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November 13, 1962 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-13

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Worst Enemy Internal

AY, NOVEMBER 13, 1962


USNSA Debate:

When is a Fact a Distortion?

WHEN PEOPLE run out of arguments in a
debate, you can usually depend on them
to fabricate one or two.
Bill Madden did just this in Sunday's de-
bate when he and Steven Stockmeyer argued
against Paul Potter and Robert Ross on the
question of withdrawal from the United States,
National Student Association. (Madden, of
course, thinks the University should discon-
tinue its membership in the organization.)
Specifically, Madden cited the case of one
Harvard College, which withdrew from USNSA
about four years ago and came back in the
year later. Madden would have us believe
that Harvard withdrew because it was dis-
satisfied with the organization and thought it
could effect certain reforms by discontinuing
membership. After the reforms had been ef-
fected that year, Madden would say, Harvard
rejoined the fold.
Crimson gives a slightly different story. Ac-
cording to Steven Roberts, one of the Crimson
editors, the withdrawal from USNSA "was
a power play on the part of the student coun-
cl1 president." (Student government presidents
do get around these days, don't they?)
The Harvard student council president, Marc
Leland, was "an arch conservative-the Mas-
sachusetts leader of the Young Republicans."
According to Roberts, Leland campaigned
against USNSA, and caused campus confusion,
This resulted in Harvard's withdrawal.
In other words, Harvard discontinued its
membership not because it thought it would be
"better off out" for a while, but because of
the politicking of a few influential students. In
fact, the entire student council was ousted in
the next election because of its action on
USNSA. The Harvard case couldn't have less
to do with such mystic issues as "bargaining
power." Madden should be a little more careful
in analyzing cause and effect relationships.
MADDEN ALSO charged that USNSA is con-,
troled by a "manipulative elite." His source
for this accusation was an article written by
former Daily Editor Tom Hayden for "Com-
mon Sense," the magazine of Students for a
Democratic Society. The article, written for the
August 17 issue, is concerned with the narrow
view of most student government representa-
tives of the role of a student, and with the
effect of that view on the USNSA national
Madden quoted the following portion of the

