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November 13, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-13

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India, Chinese Renew
Northeast Front Battle;
Claim Light Casualties

Norstad Claims NATO
Facing Lag in Strength

Adenauer cautions U.S.
bout Soviet Intentions
BONN (A')-Chancellor Konrad Adenauer esaid yesterday the
West should not negotiate with the Soviet Union until Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev shows more evidence of an earnest desire to settle
East-West tensions.
In this connection, the West German leader, on the eve of his
flight to the United States for talks with President John F. Kennedy,
cautionel Americans against optimism about Cuban developments.
" Expressing skepticism that the
Russians have removed their rock-
ets from Cuba, Adenauer said the
fact that Soviet ships have been
photographed leaving the Carib-
bean island with long, covered
tubes aboard proves nothing.
He said it was dangerous to let
the Russians depict themselves as
great peace-lovers by this move
and declared the Kremlin wants
to keep Cuba intact as a Com-
munist center in the Americas.
The 86-year-old Chancellor, who
4 is having his political troubles at
home, expressed his views to a
small group of American corres-
pondents. He asked not to be
quoted directly.
Adenauer made plain that Ber-
lin would be among the chief is-
sues he intends to discuss with
President Kennedy, but he showed
KONRAD ADENAUER unmistakable concern that the
U.S. bound Washington administration might
____. ._._U._._b _____be misled by Khrushchev's out-
ward show of backing down in
COUNCIL: the Cuban crisis.
Adenauer, whose trip was de-
layed a week at the President's
U rge S u yrequest because of the Cuban situ-
ation, said there was no evidence
O f Calendar that Khrushchev sincerely wanted
to settle East-West differences.
VATICAN CITY (M---Steps to
put the Roman Catholic church
on record as agreeable to a uni- Fac R c u
versal or perpetual calendar were
taken yesterday at the Ecumeni- In M innesot.
cal Council.
Several bishops in St. Peter's
Basilica urged study of both a MINNEAPOLIS (M-The closest
fixed Easter date and the idea governor race in the history of
of scrapping the Western world's Minnesota faces an almost certain
480-year-old calendar.
A council adviser who sat in the recount, leaders of both political
day's closed session on liturgy ex- parties agreed yesterday.'
plained, "What the church could With results official from 70 of
do-and, the council-is to say the state's 87 counties, Lt. Gov
that there is no religious objec- Karl Rolvaag (D) had a lead of
tion and that the church is willing 137 over Republican Gov. Elmer
to go along with civil authorities." iL. Andersen.

Nehru Asks
Aircraft Aid
From U.S.'
To Receive Shipment
Of Soviet Fighters
NEW DELHI WP)-Indian and
Red Chinese troops are exchang-
ing shots again on the Eastern
sector, of the Himalayan front,
which had been in a lull for three
A defense ministry spokesman
yesterday said five Indians were
wounded in weekend patrol clashes
around Walong, a strategic town
in the jungled valley of the Luhit
river 15 miles from the Burma
The fighting included what- he
called a probing action by a
Chinese party of unspecified size.
The Chinese fired on an Indian
position near Walong Saturday
night and then withdrew.
Reconaissance Missions
A Peking broadcast said Indian
artillery shelled Chinese positions
north of the Towang river, loos-
ing more than 100 rounds Satur-
day. Indian planes, it said, flew
repeatedly over the Communist
lines on missions 'of "reconnais-
siance, harassment and provoca-
Indian Prime Minister Jawahar-
lel Nehru told newsmen he has
asked the United States for planes
to help India fight the undeclared
war. He did not say what type
he wanted.
Air Transports
A United States embassy spokes-
man commented that there has
been some discussion concerning
inclusion of air transports in U.S.
military aid to India.
Nehru hopes to get MIG-21
supersonic jet fighters from the
Soviet Union next month. A dozen
are reported on order, though
none has yet showed up.
Minister of State K. Raghura-
miah told parliament Indonesia
has agreed to sell, India second-
hand Vampire jet trainers.
In addition to American air-
craft, Nehru said India has asked
the .United States for arms-
making tools.

