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November 11, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-11

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Seventy-Third Year


A .

"Of Course I Know - It's Mrs. Roosevelt"

irials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

DAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1962.


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The S1GCCaies . .

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American Stud 'ents Trail
Other Lands Politically
By GLORIA BOWLES There is no way of getting out


"E DEARTH of qualified candidates in this.
fall's election indicates again Student Gov-
nment Council's failure to stimulate the stu,-
nt body toward a meaningful definition of
udent government and of the relationship of
udents and their government to the Univer-
by's various channels of authority.'
Every student should be critically examining
d re-examining the ideas which are the basis
University operations and which influence
e educational environment. In this process,
e student must be guaranteed free inquiry
td investigation. He bears the responsibility
express his opinion on topics of concern
students and to insist on maintenance of
nilar rights for all students.
TUDENT GOVERNMENT provides students
with the means of channeling their ideas
d educational aims into specific and con-
'uctive programs. SC therefore must stand
r and strive to attain thoughtful student par-
ipation in the formation of University policy
both academic and student affairs.
SGC must use all its resources to guarantee
idents an opportunity to maximize their edu-
tional growth within the University.
This means'Insistence on the students' rights
hear all speakers who interest them and to
press their opinions through publications or
litical action. A Council candidate ought to
nand a Student Bill of Rights and Responsi-
ities and have reflected upon some of the
"C SHOULD REALIZE that a student's edu-
cation suffers when he is prevented from as-
elating with other students of differing back-
unds and beliefs.
This fact, plus a clear mandate from the Re-
its to. end discrimination in the University,
Mes SGOC. both the right and the responsibility
eliminate as quickly as possible racial and
igous discrimination in fraternities and
Council candidates should have a clear un-
rtanding of the evolution of this problem at
e University and should stand for the elim-
tion of all discrimination.
MBE1S OP SOC should have a compre-
hensive understanding of the structure of
e University--one which acknowledges that
e campus.is more than the Office of Student
fairs, and that the problems of the OSA are
fated to more general problems which exist
widely diverse areas of the University.
[he- student government candidates- should
4ize that students everywhere face the chal-
ge of academic freedom and the struggle for
I status in a "community of scholars."
['he Council, therefore, should work for the
Ifare of all students if those at this particular
Iversity are to benefit fully. This means that
C must be aware of the problems of students
other institutions and express its reaction
specific policies and practices as an attempt
h to influence action and to arouse discus-
Acceptance of this position also logically de-
nds continued membership in the United
tes National Student Association as a means
affecting national, and international issues
evant to higher education, bolstering stu-
t government here and on other campuses
I working for improvement of the education
American students.
N EVALUATION of this year's SGC candi-
dates must Include both the individual's
ion of the Student Government Council and
capacity to translate ideas into specific and
crete action.
ifter an open house, personal interviews and
,mination of the platforms of the 13 candi-
es, we find four whose conceptions of stu-
it government include advocacy of greater
dent responsibility, assured student rights,
I an understanding of the Council's relation
the academic program.
n order of the consistency of thought, logical
'lopment of ideas and apparent ability to
n their conceptions into effective programs,.
y are:
tOBERT ROSS, one of the best informed
I most intelligent students ever to have
ved the Council, is a militant advocate of
dent rights and extended student responsi-
ty. He bases his stands on a general theory
democracy and views University problems

aspects of larger, more general concerns.
bough Council members long ago stopped
ening to his often long and involuted argu-
its, they usually vote for the amendments
offers to make liberal motions more palat-
e and conservative ones more intelligent.
toss' ability to think clearly and logically,
lingness to work, hard for the Council and
ailiarity with the University's formal and
>rmal structures demand his re-election as
s his vigorous and far reaching image of the
ction of student government.
~ARY GILBAR articulates well the relation-
P of national and international issues to
her education, but does not present a specific
a of the position of SOC in University life.
offers a broad interpretation of the role of
udent and the necessity of certain freedom
fulfillment of that role. His knowledge of
University is more' extensive than that of
t of the candidates, but he has offered no
inal ideas or issues.