(USNSA) has done wonderful things on
the American campus for 15 years; this
has been due in part to the vociferousness
and courage of college editors who've gen-
erally pushed student government politi-
cians into action, and to a sometimes-
manipulative elite of USNSA "profession-,
als" who have worked as quasi-staff mem-
bers for a few years.
MADDEN'S CHARGE is a gross distortion
on four counts. First, it totally exaggerated
Hayden's statement about "manipulative elites."
If one looks a little more closely at the cited
portion of the article than Madden apparently
did, one will see that Hayden is not saying at
all that USNSA is "controlled by a manipula-
tive elite."
Hayden clearly distinguishes between two
groups: on one hand the student representa-
tives aware of world issues and their effects
on the campus and on the other hand, the
Although Hayden insists that USNSA owes
its effectiveness to both of these groups, Mad-
den completely ignores the student representa-
tives and puts into Hayden's mouth words
that never were there.
SECOND OF all, Madden apparently forgot
to mention that Hayden's article was writ-
ten in criticism of the "manipulative elites,"
not in support of it.
Madden did not mention the end of the
article, which suggests that USNSA engineer
"a great debate on the campuses which directly
involves every single student through hpuse-
mothers, parking regulations, dossiers, etc'
This certainly doesn't sound like' a "maniup-
lative elite" at work. Doesn't Madden read
articles through to their end?
THIRD OF all, Madden forgot to say that
the "manipulative elite" was most pow-
erful at the 13th national congress-held two
years ago. USNSA has since been reformed
in this respect and the national congress is
more democratic than ever.
Madden was hardly a sincere and honest
debater onSunday. Even after having been
corrected by Ross on the Harvard case and by
Hayden himself on the "manipulative elite,"
he went on to distort the facts again at
Martha Cook. One can only hope that the
University will not be tricked into withdraw-
ing from USNSA by people with no regard
for truth.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of a five-part analysis of the raft
of problems which face contempor-
ary India. The writer, last year's
city editor, is teaching English in
India under a Fulbright grant.)
Daily Guest Writer
MADRAS-Faced with radically
more insidious enemies at
home, India today finds herself
unready to really answer China's
knocking on her northern gate.
By creating a bleeding sore on
her shoulders, China may be par-
tially aiming to blunt India's
broad, courageous, even epic at-
tack on these internal assailants.
Their names-poverty, illiteracy,
population explosion, hunger, dis-
unity, authoritarianism-,are all
well known, but their dimensions
are tough to comprehend.
This series is a quick rundown
on the principal ones. It will con-
centrate primarily on the problems
rather than India's answers. Al-
though the latter vary widely as
to imagination, execution and po-
tential, their collective story is a
modern epic of sorts which must
be told separately.
FOR A SHORT sermon on one
set of problems, here are three
bizzare and unfairly extreme texts:
1) A man lies on a railroad
platform, his head slumped over,
his face covered with flies. Yet
he doesn't shoo the insects away
and ,leople literally step over him.
He is dead.
Much more is involved in this
than the simple fact that police
permission is needed to remove a
body and anyone who covers it
will lose his cloth. Death is not
such an important event in in-
dia as elsewhere. It's not a mat-
ter of Western-style "inhumanity
to man" but of a totally different
world view, a'different set of pri-
orities, whether expressed in the
Upanishads or a common indif-
ference to life and death.
2) A foreigner asks a postal
clerk for a package he's received.
He's told to wait a few minutes as
someone is eating lunch on the
parcel, and "you know the Indian
way of eating." The foreigner
won't have to wait long as lunch
is almost over and, speechless, ac-
cepts a prferred seat-on an-
other package.
3) Students are asked to write
an essay on their homes. They are
cautioned not to substitute the
term "native place" for "home" a
common error in the Indian Eng-
lish. Several students entitle their
papers, "My Native 'lace." An-
other writes, "na. . " and crosses
it out, substituting "home. But
later in the essay, he reverts to
"native place."
In fact, the English word'
"home" is not a substitute for
"native place," which signifies an
Indian's home village, the place
where he is born. Its name is
one of his names, andno matter
where he may live, he has only
one "native place.",An American's
"home" is where he lives and its
location moves as he moves; the
word represents a sort of root-
lessness not present in a society
solidly rooted in its motherland,
** *
ALTHOUGH the first illustra-
tion is a bit gory, it does indicate
life in India can be a grim and
bitter thing, and the indefference
a necessary reaction. For many,
the only reality is a poverty whose
sight, sound and smell is inde-
scribable to those who haven't
seen it.
Tiny houses, many pup-tent
size, built from thatch and mud,
huddle along open sewage ditches
where local animals drink. Every
wall is a urinal, every street a
stable. There's never enough to
eat, and the people's condition
shows it. Hinduism enjoins clean-
liness, but what good is a bath
when one wears the same rags for
a year?
Poverty isn't the only reality, for

there are many who are well off
or at least maintain reasonable
standards. But when it exists, it
destroys ambition, cuts already low
labor effectiveness, interferes with
education or moves up the eco-
nomic ladder, bringing large, un-
supportable families and then kills
Underlying the poverty and in-
difference are some staistics. In

March there were 439 million In-
dians, one seventh of humanity.
Today there are about four million
more, more than two Detroits.
A result of a sharply declining
death rate with no change in the
birth rate, the population in-
crease, in familiar fashion, is eat-
ting up gains in food production
and national income so inciepses
in living standards lag well be-
hind aggregate production ex-
BUT THE FUTURE, to say the
least, looks a good deal more
serious. In a widely quoted 1949
study, American experts Ansley
J. Coale and Edgar M. Hoover
warned India must cut her rate of
population increase immediately
and drastically or suffer disas-
terous consequences. At the pres-
ent growth rates, population will

one of the world's leading philos-
Can they do the job?
Ineffeciency and worse in gov-
erinent offices and factories, low
literacy and, in general, intellec-
tual stagnation, and indifferent
students say no.
Intelligent, competent, aware
economists, government officials,
engineers, politicians, businessmen
say yes. The question is, are there
enough of the latter?
And even if the elite is large
and influential, can it mobilize
the mass of Indians, people gov-
erned by the ethoos of a society
twenty times as old as America
and possibly impervious to "mod-
* * *
BASED ON the "real" India,
thousandsofsmall villages, this
society's strength is the point of

