'U'Faculty Survey Indicates Romney Pref
The faculty prefers George Romney over Gov. John B. Swainson.
In a survey conducted by The Daily, out of 386 faculty members
answering, which represents about 19 per cent of the faculty, 43 per
cent said they favored Romney while only 27 per cent backed Swain-
son. Thirty per cent were still undecided.
Among those faculty members who had decided on their vote,
approximately 60 per cent were for Romney and 40 per cent for
Swainson, a three to two margin for the GOP candidate.
Contact Faculty
An attempt was made to contact 727 persons or approximately
35 per cent of the faculty.
The literary college. was with the social work school to go in
favor of Swainson. Forty per cent favored Swainson, 31 per cent
favored Romney while 29 per cent remained undecided. Breaking
down the literary college figures, those faculty members in the
humanities were 43 per cent for Swainson, 30 per cent for Romney
and 27 per cent were undecided.
Among those in the physical sciences, 50 per cent backed Romney,
14 per cent backed Swainson and 30 per cent were undecided. Social
scientists, among all groups in the literary college, went most heavily
Democratic. Sixty-four per cent of all literary college faculty mem-
bers in the social sciences surveyed favored Swainson while only 12
per cent favored Romney. Twenty-four per cent were still undecided.
Approximately 19 per cent of the literary college faculty, 237 individ-'
uals, was surveyed.
Romney Majority
All the other schools and colleges gave a majority to Romney
The Law School and the nursing school were the most pro-Romney
with all the decided faculty members answering in favor of Romney.
However, the number of answers received in the nursing school were
too small to be considered significant. Approximately 21 per cent of
the Law School faculty were polled in the survey.
In contrast, the social work school was the most pro-Swainson
with all of the answering faculty members-eight out of 11-favoring
Swainson. This represents approximately a third of the social work
school's faculty.
Medical Favorites
In the medical school, Romney attracted 58 per cent of the
surveyed faculty members while Swainson gained support from only
25 per cent of those asked. Seventeen per cent were still undecided.
Romney also found strong support in the pharmacy college where
67 per cent of the surveyed faculty members answered in his favor.
Only 17 per cent of the questioned pharmacy college faculty were
in favor of Swainson while 16 per cent remained undecided.{
In the natural resources school, Romney gained a plurality of 43
per cent while Swainson found support in 21 per cent of the faculty.
Twenty-eight per cent of the natural resources faculty questioned
had not yet made up their minds.
In the public health school, Romney and Swainson tied, each with
one third of the surveyed faculty behind him. Thirty-four per ce 1t
had not yet decided.
However, in the business administration school, Romney v as
ahead by two to one with a 40 per cent plurality to Swainson's 20
per cent. Forty per cent indicated indecision.
Music school also gave a plurality to Romney with 42 per cent
of those answering backing him as opposed to 27 per cent for Swain-
son. The balance was undecided.
The dental school, with only 12 per cent undecided, also backed
Romney with 50 per cent of the surveyed faculty favoring him and 38
per cent backing Swainson.
The education school also gave support to Romney by a 42-37
per cent plurality with 21 per cent undecided.
In a similar poll two years ago, then GOP presidential candidate
Richard M. Nixon took 45 per cent of the surveyed faculty as opposed
to 43 per cent of the faculty backing the successful candidate, Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy.
See Editorial Page
Sr t!3ZUn
:43 a t t
Mostly sunny and
warmer today
Sevent y-Tzvo
Years of Editorial Freedom
Suggest Violation
Of Speaker Rule
Union Address Could Represent
Illegal Call for Civil Disobedience
There is speculation that a statement made by the Rev. Martin
Luther King last night, during an informal discussion at the Michigan
Union, represents a violation of the recently-passed Regents Bylaw
8.11, pertaining to the University'sipolicy on off-campus speakers.
Responding to a question concerning participation in civil disobed-
ience and direct action projects held against existing state laws, Rev.
King said: "yes, I would certainly advocate civil disobedience if there
are state laws that are unjust and morally wrong, and are used to
preserve a system which is wrong.
"Then, one has a moral responsibility to take a stand against
these laws. It's civil disobedience on a local scale, but civil disobedience
on the federal scale," Rev. King added.
Not Advocate
Regents Bylaw 8.11 states that "The speaker must not advocate
or urge the audience to take action which is prohibited by the rules1
City Council Delays'
Conduct Code Acton
The Ann Arbor City Council unanimously tabled an amendment
to the Disorderly Conduct Chapter of the City Code last night.
The amendment, stemming from discussions between City Ad-
ministrator Guy Larcom and Police Chief Gainsley concerning the
recent incidents on the campus of violence between high school
and University students, was tabled in order that the Council mem-
bers could have some time to think about the proposed amend-
ment and confer with the Youth Commission Nov. 15.