about what to do with them. He demonstrates
an ability and a desire, once a point has been
raised, to study it.
REGINA ROSENFIELD typifies the female
candidate Voice runs every semester. She utters,
and undoubtedly believes, fine statements about
the aims of the Council, the rights of students,
the necessity of ending discrimination-with
little qualification and less apparent thought.
Her knowledge of the Office of Student Af-
fairs is mediocre and she knows almost nothing
about the Council. (She blames SGC conserva-
tives for forcing postponement of hearings on
sororities over liberal protests when, In fact, the
action was unanimous.) She might effect some
advancement in women's rights and the lot of
the international student on the campus. Her
debate would be ineffective, but her vote would
aid the Council.
THE NINE remaining candidates offer a
philosophy of SOC which differs remarkably
from those outlined above. As a group they have
a slower, more cautious approach to issues, one
which doubts the competency and maturity of
students and shies away from increasing the
decision making power of students. They draw
a sharper line between classes and extra-cur-
ricular activities and see the latter as largely
unconnected with an educative process. They
put emphasis on the administrative rather than
the legislative aspect of student government.
Of these, four have the capability or poten-
tial of becoming adequate Council members
who will work to make SOC an active rather
than inactive organization and will best artic-
ulate their particular viewpoint. They are:
STEVEN STOCKMEYER takes a tough line
on USNSA, does not believe in the existence of
a national community of students and advo-
cates a "responsible" and "moderate" approach
to student freedoms. His deprecating and con-
descending attitude toward students hinders
any major immediate attempts to increase au-
thority. He does not conceive of the doctrine
of in loco parentis as a cause of the inability
of students to develop niore responsibility.
Stockmeyer is extremely well informed about
the campus, especially about non-academic
concerns, isan articulate and forceful spokes-'
man for his position and able politician. He is
willing to work hard for Council as ong as
his duties do not interfere with obligations to
outside political parties (witness his abandou"-
ing the role of chairman of SGC's delegation
to the USNSA Congress to work for Romney).
The other candidates affirming the views
Stockmeyer holds are far outdistanced by his
knowledge and abilities.
RUSSELL EPKER is a frank representative
of the fraternity system, though his platform
tries to appeal to everyone on the question of
membership selection. Under questioning, he
admits his belief that fraternities ought to be
able to- discriminate on racial and religious
grounds if the local chapter wants to, and that
the Regents' bylaw forbidding such discrimina-
tion was probably a mistake.
He discusses issues intelligently and has
framed criteria around which to judge the im-
portance of motions. Given some time on
Council to pick up knowledge about the Uni-
versity, he would become one of the most ef-
fective spokesmen for this group's viewpoints.
THOMAS BROWN awoke this fall and began
writing motions for the Council. Last year, he
did little but keep SGC's financial position
clear (on which he did a fine job) and co-
authored a study of the Hare System.
Brown emphasizes the "reality" of issues,
placing less emphasis on statements of ideals
than on "responsible cooperation" and com-
promise with the political situation. He would
see the Council offer more information and
more services to students and 'continue the.
study of the judiciary structure.
His stands on issues are consistently conser-
vative and although he participates in debate,
he seldom raises new points. He would put in
time working on the administration of SGC.
CHARLES BARNELL has put some serious
thought into SGC, but has one of the nost lim-
ited visions of student government offered by
the candidates. He would have SGC stick to a
very narrow interpretation of. "student con-
cerns" and would consolidate the small power
Council has already rather than try to extend it
into other areas of the University. In his view,
SGC is permanently bound to a subservient-
superior relationship with the administration.
His stand on membership selection indicates

a break with dominant conservative trends in
that he feels the University has a legal and
moral obligation to end discrimination. He also
breaks with this bloc by opposing SGC partici-
pation in the OSA advisory committee.
.UNFORTUNATELY, every SGC election seems
to draw out a few candidates who have no
clear ideas of the Council's role, or are too in-
competent to implement any image of student
government into effective programs. This fall
there are five:
BRUCE HOPKINS has borrowed every one
of his ideas from other candidates and has little
knowledge to support any of his stands.
THOMAS SWANEY has no consistent pro-
gram or philosophy to offer the campus. He
proposes an unrealistic and ill-thought out idea
to get students to hire and fire professors. .
FRANK STROTHER believes a strong Coun-
eni mmhp m,. wilmlinitiat li'idslinn n rovie



it I.M.

