun-
seling he is not required to talk
to someone whom he does not
know but can turn to others with
whom he is already friendly.
Under the new structure of the
OSA counseling is co-ordinated
under the office of the Co-ordin-
ator of Counseling. The office is
under the direct jurisdiction of the
Vice-President for Student Affairs.
The primary function is to act as
a resource service for all counsel-
ing at the University.
That the spirit of counseling
should pervade the University is
an aim of the entire office and is,
in fact, University policy. This
means that not only are the spe-
cific agencies or residence hall
staffs open to aid the student but
the faculty also.
Offer Placement
Undergraduates and graduate
students are both able to use the
University facilities. In each pro-
fessional school numerous coun-
seling services are offered in re-
gard to both placement after
graduation and planning programs
in order to enter the profession.
This is true in the Law School,
the Medical School, the social
work school, the architecture and
design school, the business admin-
istration school, the dentistry
school, the education school, the
engineering college and Horace
Rackham graduate school.
In addition the music school,
the natural resources school, the
nursing school, the pharmacy
college, the public health school
and the Institute of Public Ad-
ministration offer counseling for
their students.
Agency Denies
Union's Clam
Of Unfair Pay
Sanford Security Service presi-
dent C. Wesley Sanford yesterday
said that recent demonstrations
against his agency were, "merely
an attempt to embarrass me"
Several members of the United
Plant Guard Workers of America
(UPGWA) have been using a
sound truck with posters to pro-
test against the wages Sanford
pays. The UPGWA would like to
represent the Sanford Security
Sanford denied that he had ever
offered; former University plant
guards jobs with his agency. In
addition, he claimed that the
wages he pays his guards are "not
much lower" than the salary the
University once offered.
Presents Case
In September, the UPGWA pre-
sented its case before the National
Labor Relations Board in Detroit.
The union had signed up 30 of the
180 guards working for Sanford
but the National Labor Relations
Board decided that this did not
represent a large enough propor-
tion of the workers and therefore
dismissed the union's petition for
Sanford said that the union
wanted a "sweetheart agreement"
with him, in which he would sign
a contract with the union, thereby
making all his workers union
'Down River'
"My men can join the union if
they want," he said, "but I won't

sign any contract with the
UPGWA to sell them down the
Before the union took its case
before the NLRB in September, it
had demonstrated in Ann Arbor
"for about a week," Sanford said.
However, the security agency ob-
tained a temporary restraining
"As far as I'm concerned, these
demonstrations are free advertis-
ing for our agency," Sanford said.

City Council
Views Future
Park Growth
At the monthly discussion meet-
ing of the Ann Arbor City Council,
the Economic Development Com-
mittee of the city's Chamber of
Commerce presented a report on
the Greater Ann Arbor Research
Park (GAARP).
Although only six acres of the
park are currently in use, the
committee feels that the park's
future looks good.
Currently, major emphasis is on
the west side of the park, which
is subdivided into two and one-
half acre plots. The plots cost
about $10,200 per acre but include
public utilities.
Cannot Aid Park
Walter F. Holcomb, committee
chairman, stated that, in his opin-
ion, the city could do nothing to
help the park. He feels that this
responsibility lies with individuals.
He added that the land cost
doesn't seem to be affecting po-
tential GAARP users negatively.
He mentioned one company which
bought land for $50,000 per acre
elsewhere instead of locating at
the research park.
In response to a question from
the council, the committee said
that the Ann Arbor Municipal Air-
port, located across the street from
the research park, was a positive
factor in selling sites in the park.
Near Willow Run
However, it added that GAARP's
proximity to Willow Run and Met-
ropolitan Airports was a greater
factor in attracting potential
Mayor Cecil O. Creal asked
whether the committee saw a need
for erecting a building in the re-
search park in which small firms
could rent space.
Committee member W. N. Mc-
Donald said he felt there was such
a need.
However, according to the com-
mittee no investor is willing to
risk capital constructing a rental
building for which there are no
tenants in advance.
North Campus
Commenting on the fact that
three large research firms have
established offices in the North
Campus area instead of GAARP,
the committee noted that space
there is running out and rising
land costs will soon make the area
unsuitable for small firms.
Of special significance to the
committee was the fact that both
the University and the Chamber
of Commerce are making an effort
to promote GAARP.
Some of the goals for the com-
mittee during the next year in-
clude stepping up GAARP pub-
licity in University publications
and utilizing University staff and
local research companies to at-
tract potential park users.
The committe also foresees the
establishment of close contact
with architects and management
counsultants who migh influence
research firms.
An agreement with the city pro-
vides that installations will not
be made in the east side of the
park until 50 per cent of the land
on the west side, between the Ann
Arbor railroad tracks and South
State Road, has been sold.
A report submitted to the coun-
cil said that while it was in-
appropriate to "reveal publicly the
names of the organizations with
whom we are currently negotiat-
ing, we nevertheless feel encourag-
ed that the past few weeks have
brought several prospects to our

The report said that the new
prospects resulted from "efforts
to make known to the country
the capabilities of Ann Arbor."