In entering the proposed amendment, City Attorney Jacob F.
Fahrner; Jr. explained that the amendment would make "attempting
- to create a disturbance, fight or
quarrelrand going to a public
ang ages place for that purpose, as well as
the actual engaging in one, would
be made a misdemeanor." This,
Courses Cited he said, could stop a situation
from developing into a fight.
W2-gnt iw
Mlichigan, Nation
To Vote
Gover nor,
44> .
GOP Race
King Speaks
On Morality
Speaking on moral issues of dis-
crimination and the future hopes
of the American Negro in the civil
rights struggle, the Rev. Martin
Luther King stated yesterday that
"the American dream is as yet
He declared that the basic rights
of man are neither derived from
nor confirmed by the state, but
ordained by God. and therefore
every man "is heir to a legacy of
dignity and worthiness."
King emphasized the point that
integration is necessary "not only
to appeal to Asia and Africa and
to defend ourselves against the
charges of Communism, but be-
cause racial discrimination is mor-
ally wrong. It substitutes an I-it
relationship for the I-thou rela-
Develop Topic
He then developed his topic by
explaining first that men must
realize that the American dream
involves the world dream of broth-
erhood. "We must learn to live
together as brothers or we will
die together as fools."
Secondly, men must eliminate
the lingering notion that there are
inheren'tly superior or inferior
Third, the United' States must
rid itself of the system of racial
segregation. Agreeing that legis-
lation^asnnot change men's oearts,
King maintained that law can con-
trol external actions.
of the University or which is il-
legal under federal or state law."
Itdoesanot specifically note
Michigan law.
However, several University of-
ficials have expressed the opinion
that Bylaw 8.11 refers only to
Michigan law, and in this case,
Rev.. King has violated no portion
of the rule.
Regent Irene Murphy of Birm-
ingham noted that the state is
the state of Michigan-that this
is found in the "spirit" of the by-
law. One of the reasons the Re-
gents are holding back final pass-
age of the bylaw is to see if there
is any case which would test it,
Regent Murphy said.
Regent Allan R. Sorenson of
Midland expressed the opinion
that since Rev. King did not advo-
cate the violation of any particular
Michigan law, no violation of the
bylaw occurred.
"The Regents never discussed
limiting the word 'state' to the
state of Michigan, but I don't
know how we would set up a rule
for all the50states. Anything
said here violating a Mississippi
law but not a Michigan law would
probably not be in violation," Re-
gent Sorenson felt.
University Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss said that
he doubted there would be prose-
cution against the student group-
in this case, the Michigan Union
-which sponsored Rev. King.
"In this, or in a similar case,
where the group complied with the
bylaw, there would be no need to
press charges. Where there were
repeated violations, this would of
course be another case," Niehuss
Another administrator noted
that before any action could be
taken, a complaint would have to
be lodged. Ultimately, the case
would be heard before the student
The graduate school require-
ment that doctoral degree candi-
dates demonstrate a reading pro-
ficiency in two foreign languages
is an issue currently holding both
'philosophical and practical im-
port for the University's graduate
training programs.
Philosophically, the provisions
for a knowledge of foreign lan-
guages, a reading-only knowledge
and a reading knowledge in two
foreign languages must be justi-
Practically, the staffing and fi-
nancial problems which caused the
turning away this fall of 67 stu-
dents from enrollment in French
111 are of deep concern to pro-
fessors and administrators direct-
ly involved in this and similar ser-
vice courses for graduate students.
University officials are strongly
in favor of the requirement; last
year, after questionnaires were
distributed by ;the graduate school
executive board, which was then
discussing whether to revise the
ruling, the 100-odd departments
and academic units on campus
were virtually unanimous in urg-
ing retention of the language re-
SVice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns justifies the
standard on general scholarly
A student coming out of the Un-
iversity with a doctor's degree
must understand the literature in
his field and keep abreast of per-
tinent developments abroad.
See POTT, Page 6
UAR Bombs,
'Hit Royalists
DAMASCUS (P-Yemen royal-
ist forces yesterday have charged
that United Arab Republic planes
were raiding royalist-held towns
and villages with incendiary.
' .
r Fight Law
"As the ordinance stands now,
you actually have to be in a
fight to break the law," Farhner
The original chapter on dis-
orderly conduct reads: "No per-
son shall: engage in any dis-
turbance, fight, or quarrel in a
public place; collect or stand in
crowds, or arrange, or encourage,
or abet the collection of persons
in crowds for illegal or mis-
chievous purposes in any public
The proposed amendment would
add the clause: "(No person
shall): engage in, or attempt to
create any disturbance, fight or
quarrel in a public place, or go
to or remain at such place for
the purpose of provoking a dis-
turbance, fight, or quarrel."
