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November 11, 1962 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-11

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Wisconsin, Purdue, Northwestern Share First in Big Ten



By The Associated Press
MADISON-Rose Bowl-minded
Wisconsin shocked Northwestern,
the nation's No. 1 football power,
with an explosive attack and a
bruising defense in knocking the
Wildcats from the unbeaten ranks
37-6 yesterday behind the brilliant

and one defeat. The lone setback
was a 14-7 decision to Ohio State.
The Badgers, who have surrend-
ered a mere 73 points, threw up a
rugged defense, in halting the aer-
ial acrobatics of Myers, a sensa-
tional sophomore. Wisconsin gave
up short yardage on passes in
warding off the threat of long-
gaining bombs virtually the entire
VanderKelen; a senior quarter-
back who had played only 90 sec-
onds of varsity- ball prior to this
fall, directed the Badgers on an
80-yd. scoring march after the de-
fense had thrown back a scoring
bid by Northwestern in the early
Vandy, who was aided in the
drive by Holland's three runs for
30 yards, capped the drive by hit-
ting Kroner on an 11-yd. payoff
maneuver. Kroner added the extra
point and then bootes his mates
into a 10-0 halftime lead with a
38-yd. field goal in the second per-
Kroner ignited the Badgers with
a 44-yd. return of the second half
kickoff, dashing down the side-
lines to the Northwestern 43.
Three plays later, VanderKelen
rolled to his right and hit Kroner
on a scoring shot covering 23 yds.

A pass interception on the
Northwestern 21 set up a 9-yd.
scoring jaunt around end by Hol-
land a few minutes later. A North-
western fumble on the ensuing se-
ries of downs gave Holland anoth-
er touchdown-this one on a 4-yd.
burst through left guard.
Wisconsin stopped Northwest-
ern just inches from the goal be-
fore the Wildcats rebounded for
their touchdown on a Myers pass
to Murphy.
VanderKelen completed the rout
by passing to Holland for another
six points on an 11-yd. aerial play
with 12 seconds remaining.
The victory boosted Wisconsin
into a tie with Minnesota and
Northwestern-each with 4-1 rec-
ords-in the Big Ten. The Badgers
have conference games left with
Illinois and the Gophers, who are
ineligible for the Rose Bowl this
year. Northwestern has only a
meeting with Michigan State in
conference play.
"They overpowered us," said
Northwestern football coach Ara
Parseghian, unable to hide the
shock of hearing his own words
recap the dethronement of his
first-ranked Wildcats.
"Wisconsin ran the same plays,
they had the same defenses, they
did everything we expected, but
they did it with greater execution
and with greater determination,"
he said.
The replies came had for the
stunned Northwestern coach as
newsmen huddled around.
"How did the game get so out
of hand?" a questioner asked try-
ing for an explanation of the 37-6
victory by the fired-up Badgers.
"I wish I had an answer to that,
I really wish I did," Parseghian
Wisconsin coach Milt Bruhn
had trouble with words, too, but
his was an inability to find enough
of them.
"You just have to say that this
was VanderKelen's day," he said
of Wisconsin's quarterback.
In his personal duel with All-
American candidate Tom Myers,
the Wildcat signal caller, Vander-
Kelen was in Bruhn's words, "just
VanderKelen completed 12 of

22 passes for three touchdownsi
and 181 yds. and averaged more
than 3 yds. in nine running trips
with the ball. He directed his team
flawlessly and contributed to the
bruising Badger defense.
Bruhn was asked which of the
two he'd pick as the All-America
quarterback, but sidestepped the
question by saying he knew "all
along how good Vandy is and
I've only seen Myers once."
Both coaches agreed that the
rush Wisconsin put on Myers was
the chief factor in the outcome.
Parseghian said it was the
"heaviest" his team had come up'
against in seven games.
Bruhn said Wisconsin's rush
and "solid defense, especially in
the deep secondary did the job
for us."
The Badger coach said that as
early as Monday he and his staff
"could almost sense what was go-

ing to happen yesterday. This was
as ready as we've been all year."
* * *
Bucks Beat Clock
COLUMBUS-Dick Van Raap-
horst, 19-year-old junior, gave fal-
tering Ohio State a 10-7 victory
over 18-point underdog Indiana
yesterday with a 27-yd. field goal
in the last eight seconds.
The Hoosiers in losing their 18th
straight Western Conference game,
played the Bucks to a standstill
until the final seconds, and had
all the edge in the statistics.
Paul Warfield, speedy Buckeye
junior from Warren, Ohio, put the
Bucks in front with a scintillating
75-yd. touchdown run in the sec-
ond period, and Indiana matched
it with a 72-yd., 19-play drive at
the start of the third session.
Hoosier quarterback Woody Moore
sneaked six inches for the counter.

