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November 06, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-06

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'U' Students Take Part
In Congress, As Officers
(Continued from Page 1)

the national and regional branch-
es of the assodation. In 1953
Leonard Wilcox, '52, who had
been president of Student Legis-
lature, became the executive vice-
president, Harry Lund, '54, former
Daily editor, became president of
USNSA at :the August; 1954 con-
Both of these alumni were ac-
tive participants in ,he evolution
of Student Government Council
fron" the Student Legislature.
Ideas for- SGC were partially
gathered fromthe association's
student government- committ.e
and from the. USNSA student
government- vice-president.
Turning Point
The 12th Congress was the
next major turning point for the
association. At that session the
officer structure was remodeted
into-the present form. The"o ffi;e
of vice-president for student. gov-
ernment, the educational affars
vice -presidency and executive
vice-presidency were abolished.
Also the committee on student
governments was ended since stu-
dent governments were becoming
established on college campuses.
A new organization of officers
was adopted.
The 1959 congress also marked
another turning point. A resolu-
tion opposing atomic testing was.
brought to the floor of the con-
gress and passed. after an all-
night debate. This was the first
major political stand taken by
the association.
During this time two Univer-
sity students, Janet Neary, '58,
then SGC executive vice-president,
Court Team
Two three-man teams will rep-
resent the University-in regionals,
of the National Moot Court Com-
petition Nov. 16 and 17 in Detroit.
Selected by the Case Club were
Law School seniorsArthur Brooks,
Jerry Jordan, John Krsul, John
McCarthy, Michael Metzger and
Gilbert Miller.
The two top teams emerging
from the seven-school competition
will go to the Moot Court finals
in New York, at a time yet to be

and David Bood, '59, held asso-
ciation positions. Bood was the
editor of "The Student," a pub-
lication distributed abroad, until
last year. Miss Neary was on the
National Executive Committee.
'Student, Total Community'
At the 1960 congress the dele-
gates passed a resolution on the
"Student and the Total Com-
munity," which clarified the ra-
tionale for the motion on atomic
testing passed at the previous
The resolution stated that the
association "recognizes: the great
value of student involvement in
programs of political and social
action and the integral connec-
tion of these, programs with the
educational process. While recog-
nizing that- a student must de-
vote primary attention to his
academic program, USNSA urges
the student participation in legi-
timate social and political ac-
The association set up criteria
for consideration of national or
international matters. The resolu-
tion said that "the importance
and efficacy of the action con-
sidered, the expressed or potential
interest of students in the issue
and the competancy of students
to evaluate the facts" were the
established criteria.
Student Opinion
The 13th Congress expressed
student opinion on and endorsed
the sit-in movement in the South.
Three University students were
active at this congress-then SGC
member Roger Seasonwein, '61,
and then SGC president John
Feldkamp, '61, were members of
the National Executive Committee
and former Daily editor Thomas
Hayden, '61, was a delegate.
The 14th Congress again took
stands on political questions with
discussion centering around the
House Committee on Un-American
The 15th Congress will be de-
scribed later in the series.
Schwartz To Give
Lecture on China'
Harvard Prof. Benjamin I.,
Schwartz will present a lecture en-,
titled "Communist China: Conti-
nuities and Discontinuities" at 8
p.m. today in Aud. B of Angell