AHC Supports
'U' Retention
of US NSA Tie
Assembly House Council passed
a motion supporting the Univer-
sity's membership in the United
States National Student Associa-
tion at their meeting yesterday.
The motion was tabled last
Monday in order that AHC might
hear Student Government Coun-
cil President Steven Stockmeyer,
'63, represent the position of Bet-
ter Off Out, the student commit-
tee urging withdrawal from US-
Stockmeyer claimed that US-
NSA was formed as a confedera-
tion of student governments. He
called for a return to the policy
of National Student Congresses
dealing only with student and
campus concerns.
"USNSA is used today as a
mechanism for furthering politi-
cal ends."
Dems Seek
To ReverseG
Ballot Jinx
Opposition Favored
To Obtain Offices
The nation goes to the polls
today as President John F. Ken-
nedy and the Democrats attempt
to buck a historic trend and in-
crease the Democratic margin in
In addition to electing all mem-
bers of the House and 39 Sena-
tors, the voters will select gov-
ernors in 35 states.
Approximately 45 million voters.
will cast ballots, the Associated
Press predicted yesterday.
No party has been able to in-
crease its strength in Congress in
off-year elections since President
Franklin D. Roosevelt turned the
trick in 1934.
Prior to the Cuban crisis, Ken-
nedy campaigned extensively for
Democrats in key areas, but he
has remained in Washington dur-
ing the last two crucial weeks of
the campaign.
Of the 39 Senate seats up this
year, 19 are held by Democrats
and 15 are owned by Republicans.
The House division is 262-174 in
favor of the Democrats. However,
two seats, temporarily added by
the admission of Alaska and
Hawaii as states, are being drop-
ped and a number of states have
reapportioned as the result of
population shifts noted in the last
The Republicans are favored to
pick up strength in both the,
House and Senate, but heavy
Democratic strangleholds on both
houses will not be lost.
The GOP is also expected to
pick up several governorships. Of
the 35 governorships, 21 are held
by the Democrats, 14 by the Re-
Governorship races in New
York, Michigan and California
will have an important bearing
on the 1964 presidential elections.
Three possible Republican presi-
dential candidates--Gov. Nelson
Rockefeller, George Romney and
Richard Nixon-are either seeking
re-election or election.
{Report Cubans Cease
Uncrating Jet Planes
WASHINGTON MIP-Informed sources reported yesterday the
Russians continued uncrating and assembling jet bombers in Cuba last
week-but may have stopped in the face of a stiff United States
United States aerial surveillanceis expected to show within the
next day or so whether the Soviets are withdrawing the IL-28 bombers,
which can carry nuclear weapons.
United States military forces continued to watch Cuba from sea
and air, but the Pentagon maintained an almost complete news black-
out on the result of the surveillance.
Uncrating Standstill
Washington sources said there. s some evidence now that the un-
crating has come to a standstill; but further surveillance is needed to
determine whether the Soviets are
going -through with the promised |
withdrawal of the planes. h ||
President John F. Kennedy
wants the bombers, as well as the
long-range missiles the Russians
are dismantling, taken out of Cuba.
The United States understand-
ing is that withdrawal of both
types of offensive weapons is part
of the deal Soviet Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev has agreed to for
a settlement of the Cuban crisis.
Long Session
In Havana, Soviet First Deputy
Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan and I
Prime Minister Fidel Castro met
for more than two hours.
As in the past no communique
was issued but spectaculation arose
that Mikoyan's talks on the Cuban
crisis had broadened to include
Communist party matters.
Neither Kuznetsov nor Lechuga
would comment to reporters on
whether any progress was being
achieved in the Mikoyan-Castro
negotiations in Havana, which
were joined for the first time
by President Osvaldo Dorticos and
Armed Forces Minister Raul Cas-
tro. The talks were described as
At the United Nations Acting
Secretary-General U Thant con-
centrated his efforts yesterday on
resolving the vital issue of on-the-
scene inspection of removal of So-
viet offensive weapons-including
rockets-from Cuba.
The acting secretary-general
called in First Deputy Soviet For-
eign Minister Vasily V. Kuznetsov
and Cuban Ambassador Carlos Le-
chuga for separate talks.
To Solution
One aspect of the inspection
problem appeared on the way to-
ward solution.
The International Red Cross
Committee in Geneva announced
that it has been assured through
the United Nations, that Cuba will
accept Red Cross inspection of ves-
sels bound for that country. The
committee added, however, that
final decision would depend on
conversations here with Thant by
Paul Ruegger, former committee
Ruegger is expected at United
Nations headquarters today.