Neither team was able to threat- yesterday in a bruising Big
en many times because of the wet defensive battle.

Ten I

field and a drizzling rain which
kept the bands off the field at
Luke George missed a 26-yd.
field goal try for Indiana in the
second period, and Van Raaphorst,
from Ligonier, Pa., but a native of
Charlevoix, Mich., had missed
from 28 and 58 yds. before his big
pay-off punch.
The victory moved Ohio to a 4-3
record for the season, and 3-2 in
the Conference, the conquests
coming on alternate weekends. In-
diana is 0-5 in the Conference, and
2-6 overall.
* * *
Hex on You, MSU
EAST LANSING-Purdue, which
for the past decade has exercised
a football hex over Michigan State,
defeated the favored Spartans 17-9


'Maple Leafs, Black Hawks Win
While Detroit,_Boston Deadlock

Purdue's Omer Ohl converted
the Boilermakers' first touchdown
in the third period and then add-
ed a 27-yd. field goal in the fourth
to keep the Boilermakers in the
race for a possible Big Ten title
and a trip to the Rose Bowl. Pur-
due got an insurance touchdown
with only 38 seconds left to play.
Michigan State's lone touch-
down, scored in the third period,
came on Sherman Lewis 54-yd.
run on the first play after Don
Underwood had recovered a Pur-
due fumble. But the Spartans' try
for the extra point went wrong
with a bad pass from center.
Breaks were decisive in all the
early scoring except for Ohl's field
goal. Purdue's first touchdown
came when Tom Bloom streaked
47 yards down an aisle near the
sidelines after intercepting a Pete
Smith pass.
The last minute Purdue marker
involved a lurching 50-yd. run by
Ron Walker and then a one-yd.
plunge by the fullback.
Michigan State started the scor-
ing when Underwood recovered a
Purdue fumble in the second per-
iod o nthe Purdue 20-yd. line and
three plays later Jim Bobbitt kick-
ed a field goal from the 27.
In the recent past Purdue has
broken a Michigan State 28-game
winning streak, twice has cost the
Spartans possible Big Ten titles,
and now has closed the door for
any chances to visit the Rose Bowl
in January.
is back in town
for engagement
call NO 3-6760


... first 17

masterminding of Ron VanderKel-
The Badgers, rated eighth in the
country, scored a touchdown and a
field goal the first two times they
had the ball and then buried the
stunned Wildcats with a 21-point
outburst in the third period.
Gary Kroner, a senior halfback
who had not scored a touchdown
this season, tallied the first 17
points and then added a pair of
conversions. Lou Holland, a jun-
for speedster, scored the last three
Wisconsin touchdowns on a pair
of sparkling runs and a pass from
Northwestern, which had rolled
to six straight victories, managed
to avert a shutout on a 39-yd.
pass maneuver, Tom Myers pitch-
ing to Steve Murphy midway
through the final period.
Wisconsin, the nation's highest
scoring machine, boosted its out-
put to 236 points in six victories

By The Associated Press
MONTREAL - The Chicago
Black Hawks gave rookie goalie
Denis DeJordy some fine support
and scored once in each period
last night in a 3-1 National Hock-
ey League victory over the Mon-
treal Canadiens.
DeJordy, up from Buffalo of the
American Hockey League, filled in
for the injured Glenn Hall in the
Chicago nets and almost pulled
out a shutout in his first full NHL
Hall's absence, because of a
pinched nerve in his back, broke a
string of 552 consecutive NHL
games for the veteran goalie.
The Hawks came up with a hel-
ter-skelter but highly effective
checking game that pulled DeJor-
dy out of trouble several times.
Ken Wharram, Ron Murphy and
Stan Mikita scored for Chicago
and Tom Johnson scored for Mon-
treal midway through the third
period when his goalmouth lift