Voice Asks
More Rights
For Student
"Concerned that the University
is in a state of drift and uncer-
tainty," the fall political platform
of Voice Political Party calls for
substantial increases in the power,
freedom and rights of students on
The platform, supported by the
four Voice-endorsed candidates for
Student Government C o un c il,
urges that students "have the pow-
er to implement, as well as sug-
gest, University rules and policy."
Specifically, the platform takes
the following stands on issues rele-
vant to student government at the
United States National Student
Association-"Voice strongly sup-
ports continued affiliation with the
USNSA" because of its value to
a strong student government, as a
means of expressing student opin-
ion, its role in international af-
fairs, asa source of gaining stu-
dent perspective to problems of
higher education and as an orga-
nization offering many opportuni-
ties to its members.
Speaker policy-"Voice opposes
any and all University regulations
on freedom of expression that go
beyond the coverage of state and
national laws . . . and calls for the
elimination of the restrictive ele-
ments in the new Regents bylaw
on speakers.
Membership statements -
"Groups that have not complied
with SGC's request should be sub-
ject to disciplinary action and ap-
propriate corrective measures. SGC
should resist. attempts to under-
mine its authority in this area,
and should encourage the Commit-
tee on Membership to execute its
duties with deliberate speed."
Student-Faculty Government
Student-Faculty government -
"Voice will work for the attain-
ment of a faculty-student govern-
ment which will perform the func-
tions presently fulfilled by the
Faculty Senate and SGC."
The Judiciary system-The Voice
platform urges the clarification
and improvement of the judicial
system through the establishment
of due process and the codification
of trial procedures and punish-
ments. It further urges that the
phrase "conduct unbecoming a
student" not be used as a basis
for decisions, but that "more spe-
cific regulations" be proposed.
The platform also urges the es-
tablishment of a cooperative non-
profit student bookstore, the
granting of the right to vote to 18
year olds, an end to University
paternalism, further attempts by
the University to end discrimina-
tion and the offering of a course
in "the problems of peace in the
nuclear age.
Voice Political Party was formed
in the fall of 1960 to bring politi-
cal issues closer to the campus
community. It was an out-growth
of the older Political Issues Club.-
Voice first ran candidates for
SGC last year, always on the prin-
ciple of working with USNSA and]
other program oriented towards
national and world issues, as well
as University questions.1
Give HonorsE
To Alumni '
Four distinguished University
alumni were honored Saturdayi
night for outstanding achieve-
ments in their chosen professions.
Honored were Harold Bixby,

president of the Ex-Cell-O Corp.,
Virgil McNitt, chairman of Mc-
Naught Syndicate, Herbert Otis,l
founder and board chairman of
Otis Engineering Corp. and Johnc
Russell, president of the John and
Mary Markle Foundation.
The citations were presented by
University Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss at a special
convocation held as part of the
Joint University-Wisconsin glee
club concert.
The citations were read by Sec-
retary of the University Erichf

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a three part series on the
progress of the Peace Corps.)
Since its inception, the Peace
Corps has steadily grown; today
it is considered a valuable addition
to American foreign policy, al-
though the basic idea behind it is
more utilitarian.
The selection and careful de-
velopment of individual projects
and the resulting totality which is
the Corps program are essential
to its success.
Te be eligible for Corps partici-
pation, a project must make a
contribution to the economic, so-
cial, cultural or political develop-
ment of the host country. The
government of that country must
have requested the project. It must
require primarily workers with
skills not sufficiently available in
their own country, as distinct
from advisors or consultants.
Develop Country
The Peace Corps emphasizes
programs which have an impact on
the development of the host coun-
try. It favors projects involving
maximum contact between the
volunteers and the people and
society of the country served.
Whenever possible, host country
nationals participate in the work
because every projects plans for
their eventually taking over the
volunteers' jobs.
Contributions by the host coun-
try government and institutions
to the program are encouraged.
This has varied considerably.
Ghana has paid the entire living
allowances of the Corps members.
Other nations have contributed in-
country training, transportation,
housing or medical services.
When a project has been re-
quested, the Peace Corps con-
sults with the American Embassy
and the Agency for International
Development Mission there to as-
sure coordination. During project
development, the Corps staff
maintains close working-level con-
tact with the State Department.
Describes Conditions
A project agreement is gen-
erally signed by the Corps repre-
sentative and the head of the host
country institution being served.
This describes in detail the work-
ing and living conditions for the
The Peace Corps has always rec-
ognized the desirability of working
as closely as possible with in-
interested voluntary agencies and
At present voluntary agencies
have undertaken administration of
five projects under contract with
the Corps. These are the com-
munity action programs in Colum-
bia and St. Lucia, the multi-
purpose project in East Pakistan
and the agricultural extension
program in Brazil.
Excludes Church Organizations
The Corps hopes to continue
developing partnerships with pri-
vate agencies in the future. As a
matter of administrative policy,
they have excluded from contract
consideration for the time being
church organizations. This policy
does not exclude other types of
cooperation with such agencies.
Five educational institutions
have entered into contracts for
the administration of Peace Corps
projects and several contracts for
the administration of Peace Corps
projects and several other con-
tracts are expected to be negotiat-
ed shortly.
The five institutions and their
projects are: the Chile project
administered by Notre Dame Uni-
versity, the West Pakistan project
by Colorado State University and
various Nigerian projects by
Michigan State University, Har-
vard University and the Univer-
sity of California (Los Angeles).
Improved Courses
Many universities and colleges
have instituted or improved lan-
giage, international affairs and/or
country-study programs.
A new type of Corps project was