Dyawn on the occasion. o Mrs. Roosevelt's 70th birthday, October 1, 1954

Common Market and the Dream

UNEXPECTEDLY, the generally
apathetic University campus
has been roused from its political
slumber these last few days, as
the campaign on the USNSA ref-
erendum reaches furor propor-
It is good to see the University
waking up, if only for a few days
prior to Wednesday's election; it
is gratifying to hear so many stu-
dents talking about the issues,
and so many of them anxious to
be informed. To the BOO contin-
gent, conducting an admirable
and very professional campaign
goes much of the credit for mak-
ing students aware of the com-
ing vote.
This BOO group, generally in-
cluding students of conservative
orientation, and the liberals, rea-
lize that the USNSA vote is the
most important this campus has
seen in recent years. On its result
hinges the whole tenor and tone
of University student government.
We are, In essence, voting on a
question of fundamental philos-
This is then, the most basic
and fervent of issues: a no vote
will take the University out of
the United States National Stu-
dent Association. A no vote will
deprive the representatives of this
university of a forum for expres-
sion of student opinion. And a
no vote, most importantly, will
represent a renunciation by the
UUniversity student of his re-
sponsibility in national and in-
ternational affairs.
*4' *
EXCEPT FOR NSA, founded in
1947, the Peace Corps, the Student
Non-Violent Coordinating Com-
mittee and a sprinkling of other
groups, American students should
hang their heads in shame at
their political inactivity. A cul-
ture which generally denounces
all politics as "dirty" is perhaps
to be blamed. But, at any rate,
we run a poor political pace com-
pared to students in Europe and
Latin America.
In England, the majority of
the Ban the Bombers who march-
ed on the Monday after Easter of
last year, and who cheered Bert-
rand Russell during speeches at
Green Park all afternoon were
young people.
The 55 mile hike from Alder-
maston to London on .a rainy
April weekend was made y by stu-
dents between the ages of 18 and
25, earnest, and sincerely afraid
of nuclear war. They were also
amazingly articulate and well-
The activities of Austian stu-
dents are less well known in the
United States. Yet, a post-war
legislative act gave student un-
ions there enormous powers, and
large material resources.
Austrian students, working
through three student political
parties, are very powerful. In
Vienna, the student president of
the largest party told of their
group's recent action in ousting a
university official after an investi-
gation of the mishandling of his
post. However, the student presi-
dent stressed the enormous re-
sponsibility such powers entailed,
and the necessity of the con-
scientious and prudent dispensa-
tion of those powers.
.* * * .
IN FRANCE, where a prolonged
Algerian conflict carried many
young men off to Africa, students
are politically informed and vi-
tally interested. Algeria and
American foreign policy are major
topics of conversation in the
Parisian cafes where students

of the Sorbonne at noontime,
without being bombarded by stu-
dent pamphlets trumpeting the
cause of the socialists, the radi-
cals, or the extreme right;a
"manifestation" (demonstration)
occurred at least thrice weekly
last year.
Latin American students are
probably the most politicallypow-
erful in the world; in most coun-
tries they rank in importance af-
ter the army. The first important
student conference was held in
Montevideo as early as 1908, and
was primarily concerned with the
reform of higher education.
Today there is little difference
between student and national pol-
'itics. Aspirations to political posts
seek appointment to prestige uni-
versity posts to make themselves
known, and student political lead-
ers, after experience at the uni-
versity, generally move into na-
tional politics. Venezuela's Betan-
court is an example of student
political leader turned national
political leader.
* * *
not go as far as Latin Americans,
in using campus politics as a
steppingstone to national leader-
ship. However, we can no longer
close our eyes to the expanding
role of the American student in
a shrinking world.
We have the advantages no
Latin or European nation can
boast, both in our material wealth
and in campus freedom. We need
not be so afraid of the closing
of a university, or expulsion after
expression of political views, as
is often the case in Latin Amer-
But, until now, American stu-
dents have abdicated their ie-
sponsibilty. We have, until now,
proved ourselves capable only of
making decisions about women's
hours and their chaperones, and
caught up with the every da,
and the, immediate we have sel-
dom looked beyond the university.
Can we not see those enormous
problems looming before us in the
nation and the world? Do we not
have enough social vision to rec-
ognize that the problems of dis-
crimination in our own nation,
and, our ,inage abroad, are the
most important issues?
IT IS NOT a question of ne-
glecting present day needs, and
of facing problems that affet us
more directly on the campus. But
neither should it be a question of
refusing to be concerned with
the broader and more basic issues
of the nation and the world.
Americans, on whose shoulders
rests the burden of leading the
world, cannot sud4enly begin
exercising this heavy responsibi-
ity. We do not suddenly become
informed, interested, and capable.
Oen the contrary, we need to start
on the student level. A chance to
find our way, to develop a philos-
ophy, and to articulate it should
not be missed.
The United States National Stu-
dent Association gives American
students a much-needed forum:
it is the only student group in the
nation which approaches the ef-
fectiveness and legitimacy of Lat-
in American and European stu-
dent groups.
- Young Americans, including
Michigan students, often lameit
their lack of power. But a no
vote on the USNSA referenidum
will help us mount that spiraling
staircase, higher and higher up.
Into the Ivory Tower of student
apathy and obliviousness and ep-
resent a refusal to consider the
most pressing question of our

