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October 21, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-21

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Expect Wallace

To Actl

To Create State Militia

U.S. Revises Views
On Soviet Timetable
WASHINGTON {P) - The John F. Kennedy administration
appears to be revising its estimates of the Soviet timetable for a
showdown with the Western powers over Berlin.
The period of maximum danger is now expected to come early
next year rather than before Christmas.
How the situation actually develops will be determined in part
by Premier Nikita Khrushchev's decision on whether to visit the



Virginia Continues To Integrate

Air Force Prepares
Adva nced .Minutemran
WASHINGTON (P)-The Air Force has started planning on ad-
vanced Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missile with longer
range, a heavier nuclear wallop and greater accuracy.
Preliminary steps are being taken on an advanced version even as
work is nearing completion on the first combat launch bases for early
models of the 6,300-mile-range ICBM. The advanced Minuteman may
be ready in about three years.1
Designers hope to improve the missile's accuracy by better than;
20 per cent. Current models are believed able to hit within a mile of
4a target center-near enough to
* 1 wreak devastation on a city.
E isen QW er, .Another objective is to lengthen
E the reach of the missile and to give
it power to loft a heavier warhead.
As now built, the Minuteman's
warhead reportedly packs the
punch of about 800,000 tons of
'.3 li Missile experts are planning a
major innovation-replacing the
HOT SPRINGS, Va. (P)--Presi-present underground block houses
dent John F. Kennedy's chief eco- with airborne and mobile surface;
nomist told the Business Council control centers from which firing
yesterday that a substantial tax orders could be sent.'
cut planned for 1963 may give the This would make it vastly more'
faltering business expansion its difficult for the enemy to knock
second wind. out missile control machinery in
Chairman Walter W. Heller of the event he should mount a sur-
the President's Council of Eco- prise attack.
nomic Advisers told 100 industrial- The Air Force is building toward
ist-members of the Council that 800 Minutemen and ultimately
"a recession could. happen" but would like to have about 1,800 of
need not necessarily come. the quick-to-fire solid fuel missiles
Former President Dwight D. emplaced in deep, protected pits.
Eisenhower, addressing the Coun-
cil's windup dinner session, saidT
the business leaders have only U RevleWS
themselves to blame for what be
called high taxes, excessive federal G
spending and government inter-- ai aV eIn
vention in free markets.
Eisenhower urged the industrial- WASHINGTON (F) -- The De-
ists to "take the plunge into poll- fense ,Department believes the
tice," saying that is "the only- way United States. system to guard
they can influence the politicalaUntdtgesisys e arda
climate in which they live and do against triggering a nuclear war
business." by incident or accident is im-
Heller did not challenge the proved, but is spending hundreds
views of a majority of the Coun- of millions more on further tight-
cil's professional economic consul- ening of the command and eon-
tants who predicted a very slightef t e
business downturn in first-half trot set-up.
1963, followed by a recovery iater The over-all purpose of the
in: year. complex system is to prevent Unit-
Heller said the extent of the dip ed States forces from using nu-
predicted-only $2 billion from a clear weapons, intentionally or be-
record $560 billion rate of national cause of communications trouble,
output-was "within the margin of ivithout specific authorization of
statistical error." the highest level of government.

king Reveals
Ne roes Set
I ,
To Transf'er
Alabama Politician
Determined To Fight'
ing Gov. George C. Wallace is ex-
pected to take steps to create a
state militia in the wake of an an-
nounced integration attempt at
the University of Alabama.
Sources close to the Democratic
nominee said yesterday an an-
nouncementthat five Negro stu-
dents would apply to the white
university has stiffened Wallace's
determhination to press for the
creation of a state force under his
control to meet any violence in
racial integration.
Set Up Militia
Wallace, who is opposed only by
a political unknown in the Nov.
6 general election, wants to set up
the militia not only to meet this
type of violence, the sources said,
but also to deal with other dem-
onstrations and disasters, the lat-
ter in particular if the National
Guard should be federalized be-
cause of world tensions.
A state militia, such as Alabama
had during World War II, would
be under the command of the gov-
ernor and, unlike the National
Guard, could not be federalized.
How a new militia would be
financed and whether it would re-
quire new legislation has not been
made known.
Apply for Transfers
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. an-
nounced Friday that the students
would apply for transfers to the
University of Alabama in the next
few days.
Rioting broke out during initial
integration of the university aft-'
er a federal court ordered Auther-
ine Lucy admitted in February
1956. Violence then, however, was
not as severe as recent demon-
strations at the University of Mis-