Chasins To Speak
On Survival Music
Abram Chasins, guest composer
and lecturer, will speak on "Music
as a Force for National Survival"
at 4:15 today in Lane Hall Aud.

initiated last year when the Peace
Corps Act authorized the Corps
to assign up to 125 volunteers to
United Nations international or-
By this offer, they have prompt-
ed 20 other governments to in-
dicate an interest in doing the
same. This act broadens the im-
pact of the volunteers by bring-
ing them to the attention of the
110 members of the UN.
Demonstrate Purpose
It is believed that Corps co-
operation with the UN will demon-
strate clearly to skeptical nations
that their purpose is not subver-
sion and propaganda, as alleged
by the Communists, but theashar-
ing of American skills and ex-
perience with the newly-emerging
states which need and want such
assistance. Also, by this move, it
is hoped that the UN will be
In December 1961, the Food and
Agricultural Organization and the
International Civil Aviation Or-
ganization officially sanctioned
the immediate assignment of vol-
unteers to their programs. In Jan-
uary 1962 the UN Commissioner
of Technical Assistance approved
the development of plans to in-
clude volunteers in present and
proposed technical assistance pro-
Present discussions with the UN
and other international agencies
have produced requests for Ameri-
can volunteers which might exceed
400 by the end of 1963 fiscal year.
However, in most cases Corps
volunteers will be used along with
volunteers from other countries,
and the speed with which these
countries respond will be one of
the limiting factors.

It is estimated that approxi-
mately 250 volunteers can be ef-
fectively used in UN projects by
June 1963. Accordingly, the Corps
has requested authority to assign
125 volunteers in addition to those
already authorized to such pro-
The evaluation of the Corps
programs are "volunteer oriented."
They start with the volunteer and
his reaction to the various situa-
tions and is broadened to include
appraisals by instructors, super-
visors, host country officials and
other who can give a wider con-
text to the Volunteers' reactions
and provide an evaluation of their
Most research will be accom-
plished under contract with uni-
versities and private agencies. The
initial task of the research pro-
gram is to determine the validity
of the selection process. This will
be done by correlating various
scores from tests and ratings from
judges against the best available
criteria of success.
Plan Programs
Operation studies are now being
planned for Corps programs in
Ghana, Colombia, Nigeria, the
Philippines and possibly Brazil.
The Corps is also considering a
contract for the collection, coding
and machine analysis of periodic
reports to be submitted by vol-
unteers as a possible way of ob-
taining adequate data at a low
This project would yield infor-
mation on fluctuations in mem-
bers' morale as well as identify
the types of problems that are re-
peatedly encountered, thus pro-
viding valuable information for
improving training programs.

Peace CorpsIdea Remains Utilitarian

Today's real issues are not being
debated, because of a governmen-
tal pall on dissent, John deJ. Pem-
berton, Jr., executive director of
the American Civil Liberties Un-
ion, declared yesterday.
"When society uses its power to
crush one dissenting opinion, it
creates an atmosphere against dis-
sent," he asserted.
Pemberton said that as the re-
sult of the suppression of the Com-
munist "heresy," the range of legi-
timate controversy has been nar-
Not Discussed
He noted that great issuies-the
handling of the expanding world
population, the revolution of rising
technology and the explosive tech-
nology-are not being discussed,
while the minutae of history are
being overemphasized.
Pemberton cited the discussion
of United States foreign policy. He
declared that debate on whether
to invade Cuba or to blockade it
are "peripheral issues."
The arms race and its implica-
tions are of great importance, with
the question of survival more im-
portant than immediate issues,
Pemberton declared.
Stress Debate
He said that he was taking no
side in the issue, rather stressing
the need for debate. "My case
rests on the premise that no policy
is wrong. Through debate the right
policy is found. Even if opponents