-Daily-Todd Pierce
THE SHANT-The secret hideaway, thought to have gone out of style with the last Arabian night, still
exists. All official meetings of the University's chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity are held not
in a plush fraternity house, lined with silver trophies and polished plaques, but in a nineteenth
century church-like building on East Williams, called "the Shant." "The Shant" is the second oldest
building in Ann Arbor, outlived only by the President's house on South University. The Deke meet-
ing place, however, has not been repaired as much as the President's residence and it is therefore prob-
ably the oldest-looking building in the city. No less than five keys and one password are needed to
penetrate the mysteries of "the Shant." The only ones that have entered the building besides active
Dekes are members of the Ann Arbor police who obtained a search warrant for the building several
years ago. Several unsuccessful attempts have been made to enter "the Shant" directly through the
dirty red brick walls. The front lawn of the building features the grave and gravestone of Abe, one
time Deke mascot. Abe is reputed to have been a dog.

MEDFORD, Mass.-The Tufts
University Student Council has
passed a motion condemning the
lack of positive action taken by
its trustees in regard to fraternity
discrimination. The council also
urged Tufts' Inter - Fraternity
Council to "take positive action
against unwritten, national, im-
posed clauses as well as written
ITHACA-The Cornell Univer-
sity student government has put
itself on record as favoring pro-
posed changes in the school's Code
of Academic Integrity. The
changes would force a student to
sign a statement to the effect
that he had read and would
abide by the Code. Any student
who refused to sign would not be
admitted to the university.
* * *
BERKELEY-University of Cali-
fornia President Clark Kerr has
declared that the university has
received a larger proportion of
federal research grants than any
other school because of "the size
of the university" and "the quality
of the universiy's performance."
Kerr spoke out in response to
critics who claimed that the uni-
versity has received undue favor-
itism from the government.
CAMBRIDGE-Harvard Univer-
sity has announced a Joint pro-
gram with Radeliff which will
provide summer teaching and
counseling positions for its stu-
dents on American Indian reser-
* * *
SEATTLE-University of Wash-
ington President Charles E. Ode-
gaard vetoed a planned open dis-
cussion on the university's ban on
Communist speakres.
* * *
PROVIDENCE - The Student
Peace Union at Brown University
has proposed that two class days
be set aside during the spripg
Sunday Morn.: 3 Hrs.
M-W-F Morn.: 10-1 1 :30
T-Th-Sat. Morn.: 7:30-9:00
NO 5-0550

Ghostly Shant: Dark Secrets

College Roundup

semester in which professors would
devote their classes to a discus-
sion of the arms race, the cold war
and problems of the nuclear age.
* * *
State University Student-Faculty
Speaker Committee recommenda-
tion which proposes establishment
of an advisory forum committee on
speakers that will be presented
to the Academic Council early next
its previous position, Antioch Col-
lege has decided to participate in
the National Defense Education
program. The board of trustees
previously opposed the program
because they believed the disclaim-
er affidavit a threat to academic
freedom. This affidavit has re-
cently been amended.
LEXINGTON -The University
of Kentucky Women's Student
Senate has passed a bill granting
senior women the right to deter-
mine their own hours.
* * *
NASHVILLE-A scheduled talk
at Vanderbilt University by Team-
ster's Union President James R.
Hoffa was cancelled. A threaten-
ed invasion by press and TV
caused the cancellation.
CHICAGO - The Chicago
Teachers Junior College Execu-
tive Board recently passed a mo-
tion declaring itself In favor of
severing ties with the National
Education Association. The group
had been pressured for a long time
by the Chicago Teacher's Union
to express its views on the national
organization, due to a long feud
between the two bodies.
Get Your Date Now
Trurman Capote's
to be presented
Dec. 6, 1, &8




Across Campus

Prof. William Jellema of the
education school will moderate a
discussion on "Education and
Morals" at noon today in the Ter-
race Rm. of the Michigan Union.
The discussion is sponsored by the
Office of Religious Affairs.
* * *
Arville Schaleben, executive di-
rector of the "Milwaukee Journal,"
will speak on "News and Why" at
3 p.m. today in Rackham Amphi-
theater. The lecture is sponsored
by the journalism department.
* * *
Prof. Stewart C. Law of the
George Washington law school will
speak on "Training for Law" at
7:00 p.m. today in Rm. 3R of the
Michigan Union. This program is
part of a series for pre-legal stu-
* * *
Prof. Arthur Eastman of the
English department, will speak on
"The Dilemma of Action" at 8
p.m. today at the B'nai B'rith Hil-
lel Foundation.
* *
Registration and related lectures
To Leave Post
At Term End
Ann Arbor Councilman Henry
V. Aquinto (R) announced yester-
day that he will not seek re-elec-
tion next April.
Aquinto, mayor pro tempore for
the last three years, was first
elected to the Ann Arbor city
council in 1959. He said he was
not running in order to devote
more time to his family.
Thus he becomes the second
council member to announce his
election plans, Mayor Cecil O.
Creal having previously announced
his intention to run again Nov. 9.
City elections will take place
on April 1. Primaries, if necessary,
will be on Feb. 18. At these elec-
tions a mayor and one councilman
from each of the city's five wards
will be chosen.
Can you detect
hidden motives
in spoken words?
"In a world full of propa-
ganda and high-pressure ad-
vertising we must develop
critical listening," says Stuart
Chase. And he tells how to
look for the motives behind the
words people use.
Discover how his tested
listening technique can give
you an invaluable skill-
which you can apply to busi-
ness and home affairs. Read
Are You Listening? ... in
December Reader's Digest-
now on sale.