United Nations and have a Berlin0
crisis conference with President
Kennedy in the next few weeks.
Not Diminishing
Administration policy makers
said that however the timing de-
velops they are more than ever
convinced by this week's diplo-
matic developments that the dan-
gers of United States-Soviet con-
flict are not diminishing and that
there is no prospect in the predic-
table future of an East-West ac-
cord on West Berlin's future.
President Kennedy, Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and other ad-
ministration spokesmen have been,
expressing grave concern over the
Berlin situation for several weeks.
Officials say privately that their
primary concern is to make Khru-
shchev understand there will be
Western concessionsonvital in-
terests in Berlin even if the West
has to fight to protect those in-
At the same time some officials
privately agree that a related pur-
pose of the administration's cam-
paign is to emphasize to the
American people that in the ad-
ministration's view Berlin presents
a far greater danger than the
Communist buildup in Cuba.
Public Emphasis
Administration authorities in-
sist that the line will not change
after the Nov. 6 election. Indeed,
the public emphasis on toughness
may be greater immediately after
the elections because West Ger-
man Chancellor Konrad Adenauer,
an uncompromising foe of any
yielding on Berlin, will see Ken-
nedy Nov. 7.
This week brought what am-
mounted to a long-distance ex-
change of views between Kennedy
and Khrushchev through Ambas-
sador Foy Kohler in Moscow and
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko,
who came to Washington.
Khrushchev advised Kennedy
that he wants to continue East-
West talks for awhile instead of
letting the Berlin dispute come to
a quick climax.
This line coincided with reports
from Eastern European diplomats
that there very likely would be no
Soviet move to sign a separate
peace treaty with East Germany
until after an East German Com-
munist party meeting in East Ber-
lin in January.

RICHMOND (P)-The quiet ad-
mission of a Negro girl to an all-
white c o 11 e g e in Virginia's
staunchly segregationist southside
last Monday continued a statewide
trend that began 12 years ago in
this one-time Confederate strong-
Hazel Ruth Adams spent only
one day in Martinsville's Patrick
Henry College before returning to
a Negro institution. But since 1950
several hundred Negroes have been
full-time students at previously
all-white state-supported colleges
and at least one has been awarded
a doctorate.
Several of the state's private col-
leges also have enrolled limited
numbers of Negroes. And some
white students have attended
Negro classes.
Few Years Ago
The nearest thing to an incident
occurred a few years ago in Char-
A member of the pro-segrega-
tionist White Citizens Council vis-
ited a Negro family assigned to the
University of Virginia's student
housing village and told them they
should move. The other familie3 in
the village rallied around the Neg-
roes. The university administra-
tion said it would provide police
protection if necessary. There
were no further visits..'
This year approximately 45 Neg-
roes are enrolled at four state-
supported institutions of higher
learning, a majority in graduate
Paradox Admissions
Curiously, it was at Thomas Jef-
ferson's University of Virginia that
events led both to a state law fore-
stalling college integration and the
f i r s t admission of qualified
In 1935 Alice Jackson, a gradu-
ate of Virginia Union University,
sought admission to the univer-
sity's graduateschool. Her applica-
tion was rejected and the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People threatened to
take the case to court.
Legal action was sidetracked
when the Virginia General Assem-
bly the next year provided finan-
cial aid for Negroes why would at-
tend out-of-state institutions for
courses not taught at the Negro-
Virginia State College.
Picked Up Tab
From 1936 on the state picked
up the tab for thousands of Negro
.college students who attended
classes in other states. Then, in
late 1949, Gregory Hayes Swanson
filed his application for entrance

to the university's graduate law
Swanson had earned his bache-
lor's degrees in political science
and law at Howard University. He
said he planned to teach and wish-
ed to do legal resea; ch which
would lead to graduate degrees.
When the university's board of
visitors turned down his applica-
tion the following summer, he filed
suit in Federal district court.
On Sept. 5, 1960, a three-judge
Federal court held that where a
state operates only one tax-sup-
ported graduate school, it cannot
refuse admission to qualified
Swanson entered the university's
law school a few days later. Within
weeks the university had opened
its extension courses to other Neg-
roes. By the end of the following
Six Refuse Plan
To Hold UN Day
United States Committee for the
United Nations announced last
night that all but six of the Ameri-
can state governors have agreed
to its request to proclaim next
Wednesday United Nations Day.
The committee said the governors
of Alabama, Idaho, Louisiana, Mis-
sissippi, Montana and South Caro-
line would not dedicate the day to
the United Nations in their states.