WHEN NOT cheering about
about Mississippi or frighten-
ed by Cuba many people ponder
the effects of the Common
Market and some dream of a
united West, embracing both sides
of the North Atlantic. The initial
success' of the Common Market
and growing disillusionment with
the United Nations have combined
to encourage this hope.j,
The partial economic unifica-
tion of six Western European
states and the resultant flowering
of prosperity have made the Com-
mon Market the core of the West-
ern European unification dream.
Many nations are clamoring to
HE FOLK MUSIC of Jesse Ful-
ler is never pretty in the con-
ventional sense of the word. It
is a music that is too harsh and
angular, too intense and driving
ever to be labeled pretty.
In spite of this, or perhaps be-
cause of this, Jesse Fuller is one
of the most truly powerful and im-
pressive figures on the American
folk music scene today.
Jesse Fuller is one of the few
folk singers alive today in the
direct tradition of the Southern'
Negro street singer. He is probably
the greatest of his genre.
GREATNESS IS an elusive qual-
ity. It is easy to talk of Jesse Ful-
ler in terms of his instrumental
technique, his ethnic singing
style, and the scores of other
criteria that folklorists and eth-
nomusicologists love to indulge in.
But this is.a stilted way to ap-
proach the music of Jesse Fuller.
It is music-and a man-that has
its base in human experience:
pain, joy, hard work, and the
sheer exuberance of life. This is
all stated with a lucidity and
directness that speaks of power.
Jesse Fuller is indeed the "Lone
Cat." His music and stage pres-
ence are products of a fast dying
era. He is reminiscent of the street
minstrels of the 'South. He tells
jokes, of another day, in which he
is the butt of the joke. He makes
it clear that he is before the
audience to entertain them, not
to expound on the esoteria of folk
He is an unassuming person who
enjoys himself and infects others
with this enjoyment.
* * *
WHILE HIS actions and atti-
tudes on the stage might seem
obsequious if he were a young
contemporary on the folk music
or jazz scene, on Jesse they some-
how fit naturally. He is more of
a man for them. In spite of every-
thing he carries himself with' a
dignity that is unbelievable. He

Join the bandwagon and the
market nations may soon be forced
to draw a line.
* * *
ern unity following in EEC's foot-
steps. The Common Market ap-
pears to have proved the axiom,
political unity follows economic
unity. Within the EEC, Germany
and France have patched up long,
bitter quarrels and are co-operat-
ing to extend their economic in-
Such diverse nations as Italy
and Holland are working together
for the market's good. The Com-
mon Market nations in concert
have made political decisions on
labor and trade policies and have
accepted political decisions of the
super-national EEC.
All these actions are token steps
toward eventual unity, the vision-
aries prophesize.
* * *
SECOND motivating force be-
hind the Western unionists is the
decline and fall of the Western
hegemony at the United Nations.
For the first dozen years, the
West. especially the United States,
ran the world organization pretty
much to suit itself.
However, by 1960 the drive for
independence reached its peak,
and the UN doubled in member-
ship between 1955 and 1962 with
most new members comning from
neutralist, non-Western and form-
er colonial African and Asia.
These nations, Jealous of their
newly-won independence, are not
amenable to Western or Soviet
domination and- tend to act as an
amorphous buffer between the.
two great blocs. Taking dictates
from neither side, the neutral,
newly independent nations are
shaping the United Nations in
their own image.
AN INSISTANT conviction that
the West is losing the cold war
lurks as a sub-conscious factor
in the minds of Western union-
ists. They see the Communists as
a monolithic bloc, attaining vic-
tory after victory against the di-
vided West.
United in ideology and purpose,
the visionaries claim, the Com-
munists are successfully wooing
the neutralist, underdeveloped na-
tions away from the West and
eventually into their arms.,
The visionaries vary in their
ideas for achieving Western unity.
To most, Western unityF means'
Atlantic union. However, many
vaguely suggest that this unity
embraces s u c h non - Atlantic
countries as Japan and the Phil-
NOR IS the form of unity de-
terminite. Prof. Robert Strausz-
Hupe, director of the University
of Pennsylvania's Foreign Policy
Research Institute and one of the
Western unionists most articulate
spokesman, wisely suggested that
union must be achieved a step
at a time. Each small concept'
must be created and institutional-
ized and in time unity will de-
velop, he argues.
The Atlantic Unionists envision