What People 'Say
" HE NATIONAL Student Association has splendidly articu-
lated our national ideals and reflected the vigor of our
college and university young people. The NSA has behind it
years of useful activity and experience. It has made generous
and effective contributions in many areas of public policy-
foreign affairs, civil rights, academic freedom and international
student exchange."
-President John F. Kennedy
WELCOME this opportunity to congratulate each of your
members on the splendid work you are doing to advance stu-
'dent aims and to contribute to our American way of life."
-Richard M. Nixon, former Vice President
of the United States
"THE THIRTY-SEVENTH Annual Meeting of the American
Association of University Professors welcomes the develop-
ing program of the National Student Association for making
an informed student opinion effective in American higher edu-
cation and for extending the influence of free education to
other parts of -the world."
-American Association of University Professors
Thirty-seventh Annual Convention

To the Editor:
IN YOUR editorial of Nov. 7, you
state that "the conservative
voice has found a new campus or-
gan in the form of WCBN." Your
statement is in error in three re-
A: Harry Doer is not WCBN.
B: The program "Headlines and
Bylines" is always concluded by a
disclaimer which states that the
views expressed are those of the
commentator and do not neces-
sarily reflect the views of WCBN,
its staff, or advertisers.
WCBN numbers among its staff
as many devoted liberals as con-
servatives and each is free within
the limits of his program time and
under similar rules of disclaimer
to state his views. Any station
member is free to express his edi-
torial opinion on "Headlines and
Bylines" or any specially program-
med show.
*f * *
C: WCBN is an all campus sta-
tion. It works to provide the Uni-
versity with programming and
news coverage suited to all tastes.
The news editorial program
"Headlines and Bylines" has al-
ways been dedicated to bringing
depth to opposing views on issues
important to the students.
The program has never been
limited to just one view and has
always invited those who repre-
sent opposing views to voice their
opinions. In the past both Robert
Ross and Steve Stockmeyer have
appeared on WCBN. WCBN offers
all views for the campus rather
than a conservative voice or a
liberal voice--WCBN is the voice
of the student, and shall con-
tinue to be so.
-Hugh Ioland,.'65,
Staff WCBN
Member VOICE political party
--Thomas Hise, '65,
Staff WCBN
To the Editor:
RUMORS ARE circulating about
campus that Better Off Out,
the student organization opposing
the University's continued affilia-
tion with USNSA, is receiving all
or a substantial part of its finan-
cial support from the John Birch
Society and/or The Young Ameri-
cans for Freedom.
These rumors are completely un-
true. The fact is that no money
from any source other than Uni-
versity studentshas been received
by BOO.
If the proponents of USNSA on
this campus have no better
ground to argue for USNSA than
to make untrue and damaging
charges, then it seems to us that
their cau e should emphatically be
NO ONE is questining where
.Friends of USNSA is receiving its
support. How much of its litera-
ture or posters has been donated
by USNSA or other off-campus
Only students on this campus
have contributed to BOO, and it
is time that this is made explicitly
clear. And it is time to ask to
what lengths will those support-
ing USNSA go to win people to
their cause?
If it is to such an extent that
it includes false rumors and vi-
cious allegations, then it is time
to make them prove their charges
or publicly retract them.
-Robert F. Finke, '63;
-Steven F. Stockmeyer, '63
Charge False...

To the Editor:
DURING the last few days ac-
cusations have been made by
members of Better Off Out that
people acting on behalf of the
Friends of USNSA have made ser-
ious' allegations about the sources
of BOO finances.
Such accusations by BOO are
categorically false and malicious
in their own right. I too have
heard reports of such rumors and
wish to condemn them as de-
It is unfortunate that in a ser-
ious election proponents of both
viewpoints have on occasion de-

Chancellor Adenauer
Vsits Washington

l Views


be 775 million in 1986, and after
that any possible gains in living
standards will be cancelled out
by further increases, the Ameri-
cans said.
A moderately - applied brake
would of course ease the situation,
but the "only reasonable hope"
for an economic breakthrough is
to begin immediately and slash
the rate of increase 50 per cent
by 1981. That would mean a man-
ageable population of about 590
million in 1986.
But birth control programs, the
general experts' prescription for
India, haven't yet had anything
close to the results needed to solve
the problem.
* * *
FACED WITH the task of de-
veloping their nation, these mil-
lions range in type from more
tribal people than live in most
African nations to their president,
INSOFAR AS in loco parentis
doctrine removes responsibility
for personal decision-making from
the individual student, it distorts
and weakens a significant phase
of the educational process.
The unexamined acceptance of
authority which is often approp-
riate to the child-parent relation-
ship must be replaced in the uni-
versities by the encouragement of
a critical and dialectical relation-
ship between the student and his
USNSA calls on faculties and
administrations to open the uni-
versities to fuller and more mean-
ingful student participation in
those university and community
affairs which shape student life
and development. These include
the content of the curriculum,
methods of teaching, the proced-
ure of forming total university
policies, the housing and welfare
conditions and non-curricular con-'
cerns, such as self-government
counseling and judicial process.
-Codification of Policy
14th National Student
Association Congress