... three TDs


By The Associated Press
WACO - Lightning streaked
through cloudless skies yesterday-
in the form of quarterback Tom-
my Wade and the jolt carried na-
tionally-ranked Texas to a stir-
ring 27-12 victory over Baylor's
Battlin' Bears.
Wade, locked in a passing duel
with Baylor's Don Trull, fired two
touchdown bolts, dove one yard
for another and directed the un-
defeated Longhorns to their sev-
enth victory of the ;year.
Witih only a 14-14 tie marring
their record, the Steers moved a
giant step nearer their second
straight Southwest Conference
Only Texas Christian and arch-
rival Texas A&M block the title
trail, and a trip New Year's Day
to the Cotton Bowl.
Wade hurled passes of 54 and

s Top Teams Score Victories

14 yds. for the first two Texas
touchdowns, spotting Tommy Lu-
cas on the first and Sandy Sands
on the second.
Tailback Jerry Cook scampered
eight yds. for the third and Wade
closed out the Longhorn scoring
with five minutes left on a plunge
from the 1. Shoeless kicker Tony,
Crosby converted after the first
* * *
'Bama Crushes Miami
TUSCALOOSA-Sophomore Joe
Namath took some passing lessons
from Miami's brilliant George
Mira in the first half yesterday,
then applied them with punishing
fury and guided nationally ranked
Alabama to a 36-3 football victory.
Namath ran and passed Ala-
bama to 23 points in less than
nine minutes of the third period
after magician Mira had led
Miami to a 3-0 halftime on a 40-
yd. field goal by Bobby Wilson. It
was Alabama's 19th consecutive
victory, and the defending nation-
al champions ran their unbeaten
string to 26 games.
Alabama, currently No. 3 in the
nation in the Associated Press top
10, shouted for a return to the
No. 1 spot by turning the hearlded
Mira-Namath duel into a rout in
the second half.
Namath triggered the first
touchdown by racing 38 yds. in the
third period to the Miami 41. Two
plays later, he passed 35 yds. to

halfback Cotton Clark to the
Miami 4. Clark scored three plays
later from the one. This touch-
down dealt Miami its sceond de-
feat in eight games.
* * *
Cadets Upset UCLA
Cadets took the opening kickoff
and marched 83 yds. for a touch-
down, scored twice on enemy errors
and upset UCLA 17-11 yesterday.
Favored by more than a touch-
down, UCLA went into the air in
a wild final two minutes but the
Academy defense throttled the be-
lated attack.'
Air Force halfback Darryl
Bloodworth intercepted a pass
from Larry Zeno and raced 55 yds.
for an apparent touchdown with
1:50 to go but the play was nulli-
fied by a holding penalty.
Earlier in the fourth quarter,
UCLA got back into the game on a
49-ydfl drive and a 4-yd. touch-
down run by Zeno. Zeno then pass-
ed to Bill Hauck for the conver-
sion and UCLA trailed 11-17.
Bloodworth scored the first
touchdown as quarterback Terry
Isaacson guided Air Force down-
field in 17 plays, all but two on
the ground.
The alert Cadets cashed in on
two of several UCLA mistakes.
John Gavin booted a 25-yd. field
goal in the third quarter after Joe
O'Gorman recovered a fumble.
Isaacson intercepted a pass and

raced 37 yds. to the UCLA 18 to
set up the final Air Force score.
* * *
Arkansas Levels Rice
ran for one touchdown, passed
to sophomore end Jerry Lamb for
two more, and rolled up 71 yds.
rushing in quarterbacking sixth-
ranked Arkansas to a 28-14
Southwest Conference football
victory over Rice yesterday.
Moore boosted his conference.
scoring lead to 66 points and his
rushing lead to 485 yds. in the
important Homecoming victory
before a record crowd of 34,000.
Arkansas has a 7-1 record and
with victories in its last two games
against Southern Methodist and
Texas Tech could virtually assure
itself of a bowl bid.
Rice quarterback Randy Kerbow
mounted an impressive passing
attack in the second half and
threw to ends Gene Raesz and
Jerry Kelley for the Owl touch-
But Arkansas' overall strength
and aggressiveness made the game
far more lopsided than the score
Arkansas got off to a 2-0 lead
after three minutes when center
Jerry Caveness tackled Rice tail-
back Ronnie Hatfield on the Owl
one and Hatfield fell into the end
zone for a safety. Hatfield had
fielded a punt that bounched back
at him after hitting the goal line.