for a "constitutional convention"
in 1964..
Herbert Hoover last summer
voiced the aspiraticns of the
grander and more paniched theor-
ists who urge a "union of the
free." This vague organization
would embrace all anti-Commun-
ist states 'and would function sep-
arately and in place of the United
Nations which they think is "soft
on Communism."
* * *
HOWEVER, in' their' vague
dreaming the Western unionists
fail to see major stumbling blocs
to unity. Symptomatically, there
is neither a clear approach nor,
a clear concensus on the form of
Western union. Federation seems.
the most popular, yet its extent
and scope remain undefined.
Centuries of conflicting and in-
dependent culture remain the.
strongest block to Western unifi-
cation.. No country is willing to
modify and standardize its iinsti-
tutions, nor are these enough all-
Western institutions to replace
national ones.
Even with Western nations, di-
verse' cultures have refused to
unify and form a cohesive nation.
French and British Canadians
have lived in strained co-existence
for almost 100 years. The Flem-
mings and the Walloons of Bel-
gium have almost ripped this
Common Market nation to shreads
with internal riots about political,
cultural and social rights and
* * *
institutions exist. The Common
Market is the strongest, its satel-
lite agencies are next and NATO
is always considered in constant
difficulty. Few such institutions
exist outside the political and eco-
nomic fields.
Further, nationalistic education-
al systems, especially in the mon-
olingual United States and in
Canada have- created provincial
outlooks. Only now, a series of
"Atlantic colleges" are being es-
tablished in Europe and the Unit-!
ed States. These institutions plan
to establish a stringent multi-lin-
gual, multi-cultural curriculum to
create scholars well versed and
conditioned to Western unity.
Such colleges would train the tech-
nicians, of the united West.
It is in the area of education
and other areas of social contact
that the Western unionists ought
to work. The schools, colleges and
universities must be encouraged
to teach a Western, rather than a
nationalistic outlook if any sort
of unity is to succeed. Increased
cultural and economic contact
must be encouraged so that thej
Western populace becomes accus-
tomed to thinking of the West as,
one people.
* * *,
THE GROWTH of African and
Asian nations, the threat of nuc-
lear war and the increasing com-
plexity of Western civilization is
inevitably forcing Western unity.
The unionist groups are providing
a valuable service to this trend as
the voice in wilderness holding up
the light of the promised land.

New* Dimenso inLiving

WHAT D 0 E S co-educational
housing offer for the student
is the question which has been
analyzed the most in the past
months while decisions were being
The answer is not simple; for
each student the opportunity to
live in a co-ed unit offers unique
conditions. But by and large the,
effect should be a positive one
for any student who moved.
Special Assistant to the Vice-
President Elizabeth Davenport,
after returning from a conference
on co-ed housing, remarked that
she felt the greatest advantage in
such living arrangements was the
opportunity for the sharing of
* * *
CO-ED HOUSING places "men
and women in a natural atmos-
phere. It is deeper than a mere
dating relationship. Students learn
to work with people instead of
stereotypes in such a situation.
"The living unit brings much
the same as a community or pro-
fessional relationship," she noted.
Mrs. Davenport also commented
that within the structure of a co-
ed residence, ideas can be ex-
changed without the stigma of a

TO MANY students, cored hous-
ing is synonimous with dating. The
opportunity to meet more students
of the opposite sex is not only
appealing but might even lure
some males to live on the Hill.
Students, in a poll conducted by
Interquadrangle Council, indicat-
ed that they felt co-ed housing
would have a more positive than
negative effect on their living ar-
rangements next fall.
Whichever way the student is
affected it is most likely that the
possibilities of new relationships
will be opened.
CO-ED HOUSING is a new
breakthrough in policy; the seg-
regation of men and women arbi-
trarily is slowing breaking down.
The artificiality of the Hill hope-
fully will be removed.
And the effect will probably be
good. Although most students
won't publicly admit it, they
would be happy to have more in-
teraction with the opposite sex.
To many, it is limiting to work
with the other sex only four or
five times a year and have no
other outlet for strictly informal
Co-ed housing provides these op-
portunities for such informal
meeting. Women and men are not
-nnn n+ toithe Aamand ann

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