PARIS (P)-Gen. Lauris Nor-
stad, Supreme Allied Commander
in Europe, told North Atlantic
Treaty Organization parliamen-
tarians yesterday his forces are
"critically short" in many ways,
adding up to 'deficiencies of ser-
ious proportions."
Norstad, who was kept on the
job past his retirement date be-
cause of the Cuban crisis, was
reporting to legislators of the
NATO 15-member countries on
the status of Allied forces drawn
up as a protection against Soviet
aggression. Despite the deficien-
cies, however, Norstad asserted:
Significant Force
"Our force, looked at in the
political and military context of
today, is a significant one. It is
force to be reckoned with on the
land, on the sea and in the air.,,
The commander said the Allied
force is still shy several major
units and that many of those
that are available are seriously
short in combat and service sup-
port. He said there is a "general
lag" in furnishing modern equip-
Grave Disadvantage
The net result, he said, would
be to put Allied troops at a grave
disadvantage in the event of hos-
He pleaded with the legislators
to see that their governments
build up to the force goals which
have been agreed upon for some
years. Nevertheless, he said, "The
progress which has been made
toward the attainment of these
goals permits me to make the
judgment that, within the limits
and for the purposes of our di-
rective from the political author-
ities, NATO Euroope can be de-
'Unnecessary Risks'
"But I must add-and hasten
to add-that until the goals are
fully met we are subjecting our-
selves to unnecessary risks in the
process of this defense. What re-
mains to be done is relatively
small compared to what already
has been accomplished. We have
only a short distance to go-but
this distance is critical."
Turning to the problem of ade-
quate reserves, Norstad suggested
an extension of the system of
large-scale stockpiling to reduce
the need for massive airlifts. As
he put it, this system would per-
mit the soldier to move as an
airline passenger carrying little
more than his rifle and 40 pounds
of baggage. This, hie said, would
permit "the fullest exploitation of
the vast commercial air transport
services available to the West."
"We must have whatever mili-
tary transport may be required to
meet the normal needs of our
services and our strategy," he
Meany To Talk
With Reuther
About Union
labor leaders George Meany and
Walter Reutl'er decided yesterday
to talk over their differences some
more rather than take them to
a showdown that might split the
Reuther backed down from his
reported determination of a few
days earlier to challenge what he
considers a veto power exercised
by Meany, the AFL-CIO president,
over recommendations made by
former CIO unions. Reuther was
head of the old CIO.
Instead of the bolt from the
merged labor movement that had
been threatened by Reuther's auto
workers union, it was announced
the two contesting labor leaders
had decided to make a new try
for a mutually acceptable settle-
ment of their policy differences.
Reuther issued a statement stress-
ing the need to preserve a unified

labor organization.

...'NATO commander
fReid May
Ask. Cheek
Republican Clarence Reid said
he may ask for a vote recount in
some counties in his narrow loss
to incumbent T. John Lesinski for
the office of lieutenant-governor.
A recheck of the votes by the
United Press International showed
that he lost by 2,438. However, he
explained that he would wait until
after he report of the official
state canvas before ,asking for a
recount. The canvas is expected
about Nov. 26.

Tshombe Denounces
UN Bombing Charge
ELISABETHVILLE (P)-Katanga yesterday denounced and for-
mally denied United Nations allegations that its provincial air force
bombed five points Saturday in a North Katanga area controlled
by troops of the Congo's central government.
As if in reply, the UN announced in New York: "UN air fighter
units have instructions to react immediately to Katangan aircraft
engaged in offensive operations." Katanga President Moise Tshombe's

