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November 11, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-11

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Predict Senate Rules Fight




n I I ti
New Planes
:Aainst Reds
Six Crt To Arrive
In Mid-December
NEW DELHI (JPW-Reporting a
slight shift in Soviet attitude,
Prime Minister Jawaharal Nehru
said yesterday the Russians will
send MIG-21 jet fighter planes for
India's possible use in the unde-
clared border war with Red China.
The prime minister told a closed
session of a consultative commit-
tee of Parliament that a number
of the jets would arrive in mid-
India put in the order for the
jets long before the Red Chinese
opened an offensive Oct. 20 on
two fronts in the Himalayas along
India's northern frontiers. Six jets
- were believed to have been ordered
for December and six more for
delivery at an unspecified later
Reported Renege
The Russians, faced with wound-
ing their Chinese ally, were at first'
reported to have reneged on the
order. Moscow newspapers sympa-
thetically supported the Red Chi-
nese in their drives to occupy dis-
puted border areas in the Himal-
r ayas.
But Nehru told the meeting
there had been a shift in Krem-
lin thinking in India's favor. Com-
mittee members did not elaborate
on what Nehru had to say about
There was speculation he was
basing his remarks on editorials in
Soviet newspapers which have
taken a more neutral attitude re-
Seize Area
The Chinese iave seized all but
500 square miles of a 15,000-
square-mile zone on India's north-
west border in the Ladakh area.
Military activity was building up
there around a strategic airfield
at Chushul.
India has flown light tanks into
Chushul to counter a Communist
tank and troop buildup in the re-
gion. The Chinese troops were re-
ported carrying Russian-made AK-
47 automatic rifles. The United
States has sent India M-14 auto-
matic rifles.
The Indian defense ministry
reported the Red Chinese launch-
ed new attacks over the past two
days in the northeast frontier, 1,-
400 miles from Ladakh.
Hold Position
A spokesman said, however, In-
dian forces held their positions
and repulsed the advances. He
said the attacks were carried out
around Walong, 15 miles from the
Burma border, and at Jang, just
outside the Chinese-held town of
Towang, near the Bhutan border.
Both towns lead to easier inva-
sion passages down into the plains
of India's Assam state.
Indian commanders were report-
ed confident they could hold the
line in the northeast front.
At Ladakh both sides were pois-
ed for a possible showdown fight
for the Chushul airfield, used by
Indian forces to receive supplies
that include arms from the United
States and Britain.
France and Canada have an-
bounced they intend to send
transport planes and helicopters
to the Indian forces.
'Nehru told a meeting of civil
servants that India has started
manufacturing its own automatic
weapons and that they would be
available in large quantities by
next month.
He told a parliament session
earlier that there were no plans

I to produce nuclear weapons.

Soviet planes reverses position
Saudi Arabian Reports
YemniPre'mier Dead
SARIO (M)-A Saudi Arabian prince said yesterday Prince Saif
Al-Islam Al-Hassan, prime minister of the royalist regime fighting
Yemen's revolutionary government and former Yemeni delegate to
the United Nations, is dead of a wound suffered in battle.
Independent confirmation was lacking.
Theinformant was Prince Abdel Mohsen Ibn Abdul Iziz, brother
of King Ibn Saud, who defected Thursday to the United Arab Re-

World News

public. The United Arab Republic
backs the revolutionary govern-
ment of Brig. Abdullah Sallal in
Yemen; Saudi Arabia backs royal-
ists under the banner of the de-
posed Imam Mohammad Al-Badr,
Hassan's nephew.


By The Associated Press
HYDE PARK-Mrs. Franklin D.
Roosevelt was laid to rest beside
her husband yesterday as rain fell
upon the rose garden of his an-
cestral estate high above the east
bank of the Hudson River.
* * *
RANGOON-Burma is to get
about $10.5 million worth of Amer-
lean agricultural products under
a new agreement with the United
States. This neutral nation will set
aside 50 million kyats, the local
currency, in payment. The United
States wIll use the kyats to provide
Burma grants and long-term loans
for economic development.
* . **
BELGRADE-The chief of the
Chinese delegation at the Bulgar-
ian Communist Party Congress at
Sofia attacked Bulgarian Commu-
nist leader Todor Zhivkov yester-
day, the official Yugoslav news
agency Tanjug reported. The re-
port said Vu Shu-Chuan, the Chi-
nese chief delegate, "accused Zhiv-
kov of one-sided treatment of re-
lations of the Bulgarian Commu-
nist Party with the Albanian Com-
munist Party."
* * *
LIEGE-A 12-man jury, all par-
ents but one, acquitted a young
mother, three relatives and their
family doctor yesterday in the
mercy killing of an armless, 8-day-
old thalidomide baby.
* * *
SOFIABulgaria-Georgi Zan-
kov, Bulgaria's Deputy Premier,
who was ousted last Monday, was
reported placed under house arrest
He was the second Bulgarian
Communist party leader who has
been confined under guard, after
denouncement on charges that he
was an advocate of the personality
cult and Stalinism."