the third text. Even the "eman-
cipated are still affected.
Combining with poverty-in-
creased low expectations, the old
society's social order, caste, stul-
lifies most modern style social
mobility and ambition for a better
life even as it- provides for the
psychic need of security and a
place in the community.
The society's religion, Hinduism,
tends to discourage materialistic
aims in many, and some material
ambition has always been a neces-
sary spur to economic and con-
comitant social progress.
In many areas of the country,
these factors add up to, at best,
little desire for economic and so-
cialdimprovement. People are sim-
ply satisfied, and their easy satis-
faction is one of the major ob-
stacles confronting the forces of
S * *
LACKING literacy and contact
with the outside world, the farm-
er is gripped by the implaccable
localism of his village. He is un-
aware of grandiose development
plans, distrustful of officials, ig-
norant of what is going on out-
side and chary of much-roads
and school buildings-which goes
on nearer to home. He sees a
world of gods and mysteries
where it was said, for instance,
that the Soviet cosmonauts had
reached heaven.
The Westerner, especially the
urban type, has difficulty under-
standing the Indian farmers' way
of life, an existence timed not
by clocks but by the movement
of sun, moon and stars. It is a
life governed by the changing of
seasons and the coming of the
A scene at Andhra Pradesh
comes to mind: A group of peas-
ants are gathering at the center
of their village a bit off the main
road. What is going on?
A car driver's laconic reply:
"Their well has gone dry." This
could mean hunger and death for
some cattle and bullocks, or may-
be some men.
The monsoon was late this year
in west Andhra.

meaned their cause by resorting to
distortions and rumor campaigns.
-Paul Potter, Grad
Stay In . .
To the Editor:
THE CURRENT controversy over
affiliation with the United
States National Student Associa-
tion raises several interesting con-
siderations. Conservatives main-
tain that membership is not worth
the annual cost of near $2,500 and
point out that this constitutes 1/5
of SGC's total budget.
However, they have yet to tell
the student what he receives for
his annual $10,000 the other 4/5
of SGC's budget. These conser-
vatives also claim that USNSA is
not representative, yet ignore the
ridiculously "small percentage of
students who vote in rany given
SGC election. Every argument
which is used against USNSA can
also be turned against SOC.
If we at the University vote to
disaffiliate from the USNSA we
should also, by the, same logic,
abolish the Student Government
Council. One should either vote
"Yes' on USNSA membership or
write in Vice-President James A.
Lewis for SGC. Does the Univer-
sity want student government or
not? It's time for a consistent de-
-Frederick M. Ulemnan, '63
Lening rad
A STANDING ovation greeted
t h e Leningrad Philharmonic
at the end of their concert in
Hill Auditorium last night, and it
was entirely deserved. This great
orchestra under the direction of
its magnificentconductor,. Eugen
Mravinsky, provided what will
probably rank as the outstanding
musical performance of this year.
Mravinsky, who has been the
conductor of this group since 1938,
is in the same mold as the great
George, Szell of the Cleveland Or-
chestra. The Russian conductor
mainstans absolute discipline over
his ensemble and obtains precise
articulation along with a rich,
warm sound.
he Leningrad Philharmonic
does not provide a blended color,
but keeps each of the families,
the orchestra distinct. The effect
is marvelous.
* * *
THE CONCERT opened with
the Overture'to'Mozart's "The
Marriage of Figaro." Every note
was precisely in place and the'
sound was beautiful. There was
no doubt after this that we were
in for a great concert.
It was a thrill to hear Bar-
tok's "Music for string instru-
ments, percussion and celesta."
This work is one of the genuine
masterpieces of the 20th century.
Aside from some out-of-tune play-
ing in the opening fugal en-
trances, it was a lovely, controlled
* * *
THE SECOND half of the con-
cert was filled with Shostako-
vitch's Symphony No. 5. The per-
formance was definitive.
Much has been said about Shos-
takovitch's potential genius and
the stifling affect which Soviet
official censorship had on his
early development. Certainly many
of his youthful works, including
the successful First Symphony, re-
veal a considerable talent.
Whether this talent would have
blossomed into genius in a differ-
ent environment is now beyond
the point. The fact remains that
he did not fulfill that early
The Fifth Symphony is the out-
standing example of this failure.