went in off Chicago defenseman
Jack Evans.
Montreal goalie Jacques Plante,
who has been bothered with a leg
muscle injury, started for Cana-
diens but had to retire after the
first period in favor of Cesare
The Canadiens were also without
forwards Bobby Rousseau and Gil-
les Tremblay and the Hawks were
short defenseman ' Pierre Pilote
and forward Reg Fleming. Trem-
blay and Fleming sat out the sec-
ond of their three-game suspen-,
sion for a stick duel last month
in Chicago. Pilote and Rousseau
are on the injured list.
* * *
BOSTON - Tommy Williams,
swinging like a baseball batter,
brought Boston a 3-3 tie with De-
troit's National Hockey League
leaders last night with his first
goal of the year.
Moments before his equalizer at
14 minutes, 38 seconds, of the fin-
al period, Williams had replaced
Wayne Connelly on the Bruins'
high scoring line centered by Mur-
ray Oliver.
The Red Wings' brilliant mask-
ed goal tender, Terry Sawchuk, had
just made a stop on a long shot
by Pat Stapleton. The puck hop-
ped straight in the air as the
goalie fell to the ice and Williams
swung with his stick, catching the
disc squarely and banging it into
the goal.
Williams also was assisted on
the tally by Johnnq Bucyk, who
had a hand in every Boston score,
helping Oliver and Don McKen-
ney earlier.
The Stapleton assist made up for
his accidental help when Detroit
took a temporary 3-2 lead. Rookie
Doug Barkley slammed a 35-foot
shot early in the third period
which caromed off Stapleton's leg
directly into the goal. Pete Goe-
gan and Gordie Howe also scored
for the Wings.
Detroit ran its record to eight
victories, one loss and three ties,
while Boston saw its winless streak
extended to 10 games.
* * *
TORONTO-Billy Harris scored
the winning goal midway through
the final period last night as the
Toronto Maple Leafs broke a
three-game home losing string.
with a 5-3 National Hockey League
victory over the New York Rangers.
Harris' ramed in a goal that
broke a 3-3 tie at 8 minutes, 9 sec-
onds of the final period after New
York had rallied from a 3-1 defi-
cit for the tie. The Leafs' Red
Kelly added one for insurance
about four minutes later.
It was the second straight tri-

wonderful selection
order now

umph over New York for the Leafs,
who beat the Rangers in New York
Toronto started out as if it
were going to make a rout of it,
scoring the first goal while the
Rangers had a man advantage.
Dave Keon sliced in a goal while
teammate Bob Braun was inwthe
penalty box, but New York made it
1-1 on Camille Henry's first per-
iod marker.
Frank Mahovlich and Baun
quickly ran the Toronto margin to
3-1 in the middle period before
Dean Prentice and Andy Heben-
ton tied it again for the Rangers,
settin gthe stage for Harris' win-

the fourth dimension: TIME
.stil a mysterious concept to science. Time is only an idea,
an abstraction ... an area of shadow, speculation-and surprise.


Michigan 14, Illinois 10
Ohio State 10, Indiana 7
Purdue 17, Michigan State 9
Minnesota 10, Iowa 0
Wisconsin 37, Northwestern 6
Notre Dame 43,, Pittsburgh 22
Cornell 28, Brown 26
Harvard 20,Princeton 0
Boston College 42, Texas Tech 13
Georgia Tech 14, Florida St. 14 (tie)
Syracuse 34, Navy 6
Penn State 34, West Virginia 6
Alabama 36, Miami 3
Auburn 9, Mississippi State 3
Duke 10, Maryland 7
So. Carolina 17, No. Carolina St. 6
Nebraska 40, Kansas 16
Texas A&M 12, Southern Methodist 7
Air Force 17, UCLA 11
So. California 39, Stanford 14
Case Tech 18, Wayne State 7
Eastern Michigan 30, Alma 6
Albion 26, Hope 22
Western Mich. 28, Brigham Young 20
Penn 15, Yale 12
Dartmouth 42, Columbia 0
Boston 13, Connecticut 0
Holy Cross 20, VMI 14
Oklahoma State 12, Army 7
Massachusetts 19, Villanova 18
Bucknell 32, Colgate 14
Delaware 23, Rutgers 6
Wash. & Jefferson 21, Allegheny 12
Bowling Green (O.) 7, Ohio Univ. 6
Oklahoma 41, Iowa State 0
Wilmington 15, Taylor 14.
Missouri 57, Colorado 0
Miami (O.) 42, Dayton 20
John Carroll 12, Thiel 0
Virginia Tech 37, Wake Forest 8
Kentucky 7, Vanderbilt 0
Florida 23, Georgia 15
Clemson 44, Furman 3
Tennessee 28, Tulane 16
Arkansas 28, Rice 14
Memphis State 60, The Citadel 13
Mississippi 52, Chattanooga 7
Texas 27, Baylor 12

Once our master timekeeper-EARTH-IS RUNNING DOWN! Friction from
ocean tides is almost imperceptibly, but definitely, slowing the earth's
rotation, gradually disqualifying the turning globe as our most accurate
time measure. Science has already devised more dependable timing devices,

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of the Hamilton 505
Electric Watch is so ad-
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For men who like to stay one im.
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Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Pa.,

An Atlantic Ocean oyster will con-
tinue to open up for feeding ac-
cording to ocean tides long after
being moved to the Midwest, a
thousand miles away.,




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