Pemberton Cites Lack
Of Real Issues Debate

to present policy were wrong, only
through debate can the proper pol-
icy mature.
"(John Stuart) Mill taught that
no one opponent is right and that
debate matures truths and makes
them relevant," Pemberton ex-
Debate is the fundamental
strength of the democratic sys-
tem, he declared. As long as it
exists, Pemberton asserted, the
United States populace will never
be reduced to a herd and its legis-
lators to blind followers.
Clears Channels
He noted that debate clears
channels of thought involved need-
ed to arrive at major decisions.
More wisdom can be brought upon
a problem by debate than by ar-
bitrary officials.
Pemberton warned that the so-
cial lag of society in meeting prob-
lems will not be overcome if they
are not talked about. He said that
the problems of today cannot be
solved two or three generations
hence as in the past.
America's ideals have not at-
tracted worldwide support because
of American practice. "There is a
gap between performance and
ideal. The world judges by deeds,"
Pemberton declared.
He added that America's demo-
cratic ideals were tarnished by the
McCarthy era. "Ideals tarnish
without the polish of constant
practice," he declared.

Chicago Ranks Highest
In Studies Continuation


More students from the Uni-
versity of Chicago go on to grad-
uate study than from any other
college in the United States.
*The National Opinion Research
Center (NOEC) study showed that
UC graduates suffer more finan-
cial problems than their counter-
parts from other schools which
forces them to accept stipends
from other institutions. This pre-
vents many UC graduates from
continuing their work in Chicago.
The report was based on a sur-
vey of June, 1961 graduates from
UC and other schools throughout
the country. The number of stu-
de t! :a 'school produces that in-
tend to go on to graduate work is
becoming "a critical measure of
the character of an undergradu-
ate school," the report states.
The report then compared the
graduates of UC planning to go
on. to graduate study to the grad-
uates of the "high quality" pri-
vate institutions (Columbia, Hav-
erford, Oberlin), the "super-ivy
group" (Harvard-Radcliff, Prince-
ton), the midwest liberal arts col-
leges and the Big Ten.

Nine out of ten UC graduates
plan to attend graduate school
eventually and seven out of ten
plan to attend graduate school in
the fall of 1961.
Thereport attributes this un-
usually high percentage to the type
of students that UC attracts. Chi-
cago students tend to come from
metropolitan areas, and they "re-
flect faintly the bohemian qual-
ity which popular mythology has
attributed to them."
The Chicago graduate, generally,
considers the most important con-
tribution of his undergraduate
work to be "a basic general educa-
tion and appreciation of ideas."
Gutman To Talk
At Colloquium
Prof. Louis Guttman of the Is-
rael Institute of Applied Social
Research in Jerusalem will address
a sociology colloquium on "Job
Evaluation: the Facet Approach to
Social Research" at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in the E. Conference Rm. at
Rackham Bldg.

Jesse (Lonecat) Fuller
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Dial 5-6290

The first candle is unity in the political realm, the early glimmerings
of which can now be discerned. The second candle is unity of thought
in world undertakings, the consummation of which will ere-.long be
witnessed. The third candle is unity in freedom which will surely come
to pass. The fourth candle is unity in religion which is the corner-stone
of the foundation itself, and which, by the power of God, will be
revealed in all its splendor. The fifth candle is the unity of nations-
a unity which in this century will be securely established, causing all
the peoples of the world to regard themselves as citizens of one common
fatherland. The sixth candle is unity of races, making of all that dwell
on earth peoples and kindreds of one race. The seventh candle is unity
of language, i.e., the choice of a universal tongue in which all peoples
will be instructed and converse. Each and every on of these will inevit-
ably come to pass, inasmuch as the power of the Kingdom of God will
aid and assist in their realization.--Baha'i Writings

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