The IRC statement said that
while inspection is outside its or-
Romney, Swainson
Complete Campaign;
Balloting Seen Close
Michigan's gubernatorial race
moved rapidly to a close as an
estimated 2.5 million of the state's
voters go to the polls today to de-
cide between whether - Gov. John
B. Swainson or Republican :hal-
lenger George Romney will be
Michigan's chief executive for the
next two years.
Romney, presenting the Demo-
crats with the stiffest challenge
they have met in years for the
governorship, must capture a large
segment of the normally Demo-
cratic Wayne County vote in or-
der to make his bid successful.
Swainson, in order to win re-
election, must hold his own in
normally Democratic strongholds.
Slight Lead
The latest polls show. Romney
very slightly ahead.
Michigan voters will also' have
to choose between Republican Al-
vin Bentley and Democrat Neil
Staebler for a congressman-at-
large seat.
Bentley, a former congressman
from Owosso, is making his bid for
office after being defeated in a
try for the United States Senate
two years ago.
Staebler, a former state Demo-
cratic Party chairman and a Dem-
ocratic national committeeman, is
running for statewide office for
the first time.
Voters Choice
In other state races, voters will
have to choose between long-time
incumbent Secretary of State
James Hare and his opponent,
former GOP Wayne County Chair-
man Norman Stockmeyer. They
will also vote for attorney gen-
eral, auditor general, lieutenant
governor, treasurer and two su-
preme court justices to be elect-
ed on a non-partisan ballot.
The bitter Romney-Swainson
campaign has raged around the
issues of leadership, fiscal reform
and whether there has been un-
due influence by pressure groups
in influencing the course of state
government in Michigan.
Romney charges that there has
been a failure of leadership in.
Michigan's government. Swainson,
he says, has failed to. provide ef-
fective solutions to Michigan's
problems such as the need for fis-
cal reform.
Swainson, on the other hand,
claims that great advantages have
been made under his admilnistra-
tion. He cites increased employ-
ment and industrial expansion in
fthe state.
.. continues talks
U' Students
Help Form
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of a seven part series on various
aspects of the United States Na-
tional Student Association. The se-
ries begins with a history of the
Sixteen years ago student lead-
ers from 294 colleges including
the University gathered at the
University of Chicago with the
idea of forming a national or-
ganization of students.
That was 1946, the end of
World War IL GI's returned to
student life after having hadl
contact with students all over
the world. They learned that stu-
dents could operate as a unit af-
ter they had seen the politically
active European student.
Plans were laid for the con-
stitutional convention of the bud-
ding org;onization and in August
1947 the convention was held at
the University tf Wisconsin. The
United States, National Studf nt
Association was orined by th,,-
750 delegates from 356 schools.
Integration Future judiciary system. bom
Discussing the future of integra-
tion, King predicted that although MARC AND ANDRE:
the Negro has come a long way
in'reevaluating his intrinsic worth.
he still has a long way to. go.
"Te eerlgoenmn hs French Sin
great role to play if the problem
"The federaltgovernment th ass ~
is to be solved," King, said. He
noted thatnthe "only forthright
leadership in the past a years
has been from the judicial branch"
and that "the legislative and exec.
utive branc hehave been silent
and sometimes hypocrigtcal.
He suggested that itwas time
for the President to sign an exec-
uieorder declaring all segrega-
tion unconstitutional on the basis ...<
of the Fourteenth Amendment...............:....
Church 'Shame'
King was also dissatisfied with
the role of the clergy in imple-
menting integration, saying thata
"it is the shameful fact that the
ohirh scdil the rmost segrgated
zgeors Charm Small Audience
....:,..,....., fBy GLORIA BOWLES
A smllbutappreciative audience in Trueblood Aud. collectively
shut is eyes last nigtadfudPrs ihrasthyko i,
01 o imagine it.
At the thump, thump on the stage floor which always an-
nounces a continental theatrical performance, Marc and Andre
apeared: the two French singers of French folk songs, who usually
singat lieray cfe, L Ecluse, in Paris, are currently o
i 1 i. "
two month tour of the United States. dinary scope of activities, it could
No Image consider lending its good offices to
The two didn't look like the pictures on the posters which the United Nations as requested by
advertised their appearance, but in conversation backstage they, Thant.
did live up to the stereotype of the Parisian and the French ----- -
Provencal: Mary, smooth, suave, who dominated the introductions Ea I
and comment before singing 30 folk songs, and Andre, who smiled arthqua Ke
+i .. -i-l - -qi nnrulo , nnr.+-r~ venartierP sshe strummedi-.
It began after 25 American stu-I a tiXon
depnts had witnessed the birth
of the International Union of
Students in Prague in 1945-46.
The next major decision facing
the new associt-tion was the need
for an inter'ational organization
of students committed to demo-
Brown 'Smear'
LOS ANGELES (R)-Richard M.
Nixon, in an eleventh-hour assault
on Democratic Gov. Edmund G.