regime charged that the UN is-
sued reports of the bombing with-
out confirmation-was applying
psychological warfare to justify
another military operation against
Katanga-overrun by a heavy UN
assault last year.
A communique referred bitterly
to the stalemate in negotiations
about Congolese unity and said,
"in spite of all our good will,
Leopoldville refuses to accept all
Elisabethville agreements."
"The UN now thinks of only one
solution, looking for an excuse
to start a military action again,"
it said. "We have seen the man-
euver and, although we still wish
for a national reconciliation, Ka-
tanga is ready."
'Reliable' Reports
The UNU story of the bombing
Saturday was based on what UN
officials called "fairly reliable" re-
ports relayed from the Leopold-
ville office of Robert K. A. Gard-
iner, chief of the UN operation in
the Congo.
It was estimated that about 10
planes, including some DC-3s,
might have carried out the raid.
A road junction at Kaseya Lu-
bunda, a hospital at Masemba'
and the area of a Lukuga River
bridge near Kabeya Maji were'
said to have been almong thej


.British Set
A tomic Test
LONDON (P)-The British gov-
ernment yesterday announced
plans to conduct another nuclear
test in America, despite growls
from the Soviet Union that this
could jeopardize the chances of
securing a test ban treaty. .
The trial of the low yield Brit-
ish device will take place under-
ground at the United States prov-
ing ground in Nevada. President
John F. Kennedy has authorized
the test.

Pocket-size dictionary-FREE to
the first 75 new subscribers to
MOSCOW NEWS-weekly. Pub-
lished in the USSR in Eiglish. Deals
with all aspects of Soviet life. Air-
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It's worth repeating ...

Defense Minister Peter Thorney-
croft informed the House of Com-
mons that essential military pur-
poses dictated the need for, the
blast, believed concerned with de-
velopment of a trigger mechanism.
Though Thorneycroft emphasiz-
ed it is in no sense the start of
a new series, his announcement
touched off an immediate political
The test will be the 23rd nu-
clear explosion touched off by
Thorneycroft's announcement
came a day after Moscow radio
claimed any new testing by Britain
would seriously complicate the
prospect of achieving a treaty
banning all nuclear weapons tests.
OPEN Tryouts for Jean Anouilh's
powerful drama will be held Wed-
nesday, Thursday and Friday, Nov.
14, 15, 16 at 7:30 P.M., A.A.
High School, Room C 216. Cost in-
cludes numerous male and several
female roles. Ann Arbor Civic

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world News Roundup'
By The Associated Press
CAIRO-A pilot introduced as the Commander in Chief of
Jordan's air force defected to the United Arab Republic yesterday
in a Jordanian military transport plane. He told a news conference
he preferred to seek asylum in the UAR rather than take part "in
the contemplated attacks against Yemenites."
*. * * *
WASHINGTON-N. E. Halaby, administrator of the Federal
Aviation Agency, said yesterday that European plans to develop
a supersonic airliner may force!
the United States to speedup its
own plans.


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ROME-Italian Premier Amin-
tore Fanfani's center-left govern-
ment last night weathered a cru-
cial test from his own Christian
Democrat party and won unquali-
fied endorsement for continued
cooperation with Italy's Socialists
until next spring.
** *
DAMASCUS-Yemeni royalists
claimed yesterday that tribal war-
riors ,of dethroned King Moham-
mad Al-Badr shot down an Egyp-
tian military helicopter Sunday in
renewed fighting in Eastern Ye-
MOSCOW-Soviet Premier NI-
kita Khrushchev and advisors
from the various republics ap-
proved yesterday the Soviet indus-
trial planning program for 1963
and the national budget.
LONDON-British Prime Minis-
ter Harold MacMillan said last
night President John F. Kennedy
"nobly fulfilled" in the Cuban
crisis the hope the West had
placed in his leadership.
Negro Presidents
View Integration
college presidents predicted yester-
day that all Southern colleges
and universities eventually will
be integrated, including thobe
which now have an all-Negro sta-
dent body.

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BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 5,
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OFF: Rhapsody on a Theme of Pag-
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