at the public health school will
be held today for the Forum of
Occupational Health Educators.
At 9 a.m., there will be a lecture,
"Training of Graduate Nurses for
Small Plant Service." At 1:30 p.m.,
the lecture "Training of Engineers
and Physical Scientists in Occupa-
tional Health" will be held.
The meetings are part of a two-
day series of conferences designed
to analyze training programs for
graduate nurses, engineers, physi-
cal scientists, and biological scien-
tists. The sessions will be in Room
3042 in the public health school
* * *
Lieutenant Commander Law-
rence J. Green, Civil Engineer
Corps, United States Navy will
present a program on the activi-
ties of the United States on the
Antartic Continent. The program
is sponsored by the student chap-
ter of the American Society of
Civil Engineering and will be pre-
sented tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
room 311 of West Engineering. The
presentation will be illustrated
with slides and will cover such
subjects as cold weather construc-
tion, living conditions, ship opera-
tions, trail parties.
U' Players
Offer Tickets
At Low Rates
A difference in policy with re-
gard to laboratory and major pro-
ductions enables the University
Players to offer tickets at reduced
rates for their forthcoming pro-
duction of Bizet's "Carmen."
Because "Carmen" is a labora-
tory opera, its production costs
are, budgeted to keep technical
expenses at a minimum.
"Carmen" will open at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre on Dec. 5
and run through Dec. 8.
DIAL 6-6264
Feature Starts at
7:10 and 9:25

The Daily Bulletin is an official
publication of the University of
Michigan for which The Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564
Administration Building before 2
p.m. two days preceding publication,
Day Calendar
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.-School of Pub-
lic Health Forum of Occupational Health
Educators-Registration and sessions:
Rm. 3042, School of Public Health;
Morning Session, "Training of Grad
Nurses for Small Plant Service," 9:00
a.m.; Afternoon Session, "Training of
Engnrs. and Physical Scientists in Oc-
cupational Health," 1:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.-Mich. College
Association 16th Annual Conference on
Higher Education.
1:00 p.m.-Dept. of Anatomy Seminar
-Dr. Robert Bolt, Prof. of Internal
Medicine, "Histologic Response to Wheat
Withdrawal in Patients with Malabsorp-
tion": Rm. 2501, E. Medical Bldg.
3:00 p.m.-Dept. of Journalism Lecture
-Arville Schaleben, executive editor,
The Milwaukee Journal, "News and
Why": Rackham Amphitheater.
4:00 p.m.-Dept. of Mechanical Engrg.
Grad Student-Faculty Seminar-E. T.
Vincent, Prof. Emeritus of Mechanical
Engrg., "The Response Engine for Mili-
tary vehicles": Rm. 229, W. Engrg. Bldg.
4:05 p.m.-Arnold Air Society Film
Showng-"The Widest Horizon," "A
Survey of Astronautics," and "Space and
National Security": Multi-purpose Rm.,
Undergrad Lib.
4:15 p.m.-Dept. of Botany Seminar-
Dr. Alan K. Graham, Dept. of Botany,
"Miocene Floras of Southeastern Ore-
gon": Rm. 1139, Natural Science Bldg.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Concert-
Stanley Quartet: Gilbert Ross, violin;
Gustave Rosseels, violin; Robert Courte,
(Continued on Page 5)
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The First 3 -Act Motion. Picture Ever Presented!
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Sociedad Hispanica, Presenta Concur-
so de Poesia, Nov. 28, 8 p.m., 3050 FB.
Musica y refrescos.
* * *
wesleyan Guild, Holy Communion, 7
a.m., Chapel; Coffee Hour, 4-5 p.m.,
Wesley Lounge; Holy Communion, 5:15
p.m., Chapel; Supper, 6-8 p.m., Pine
Room; Nov. 28.
Chess Club, Meeting, 'Nov. 28, 7:30
p.m., Union, Rooms 3K-L. Everyone
Welcome. * *
Lutheran Student Assoc., Evening
Meditations, Nov. 28, 7:15 p.m., Hill &
* * *
Deutscher Verein, Kaffee Stiunde, Nov.
29, 3-5 p.m., 4072 FB.
* * *
U. of M. Rifle Club, Big Ten Tryouts,
Nov. 28, 7:30 p.m., Rifle Range.

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