Many good ideas fall into banal-
ity throughout the work. It is a
splendid vehicle for 'the display of
a virtuoso orchestra and can be
exciting when performed by a
great ensemble.. It was very excit-
ing last night.
-Robert Jobe


" ER ALTE MANN," Germany's Chancellor
Konorad Adenauer, will arrive in Wash-
ington late tonight for talks with President
Kennedy. This visit to the United States, the
first for Adenauer since last November, and the
first visit to the White House of a head of
state since the Soviets began dismantling mis-
siles in Cuba, has a double purpose for Ade-
He is, first, concerned with the relation
between events in Cuba and the status of
Berlin. Some Western observers feel that the
moment has come for the West to negotiate:
the United States, having finally seized the
initiative in the Cuba affair after a long his-
tory of defensive foreign policy, would be able
to bargain from a position of strength.
Adenauer and Kennedy may also be able
to do some alliance fence-mending, since
German-American relations have suffered from
a Franco-German alliance. The United States
may find itself looking like the jealous lover
in the face of a blossoming friendship, but
a recent French proposal that the two coun-
tries should coordinate their planning of policy
in such international bodies as NATO and EEC
cannot help but be disturbing and cause fric-
tion. Final German assent to the French plan
was expected to reach Paris before Adenauer's
departure for Washington.
THOUGH international considerations are
relevant, and the concerns of Berlin, world
peace, andl a possible summit . meeting the
larger concerns, Adenauer certainly will have
other things on his mind as he wings his
way across the Atlantic today. His dwindling
prestige in Western Germany is the most im-
portant. At home, Adenauer is beset by in-
ternal political problems which must be re-
His own political future, and that of the
Christian Democratic Party, is at stake.
The German leader certainly hopes that a
trip to Washington and a well-publicized meet-
ing with the leader of the Free World will
enhance his own prestige.
TWO EVENTS, closely linked, are at the root
of German domestic difficulties. There is
first, the well-known "Der Spiegel" affair,
now two weeks old, which has liberals wonder-

COMPLICATIONS set in, and the case took
on all the trappings of an international spy
incident when Franz Josef Strauss, Germany's
defense minister, announced that he' had en-
gaged Interpol, the international organization
of criminal police, to help in the arrest of' a
"Der Spiegel" reporter vacationing in Spain.
That nation, much to the dismay of Franco,
the cabinet and the tourist office, finds itself
drawn into a West German domestic contro-
Spanish officials insist they acted only after
an urgent request from the West German
Embassy in Madrid which described the "Der
Spiegel" reporter as a member of a vast es-
poniage network.
CLOSELY RELATED to the "Der Spiegel"
affair was a setback for Adenauer's Chris-
tian Democratic party in Sunday's elections.
The Social Democrats obtained an absolute
majority in Hesse's new Parliaments.
Vote totals showed a gain of three seats for
the socialists, two for the Free Democrats, and
a loss of four Christian Democratic seats.
The largest city in the state of Hesse, Frank-
furt, was one of the first in Germany to
demonstrate against the government's role in
police action in the "Der Spiegel" case. During
the campaign, Christian democrats found cov-
er sheets of the magazine pasted over their
posters; student demonstrators in Frankfurt
demanded that Strauss, rather than Rudolf
Augstein, should be imprisoned.
many is becoming more and more unten-
able: the "Der Spiegel" affair and the loss in
the Hesse elections which "seems an outright
repudiation of the chancellor's leadership are
related to a general German impatience with
the old man who insists on staying.
Germans went to the polls a year ago, on
September 17; a Christian Democrat-Free
Democrat coalition was formed.
At the same time, giving in to the demands
of Erich Mende and his Free Democrats, and
to the demands of public opinion, Adenauer
agreed to step down after two years in office.
The feeling in Western Germany a year ago

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