. . .changes rules

Council Sets
Welfre Aim
e a e
man Catholic Ecumenical Council
pledged itself yesterday to work.
for the welfare and brotherhood of
all men and nations.
At the same time it named seven
key commissions reflecting broad
international representation.
Of the members elected to the
proposal-drafting commissions, 64
bishops-about 57 per cent-were
among those recommended by a
reformist coalition of west-central
But the more conservative tra-
ditionalists also shoved strength
in the procedural maneuvering.
Pope John XXII made a slight
change in the voting procedure for
a new pontiff.
. He also freed cardinals of the
threat of ex-communication for
not attending a conclave to choose
a new pope, and he banned photo-
graphs of a pope on his death bed.
In its declaration of purposes
and hopes, the worldwidepassem-
bly of 2,700 prelates pledged their
efforts for the unity of all people
as brothers, "irrespective of the
race or nation to which they be-
They voiced their determination
to oppose injustices and inequali-
ties that blight mankind so that
the "life of man may become more
And they appealed to "all our
brothers who believe in Christ and
all men of good will" to join in the
struggle "to establish in the world
a more ordered way of living and
greater brotherhood."
The election of the members of
the seven commissions, the first of
10 in all, climaxed a week of sus-
pense over the result. Pope Johr
XXIII changed council rules tc
require only pluralities rather
than majorities on the basis of a
first ballot cast last Tuesday.
Each commission is being made
up of 16 bishops.




year at least two Negroes had been
initiated into honorary societies.
In 1953 Walter N. Ridley became
the first Negro to receive a doc-
torate from the university.
A year after Swanson enrolled
at the university, i*hree other
state -supported institutions of
higher learning had lowered some
racial bars.
One Negro did graduate work in
physical education at the College
of William and Mary during the
1951 summer session. That fall
the medical college of Virginia in
Richmond admitted three Negroes
and four more were enrolled in
the school of social work at Rich-
mond Professional Institute, at
that time a branch of William
and Mary. In 1953 Virginia Poly-
technic Institute in Blacksburg ad-
mitted its first Negroes.
Private Schools
In addition, Bridgewater College
at Bridewater and Eastern Men-
nonite College at Harrisonburg,
both small private schools, have
enrolled Negroes. Hampton Insti-
tute, a Negro college at Hampton,
says it has had write students on
an occasional basis since 1877 and
continuously since 1946.
Negro enrollments at predom-
inantly white state colleges this
academic year stand at 10 at the
medical college of Virginia, seven
at Richmond Professional Insti-
tute, between 25 and 30 at the
University of Virginaia and two at
Virginia Tech. RPI also has 15
,Negroes attending night classes.

MON., OCT 22-7:30.. . UNION RM. 3R-S


World News Roundup


Explode Bomb.
Over Pacific
HONOLULU (P)-A nuclear de-
vice the size of the atom bomb that
destroyed Hiroshima in 1945 was
detonated above Johnston Island
Another larger test shot is sched-
uled for Tuesday night.
Observers on the island of Kauai,
closest to the blast, reported a
bright orange fireball that burst
into view above the horizon.
The detonation was only the
second successful American high-
altitude nuclear test in six tries in
the Pacific this year. Four have
failed because of troubles with
Thor boosters lifting warheads in-
to the sky.
A new missile was used this time
-a specially built booster employ-
ing the motor from a surface-to-
surface Sergeant rocket. The de-
vice was an instant success and
the nuclear package exploded be-
tween 20 and 30 miles high.

TON IGHT at 7:00 and 9:00
Jean-Pierre Leaud, Patrick Auffay
Awards from Cannes, New York, Brussels
SHORT: Hans Memling
50 cents
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