A Yemeni Royal radio broadcast
recorded in Amman, Jordan, said
revolutionary and UAR troops in
the Madad area have yielded to
the Imam's forces and the royal-
ists are now in full control of the
Red Sea nation's eastern moun-
tains and northern regions.
Tribesmen were reported con-
verging on Badr's quarters to
express allegiance and loyalty.
The Yemeni Royal radio added:
"In spite of Napalm bombs drop-"
ped by UAR planes, loyal tribes-
men and villagers are determined
to fight and defend their country
against UAR President Gamal.
Abdahl Nasser, whose Communist
plot is to wipe out Islam and im-
pose atheisni and Red Socialism
in Yemen."
A delegation representing the
revolutionary government of Ye-
men conferred in Moscow with
the Soviet Defense Minister, Mar-
shal Rodion Y. Malinovsky.
Yemen has previously obtained
arms from the Russians and pre-
sumably military aid is a subject
of discussion.
The delegation is headed by Mo-
hammed El Kaid Self, minister of
state for presidential affairs and
Rolvaag Leads.
In Minnesota
Karl Rolvaag, a Democrat, took a
139-vote lead over Republican Gov.
Elmer L. Andersen yesterday in
their battle for the Minnesota gov-
ernorship on the basis of new er-
rors uncovered in Minnesota's two
biggest counties.
The Minneapolis Star reported
two tallying errors whose net ef-
fect is to shift the lead from an
earlier 51-vote margin for Ander-
sen to 139 for Rolvaag.

Hesse Vote
May Reflect
FRANKFURT (P)-The people
of Hesse will choose a new legis-
lature Sunday in a state election
watched throughout West Ger-
many as a general trend-setter.
Controversy about federal action
against the magazine Der Spiegel
heated the campaign.
Hesse is one of 10 states mak-
ing. up the Bonn republic.
The legal action against the
Hamburg news magazine, whose
publisher and four editors are in
jail on suspicion- they committed
treason by publishing military sec-
rets, has aroused widespread criti-
cism of the federal government
in Bonn.
Der Spiegel has been a leading
critic of Chancellor Konrad Ane-
nauer and his Christian Demo-
cratic lieutenants, particularly De-
feAse Minister Franz Joseph
In the wake of thp action
against the magazine more than
two weeks ago, most independent
newspapers have joined the oppo-
sition socialists and elements of
the Free Democratic Party, a coal-
ition partner of the Christian
Democrats nationally, in express-
ing concern for freedom of the
Spiegel mastheads, clipped from
cover pages, have been pasted
over Christian Democratic elec-
tion posters in several Hessian
towns. Speakers of the Adenauer
party were heckled. Students stag-
ed protest demonstrations.
S o m e Christian Democratic
party officials have privately
voiced fear that the controversy
will mean a setback in their efforts
to unesat the Socialists, who have
run Hesse for the past 16 years.
McGhee To Go
To Congo Talk
WASHINGTON M - Undersec-
retary of State George C. McGhee
will fly to Europe next week for
conferences with British and Bel-
gian officials on further efforts to
unify the Congo.
McGhee will leave Monday
afternoon for Brussels and Lon-
don, the State Department said,
and may visit other capitals.
"Among subjects to be discuss-
ed," the announcement said, "will
be his recent visit to the Congo
and progress toward Congolese
It is understood that United
States and United Nations officials
are studying ways of bringing eco-
nomic pressures to bear on seces-
sionist Katanga province in a fur-
ther effort to persuade Katanga
President Moise Tshombe to ac-
cept a draft constitution for Con-
go consideration.
Katanga is the wealthiest prov-
ince of the Congo. United States
officials contend the income from
its mineral riches must be shared
by the central government at Leo-
poldville to assure the country's
unity and economic base.
McGhee visited the Congo last
month. and consulted with political
leaders. Officials said that he also
conferred in New York Friday
with UN Secretary General U

Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON-A long-stym-
ied, bipartisan drive for a change
in Senate rules to make it easier
to choke off filibusters appears to
have been given a big boost by the
results of last Tuesday's elections.
A move to revamp Senate Rule
22, requiring a two-thirds major-
ity of senators present and voting
to shut off debate, is expected to
churn up a bitter battle right at
the outset of the new 88th Con-
gress when it meets Jan. 9.
A fight over the issue has mark-
ed the state of each Congress in
recent years. Southern senators
who have banked on filibusters to
block civil rights measures have
led the opposition and consistently
succeeded in forestalling change.
Shun Changes
In January of 1961, when the
President John F. Kennedy Ad-
ministration was just coming into
office, the Senate shunted aside
proposed changes in its anti-fili-
buster rule by the narrow margin
of 50 to 46.
The key to tipping the balance
the other way apparently rests
with a handful of newly elected
Democratic senators-Thomas J.
McIntyre of New Hampshire, Birch
Bayh, Jr. of Indiana, Daniel B.
Brewster of Maryland, Gaylord A.
Nelson of Wisconsin, and Daniel
K. Inouye of Hawaii.
They will take the seats of
senators who voted with the ma-
jority two years ago and could
provide more than enough votes
to reverse the outcome.
One Switch
The only likely switch the other
way as a result of Tuesday's bal-
loting was the defeat of Sen. John
A. Carroll (D-Colo) by his con-
servative Republican opponent,
Peter H. Dominick. Carroll had
supported those fighting for a rules
The anti-filibuster forces might
pick up an offsetting vote, how-
ever, if Democratic new frontiers-
man George S; McGovern finally
wins the still-undecided Senate
race ,in South Dakota. On the
vote in the 1961 rules battle, the
late Sen. Francis Case (R-SD) was
among four senators who were not
But, as seems likely, if South-
ern senators mount a filibuster,
against a rules change, there is
always the question of whether the
issue can be brought to a vote.
Leaders of the move contend
that at the outset of a new Con-

gress a filibuster against a change
in Senate rules can be halted by
majority vote-that the two-thirds
rule does not apply-but this posi-
tion is sharply challenged by the
Dixie forces.
Notice that a battle is in the
making was served on senators in
the closing days of the 87th Con-
gress in separate but similar let-
ters sent out by Sens. Hubert H.
Humphrey (D-Minn), and Philip
S. Hart (D-Mich) and Republican
Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel of Califor-
nia, Jacob K. Javits of New York,
Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, Clif-
ford P. Case of New Jersey, and
Kenneth B. Keating of New York.
They advised colleagues they
will move to modify the present
anti-filibuster at the opening of
the 88th Congress and contended
this is essential to obtain action
on "meaningful civil rights legis-
Study Claims
Wage Hikes
Close to Limit
WASHINGTON (A') -The gov-
ernment made public yesterday a
survey of 1962 wage increases
showing that labor unions are
sticking fairly close to the limits
prescribed by President John F.
Kennedy to help keep down infla-
The survey reported that major
collective bargaining agreements
concluded up to Oct. 1 and cover-
ing about 3.1 million workers pro-
vided pay increases that aver-
aged about 3.2 per cent.
This included large groups of
workers, such as in the steel and
aluminum industries, for whom
new labor contracts were negotiat-
ed lacking any increase in wages
but including substantial gains in
other benefits such as pensions,
vacations and so on.
When only those settlements
providing wage increases were con-
s dered the average pay raise was
3.4 per cent of estimated straight-
time average hourly earnings.
The data strongly indicated that
wage settlements, on the whole,
have been staying right within or
just a bit above, the level con-
templated in the guideposts set
forth by the Kennedy administra-
tion early this year. These guides
called for limiting wage gains to
gains in productivity.

Bearing on the success of their
move not only will be the changes
in the membership of the Senate
but also the position taken by
Democratic leader Mike Mansfield
of Montana, who also is chairman
of the Senate Rules Committee.
Two years ago Mansfield made
the motion that carried 50-46 to
refer proposed changes in 'the
anti-filibuster rule to the Rules
Committee for hearings and study.
In this he had the support of Sen.
Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill), the
GOP leader.
Ui. of N. Campus
Tour Representative
Mrs. E. Strachan, housemother,
for the ninth consecutive year has
been appointed campus represent-
ative of "Howard Tours, the orig-
inal college and travel program to
the University of Hawaii summer
session and Pacific; 1963 applica-
tions are being accepted now by
her at 1415 Cambridge St.; tle-
phone-NO 5-7953.
Next summer's tour of 56 days
to Hawaii costs $589, plus $9 tax,
from the West Coast. This price
includes roundtrip jet between the
West Coast and Hawaii, campus
residence, and the most diversified
itinerary of dinners, parties, shows,
cruises, sightseeing events, beach
activities, and cultural entertain-
ment; plus all necessary tour ser-
Waikiki a1pa r t mn e n t living,
steamship passage, and visits -to
Neighbor Islands are available at
adjusted tour rates. Steamship
travel, however, will be ata prem-
lum. Therefore, interested travel-
ers should apply early to protect
their reservations.
1963 will be the "pig Summer
in Hawaii" because this Is the bi-
ennial year of the world famous-
Trans-Pacific Yacht Race from
Los Angeles to Hawaii, with every-
body sharing in the extra fun and
added excitement.
In addition to Hawaii, Howard
Tours offers a 67 day study pro-
gram to the Orient and another
study tour of 45 days around
South America. Both are San
Francisco State College summer
session study tours offering six
upper division university credits.
College men and women may call
Mrs. Strachan for further infor-



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